AN ANNIVERSARY OF FAILURE: A Look Back at Obama's Binge Spending On The 2nd Anniversary of The Stimulus

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February 17, 2011

A Look Back At Obama’s Binge Spending On
The 2nd Anniversary Of The Stimulus

$46 Trillion: Amount Of Spending Contained In Obama’s Latest Budget Over Ten Years (Office Of
Management And Budget,, 2/14/11)

$26.3 Trillion: Amount Of Debt Expected In 2021 (Office Of Management And Budget,, 2/14/11)
$15.48 Trillion: Estimated Amount Of Debt This Year (Office
fice Of Management And Budget,
Budget 2/14/11)

$7.2 Trillion: Ten-Year

Year Deficits Under Obama’s Budget (Office
Office Of Management And Budget,
Budget 2/14/11)

$1.65 Trillion: Estimated FY 2011 Deficit (Office Of Management And Budget, 2/14/11)
$814 Billion: Price Tag Of Obama's Failed Stimulus (Bloomberg, 8/20/10)
$2 Billion: Amount Of Stimulus Funds That Have Gone To Foreign Manufacturers Of Wind
Turbines (ABC
ABC News
News, 2/9/10)

$54 Million: Amount Of Stimulus Funds Spent On A Napa Valley Wine Train (Good Morning America,

43.6 Million: Number Of People On Food Stamps (The Wall Street Journal, 2/2/11)

$18 Million: Cost Of The Stimulus Website (ABC News,7/8/09)

13.9 Million: Unemployed Americans (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 10/8/10)

6.2 Million: Americans Unem

Unemployed For Longer Than 27 Weeks (Bureau
Bureau of Labor Statistics,
Statistics 10/8/10)

$6 Million: Amount Of Stimulus Funds Used To Make Snow In Snowy Duluth, MN (The Wall Street
Journal, 10/28/09)

3.8 Million: Increase

ncrease In The Number Of People Who Fell Into Poverty In 2009 (NPR, 9/16/10)

3.5 Million: Number of Jobs Obama Said Stimulus Would Create (Remarks
Remarks By President Obama,
Obama 2/17/09)

2.6 Million: Number Of Jobs Lost Since The Stimulus Was Passed (U.S.
U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics,
Statistics Accessed:

2.5 Million: Number Of Jobs Candidate Obama Said Shovel

Ready Projects Would Create
(Remarks By President
President-Elect Obama, 12/16/08)

$650,000: Amount Illinois

llinois Spent On Stimulus Signs (ABC News, 7/14/10)

$325,394: Amount Of Stimulus Funds To Stu

dy How Environment Affects The Mating
Decisions Of Female Cactus Bugs (The Orlando Sentinel, 2/16/10)
Paid for by the Republican National Committee.
310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 -
Not auth
authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
$219,000: Amount of Stimulus Funds To Study The Sex Life Of Female College Freshmen (The
Daily Orange, 3/7/10)

$157,000: Amount Pennsylvania Spent On Stimulus Signs (ABC News, 7/14/10)

$100,000: Amount Spent On A Martini Bar And Brazilian Steak House (CBS, 12/9/09)
89,000: The Number Of Stimulus Checks Sent to Dead Or Incarcerated People (The Wall Street
Journal, 10/7/10)

$15,551: Amount Of Stimulus Funds That Went To Study Drunk Mice (The Orlando Sentinel, 2/16/10)

$250: Amount Of Stimulus Checks That Went To Prisoners

(FOX News’ “America’s Newsroom,” 8/26/09)

102.6 Percent: Debt To GDP Ratio To Be Reached This Year (The Washington Times, 2/14/11)

68 Percent: Number Of Americans Who Disapprove Of Obama’s Handling Of The Budget (Gallup,
1015A, MoE 4%, 2/2-5/11)

21: Number Of Months Unemployment Has Been At Or Above 9 Percent (U.S. Bureau Of
Labor Statistics, Accessed: 2/16/11)

9 Percent: Current Unemployment Rate (U.S. Bureau Of Labor Statistics, Accessed: 2/16/11)
8 Percent: Unemployment Rate Obama Promised We’d Stay Under If The Stimulus Was
Passed (The Job Impact Of The American Recovery And Reinvestment Plan," 1/9/09)
0: Number Of White House Officials Who Agreed To Testify Regarding The Stimulus
(The Wall Street Journal, 2/16/11)

0: Number Of Shovel-Ready Projects Obama Now Admits Exist. (The New York Times, 10/13/10)

Paid for by the Republican National Committee.
310 First Street SE - Washington, D.C. 20003 - (202) 863-8500 -
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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