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spcademy of Technology Ast /2"4 Term Paper, 20... ‘Name: SANSOY PATHAK Roll No 74, Department: EE i Semester: SEM -4 Paper Name (Code): ELECTRIC MACHINE 1 (PCEE 401) Specified Date of Submission: 07+ 4+2020 Actual Date of Submission: 07+ 4+ 262.0 Signature of subject teacher with date Tite t+ Analysis of operating princiles of single phose on. Ardneads'- The transformer fe a detee trst: transfers clestntal eneay from electri cal cfoult to -enotheo elechveal cirauit though the mellion a ord without a charge fn the fresmen oy. The purpose of the ransfonnen ate fclate the two aed, civcutts . A single prose transformer Ocept single phase AC power and oul ‘Site place AC prwer, Tn this paper the Consbeuctiona) feakere s of Shee deonsformar Curd operating pafndiples tests, Losses » vollege regulation itt be discussed « Tardudion- The “transformer fan dlecworagnerie, endogy conversion device , sie aheerengy ecard by tne pain} Is finst eonvested to magnebie Chery ond itis then yeasmested te usagvl elecbrical energy athe athen cist. The elect dnait UWidn yeeesives energy fro “tre supy-mains is calied primary wdaabing and trecthior clawit vad delivers Slectwteal- oneegy “td Yhe load is called the secondary vinding, Now, Paterery and secondary winking axe comeded Fo ogre enlly coup _ Tene Energy fc ddlfvered cither igh volkege flow volinge vice vera, If seundary viedieg Was rene ers Aon pray uindieg then sexendairy voltage ts Wghes than “the primary aide -calted & step up trsnsfoemer yar tf pefrosy eofding ‘eamns ane TEE soundery side then Teuidhe called 3p Alnen aronsfirnen. Arerdfve , when vor ane puk Teko senvice ten to for “tne windings tne tenes righ volkoge wirding ard ening clad be used instead st pmrary and seedy windings. A Now wotloge ws dronsfoanen 1s the snot widely weed device to bath low avd high concert Gintails As suc Jon cfoorners are built tn on amozing rages of shes . Tn a transformen the Dectniad anergy tronsfer from one cinovil *o another ciewit takes place rothoud the use of maving, parts ~ thas, theachone » the Wphest byscible efficiency outh tf -allthe elesteteal machines ond Tears amast nagligiele -cmount of amaidtsinance, An lechrormedronieal energy umuension device fs me which -cmuetts energy ore, gle cericah ta medharical ove viceveresa.. ‘The coupling perweer clechetal and meborial cyshems ts trrravgh awe ic Field. Tha trancformer also, the coupling ond seurdary winding ts ‘cy means gfthe amagnedic fell. ee and trcopts abnct (HS peor conve understad ie a Simple gronnar, ‘Ty that otse, study Sf temas onalycing Ts varkovs operation slests, WW also shows the dzniben df decivs- —— am Seer ae eee eee mechanical corwension, , ‘Theory :~ Fe former vs a Stotic piece of Apparels by meons oF shidh electric power fy one cleente fe ‘pransfrmmed. ‘aka electak power ofthe Same Frequency fn ansther dowlt. PL can aise on Vouen the voltage yn actineutt but with a com, deenease or fnowease tn a curment. The physical bests obo transfmmen is mutual. tadudtion ® belawen two ob cuits Uriked yy dca magnedic F 5 Sux. Tavs cioplest fmm “tt cmgiste of 06 : Hi g Hoducthe ceils whieh ane clectoiably Seharabed ul ae magneedlly biked Ahwough opoth of tps westelmce as shown in Fiqutee . The ture Cals posses high mutual fratudance . DB} one el is enned:ed 4p a squece of altonnabing wologe san okheryoting flux fs setup Inthe loraiinghed coe mach E which % Vinked with the others ceil Rn t boll § emf (ccacrdicg Ye fonodajs juss of nen es e= Mal gL) , Th-the seu ceil clteautt ts Chased, a.cuimert flows fr PE and 50 Olechwic enengy fs -yronstormel centre rugreticaly) feorn “he fies caiLte the second ceil, the Sfest coil jin wthich deckhe energy is fed fpom the IC SPY mains, f qltea Prima winding ond the Pee foe vInies energy is drawn gu SS called seardayy winding Bence Aavans femme ts adevice Swern crronsfong dactiric power trom ene Grastt avitves sitdees so wsthowk achorye o-freqyeney 14 oceomplishes this by decks ete Irdadtion ond where two ohecksic cuits ove in mutual induce Influence death cthar, The simple demerds of 9 trarstomnen egncjet Of two coils Fening mutual Indudon and. & lorindied steel ume. he oo cxils - o4 5 - ope inswddea “fown each other andthe Skee. ee. Ofnats necesstnry ports ove % some suitable takai Siw assembled ve eats Sings an subable medivin fon vintira dhe wre -and. {nswlaken sswtale vpashieg Jon wonlabng ond woige Oot the tammnals of yolndi S Foon the fork, Gn a Aypes Ch Aromefomnee the Gre 1s Goveled % sheet steel \aminshion assert ie sewn nicss mognebic pot cathy @ nicienam OF air an» tnoluded. The a ea is of Wight Seon contort sume “times heat treatey "tn Proclace a ner pemneaditly ond Vows hysteresis tose od Mee Usual Operating flux deri bes, Ape eddy curmant loss ts i, by lootnabing Ane cove, the lominghien hong Frsulated from each other by a sigh cook: of cove pide winerish or by an Oxide leyem onthe sunface . The thideness of laminakions yates «from 0:25 rm fem a frapnency of DOM 00-5 ram for INA. The core lamination one {ained as shown in figure -Tt is ] seen Yrat Jereks m the altarmate layer one stagqewed oper da aiid the presence of vrarmew apps wight toooygh the Ove5S ' sedion atthe tome Sith - slaggened jainks ove tied trnbpfeaked . Canstmustonal the trangomner ore of-twe general. type, Astiguished Ffoorn 200% otheo nerdy by the manne in whidh pmaey ond secmmdeny coils ore Roce —— (Ore. hese two HRS ove cove type. and shell type. Anather rec isqinal cope -or weund Cone type « Sn Ye se cahed Cope Ypes trenches ee uindirgs “unreund a Cmsideradsle peat of the @ore whereas fn see spre i) nee the wee Sumaunds & considepable portion winding as sro.o Lee “i - SES eee Hy Ip the ofrrpiified diognam the one type trans formes the primary and setordar winbiras are showin lacaked on Oppesite legs af the eave (1g £) about fr achusl canstaudtion there one aluiays Tnbedleaved to reduce -Le x. As Shown in Ripe 2 Walp oF rin and half Ane secordany -winking” owe Leen placed side byside Or -concenbysically son eath limb, not prdromy oy Gne Ub -and the seurday onthe ether, Tv bith core ondshell type bransframen -the < individual Lamninokiens one cud in in the fomn of san ‘Le, Dac. he eeertly of wmpele Gre fre tan types of tmaneformec “In shown laben As eRe in onder 40 avoid igh weluctonce ak the Joins -UInece ye inokt lominaktans ave jylted inst ark o hen, the alkeon iri “is foe inn ee PE hate oe EC dey [coo See] 7 But fair baltjard 'y 7 abhi putt joint Siagore 3 The per focrance d-teansfomnan ean ve cobusbotod on a basis of ths exyivalent sk y ambaing fair main parsrnelons- equivalent nesistonce (Ry) a5 neffened. to pare Ane apivadend Leakage weostance (Xq1) as peffered +0 Parnainy athe ume bess condudunce (Gr, or Ro) yMbonchinng suscaptance (8,6 %o) These paremaens tar be easily dabonmined Wy Open ciewik ond short greuik fost. These dests are econdmni cal cemerionk 06 the Furnish the penyiintd inframelion yithouk achyolly toodirg the former . Tnfadk tre testing & very Longe a0 rnadhintny -consicls Of truynirg two S genilam to the Ger und. Shak dinouit tests of transfirpmen, Ter drasit test isto ofemne we ieee Yass ond ro Lod Ty wee “Yq and Ro. High uptkose gde (HY) is lett ond ‘Low valkgeside ie eee we ee § Wadlmelor somehow ae By noomol virkege Sumy flux os) be get hee » = \ i 4 Mop t Teen loss ok core wsiU We measued vy ratte t Ag To is small Cute is neglighle «Hen ce t woltmaler rcohirg vemnesenks practically oor tre eee bess under nn drad condttion . St chat Woe vated thal berg To small the yecosune Col oF mahimeler and. volkmndben ane Cmnedteh such thot Cimertt in then Anes wok poss Traces Crmerk: oi of wokkmeden, Sometimes high pedistance vollmeba. fs tormedod in Searrdary wilidn gues weoking oF induced. vathoge in seeartany side. The Walteneder ao dieg will oe Then » we vy teed © sb= Mycq t Tn = Dosing wo 7 Tyostb hence %e= Vif Re=“/g,. O° since Are oxen! i prodtcally ens urenk, wien 0 tianfremer is on ro lood ; Ue. Foe Ty) andos the votlge dvop ‘ sory eae impedance 1s Seal ahence the exiting dmittante Yo of-the eee 5 given by So= Mo mY Te] § ‘he enciting conductance Gg i : ree zs aa z Gen ey WV Gy om Gro = w/v? ibe erdbiny susceplorce ty =[¥2-G3 « Short Grout ov impedance best 5 an economical melhwd fin dekorysbaleg Whe following - & Equivalent impedance \ealeage ncatarce (Ket), ¢ Ingintal pedstonce , ofthe -Leansfremer peffared 297 to pinay cn secondany side in wich — qy eat Treaswarg Ande awe ‘nstaied « AY Lansing MW Pepedance tne total vatkogo drop inane hoastromer a4 ne arch * £9 Peary on secandany can be edoalabed ard hence « ranlotion OF fronsfranoe 19 detemined, Tnanie test 5 ane winbivg ts stig shunt eaited “by cmduchor 05 shown in figane : Zo : gh ONS i Ry X Xt L es . y, cee My at : yNesissaestuaneeeetaeen eee = ——_+, z A Now vatiage fp oppligd 49 pamary side and tnoreosed upte ipaked cstmenl on ful Look cummerk Hlowirg through peicramy and searidooy She. As opptied iostkege is small tne yuku) Pas “ui be also smalh hence Cone lasses re VOry small pence uisttradex peaks fuk load Curless for the waste trancfomrneo. TF Vse Ts the vetboge weypired tp - Gouode raked led estrents , then Zor=Voelty Also We 4; Roy herve Rar = 7? Xo ={Za- Rh . : Gn a Stake transfemmen sthere ge he faictfonal op windage losses . Hence nly lasses are font War and CU-loss, Cone ss o Toon los fndudes bath husleresis and eddy c Cond wos 4 reat tase ~ Because tne core Suu. {na tronsfeomen wetmains prodically, constant frm all loads (tks vautatton eng -4 40% percertt fom No ood to fyi lead), Mysenesis lass ts Wr= pre, f¥ wokt and eddy comment Wass AAle= PB ft well. “The losses ano weinSnized a usieg sted. oF high sibiem cavtonl for the come and by Using very thin Vasnfrahions. Toon on core \asves due ond ‘from OC lest, Coppestass “1s dite tn the ahenic. resistance tran sfomnee vvinding Mato) Cu lass = TVR) AIR, = 9) Ry #1 fRop , qt fs dee Aygh on-loss 19 (eoparbian oh te camenk’S soyatre op KYA". Cu-lyss ak half the full load is tme fourth a thal ok full od sik Ps fomd ab SC test, teinen tran former i6 Weel vith Creston primans vole, the secendany vthge decreases 05 {ts inlona) wesistance and Veckwo reactance, Let Np is seconds ee ae ae are | (ewer Te tr a Se EE terminal YoUlnge, ok noeload tick is -eqyols to +P, eK i= KM because ak vel pod impekonce “ is nepligihe 5 Vy Is the secondany \ovmnniaal allege alt full Wad, The change In eendary Jormainal vattaye finn notood sho full oad {0 OVa Vp, . This Jrarye divides by ea Knaus ‘vequlation Amon, but Tf divided Moy Vp thn FL ts known Os pequlahon up. emai Seven ‘esse = a x190 and oe Ny ‘A via ‘ups MD 5 ay9 Condusion $= “The most Important use of warfare “Ts +0 Wigher om Ypuses yolhoyo \euel 4 also tt prevents DC rem prosirg twwowgi it, olso tronsfremen is used ty jedlale dinails, ‘The transformer is the main veagen +49 foansmit ,distwbube power jy fe 5 DC distriation 15 too diffiudk os Tedoe ne work or DE Wecause freqpeny ta DC $5 0, To increase on decrease voltage Jaek Duck , boost convertens axe used. The cnment trensfepmer and. PoterKa). trangormer dso used poner system and in industry , References’ A. Basic Aedetcal ongineesing BL Thevajp, C5Chond), (Nel Z9, 2. Elecbie mochines 3 ASFAG HUSSAIN , RARBONY ASHFAQ — (Dhampot Reid Co) , 3. lechsicah smpsbiney + PS. Birbaon, Ckhenna pablishens),

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