Activity Extra Points

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Listen and fill in the blanks:

- Hi Mom, how's it going?

- Fine thanks, Honey how was school?
- Good I`ve got a note for you from mr. Oliveira.
- Who is mr. Oliveira? Your Portuguese teacher?
- I don't study Portuguese mom, you know that.
- True but you could. it's a very useful language, they speak it in Brazil….
- Mom he's the new Headmaster ___(1)college. and he's not Portuguese or Brazilian.
He's British. but I think he said his parents are from Goa.
- Goa? wow the Headmaster, ahh yes I remember him. I met him____(2)Christmas
when I went to your school for that concert. ____(3)December, anyway a very nice
- Mum…..
- It would be good to speak to him about his parent`s country. I could interview him,
then visit Goa___(4)summer no, too hot, maybe ____ (5)autumn.
- Well, he'd like to see you again too
- really ?
- He wants you to go into school ___(6)Monday or Tuesday next week.
- Oh, have you done something wrong?
- No of course not you know me.He wants to ask if you can give a talk about your work
and your blog your travels. that sort of thing. One day _____ (7)April during careers
- So ____ (8)Monday or Tuesday what time ?
- _____(9)the afternoon or______(10) the early evening ___(11) 5 o'clock, if you can.
- I can go ___ (12)half past 4 ___(13) Tuesday, if that's OK.
- I will ask
- Let me see I am away in Moscow for three days_____(14) April, but ______ (15)
your school holidays, I think. I am going to Russia to write about Traditions ___
(16)Easter oh and then I'm away ___ (17) the end of the month. But I am
___(18)home _____(19) two or three weeks I can't go ____(20)Monday evening
because I have a Tai Chi class And then I have to work____(21) night I have a video
call ____ (22)midnight. Yes definitely I will go in ____(23) Tuesday afternoon.
- Can you write a note or send him an email please?
- I will phone him during the day tomorrow. I am free for a few hours in the morning.
- Okay I tell him where are you?
- Here in town. I am at the travel agents I am chatting to your friend Jena. I had not
seen her ___(24) months. I didn't know she was working here. She's organizing my
flights to Russia. Do you want to speak to her?
- No it's okay I will see her ___(25)the weekend and we are going to a party on
Saturday night
- Okay, well I will be home in about an hour at about 7 o`clock probably
- Pizza and DVD tonight?
- Cool yes let's get a horror movie I will call Oliver - he finishes class in a few minutes
see you later.

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