Chemistry 2016

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COMMON ENTRANCE TEST-2016_ pare | SUBJECT ~_TIME DAY-2 HEMISTRY | 02.30 P.M. TO 03.50 P.M. [MAXIMUM MARKS | TOTAL DURATION | MAXIMUM TIME FOR ANSWERING| ee ae CS an | MENTION YOUR ___ QUESTION | ETDETAILS ] ‘CETNUMBER | VERSION CODE | _ SERIAL NUMBER. | EMUMBER sNconE | a eae [a-a. | e2aiy oe: Te cack he CET No soe ere shed in th epee cir om he OR arr st. Geeta sued wyouty els ater eB Bear 3. pa TheStal Number is question bl shouldbe ener he OR nae et 2 Be Nether guna baetsboldbe entered ons OMRanevesetand ie retve cles sto ied ai 5. Rutlges ate prion ofthe OMR answer shectinthe pce provide ows pone TIMING AND MARKS PRINTED ON THE OM ANSWER SHEET SHOULD NOT BE DAMAGED] MUTILATED SPOILED. 2 The ebalrings a 24 pam thers ‘Dore foyer sel rset bh ight and side of hi qunion oot Domi oa nde ir question bok Donor st amwcrngon he OME answers IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDI | 1 This quesion bool ens guesion and eck queon wi Rve eve tems and our dircen. Fouirent pti ches) a a eaerllicreng 1240 pam remove tie paper scalon height hand sie fii question booltand SReLSbock cbs at ave any nine or enor mising pas or se ifs, ett easy senna etbonkl Reed each em anda answering onthe OMR newest Dong the seu 70 ates Portia ect ein carly 1 BALSA ser fon ut of the four avaiable states (option / chien) given onder tach qenin/ omne = SESE duran shade the relevant circe witha BLUE OR BLACK INK BALL POINT PEN Stati he question number onthe OMR answer sheet coe c a shading the crcl onthe OM aur set sown BOW O©@OO | SL eo Pe ene en stg cd mice beac he nba orang os Dot tixOMR meets oe sarang 350 pat wring on he OME aver shen als your FT HAND Bi eat lea eae es Cen ‘deer the OMR ANSWER SHEET fc oom vitor Ts Cop oor ica ebotam hex mp Sheetal Lo eer et ater eubimsapeind AONE = Ua . (te ve idate'scopy) The halflife period of a 1* order reaction is 60 minutes. What percentage will be left over after 240 minutes ? (6.25%. @) 425% @) 5% 6% ‘Which of the following is nct a clligative property ? (1). Osmotic pressure 2) Optical activity @) Depression in Freezing point (4) Elevation in Boiling point ‘The contribution of particle atthe edge centre toa particular unit ellis, 1 fi ORE 4 1 @1 OF ‘When an electrolyte is dissociated in solution, the van"t Hof? factor () i, ay >t @ ne oroduct Zi, FO. Q) Hy (2) CH,CH,OCH,CH, ©) cH,cH,0s0,t © “Noun 19, Which ofthe following compound is most acidic? tite rea ore y= ®) Cre Oy Co if 20, Benzene carbaldehyde is reacted with concentrated NaOH solution to give the products A and B. The product A can be used food preservative and the product B is an aromatic hydroxy compound where OH. gorup is linked to sp? hybridised carbon atom next to Benzene ring. The products A and B ate respectively, (1) Sodium benzoate and phenol (@) Sodium benzoate and phenyl methanol (@)_ Sodium benzoate and eres (4) Sodium benzoate and pierie acid 21. The reaction which involves dichlorocarbene as an electophile is, (1) Reimer-Tiemann reaction (2) _Kolbe's reaction (Q) Friedel-Craf’s acylation (4) Fittg's reaction. ‘Space For Rough Work 22; than is converted et ethoxy etnne, (1) by beating excess of ethanol with cone. 1,0, at 140°C. @) by heating Ethanol with excess of cone, HySO, at 443 K. by teating with cone. H;S0, at room temperature, (4) by treating with cone. H,S0, at 273 K. 23, An organic compound X is oxidised by using acidified K,Cr,0, solution. The product ‘obtained reacts with pheny! hydrazine but does not answer silver mirror test. The Compound Xis, (1) 2-propanol @)_Bthanal @) Ethanol @) CHCH,CH, 2A. Pradeep ne illoving ss of aos gg _CHMEBE FOL, ils, CM cr, - C00 PEs a © I @) CH,CHOH)C Hs @) (CH),COH)C Hs 25. ‘The number of oxygen atoms in 44 gm of CO, is, (12x10 @ 6x10 ©) 6108 12108 . ‘Space For Rough the bond energies of H-H, Br-Br and H-Br ate 433, 192 and 364 k) mot! respectively, then AH? for the reaction: Hyg) + Bray) > HBr is Q) 261K @ +03%0 @) 2616 103K 27. In the rection; Fe(OH) yyy —2 Fe yy) + 3OH gy if the concentration of OH ions is dee oon oir cent of Foe, 0 ne @) iotime G) 64 times (4) 4 times 28. The correct statement regarding entropy is, (1) Atabsolute zero temperature, entropy ofa perfectly erysalline solid is ero. (2) At absolute zero temperature, the entropy of a perfetly erysalline substance is: +Ve. )_Atabsolute zero temperature, the entropy ofall crystalline substances is zero. @) ato the entropy of a perfect erystalline slid is zero, 29, Equilibrium constants K, and K, for the following equilibria 1 (9) NO y+ 5 Ong) —ANOri) 0) 2NO yp) —*2NO p+ Oy) are related as @ Bae 1 2 cpl “ z wig ‘Space For Rough Work ———SSSS~S~S 30. aL Van-Arke! methad of refining Zirconium involves, (1) removing al oxygen and nitrogen imps. (2) removing CO impurity (3) removing Hydrosen impurity (4) removing silica impurity ‘The composition of ‘copper mate’ () Cus + Fes Q) CuS+Cu9 @) CuS+Feo 4) Cu,0+ Fes ‘The complex formed when A/,0, is leached from Bauxite using concentrated NaOH solutions, ) NalAKOH),) Q) NaAlO, @)" NaAKoIDg) @) Nadi, “The property which is mote abut Florine, (1) Most ofits easton are exothermic. (2) forms only one co sid (©) Highest elecronepviy (4) High F- bond dissociation enthalpy. ‘Space For Rough Work 34, Which is true regarding nitrogen ? (1) Less electronegative 2) Has low ionisation enthalpy @) corbitals are available (4) Al to form pr - pr bonds wit 35. The shape of XeF, is, (0) Square planar (@)_ Distorted octahedral @) Square pyrimidal (4) Pyramidal 36, Thenumber of isomers possible forthe octahedral complex [CoCl,(en}(NH,),J* () Two Q) Three @)Noisomer (4) Four isomers 37. COisa stronger ligand than CIr, because (0) COisancutral molecule. (2) CO has r-bonds. @) COis poisonous. 38. The bivalent meta ion having maximum paramagnetic behaviour among the first transition series elements is, Mat @ cr se @) cut Rough Work A 10 c 39. When a brown compound of Mn (A) is treated with HCI, it gives a gas (B). The gas (B) taken in excess reacts with NH, to give an explosive compound (C). ‘The compounds A, Band Care; (1) A=Mn0,, B= Cl, C= NCI, @) A=Mn0, B=Clh; C=NH,CL @)_ A=MnjOy B=Ch, C=NCI @) A=Mn0,, B=Ch, C=NCI, 40, Mn? compounds are more stable than Fe2* compounds towards oxidation to their +3 state, because (1) Mu is mote stable with high 3° onisation enersy. @) Mrs bigger in size (@)_Mn?* has completly filed d-orbitls. 4) Ma2* does not exist. 41, Which of the following sequence is correct reyarding field strength of ligands as per spectrochemical series?” () SCN"R-CI>R-Br>R=1 @) R-1>R-Br>R-CI>R-F @ ROISR CIsR-Br>R-F (@ R-F>R-I>R-Br>R-Cl “ c [Main axis of diatomic molecule is Z. The orbitals P, and P, overlap to form (1) -molecular orbital * (2) molecular orbital (8) 8- molecular orbital (4) Nobbond is formed. ‘The hybridisation of Cin diamond, graphite and ethyne i in the oder (sp sp, sp? 2) sp*.sp%, sp ssp, @)_ sp? sp', sp ‘A miscible mixture of C,H, + CHCI, can be separated by (1) Sublimation @) Distillation @ Filtration (4) Crystallisation ‘An organie compound contains C = 40%, H = 13.33% and’ N = 46.67% Its emperical formula is ) CAN @) CHWN © cay cHN Electrophile thet participates in nitration of benzere is (Not @ NO} @) NO @) NOY ~~ Space For Rough Work roe 8 AL A-1

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