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Topic: Smile, God Loves You

Video and program Flow

1. Countdown (Show pics of Sunday school & Show Pictures of kids birthday celebrants)

2. Welcome to kids Church Online (host)

a. Prayer

Hello Everybody! Welcome to Kids Church Online, but before we continue let us pray first.

Hey everyone! How was your week? Well I hope it went well.

b. Recall last week’s lesson

Last week we were filled with joy in celebrating the Resurrection Sunday. We watched a shadow
play right? That was about the death and Resurrection of Jesus our savior. We also had games
and some of you got the answers right! Congratulations!

c. Shout out Last week’s game winners

We also want to say hi to Elisha, Erich, Troy and Lev for joining with us at the messenger room
right after the Kids Church Online. Kids, you can still join our video call later right after this video.
All you have to do is just click the link of our messenger room and choose your class level. If your
age is from 4-6 years old tell your mom or dad to click the link for the beginners kids. If your age
is between 7-9 years old, please click the link for Primary; and if your age is from 10-13 years old
click the link for the Juniors kids. Links are available both at the description of this video and at
the comment section below

d. What we will do today

Today our topic is, Smile- God loves you can you type the words God loves you and me in the
sciprt? still with our team Believe, be loved. Today we’re gonna learn a story of a person who
has changed his life..

e. Verse of the Week

1 John 3:1 “See how much the Father loves us! His love is so great that we are called God’s

Can we read it again together?

1 John 3:1 “See how much the Father loves us! His love is so great that we are called God’s

We challenge you to memorize your our verse of the week.

The word of God brings smile on our faces. Because it talks about Jesus and His great love for us!
So if you are sad and lonely. Let me remind you to : Smile! God loves you!
3. Believe: Be loved teaser

4. Worship (L-O-V-E)

5. Word

Hey kids, are you ready for our lesson today?

We will talk about a man who was so unhappy. He was sad because no one seems to like him. He was
working for the enemy (the romans). He was a tax collector and known as stealer. He was short and had
no friend, but Jesus knew all about even before He met this unhappy person. Jesus loved him and
wanted to change life from being unhappy to becoming happy! This man was unpopular, no one saw
anything good in him- except Jesus. This man was willing for Jesus to come into his house and heart
because when they first met, he hurried down and welcomed Him with great joy. Do you know who this
man I am referring to? Can you guess who?

That’s right! His name is Zacchaeus!

Kids, I want to you get your bible. Today we are going to read in Luke 19:1-9 with the title Jesus and

Sit back, relax and enjoy watching.

(VO Luke 19: 1-9)

Jesus has come to find and look for those who are lost. Zacchaeus who was unhappy, cheater and
stealer has been changed by the love and acceptance of Jesus. Jesus loves us and have accepted us just
the same as Zacchaeus. Jesus wants to live in our heart and make us happy. So if right now, you’re
feeling sad and lonely you need Jesus and I am here to remind you to SMILE GOD LOVES YOU!

6. Outro by host (topic next Sunday: You are Special)

Hey kids, I hope you enjoyed today’s kids church online! Remember to memorize our verse of the week.

1 John 3:1 “See how much the Father loves us! His love is so great that we are called God’s

Let’s have a simple activity, are you ready? Please complete the wordsS pf the following

I hope that your heart will be filled with joy and excitement, as you get to know Jesus more! I’ll see you
at our messenger room! Smile, God Loves you!

7. Breakout session
Beginners: Watch more video about the story of Zaccahaues.

Prepare different emoji sad, happy, surprised, smiley with halo, happy face with heart

Primary and Juniors:

1. In your own words, say the story of Zacchaeus.

2. What does it say about our heart attitude and the way God sees us?
3. What do you learn about Jesus from his encounter with Zacchaeus?

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