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Guia N°1 de ingles

Actividades de contextualización e identificación de conocimientos

necesarios para el aprendizaje. (Conceptos Básicos)

Para el desarrollo de la presente guía vamos a repasar vocabulario relacionado con la

minería, pasado y presente simple, a continuación, encontrarás algunos ejemplos y

Une el vocabulario con las imágenes.

Match the vocabulary with the pictures.

Emerald – Coal – Gold – Oil



Write the meaning and the past form of these verbs

Escribe el significado y la forma en pasado de los siguientes verbos.

Verb Meaning Past form

Seem Parecer Seemed
Be Ser Was – Were
Think Pensar Thought
Prove Provar Proved
Start Comienzo Started
Become Volverse Became
Force Fuerza Forced
dream Sueño Dreamed

Une las opiniones con las ocupaciones. Luego responde los tres interrogantes

Match the quotes with the jobs. Then answer the questions.

a. Why do you think people do dangerous jobs?

R/= because people need money to support themselves.

b. Do you think these people get fair pay for their work?

R/= No, not everyone receives a good salary.

c. Would you do any of these jobs?

R/= No I wouldn't do those jobs


Read the article and solve the activities according to the reading.

Lee el artículo y resuelve las actividades de acuerdo al texto.

Put the emotions of the local people in the town in order 1-4. Why did they

R/= Emotions changed when I saw the consequences that mine brought
4 1 3 2

Read the text again and answer the questions.

a. Why did people want the mine?

R/= Because people were optimistic. They thought that the mine was going
to solve their problems.

b. Why was there so much pollution from the mine?

R/= Because there were people living near the mine.

c. What health problems did the mine cause?

R/= Lung diseases and other diseases caused by activities in the mine.

d. Are the local towns still next to the mine today?

R/= No people living near the mine.

e. What lessons could be learned from this story?

R/= Take care of the resources we have so that these situations do not

f. Who won in this case: people, nature or big business?

R/= Nature.
Actividad de evaluación: Escribe EN INGLÉS un párrafo de 10 renglones
donde hables de alguna situación de minería que afecte tu país, describe el
lugar y el daño que causa la minería en el medio ambiente.

R/= Illegal mining is causing devastating effects in the Amazon due to the
presence of dredgers, boats and other equipment used for gold extraction
that destroy forests, as well as the indiscriminate use of mercury that
damages the health of local populations, mainly indigenous and affects
rivers and fish.

What is happening in the Amazon resembles an epidemic as the hunger for

valuable minerals is everywhere.

In Colombia, the area most affected by mercury is the Caquetá river basin.
In this country, a study by the National Institute of Health of Colombia on the
Apaporis River revealed that up to 80% of the indigenous populations of this
region are contaminated by mercury.

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