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activity of daily lifes

Presented by :
Definition Hygiene
 Hygiene is a science related to health problems, as
well as efforts to maintain or improve health. Hygiene
also includes personal health care efforts.
 activities to maintain health from diseases that focus
on the "object" itself "human", activities such as
washing hands, cooking
 according to experts, Departement of health Republic
of Indonesia (2004) is a health effort by maintaining
and protecting the cleanliness of individuals, for
example washing hands for hand hygiene, washing
dishes to protect the cleanliness of dishes, disposing
of damaged food parts to protect the overall integrity
of food.
Definition Sanitation
 sanitation is the creation or maintenance of conditions
that are able to prevent the occurrence of food
contamination or the occurrence of diseases caused by
 activities to maintain health from diseases that focus on
the "environment" around the object "human", activities
such as maintaining the cleanliness of the room, air
circulation of the room, waste management, handling
disease vectors and others
 According to WHO sanitation is the control of all factors of
the human physical environment that can cause adverse
consequences to human life, both physical and mental
Broadly speaking, hygiene is a person's
efforts and sanitation is a factor of one's
Scope of Hygiene

 Personal Hygiene is an effort to maintain one's hygiene

and health for physical and psychic well-being
 Food and Beverage Hygiene is an effort to maintain and
maintain the cleanliness of food and beverages consumed
by humans.
Scope of Sanitation
 The provision of clean water / drinking water "water supply" includes
supervision of the quality, quantity and utilization of water
 This "refuse disposal" waste processing includes how to dispose of waste,
waste disposal equipment and how to use it
 Food and beverage processing "food sanitation" includes pangadaan, storage,
processing and serving of food
 Supervision / control of insects and rodents "insect and rodent control"
includes ways of controlling attacks and rodents
 Occupational health and safety, this conducts work safety activities including
workspaces "e.g. kitchens", work, how to work and labor
Benefits of Hygiene And Sanitation

 Make sure the place of activity is clean.

 Protects each individual from environmental factors that
can damage physical and mental health.
 Preventive measures against infectious diseases.
 Precautions against work accidents.
Factors Influencing Hygiene

 Food Factors  Equipment Factors

1. The state of the food. 1. The surface of the equipment must be
2. How to store food Processing intact, not defective and easy to clean

3. How to transport cooked food 2. The surface layer of the tool is not easily
soluble in acids / bases or salts commonly
4. How to store cooked food used in food processes
5. How to serve cooked food. 3. If the appliance comes into contact with
food, then the tool will not emit harmful
toxic heavy parts, such as: Zinc (Zn) Copper
(cu) Arsen Timbal (Pb) Cadmium (Cd)
Antimony (syntibium)
Principles of Food Hygiene and Sanitation
 The definition of the principle of hygiene and sanitation of food is the control of
buildings, equipment, people and food stuffs
 This principle is important to know because it serves as a key factor in the success of
the food bussines
 A food business that has grown and developed well, if neglecting the principle of
hygiene hygiene of food and beverage sanitation, it is likely that at some point it will be
6 Hygiene principles to be aware of

 Selection of Food Raw Materials

 Storage Food Processing
 Food Processing
 Food Storage
 Food Serving
Assessment Activity of daily lifes
 there are 5 basic categories:
1. Personal hygiene – bathing/showering, grooming, nail care, and oral care.
2. Dressing - being able to make appropriate clothing decisions and physically
dress and undress oneself
3. Eating - the ability to feed oneself, though not necessarily the capability to
prepare food.
4. Maintaining continence - being able to mentally and physically use a
restroom. This includes the ability to get on and off the toilet and cleaning
5. Transferring/Mobility- being able to stand from a sitting position, as well as
get in and out of bed. The ability to walk independently from one location to
Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
1. Basic communication skills - such as using a regular phone, mobile phone,
email, or the internet.
2. Transportation - either by driving oneself, arranging rides, or the ability to
use public transportation.
3. Meal preparation - meal planning, cooking, clean up, storage, and the ability
to safely use kitchen equipment and utensils.
4. Shopping - the ability to make appropriate food and clothing purchase
5. Housework - doing laundry, washing dishes, dusting, vacuuming, and
maintaining a clean place of residence.
6. Managing medications - taking the correct amount of medication at the
correct time. Managing re-fills, and avoiding conflicts.
7. Managing personal finances - operating within a budget, writing checks,
paying bills, and avoiding scams
Purposes of the bathing

 Clean the skin

 Stimulate blood circulation
 Improved self image
 Reduce Body Odors
 Promote range of motion excercises
Items required for bath
 Esessential toiletries
 Basin with warm water
 Wash towels for cleansing the body
 Moist cotton wool for washing the genital area
 Toilet paper
 Bath towel
 Face towel
 Bed linen as required
 Clean clothes
Tips on Giving a Bed Bathing
 Make sure that the fan or air-con is switched-off to prevent the person from
catching chills.
 Offer a urinal or bedpan, if required, before bed bathing to minimise
disruption during the process. Also, warm water may stimulate the urge to
pass urine.
 Prepare all the items you need and bring them to the bedside so that they are
within reach.
 Be comforting. Don’t rush through the procedure!
 Be sure the water temperature is not extreme.
 Allow the person to participate as much as his condition allows.
 Expose only the areas to be cleansed to preserve modesty. For example,
cover top half of body while washing legs
 To reduce embarrassment, talk to the person throughout the procedure.
 Begin by washing and drying the face, then the neck and ears, then the chest
and arms
Next ....... Giving a bed bathing
 Change water as often as necessary.
 Continue with the lower part of the chest, abdomen and sides of the body, followed by the
umbilicus and lower limbs
 The patient is then turned and his back thoroughly washed and dried
 Tidy the bed at the same time when the person is turned on his side for you to clean his
back. Remake the bed with clean linen, if necessary.
 Wash the groins and genitalia region with moist cotton wool. If the person is well enough, he
should do this for himself
 Always wash and dry the areas immediately. Pay special attention to the skin folds, particularly
those beneath the breasts, in the groin and between the buttocks and between the toes.
 Be sure to pat the person dry, and remember that rubbing can be harsh for sensitive skin
 Take this opportunity to assess the skin condition. Take note of any redness or broken skin
 Take this opportunity to massage pressure areas with firm circular movements to promote
 Apply skin lotion to keep skin soft and supple. Excessive use of talcum powder should be avoided
as it can cause the skin to be dry and itchy. This can lead to skin infection
Self-Wash in Bed
 Make sure the person has privacy and the room is kept warm.
 Explain the procedure and offer a bedpan or urinal before you begin as warm water
may stimulate the urge to pass urine
 Close the door and draw the curtains to ensure privacy
 Provide a basin with three-quarters full of warm water. Collect all the washing
equipment and put them on the bed table so that they are within reach.
 Undress the person, if he needs help, and make sure he is covered by a sheet or
 Allow the person to wash in private. Ask him to wash his genitals last and to call you
when he is ready to wash his back.
 Change the water as often as required
 Ask the person to turn to his side for you to clean his back if required. Place a towel
under his back. Wash, rinse and dry his back. Turn the person to complete cleansing
the other side. Repeat for the buttock. If the person is breathless, clean his back
while he sits upright and leaned forward.
Next... Self wash in bed

 If the person can manage to wash his own anal region, hand him the
disposable wipes soaked in soap and water and put a plastic bag within his
reach for disposing the used wipes. Make sure that the anal region is properly
rinse and dry
 Help the person dress and comb his hair, if necessary.
 Replace the bed table and place all the equipment required for mouth care
and facial shaving (or make-up for woman) within reach. Assist him if
 Wash you hands and re-open any windows that you closed. Make sure the
person is comfortable
Bathing in the bathroom
 Keep the bathroom warm to prevent the person becoming chilled
 Always check with the person if he needs to go to the toilet before bathing
 Assess the level of assistance the person required. Some people may only need help in undressing,
washing his back and feet (these areas may be too difficult for them to reach and clean), drying and
 If the person is using the bathtub, run the cold water into the bathtub first to prevent the bottom
from becoming hot enough to burn. This will also helps to reduce the amount of steam in the
 Test the temperature of the water with your elbow. The water should be comfortably warm. Check
with the person if the water temperature is comfortable to him
 If the person is using a shower, provides him with a shower chair if he is less mobile. This would
enhanced safety and also prevent him from becoming exhausted.
 For one who can help himself, make sure that the toiletries and clean clothes are in the bathroom
within easy reach. Provide him with washing aids, such as a long-handle brush, if necessary.
 Advise the person not to lock the door from inside, in case of emergency, for safety reason. You
may leave him alone in the bathroom but stay within call, so that if he feel unwell you can help.

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