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academy of Technology -Name: SANSOY PATHAK” Roll No: 74 Department: EE ; Semester: SEM -4 Paper Name (Code): DigitaL Ciecyranies (PCLE AOD) Specified Date of Submission: O7+ 4+ 2020 Actual Date of Submission: 07+ 4» 2020 isan Signature of subject teacher with date Fqiet Clock signal ~ plas an Snpootant wele tha seertial etecurt Abstract s- A combtvationd checutt is ‘the mafor ingredion. for malting sequentias Ceewit . Sapential doeuit accepts Sigil. suas from extorred. fap Sistard dro oukpuds af nemnoe4 dements and. qenenales signals for external ovtpwds ond foe Raps tommemory demerts vofaed 9 -as excitokon, The flip Hap is abosie dlemenk & seauortial. System, Using flip flop end cerdszrustiond. Logic Cipesit o%) seayartial dre cuitt cain be made, Tre most tnyortank geayarkid dewits thy are widely wed fn digital: system are sagistore ond couren, 4m THis payer some fdeas of sauodial creuits and its oypiicedton “flip Flap »registen emurton wall be ) giseussed « Jyrooduction Sequential logic Ciecuits one thise, Wrwse outpit depends not only on Ahe preset Vole of the frp bul also anyrestous values of Snpuk signa) (history & valves) whieh is fn conbvost to cominahiond- chouits Where ouput depends ol onxhe present velue of Fapuk. At ony time Linstonk , entiah Gresit con be Aenmed os combinations) Grutt sith Feedboasle loult. Seaperkih croourl uses O cmemory dlemert Uke flip Hop fn feed hock cimevit Frrondes to stee post values. Seoyertiah \ogfes ane sed to conftick firite state marines, wridh ove baste» building Wack fr oll digital cast system. AU Ereuile tr poathical ane mixtaree of cambinotiond. ond ceayerdid Grusits . Generally , Snease ofery example to court. wale af ovjedr. posed ond if rurrbenof objec: frenenses Yee tafe volue of counk wilt Ye fnoveosed. with vespedt to previous wolues 0 counter wee}ains the previous stote & tye curder w da the ned operation. This ts onalagous to sequential. Coeuits wich 4 andr stoke occondlng, to the previous ond present Signals. The behaxfoun of ft seey.ersiol Gowit 15 deormined Jpom the Fnpuks, the oukpuls, state of fs Flip flep. Both tre cubyuks ord the next giale ore @ function a} the tnputs wih the preseit stoke. The oralysis F sqyertich daculls umnsists of abtaiaing a table ov Aiagrein | | Lop the tine semence of fopuds, oulphs and frtomnal states. T}-%5 also possible to ate béolean expressions hot desenibe the behaviour of sequential chocuits. ew eer Avis Capession rust jndade the necessary ime sequence theo dined on Ce eee On may not ye Prclude combinational gphes. In this section, To fhek bode a | Po Spe dpe exampe a eee ae co ae ed serpientia See aiid then present vorous mathids for “4 ouraf sequetial cincutt Theony A Wook diagua of Soquatieh cai) is shaun ob figuie £ ebich corsets of ® combinational Great An which memory demevks , ane canneded to farm a feadboarke path. The meray elements ore devices capste oJ ‘skort vinasy To foamalion tnthen, ‘The bony Tyfoomahttn Stored fn the Ynemeny clemends a any given ire defines the stake of sequential checuit, it receives Fofommadion fram exkeenal inpuls We block drat the extemal oudpubs in o seqperbiel Gouri awe a Rapuls bul also of Ane poosenk stale gf ‘the me many dlemerts We onkoaral fapuls and presi stoke. Tras 0 co of fps, oubpuls ond internal AFognam demonshabes Ze rok only of exdomal next state will be also a function of Seqyandd. Gradt ts specified by a me sequen otetes, The chock signal. plays a coucied woe fo sequerdial dhavits, A ded Ys signa}. lane WO osctakes between Logie level 0 and loge lew 4, wepentedly, Squone wore with canstort frequency isthe most Gammon fomn of tec chock Si of Oboe. signal hos Chas ‘These ove the ae Sostonks oF which the cluok chorges form O40 i (postre edge) or 4 to ove ee). Clock sfqnaks eenhaul Ane gubpuls oF the seqpradiol 4 rast -Mhat is it dereemines uihen and haw ‘the memory hy reas ay) demets dure thén fubuls. 5F 0 semenid apaits ont LE LE LL net Moses ony) dock. signa 0s top she ovtpul. of the Greuit wit droge roe : Sotrat they conn yelsin thelr slate 4 the next Input stonal. wecigives Bur sequential Grosits with clo frpub ilk netoin US kde tiv the nest dock edge occurs, Bose om dock stanal Inpul ‘the seqrodioh chructs ope clossified. trto o types - synduanous ova . O8ynOronoUs sequential. Gineuitls , Fa syndhwonous segyortio. Crreuits «the outpuk depends oh ypesert ond previous gtotes the inputs of the docked instonces, The circuits use o. memoay clement to she the presins stoke sThe memuay dees inthis deeuit will have clocks, Avthese cladksigals one driven by ‘The some clock styral , Using clo signal gate changes will oceur derees ab. stovoge Aemerks These cinguils ave dit slevrer covpaned to asyndwrnovs becane Whey walt for the next dove pulse LO oremve 0 perfossmn Ay Yexk cpenation. The syn daovrsss Sequantial cieasits thal vse clock pwses f9 thehe . Inputs me called clicked squential cineuils . Wa ave very stoble . The senyential Cipeuits that dvrge their slale Using Ae pulse ond these one called pulsed or un cocked geqyentidd cleasits.. Synchponsus sequertidh gaits are used in the deeseyn of moore-MEMLY stole ynonagerrent racking, input ——J Combindional le ombyd ney ave algo used in syndteonous Counters » [an flip Hops . Pur thie ove syne Viritabiens of [me clock, Sgnduonos seaport cron ~ Murne flipfiops to sequertiah (synadnonous) Srenits rnyst be connec’ Te clock signal Abas signals oe very igh foequonay signals On cd Afghebutin camsumes and dissipled @ a lenge ornnur Gene . Cyticol pal o» the showest path Aelormines “the sneximuer clack frenplenoy , Wence they ane slower thon dunennss Cina to, Now, the sequential Ginaits ulhich dovick opordle by cleck. signals Osyn ave alld Ssyncrebnous sequential Goolts', These droits Gil range thein stoke ~The cinusit thasiousis debentine tmmediokdy when ‘there is a Currgeia input ste Yu Siyals, a ony fra in me ad te oxen aakich pub signal uorges . Tris Gryid doe vik operate in pole sande «They howe nut {ConaBn bye > wat potter yofromance bt hard to design due %0 tindng a breden, Masthy tr ow pre operation asynchvorous segyentioh Gross ove used. Th is Jester tran ayncrnne 5 cirouts due to not weitirg oo any duct eignol. Asyncrrans ceyyontich Ineuits ave used when speed of operciicr is treportork Te fs used in conus tabion \ycoeen wo units hoving their own trdepandert Clas. Tk used uihion we veqylye the letter exdermal inp Fondling. Buk trove ame Some Veritohang in Ais dousit — this Gast 15 dXffleubk to design ,05 ib 1S foster in Perfrnance oO. response trol output fs uncertain, Combinational Sraits dp nut require wy Jeed book. os cukputs: ave purely dependardton tre pesen. value of ind. Buk incose Fsearordiol circuits he outpws ove deyendont an yost values af tne inpst ahora vittn preset valance. ‘Tn urdlen to fyowhe merry demos Ke fly fiop, eerste, conor yrwsl be inbucduced in Geauits Now in the fiqure 19 © {5 the Inpuk to the Trnerden al on instonce ,1us 6 WU pompagade ard outpud wilt be 4. This bts fod hookirds tupd ond after genpagaton oskps ofU be 0, The pe a Eee . Yrocess Pepeats, we abe $5.0 certinious qneddotion af output: holurcan 0 and 5. There io ng stable stele Sm seerianfy, Now fnsecoydcnse “tile tnverteps ame Cannel od to bork sith the outpuk ape seumd footer fed veel to Yopuk of fing Mrverdom, TY O 1S Me inpedt bo finct fraanter at an instance sik propagates yrwgh the finst frveuter + Input a) First alae al: a Tnstance FL prapagedes -byeugh Ane firs Svopleo ™ utp 18 4 te A Tefaput to 5e toma Trvenlcr $5 0 which 45-fock Cyrspel pock-bo Ane’ Finast Yrverten, Bub the Input lo finst dnvector Fs alyeady o and hence ro | Oharge occurs - The deat Is seid Lohe In a stadle circu Another slantestate ante abkoined when the Input to First jnerler is 1, Lato, fs a basic building Aement tn seoyordial Giocuit, Lat ches do wat ware any choc signal sthak ls they ane osydaronus sequential. ciscuits Lalthes ane anadeup af stotic apts: Ty is a bistele mulkvilmakor 4.2. thas tio stable Stakes ond can switch paweon hese Skaes. Lotthes att. hove ‘feedback path For the ovpul .Thas they Change thee oubjuk dt any instance Using previous onl preset value of Srpul signal. When enclled ,the ovtpul G the laldh is continously affected by Us inp ie, the dtp: Grongys Trtmediately when the input dronges. Wren disaWled, the stole the pte) pemains emstort i.e. Eremembors WS previous value. A cleck ov enable signal Ys used. 08 a coaind Sqnok sLgthhes condiniously check all she Spots ave copp, it chonx ies oukps when enabled. SR lotch is an exarnple of simple latch, ou The f¥pflop is also o. building Vid of syrchronsus 3 Seayontal Gredls , St hes two slate stdkes Tem Sr Stree 1 -bit Frfoomation siti have @ lock signoh 3 Wein stake cho eS th ak nges depending bathe clock pulse , _ Y 0% lhe ad Abe Q ‘ ‘: Q ‘these dances will ds have ora ow vith. Mipflep is edge sensitive, 9 S dnd 0 feedbock G skee when clock & vthey wilt charge their ‘ ene ; Sqnal toanciben gccuns from lo qh & Ugh to Low. After the transihen of Oe pie Cod signal fraren either 0 by J . : . j om L400 }e.when ane chook i6 ok constant Oor dy the sb@O vernsins oachanged Mough re tnpul charye Fhe ovis difference belween laich and flipcdlap igothat aletch ts level rates cd mm oR am a Conbetl signal while a flip flop ts edge sensitive to conbntl signal. A combon is essential avegictor that goes Vornygh a prededenrined Sequence of. Stakes pen the oppllcation of apt pulses. The qakes yn a. courller are. comnedked in such way as Yo produce a. prescnied Sequence Ff hinoey stales in the wegister, Althovgh ceurkers ove 0 special type of register it is cammen to differertiobe then by qn, Yhem a special rame. A wea’sloo 19 © qp>ontp of binary streege cols Suitable for halting. birwry Informatio. A group f {ip flop consbhides avoayisten cince eath flip Hop is 0 Wary cell copable of Stormy one bit of infomation, An ne vrogisten has a genup of 1 flipflops ond ts capable of storing Ory lolnarrs Tnfeomai corkairing n-bits. Tn odditen 40 the fp flsps ond goles thet way hone cambibyhord gekes thal perf certain dots processing asks fm peyishens. ‘nits bmadest defri¥ion a pepter consist oF group ct fp Flop ond gakes that effect their dpensitien “he dif huld Vinny frefemmation andi the gates cadeal when on hows new information is “varfemed inte noyister. A Logie $ My hy A Th Qa Ty Ge F— Ooo 1 Ot 4 + ep, Sep nh oH ‘ tT, . 2 > 5 taunter (ripple) f A bik negisten . ar he Chorge Bn oubpu &F fipPip can be done by danger oO small fn ebput signal. Ahie Small. chonge can ve done with the help of clock pulse This clode pulse is Yensan 05 triggering, A Slip ter Lis 501d be bSggewel hen o Leger pulse ts applied 4 the inpuk tat bring Charges in cukpul, Flip-flops aske components fn wenistens | ond. Counkeos , whidr stoves doko. jn the fore OF mualh bit number y yumber of Flip Haye ane umnected +0 fomn a Seqyorto) drasit and alk these flip-flep nequine | asagger pulse Te rumben af. beiggen pulse aplicl to-bat inpuk deternsines he numbey Sa q.courtee AIhere ave ‘wo types af “biggeeng ~ level. ondedge ‘baggering We aiggog prccess fo wahidn the urge inthe cutput stoke ts Oceans to the porive lod of inpts is called \oval Awgyenieg , In elje Wggenrg , output rorge, ee o ee present ok either of the wansitions of the cock pulse, he. @ither foo low tohigh (Oto 1) ar frome Wah to low CL ty 0), Basically » itis bethep “to wse ele Anggerng Yor lad tniggening . This t5 ecouse level tigger mighk couse Instabilily tn the Grewt for @ parheular Case of 0 level ti ord. Sip fier wher’ te cleck pulse is given to the inpot obthe some Ure er the oukpu of the Abipflep i$ Chorin « Feedback Friern the owpud oinpub couces te Instoditity. Sn order to ancid Hos alge Lniggerrnay is used fn Wlpfleps. Coneuston i Regsters » courkers ane elonsively used in the design of die ta) Jin partienlow . Regisens con also be usd Sh a Sain ess Tog Systems: fo general. ord digital cmpuker +o fasiliate -the design J Sequential dinwits, Courters one useful. fos generating Ayriing, yoriobles te sequence ark cardocl the aperations ino digital systems, pad Ace rein Aeirg, Hpflaps one used hagely tp rake this components 50 Undone chanding the Oe fon clo ertiol for dest stag. in digital asters. ok pulse » triggerny ore Vany €55 References i _ 4, Fandamotds eaigid deaiite by A: Anand Vusnan (PHD) jad dledvorics by RP dee ETM eduction) 2. Modern dg ; by M.MORRIS"MANO (PRE), 3, digth Logic and computer design

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