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March 9, 2011


Obama And The Democrats Display A Remarkable Inability To
Lead Or Come Up With Serious Budget Solutions


The Washington Post’s Fact Checker Gives “Three Pinocchios” To The Democrats’ Claims That They
Have Met Republicans “Halfway:”
The Washington Post Notes That Democrats Have “Done Little To Engage Republicans” And Cannot
Claim That They Have Met Republicans “Halfway” On Spending Cuts. “The Democrats' posturing that
they have met Republicans ‘halfway’ on budget cuts does them no credit. Either they should take a stand and
say they won't accept any further cuts, or they should begin a real negotiation that leads to a higher number.
Obama signaled he was willing to deal when he said he was ‘prepared to do more.’ But the persistent claims
of going ‘halfway’ when in fact Democrats have done little to engage Republicans on the issue will only hurt
their credibility in the long run. Three Pinocchios.” (Glenn Kessler, “Obama And The White House's 'Halfway' Fixation With The Budget,”
The Washington Post’s “The Fact Checker” Blog, 3/8/11)

• Democrats Have “Barely Budged” In Developing Any Significant Spending Cuts. “Republicans --
and much of the news media -- measure the cuts from the 2010 budget, the last one signed into law.
Under that scoring, the Republicans have cut $60 billion and the Democrats about $10 billion. The
two sides are still $50 billion apart, but under this scenario, the Democrats have barely budged.” (Glenn
Kessler, “Obama And The White House's 'Halfway' Fixation With The Budget,” The Washington Post’s “The Fact Checker” Blog, 3/8/11)


Democrats Once Again In Disarray Over Serious Fiscal Responsibility:
While Democrats On The Hill Were Scrambling To Figure Out A Budget Deal, Obama Was Busy Jump-
Starting His 2012 Re-Election Campaign. “On the same day that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-
Nev.) was taking steps to jump-start bipartisan talks to avert a government shutdown, President Barack
Obama was in Florida trying to jump-start something else: his 2012 re-election campaign.” (Jennifer Bendery, “Fears
Grow As Obama Hits Trail,” Roll Call, 3/8/11)

• Democrats “Might Re-Up” Their Complaints About Obama’s Lack Of Leadership And Biden’s
Absence. “A senior House Democratic aide said Democrats were ‘at least somewhat’ relieved when
Obama dispatched Vice President Joseph Biden to meet with Hill leaders last week try to hash out a
budget blueprint. But that meeting ended without a breakthrough, and with Biden now on a
weeklong trip in Europe, Democrats’ concerns about the lack of White House involvement may
intensify. ‘After these votes fail and with Biden gone, it might re-up,’ the aide said.” (Jennifer Bendery, “Fears
Grow As Obama Hits Trail,” Roll Call, 3/8/11)

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• White House Declined To Say Who Is Handling Budget Negotiations With Vice President Biden
Away In Europe: “I’m Not Going To Specify.” QUESTION: “Who on the staff is the point person for
these talks?” CARNEY: “I’m not going to specify that. Simply to say that a variety of staff members,
senior staff members, have been in conversations with folks on the Hill about this.” (White House Press
Secretary Jay Carney, Remarks At Press Briefing, Washington, D.C., 3/7/11)

o Click To View Carney’s Full Exchange

Even Democrats Are Critical Of Obama’s Failure To Lead On Spending:

Democrats’ Rejection Of Obama “Just The Latest Worrisome Sign” For The President And Senate
Democrat Leadership. “The full-throated rejection of the president’s spending proposals by a politically
vulnerable Democrat is just the latest worrisome sign for Obama and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-
Nev.), who have yet to rally their party around a unified spending plan. Indeed, Democratic leaders are
having trouble just keeping moderates on board — Sens. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) and Ben Nelson (D-Neb.)
also have expressed skepticism that Democrats are willing to cut enough spending to satisfy voters and
make a dent in the deficit.” (Jennifer Epstein and Scott Wong, “Freshman Democrat Joe Manchin: Obama Has 'Failed To Lead' On Budget,” Politico,

Democrats Are Frustrated With Obama’s Lack Of Leadership On The Budget. “Democratic senators are
frustrated with the low-profile President Barack Obama has kept during the rancorous spending debate
dominating Capitol Hill, urging him Tuesday to take an assertive role.” (Manu Raju, “Democrats: Barack Obama Must Lead On
Budget,” Politico, 3/1/11)

• Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ): “I Would Hope That They Would Ratchet It Up Big-Time.” “‘I
would hope that they would ratchet it up big-time,’ Democratic Senator Robert Menendez of New
Jersey said of the White House, echoing sentiments aired privately at a closed-door lunch meeting of
Senate Democrats on March 1, according to several people who attended or were briefed on the
session.” (Julie Hirschfield Davis, “Democrats Press Obama To Take Stronger Stance In Debate On Spending Cuts,” Bloomberg, 3/3/11)
• Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV): “Well, I think they [White House] should be involved
more, and I think they will be…” (Manu Raju, “Democrats: Barack Obama Must Lead On Budget,” Politico, 3/1/11)
Nine Senate Democrats Spent Time “Whacking The White House For Not Being More Engaged” On
Spending. “At a closed-door session on the budget, nine Democratic senators spent parts of the 30-minute
meeting whacking the White House for not being more engaged, according to people who were present.”
(Manu Raju, “Democrats: Barack Obama Must Lead On Budget,” Politico, 3/1/11)

Democrats Displaying “Open Irritation” With Obama’s Inability To Lead. “The open irritation with the
White House comes just as Reid announced support for the Republican-led bill which passed in the House
Tuesday and funds the government for another two weeks, while slashing $4 billion.” (Manu Raju, “Democrats: Barack
Obama Must Lead On Budget,” Politico, 3/1/11)

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-ND) Demanded To Know If The White House
Had A Serious Plan For Spending. “‘If there is a plan, people here deserve to have some sense of what it is,’
Senate Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) said at the meeting, according to sources familiar
with his remarks.” (Manu Raju, “Democrats: Barack Obama Must Lead On Budget,” Politico, 3/1/11)
• “At One Point, Conrad Questioned Whether The White House Has A ‘Secret Plan’ Before
Another Senator Interjected.” (Manu Raju, “Democrats: Barack Obama Must Lead On Budget,” Politico, 3/1/11)

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Maybe The Blame Goes Both Ways Since The Obama White House Said It’s The Senate Democrats’
White House Officials Are Blaming Senate Democrats For Failing To Get Involved In Long-Term
Spending Negotiations. NBC’s CHUCK TODD: “There is some disappointment with some folks on this side
of Pennsylvania Avenue that the Senate Democrats haven't been more of a -- haven't been more of a force in
these conversations and that, really, the decision to get the White House involved was more to almost drag
the Senate Democrats to the table more immediately and start working more directly with Boehner and
McConnell on this.” (MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” 3/3/11)


REMINDER: Obama And The Democrats Failed To Pass A Budget:
“Some Version Of The CR Is Needed To Avoid A Shutdown Since The Democratic-Led Congress Failed
To Pass A Budget Last Year.” (Stephanie Condon, “Is a Government Shutdown in March on the Table?” CBS News, 2/16/11)
Last Year, The House Failed To Pass A Budget For The First Time Since 1974, Because Democrats
Didn’t “Want To Make Vulnerable Democrats Vote For Another Spending Bill.” ABC’s Jake Tapper: “I
want to say, the theory is that you don't want to make vulnerable Democrats vote for another spending bill,
and that's why, for the first time since 1974 there isn't going to be a house budget.” (ABC’s “This Week,” 6/13/10)
• Democrats Didn’t Want To Encourage More “Voter Rebellion” In November After Voting For
ObamaCare. “After betting their political future on a government-mandated expansion of health care
to include millions more Americans, Democrats appear to have little appetite for more legislative
showdowns given voter rebellion against government spending amid trillion dollar-plus annual
deficits.” (Laurie Kellman, “Election Spooks Lawmakers, Curbs Congress Spending,” The Associated Press, 6/7/10)
• “They Never Passed A Budget Or Any Of The Dozen Appropriations Bills That Fund The
Government.” (Jonathan Allen, “The Huddle,” Politico, 9/30/10)

Paid for by the Republican National Committee.

310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 -
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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