Seam 5 Activity 13

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<< Week No.

13 >>
<< Procedures on Anchoring and Mooring during bad weather condition >>
Filling the Blanks/Definitions:
1. When anchoring in an area with a soft bottom, the fluke angle of an anchor
should be set at ________.

2. How many fathoms are in a shot of anchor cable?

15 fathoms

3. How many fathoms are there in 2 shots of anchor chain?

30 fathoms

4. How many fathoms are there in 3 shots of anchor chain?

45 fathoms

5. How many feet are there in 4 shots of anchor chain?

360 feet

6. How many feet are there in five shots of anchor chain?

450 feet

7. How many feet are there in one shot of anchor chain?

90 feet

8. How many turns of wire normally mark either side of the shackle 105 fathoms
from the anchor?
7 turns

9. If your propeller is racing in rough weather, you should _______.

decrease your engine speed

10. In anchoring against a strong current or tidal stream, the anchor should be
let-go in order to keep her head-to-stream. Best precautions during let-go is:
Engine stopped and gradually paid out cables

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