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Nama Kelompok

Veiyana Deriska F11311810014

Apriadi F1131181008
Felisia F1131181009
Theoyeilvin F1131181013
Vallencia F1131181017
Fak/Prodi : FKIP / Pendidikan Bahasa Mandarin
Makul : Bahasa Inggris

Theo : “Has everybody got a copy of the agenda? Well, let’s get started. First of all, Thank
you everyone for attending at short notice of this meeting to discuss our new branch. In this
moment we will discuss the problem of building our new branch. Perhaps if we can start with
you Adi, Where do you think our new branch will be?”
Adi : “In my opinion, we can open new branch at Putussibau. Because it is a strategic place
between the two provinces so that we can get more consumers.”
Theo : “Thank You Adi for your views. Does anyone want to comment?”
Felis : “To be honest.. It doesn’t suit our fund. I totally disagree.”
Veli : “But I’m sorry, Miss Felis. I agree with Mr. Adi because I think the location he chose
is very strategic, and we can still discuss about our fund.”
Vallen : “I don’t agree with you, because the most important thing in choosing a branch
location is the initial funds to build.”
Theo : “Everyone, everyone. Please calm down, let’s hear a opinion from Miss. Felisia. Okay
Miss, what’s your view?”
Felis : “As for me, i don’t think we coldn’t buld anything there besides the rent costs there is
pretty expensive.”
Veli : “I think it’s very balanced. Although the rent is very expensive, but we can bring in
more profits. Oh come on, the location is very strategic between the two provinces. If we are
able to build in our province, we can slowly introduce our product to the other province.”
Vallen : “Ok, this time I agree with Mr. Adi and Miss Veli. Because in my opinion the idea is
not too bad, in the last few months we can go the extra mile to get funds to build a new branch
there. The benefits obtained will also be more than building new branches in other locations.”
Adi : “Okay, if we look here my opinion has been accepted by others. Now, how about
you Miss Felis?”
Felis : “Wait Mr. Adi, we also need to look at the costs required because according to the
information that I got, Putussibau is not the right place to build this branch of our brand.
According to the information I got, it is very difficult for us to market our brand and if we sell
our brand in the region place like Putussibau, our brand will not make a lot of people who are
interested in buying it because they will think it is very expensive.”
Vallen : “Is that true? Have you surveyed correctly? If that is the result then we better listen
to the opinion of Miss Felis. If a lot of people they will think it is very expensive, so is very
difficult for us to market our brand and if we sell our brand in the region place like Putussibau.”
Adi : “How did you know it miss felis? I got information if that there is no one selling our
products apart from our company and I think it is a suitable opportunity for us to put our branch
Felis : “Well, even a one year old child know it’s not suitable for our project. So i don’t think
we can do it there. And for your information. I grew up there so i perfectly know what’s going
to happen if we still do this project there.”
Veli : “Okay if that’s your opinion. Miss felis, which location is better for open our new
Felis : “It’s Mr Adi’s job not mine? How do i know? But if you guys insisted to do it there
then i have no choice. But still i don’t want to open the new branch there.”
Vallen : “Now i agree with miss Felis, because she said that she was born at Putussibau, of
course she knows the exactly how the place that she lives and she got a lot of information about
that place, we are not really familiar with that place, right?”
Adi : “I know this is my job, but at least if you don’t want to open our branch there then
you can recommend another right place for our branch. If you know a place that is not good
then you automatically know a good place right?”
Felis : “I don’t know.. All og my life i’ve spent it here.. There’s no way i could recommend
some places to you.. Then again.. It’s not my job, it’s yours. And also you didn’t survey other
places, did you?”
Theo : “Ok. I think our meeting this time did not bring satisfactory results. In my opinion, it
is better if we prepare more than one suggestion that we will discuss, so that we are not just
fixated on one location. We’ll postpone our meeting until the day after tomorrow. I hope the
day after tomorrow everyone can give us some new suggestions on where to open our new
branch. Understand?”
Team : “Understood”

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