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Relationship Between Students Daily Allowance and Academic Performance




Nowadays, in order for students to succeed in their careers, they must have a skill in a specific
profession and an excellent academic performance at a former university. This emphasizes the
fact that education is the bridge of a better society as it can yield knowledgeable and
responsible citizens. But despite the claim, there are students who struggle to achieve the
required competencies due to physical, financial, emotional and environmental factors. In this
study, the researchers will focus to the relationship of a student's financial capacity to academic
performance particularly in the last level of senior high school department, Grade 12.

The researchers realize the need to study more the situation as they insist that the existing
studies are not sufficient to reduce, if not resolve, the problem. Many of the researchers notice
the difference of performance between students of different economic status but not
specifically defining the level of academic performance in every level of socio-economic status.
The researchers of this study set out to break down the financial factor regarding the problem
in order to measure the academic performance of students based on economic background.
The problem shows mostly in private schools and universities. The popular claim is money can
ascent a student's reputation both in social and in numbers. According to Sander (2012), he was
able to note that many students are caught up in the economic downturn and students
especially in college are often worried about money. This financial worry may affect their
academic performance due to divided attention. It can also manifest when they are concern
about the availability of learning materials, as well as their daily up keep in school. Dubey
(1984), asserted that “child’s academic achievement suppose to be determined by the child."
Incidentally, the child’s performance today in schools depend on how much attention he/she
earns from his/her parent/s, the nature of school, the environment and peer group influence
among others. For now, it is too common to find out that children who belong to the family of
high socio-economic background would do better in academic achievement. Satisfying the
child’s basic needs such as books (text and notes), clothes, transportation, feeding among
others would give such child the confidence to perform better, comparing with a child from
the family of low socio-economic background who would find it hard to cope without such
basic necessities. It may result in poor performance even though not in all cases.

Hill et al., (2004) also argued that the financial status of parents do not only affect the academic
performance of the child, but also makes it impossible for the child to compete with his/her
counterparts from high financial status under the same academic environment. Furthermore,
Smith, Fagan and Ulvund (2002) asserted that significant predictor of intellectual
performance of a child at least at the age of 8 years old included parental socio-economic
status. Other researchers had positioned that parental financial status could affect school
children as to bringing about flexibility

to adjustments on different school schedules (Guerin et al., 2001). In another finding, Oni
(2007) and Omoegun (2007) had averred that there is significant difference between the rates
of deviant behaviour among students from high and low socio-economic status.

Adelma (1999), categorically stated that “Unfortunately, low income students are more likely to
pose high risk characteristics than even undergraduates”. In his findings, two-third of low-
income beginning students came from families in which neither of the parents attended
college compared with one-third of middle and upper income students. Conversely, 50 percent
of middle and upper income students have at least one of the parents who earned a
bachelor’s degree or higher compared with less than 20 percent of low income students. This
implies that students who have low socio-economic status are more likely to drop out of
school because they face many disadvantages like they have far less experience and
information on the social and academic culture of higher education and they may not be able
to rely on their parents for assistance in these matters.

Base on the National Policy on Education, 2004, “The government’s ultimate goal is to make
education free at all levels”, as such the financing of education is a joint responsibility of
the federal, state and local government as well as private sectors. Int his regards, government
welcomes and encourages the participation of local communities, individual philanthropist and
non-governmental organization. This point out the unique role played by finance, in educating
an individual, notwithstanding the environmental factors and individual intelligence quotient
which influences and determine the level of academic performance of an individual.

This study aims to assess the relationship between the students' daily allowance and academic
performance specifically of Grade 12 ABM students in Bankal National High School. The
independent variable daily allowance will be generally defined as the amount of money
students use to finance everyday cost.

This study will seek to answer the following questions:

1.) What is the level of academic performance of the students in every socio-economic status?

2.) What is the minimum amount of allowance of Grade 12 ABM students in Bankal National
High School?

3.) What is the maximum amount of allowance of Grade 12 ABM students in Bankal National
High School?

4.) What are the advantages and disadvantages of students'allowance to their academic
Theoretical Framework

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of this survey will be to test the relationship between daily allowance to academic
performance of Grade 12 ABM students at Bankal National High School. The Independent
variable daily allowance will be generally defined as the amount of money students use to
finance every cost.
Research Questions:

1. What is minimum amount of allowance of a Grade 12-ABM students in BNHS?

2. What is maximum amount of allowance of a Grade 12- ABM students in BNHS?

3. Do students live by their own budget?

4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the student's allowance to their academic

Statement of Null Hypothesis

HO: There is no significant relationship between the students allowance to their academic

HA: There is significant relationship between the students allowance to their academic

Significance of the Study

This study will be under taken to find out the relationship of students' financial stand to their
level of academic performance especially those in Grade 12. This is to give some important
information to the connection of economic status of students by their daily allowance and the
manner they hold on their academic activities. Benefitting the study are the various sectors as

The Students

The direct recipients of the output of this research are the Grade12 students with financial
problems brought by their low economic status.Throught his research, the students can assess
their needs and alignit with their academic priorities in order to better perform in their chosen

The Parents
The research benefits the parents of the students who are financially unstable. As parents can
gain more knowledge ofthe problem theirchildren's daily allowance affects their performance in
school, they can better support them financially by referencing their budgets on the output in
the research.

The Teachers

This study will be very beneficial to general education teachers in the senior high school
department as well as the teachers in all levels, especially to the teachers who are still newbie
in the teaching profession.The research can provide them insights about improving their
lessons plans in relation to thei rstudents' financial capacity.

The Government

The study is also helpful to the Philippine government particular to the Department of
Education.Through the research, the department can keep track of Filipino students and the
level of their competencies and experience through the different activities they need to comply
in the standard curriculum.

Current and Future Researchers

The study will also aid current and future researchers of the topic.The research can serve as
their reference for secondary information and guide them through further studies.

Definition of Terms

The following terms defined conceptually or operationally for the better understanding of the

1. Allowance - is an amount of something that is permitted specially within set of regulation


In my study, it refers to the money given to the students that shall be used for daily needs and
expenses; it is given by their parents or guardians.
2. Budget - is an estimate of income expenditure for a set of period of time (Dictionary).

In my study , it refers to the financial plan and list of all planned expenses and revenue made by
the students n response to their daily and monthly expenses.

3. Money - a current medium of exchange in the form coins and banknotes; coins and
banknotes collectively (Dictionary).

Chapter II


Good academic performance certainly is important. It is extremely helpful throughout a

graduate’s life. The question becomes what influences students to act the way they do in their
academic careers; what is the difference between a student with a high grade point and
another student with a less than stellar one when we consider socio-economic factors in the

The value a degree has for a person is substantial but there are variety of factors that influence
the quality of education that a student actually earns. This is an especially significant point
when high level of investment students put into their education is taken into consideration.
They often spend many years of their lives working for their education and put forth huge
amount of effort. Students and their families are also responsible for paying thousands upon
thousands of money to attend their college or university of choice. Therefore they surely want
to get the most out of their time especially in senior high school and receive a quality life later

Extrinsic motivation plays an important role in education and it is influenced heavily by a

student’s family and academic environment (Goodman et al., 2011). Rewards obtained from
academic performance are also an important factor in extrinsic motivation. These could include
good grades, money, or a great academic reputation. It is as important as getting rewards as
acquiring the tools needed to perform important school activities.
Also, Junco and Cotten (2012) investigated the relationship between multi-tasking and
academic performance. With the large amount of information and communication technologies
available to students, they often end up shifting between their use and working on their
assignments. In this study multi-tasking was defined as switching attention in ways that are not
necessary for learning like online/part time jobs. They found that certain technologies were
more detrimental to academic performance than others. Multi-tasking through the use of social
media sites and text messaging predicted lower grades than did the use of online searches and
emailing. So in relation to the amount of time put into schoolwork, those using Facebook or
texting may actually be doing less work, especially compared with those students who are not
multi-tasking. As we all know, most online jobs take place in social media platforms and might
be the reason for distractions on students. Students usually do online jobs because of financial
crisis in their families.

Sirin’s work in this area suggested that parental socioeconomic status has an impact on a
student’s academic performance through the use of meta-analysis (2005). In his study he found
that of all the variables tested through meta-analysis, parental SES was found to be the best
predictor of student achievement. The relationship between socioeconomic status of parents
and grades of students was also examined by Strenze in 2007. He found that these two
variables are positively related, and can even predict career success. In each case these results
were expected, as socioeconomic status of parents can help show which students are at a
relative advantage or disadvantage in their backgrounds. Higher SES allows parents to provide
their children with more opportunities and resources that help improve their ability to learn
and get a good education (Sirin, 2005).

A related study of Haverman and Wolf (1995) found that children achievement depends
on the social investment in them in terms of parental investment in children, the choices
that children make, given the investments in, and opportunities available to them. But in
Bangladesh this kind of choice is limited to a section of urban students. According to
Acemoglu and Pischke (2001) family income explains difference in the enrollment rates of
children in a four-year college. These effects are different between rich and poor family.
Woessmann (2004) concludes in his study that family background has strong and similar
effects on both European and American students. He also estimates the model using a QR
approach where he concludes that there is weak evidence of variation in the family background
influence. Pedrosa, Dachs, Maia, Andrade and Carvalho (2006) were able to find out that
students coming from disadvantaged backgrounds (educational and socioeconomic) have a
higher relative performance than their counterparts. This can be considered as a phenomenon
which the authors named “educational resilience”.

Furthermore, another thing that worth noting is that the individual’s educational
achievement has a basic foundation on the early stage of his/her growth and
development. The pre-educational stage involves infancy and childhood, their health and
hygiene and the constituent of their nutrition determine greatly the rate of growth and mental
development in them. This is because each child is endowed with different genetic potential
being modified by their environment. This makes any child unique in his/her makeup which is
a concept of individual difference. (Mallum, Huggai and Ajaegbu, 2014). Ballantine (1983)
demonstrated that socioeconomic and educational background of the parent go a long way in
determining child’s academic achievement. This is a reality because the parent educational
background and level of income place the child in a better position in terms of academics and
other extra-curricular achievement thus the saying “the better the socio economic background,
the higher the expectation both physically and mentally (academically)”.

Woolfolk (2004) supports by arguing that because low socioeconomic status students may wear
old clothes, speak in dialect or be less familiar with books and school activities, teachers and
other students may assume that those students are not bright and teachers may avoid calling
them to answer questions in the classroom to protect them from embarrassment of giving
wrong responses. This makes these students less attentive and do not concentrate on what is
being taught and in the end they come to believe that they are not very good at schoolwork.
This situation makes them perform poorly in the subjects and sometimes drop out from
school because they are affected psychologically.

The present study will examine the relationship between a student's financia lcapacity (referred
to as daily allowance) and their level of academic performance. In addition, it is also
hypothesized that their academic performance will increase as a result of higher allowance


Good academic performance certainly is important. It is extremely helpful throughout a
graduate’s life. The question becomes what influences students to act the way they do in their
academic careers; what is the difference between a student with a high grade point and
another student with a less than stellar one when we consider socio-economic factors in the

The value a degree has for a person is substantial but there are variety of factors that influence
the quality of education that a student actually earns. This is an especially significant point
when high level of investment students put into their education is taken into consideration.
They often spend many years of their lives working for their education and put forth huge
amount of effort. Students and their families are also responsible for paying thousands upon
thousands of money to attend their college or university of choice. Therefore they surely want
to get the most out of their time especially in senior high school and receive a quality life later

Extrinsic motivation plays an important role in education and it is influenced heavily by a

student’s family and academic environment (Goodman et al., 2011). Rewards obtained from
academic performance are also an important factor in extrinsic motivation. These could include
good grades, money, or a great academic reputation. It is as important as getting rewards as
acquiring the tools needed to perform important school activities.

Also, Junco and Cotten (2012) investigated the relationship between multi-tasking and
academic performance. With the large amount of information and communication technologies
available to students, they often end up shifting between their use and working on their
assignments. In this study multi-tasking was defined as switching attention in ways that are not
necessary for learning like online/part time jobs. They found that certain technologies were
more detrimental to academic performance than others. Multi-tasking through the use of social
media sites and text messaging predicted lower grades than did the use of online searches and
emailing. So in relation to the amount of time put into schoolwork, those using Facebook or
texting may actually be doing less work, especially compared with those students who are not
multi-tasking. As we all know, most online jobs take place in social media platforms and might
be the reason for distractions on students. Students usually do online jobs because of financial
crisis in their families.
Sirin’s work in this area suggested that parental socioeconomic status has an impact on a
student’s academic performance through the use of meta-analysis (2005). In his study he found
that of all the variables tested through meta-analysis, parental SES was found to be the best
predictor of student achievement. The relationship between socioeconomic status of parents
and grades of students was also examined by Strenze in 2007. He found that these two
variables are positively related, and can even predict career success. In each case these results
were expected, as socioeconomic status of parents can help show which students are at a
relative advantage or disadvantage in their backgrounds. Higher SES allows parents to provide
their children with more opportunities and resources that help improve their ability to learn
and get a good education (Sirin, 2005).

A related study of Haverman and Wolf (1995) found that children achievement depends
on the social investment in them in terms of parental investment in children, the choices
that children make, given the investments in, and opportunities available to them. But in
Bangladesh this kind of choice is limited to a section of urban students. According to
Acemoglu and Pischke (2001) family income explains difference in the enrollment rates of
children in a four-year college. These effects are different between rich and poor family.
Woessmann (2004) concludes in his study that family background has strong and similar
effects on both European and American students. He also estimates the model using a QR
approach where he concludes that there is weak evidence of variation in the family background
influence. Pedrosa, Dachs, Maia, Andrade and Carvalho (2006) were able to find out that
students coming from disadvantaged backgrounds (educational and socioeconomic) have a
higher relative performance than their counterparts. This can be considered as a phenomenon
which the authors named “educational resilience”.

Furthermore, another thing that worth noting is that the individual’s educational
achievement has a basic foundation on the early stage of his/her growth and
development. The pre-educational stage involves infancy and childhood, their health and
hygiene and the constituent of their nutrition determine greatly the rate of growth and mental
development in them. This is because each child is endowed with different genetic potential
being modified by their environment. This makes any child unique in his/her makeup which is
a concept of individual difference. (Mallum, Huggai and Ajaegbu, 2014). Ballantine (1983)
demonstrated that socioeconomic and educational background of the parent go a long way in
determining child’s academic achievement. This is a reality because the parent educational
background and level of income place the child in a better position in terms of academics and
other extra-curricular achievement thus the saying “the better the socio economic background,
the higher the expectation both physically and mentally (academically)”.
Woolfolk (2004) supports by arguing that because low socioeconomic status students may wear
old clothes, speak in dialect or be less familiar with books and school activities, teachers and
other students may assume that those students are not bright and teachers may avoid calling
them to answer questions in the classroom to protect them from embarrassment of giving
wrong responses. This makes these students less attentive and do not concentrate on what is
being taught and in the end they come to believe that they are not very good at schoolwork.
This situation makes them perform poorly in the subjects and sometimes drop out from
school because they are affected psychologically.

The present study will examine the relationship between a student's financia lcapacity (referred
to as daily allowance) and their level of academic performance. In addition, it is also
hypothesized that their academic performance will increase as a result of higher allowance.

Research Design

The descriptive correlation was employed in this study in determining if there is significant
relationship between the students allowance on their academic performance in the students of
Bankal National High School.


The research was conducted in Bankal National High School which is primarily located at proper
Bankal Lapu-Lapu City, Cebu and a meter away between Bankal Barangay Hall & Bankal
Elementary School . Bankal National High School is a public secondary school which is funded by
the government . The School have 2-4 storey and 2 storey building for senior Hingh School


The respondents of this research are the Grade 12 (ABM) Accountancy, Business and
Management students in Senior High School Department of Bankal National High School who
are the main focus of the research. The total number of respondents sum up to 20 individuals.
The respondents were chosen as they are appropriate to answer specific questions.
Sampling Size And Design

Sample were determined using purposive sampling method. Among the selected grade 12 ABM
students was chosen to be the sample. Furthermore only 15 students were included using
simple random sampling technique.

Research Instrument

The main instrument the researcher used was interview and asked some questions to the
person we selected students on their adviser. And asked those selected students of Grade 12-
ABM. If how much is their allowance everyday from Monday to Friday.

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers will ask permission from the student to the respondents of this research study
with the help of the letter of consent signed by the teachers and the principal. The respondents
will be given questionnaire and they will write their answer on questionnaires itself. After
distributing the questionnaire to the respondents to answer the question given. If the
respondents are done answering the questions, their papers will be collected, and the
researcher will give their appreciation to the respondents for cooperating. The result of the
collected papers will be the researchers basis for the analysis, interpretation, findings,
conclusion and recommendations of the study.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data will be treated using weighted mean and chi-square. It is a testing of the relationship
between the categories, variables and its null hypothesis (Ho) which represents the relationship
with the independent variables such as categorical variables in the population.

Ethical Consideration

The consideration of ethics in Research, Research participants should not be subjected to harm
in any ways whatsoever.Respect for the dignity of research participants should be
prioritised.Full consent should be obtained from the participants prior to the study.The
protection of the privacy of research participants has to be ensured.Adequate level of
confidentiality of the research data should be ensured.Anonymity of individuals and
organisations participating in the research has to be ensured.Any deception or exaggeration
about the aims and objectives of the research must be avoided.Affiliations in any forms, sources
of funding, as well as any possible conflicts of interests have to be declared.Any type of
communication in relation to the research should be done with honesty and transparency.Any
type of misleading information, as well as representation of primary data findings in a biased
way must be avoided.Voluntary participation of respondents in the research is important.
Moreover, participants have rights to withdraw from the study at any stage if they wish to do
so. Respondents should participate on the basis of informed consent. The principle of informed
consent involves researchers providing sufficient information and assurances about taking part
to allow individuals to understand the implications of participation and to reach a fully
informed, considered and freely given decision about whether or not to do so, without the
exercise of any pressure or coercion.The use of offensive, discriminatory, or other unacceptable
language needs to be avoided in the formulation of Questionnaire/Interview/Focus group
questions. Privacy and anonymity or respondents is of a paramount
importance.Acknowledgement of works of other authors used in any part of the dissertation
with the use of Harvard/APA/Vancouver referencing system according to the Dissertation
HandbookMaintenance of the highest level of objectivity in discussions and analyses
throughout the research .Adherence to Data Protection Act (1998) if you are studying in the
UK.In studies that do not involve primary data collection, on the other hand, ethical issues are
going to be limited to the points.

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