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A te the sentences. Match the if clauses with the correct result clauses.

1. If you keep track of expenses, e a. your bill will be lower.

2. If you don’t go out as often, c b. it will add up over time.
3. If you walk to school, d c. you’ll save money on entertainment.
4. If you eat at home, f d. you won’t spend money on buses.
5. If you don’t talk on the phone so a e. you’ll know how much you’re
much, spending.
6. If you save a little each month, b f . you’ll save money on food.

B Read the article. Complete the sentences. Cross out the incorrect words.

A Penny Saved is a Penny Earned

Do you think it’s hard to save money? It’s easier than you think! Follow our tips, and
you’ll be surprised at how much you can save.

MAKE A BUDGET. Many people don’t realize

how important this is! If you don’t / won’t
know how much money you need, you don’t /
won’t be able to plan for saving. If you set /
will set a budget, you are / will be able to
avoid overspending as well.

WATCH THE LITTLE THINGS. It’s easy to spend a lot of money on a lot of little things,
such as coffee and snacks. You might not pay attention to a small expense, but these
expenses will add up over time. You are / will be be surprised at how much you can
save if you don’t / won’t spend so much on little things.

ADD IT UP. Our grandparents knew this but many of us have forgotten. If you / you’ll
save even a few dollars every month, they / they’ll add up over time. Setting a small
saving goal for yourself also means that it's easier to manage.
C Complete the conversation. Use the future real conditional. Use contractions when possible.
Nina: This is terrible. We aren’t saving any money. If we don’t cut down on our
1. (not / cut)
spending, we ‘ll not save enough to buy a house.
2. (not / save)
David: Well, if we sell the car, we ‘ll have some money to put in our
3. (sell) 4. (have)

savings account.
Nina: Right. But, if we get rid of the car, you ‘ll have to spend a lot
5. (get) 6. (have)
more time commuting. You ‘ll spend less time with the family if you
7. (spend)
have to spend all that time on the train.
8. (have)
David: True. What about cable TV? If we cancel our subscription, we
9. (cancel)
‘ll save almost $60 every month.
10. (save)

Nina: Good idea. That’s not enough for a house, but it’s a good start!

D WRITE ABOUT IT. Aziz wants to pay off his debts. Look at the chart. Write three sentences about his
ideas and possible results. Use the future real conditional.
have more income
get a second job
have less time to spend with kids

How can won’t have to pay for gas or insurance

sell my car
my debts? have to wake up earlier and pay for bus fare

won’t have to buy airplane tickets

don’t visit family in Mexico this year
family will be disappointed

If Aziz gets a second job, he’ll have more income.

If Aziz sells his car, He won’t have to pay for gas or insurance.
If Aziz doesn’t visit family in Mexico this year, he won’t have to buy airplane tickets.

UNIT 12 139

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