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Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision


• What is Geography? /20 marks
• No Place Like Home /30 marks
• Carving Canyons, Making Mountains /25 marks
• Oceans and Continents
• States, Territories and Capitals
• Mountain Ranges
• Elements of a Map
• Legends
• Map Colours
• Map Reading
• Scales
• Area References
• Grid References
• Topographic Maps (Year 8 ONLY)
o Spot height
o Relief
o Aspect
o Contour Intervals
o River flow


• Exercise Book
• Text Book
• Activity Book
• What is Geography? Unit Test
• No Place Like Home Unit Test
• No Place Like Home Research Task
• A Tale of 2 Cities Case Study Booklet

1|Page Exam Outline

Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision

1. Define:
Geography: Geography is the study of places and the relationships between people and their


Physical Geography: The study of how the Earth was formed and how it continues to change.

Human Geography: The study of how people interact with the environment.

2. Write under each picture whether they would be the study of HUMAN GEOGRAPHY or

Human Physical

Physical Human

3. There are three dimensions in geography that all interact:

(1) Environment – processes that form and change environments, (2) Place – the uniqueness

and similarities of places, (3) Space – where things are located on the planet

2|Page What is Geography? Revision

Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision

4. Define:
Biophysical Environments: Environment dominated by natural landforms.

Managed Environments: Human-altered landscapes dominated by natural elements.

Constructed Environments: Landscape dominated with features created by humans.

5. What are the fives spheres of the biophysical environment?

Solar energy – the Sun, Lithosphere – rocks, Hydrosphere – water, Atmosphere – gases,

Biosphere – living things

6. Label each picture with the part of the biophysical environment being represented.

Lithosphere Atmosphere Solar Energy

Biosphere Hydrosphere Biosphere

3|Page What is Geography? Revision

Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision

7. Under each picture write whether it is a biophysical, managed or constructed


Managed Constructed Biophysical

Biophysical Constructed Managed

8. Describe each of the following maps:

Political: shows borders and cities

Physical – shows land and water features

Thematic – shows a particular theme and distribution of a chosen feature

Choropleth – uses shades of the same colour to illustrate changing values across an area

9. Look at the maps shown on the screen and identify them as being either political,
physical, thematic or a choropleth. The last map (Map G) is just for fun.
A Physical B Political C Choropleth
D Political E Thematic F Physical

4|Page What is Geography? Revision

Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision


1. Define:
Liveability: The qualities of a place that contribute to the quality of life experienced by those who

live or visit there

Quality of life: The happiness, well-being and satisfaction of a person.

Goods: A tangible (or touchable) thing that meets a human need

Services: A non-tangible good - this is, a good that cannot be touched, held, handled, looked at,

smelled or tasted

2. Give two examples of a good and a service.

Goods: Food, books, computers

Services: Healthcare, education

3. Your local council has just approved the building of a massive apartment block that will
include 2 floors for a shopping mall and 50 homes above it. Identify two positive and two
negative impacts that this development will have on your suburb.
Positives: More accommodation, more employment opportunities, increased access to shops.

Negatives: Increased traffic congestion, could impact asthetics (looks of the area)

4. Complete the table by listing environmental push and pull factors for an area.
Pull Factors Push Factors
Lifestyle Pollution
Aesthetics Congestion
Urban Design Climatic extremes
Special places Vulnerability to natural disasters
Climate Water Shortages
Recreational Spaces

5|Page No Place Like Home Revision

Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision

Look at the graphs on the slides to answer the following questions.

5. Which Australian cities are listed in the top ten by EIU?
Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth.

6. What continents are represented by nations in the top 10?

Australia, Europe, North America, Oceania

7. Finland are wanting to rise up the rankings. What could they improve to do so?
Culture and Environment, Education, Infrastructure

8. Melbourne and Vienna are only separated by 0.1 out of 100. What factor allowed
Melbourne to be ranked higher than Vienna?
Culture and Environment

9. What continents are represented by nations in the bottom 10?

Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania

10. Syria was ranked as the least liveable city. What measure should they focus on to
allow them to rise up the rankings?
Stability. It is the second lowest of all the cities and a stable city will allow for improvments in

healthcare, education and infrastructure.

11. Compare the top 10 cities from these three different companies. Explain the
differences between the top 10’s.
Each company places a different emphasis in its ranking system. Some focus on culture and

lifestyle while others on infrastructure, stability, healthcare or education. The focus is determined

by the interests of the company.

12. Define social connectedness.

Social connectedness is the amount that people come together and interact.

6|Page No Place Like Home Revision

Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision

13. What are some factors that impact social connectedness?

Culture, Religious beliefs, Age, Occupation, Income, Physical Disability

14. Identify 2 changes that have occurred to the city of Parramatta through its history.

15. Explain how that change has affected the liveability of Parramatta.

16. Identify two changes that can be made to your suburb,

17. Explain how this change will impact the liveability of your suburb.

7|Page No Place Like Home Revision

Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision


1. A geographer says, “If we were to go back 200 million years and draw a map of the
world, it would look very different to today’s map.” Explain why they would make such a
Is it believed that all the continents of the world were once joined as one supercontinent,

Pangaea. The movement of the plates, known as plate tectonics, caused the continents to

separate and move over the last 230 million years to where we see them today.

2. Label this diagram of the Earth’s structure. Include a brief description of each layer.
A Inner core: solid due to extreme
A pressure

B Outer core: Molten iron and nickel

C Mantle: Semi-molten rocks moving in

convection currents

D D Crust: Brittle crust varying in depth

from 5-50 km thick

3. Use the words from the box to label the different landscapes in the pictures.
Mountains Riverine Agricultural
Coastline Desert Built
Karst Tropical Rainforest

Coastline Karst Mountains

8|Page Carving Canyons,

Making Mountains Revision
Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision

Riverine Tropical rainforest Desert

Agricultural Built Coastline

4. Complete the table describing the different types of plate boundaries.

Name Movement Brief Description Diagram
Collision Convergent Neither plate can Draw a simple
move beneath the diagram to show plate
other. Both are pushed movement.
up to form mountains.

Destructive Convergent Denser crust moves Draw a simple

under less dense diagram to show plate
crust. Melts to form movement.

Constructive Divergent Plates move away from Draw a simple

each other, magma diagram to show plate
rises to form new crust movement.

Conservative Transform Plates moving past Draw a simple

each other diagram to show plate

9|Page Carving Canyons,

Making Mountains Revision
Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision

5. Complete the table describing the different ways mountains form.

Volcanic Mountains Fold Mountains Fault/Block Mountains
Magma rises to the surfaces Two plates at a collision When two faults are located
and cools. The cooled boundary push the rocks relatively close to each other,
magma creates layers of upwards to form mountains. the curst can be pushed
rock. upwards to form a mountain.

10 | P a g e Carving Canyons,
Making Mountains Revision
Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision


11 | P a g e Places Revision
Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision

Oceans (5) Continents (7) Mountain Ranges

Rocky Mountains
Atlas Mountains
Great Dividing Range
Andes Mountains

NOTE: You will need to know the names of the all the Oceans and Continents. The names of the Mountain Ranges will be given to you.

12 | P a g e Places Revision
Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision
State/Territory (8) Capital Cities (8)

NOTE: You will need to know the names of the states and Territories.

13 | P a g e Places Revision
Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision

1. What are the different elements included on maps?
Border, Orientation, Legend, Title, Scale, Source.

2. Look at the map on pages 1 and 2 of the sources book and label it with all the elements
of a map.
3. Use the map on pages 1 and 2 to answer the following questions.
a. How many times would you cross a river if you flew directly from Mercy Hospital to
Gateway Island? 1
b. What type of road goes around Horseshoe Lagoon? Vehicular Track
c. What landform feature does the state boundary follow? The Murray River
d. What is the state of the southern section of this map? Victoria
e. The landscape of the north-east corner of the map could best be described as … a
built up area.
f. If you were in the north-western corner of the map, what type of landscape would
you be in? Mountainous forest
g. Complete the table below by drawing the correct symbol in the space provided.
Fire Station Hospital Oil Post Office

h. Complete the table by putting the correct name above the symbol.
Neighbourhood safer
Police Station Helipad Public Hall

i. Use your ruler to write down the scale of the map. 1:33,333

14 | P a g e Skills Revision
Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision

j. Use the scale from this map to complete the table.

Object on map Size on map Size in real life
Straight line distance from
Albury Private Hospital (AR
10.3 cm 3.4 km
8907) to Mercy Hospital (AR
Straight line distance from
Albury Ambulance Station (AR
16 cm 5.3 km
9207) to Wodonga
Ambulance Station (AR 8902)
Straight line distance from
Union Bridge (AR 9105) to
6.5 cm 2.2 km
Lincoln Causeway (AR 9004)

k. What is located at:

i. Water feature in AR 9103: Wodonga Creek
ii. Landscape at AR 9206: Built up area
iii. Recreational area at AR 8903: Belvoir Park
iv. GR 921072: Ambulance Station
v. GR 895025: Fire Station
vi. GR 894077: Albury Private Hospital
l. Give the area references for:
i. Waites Park: AR 9206
ii. Albury Police Station: AR9207
iii. Horseshoe Lagoon: AR 8907
m. Give the grid references for:
i. Mercy Hospital: GR 924083
ii. Union Bridge: GR 915059
iii. The Mate Street Fire Station: GR 938087
n. What is the elevation of the trigonometric station in AR 9303? 168 metres
o. What is the elevation of the tank in AR 8903? 180 metres
p. What is the contour interval of the map? 10 metres

15 | P a g e Skills Revision
Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision

q. What is the aspect of the slope in AR 9008? South

r. What is the aspect of the slope at GR 951095? East
s. If you were standing in the creek at GR 899094, which direction would the creek
be flowing? West.
t. Describe the local relief of the land between Range Road and Hodge Street
(AR9109). The land slopes downwards.
u. Describe the local relief of the land between Wodonga Creek and the Murray
River. The land is very flat.
v. Give the grid reference of a very steep part of a mountain. Answers will vary.
4. Use the topographic map to create a cross section of the mountain along the line from A
to B.

5. What colours are used to describe features on a map?

Roads, buildings and
Water Rocks and land Vegetation
railway lines
Blue Brown Green Red/Black

16 | P a g e Skills Revision
Year 8 Geography Semester 1 Revision

6. The scale on a map is measured to be 5cm representing 4km. What is the scale of the
map? 1:80000
7. The scale on a map is measured to be 10cm representing 60km. What is the scale of the
map? 1:80000
8. The scale on a map is measured to be 4cm representing 64km. What is the scale of the
map? 1:80000
9. The scale on a map is measured to be 3cm representing 24km. What is the scale of the
map? 1:80000

10. Colour this map with the basic colours used to describe features on a map.

17 | P a g e Skills Revision

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