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The words of God preserved in Spanish

Readers have long known of problems in the Spanish Bible. The beloved Reina-Vale
ra was based on the Textus Receptus (TR) used by the early church but Valera him
self said corrections were still needed. Revisions including the RV 1909 and 196
0 were supposed to fix the problems, but instead added liberal readings changing
God’s words.

After years of work, the Reina-Valera Gómez (RVG) Bible is finally available. A tr
ue, “Textus Receptus” Bible, the RVG has been proofread and refined by Spanish-speak
ing Christians in 13 countries. This revision of the RV 1909 is the first Spanis
h Bible that is not the product of a small committee.
Dr. Rex Cobb, of Baptist Bible Translators Institute, compared the RVG with othe
r common Spanish Bibles to see how many times they departed from the traditional
text (the TR). Here are the results:
*The 1569 departed from the TR 75 times
*The 1602 departed from the TR 57 times.
*The 1862 departed from the TR 118 times.
*The 1865 departed from the TR 28 times.
*The 1909 departed from the TR 122 times.
*The 1960 departed from the TR 191 times.
*The 2001 departed from the TR 69 times.
*The RVG departed from the TR ZERO times.
Read more about the differences.
Spanish Bible Comparison Chart
Question: What do you mean when you say that the Reina-Valera-Gomez 2010 Bible (
RVG-2010) is God s perfect words?
Features include:
A 119-page concordance.
Easy-reading typeface. (See a sample)
It is the first Bible in Spanish not to be prepared by a small committee.
The text was revised and corrected by Christians in 13 countries.
It agrees 100% with the Textus Receptus.

Chick Publication s Endorsement of the RVG

For years, we at Chick Publications wrestled with which Spanish Bible version we
should use in our tracts for Spanish-speaking people because we found problems
with all of them.
A few years ago one Spanish Bible version was sent to us, claiming to have fixed
the corrupt Alexandrian errors. We almost went with it, but when we sent a copy
to our professional Spanish translators, to our dismay, they found numerous mis
takes. I was crestfallen.
At that point I despaired of finding a Spanish Bible that was as true in form an
d meaning to God’s preserved Greek and Hebrew as the King James is in English.
But a couple of years ago, missionaries began encouraging us to consider the Rei
na-Valera Gómez (RVG) Bible. They were so polite and godly in their correspondence
that we ordered some copies. Then I asked our Spanish translators and various o
ther Spanish speakers to read them and give me their thoughts, as I checked my c
opy of the RVG.
The results were quite positive. Brother Humberto was humble enough to correct t
he few errors we found at that earlier stage. "After all," he said, "it is not m
y Bible." That has been his attitude in all the time I have come to know him.
It is exciting that Brother Gómez spent several years cleaning up the text, in con
junction with other Bible-believers in thirteen countries. Even when Brother Gómez
only had a draft copy, the people received the RVG2004 as the best Bible they h
ad ever seen, and offered themselves to help in the proofreading process.
In this way many Christians were able to read and re-read the RVG2004 and show h
im anything that still needed to be corrected to match God s preserved words. No
w the process has been completed. The RVG2010 is the result of over five years o
f careful review from many qualified scholars and Bible-believers of all sorts.
All these Christians have seen that the form of Spanish communicates well in all
those diverse countries, without bias or misunderstanding. The product of Gómez’ wo
rk, checked by those countless brothers and sisters under his leadership, is cal
led the Reina-Valera Gómez Bible.
We were overjoyed. As a result, we at Chick Publications worked hard to change t
he scriptures in our Spanish tracts to use the RVG2010. And any future Spanish l
iterature from Chick Publications will also quote the RVG2010.
In short, I fully and enthusiastically endorse the Reina-Valera Gómez Bible as God’s
preserved words in Spanish.
David W. Daniels
Research Consultant
For more information about the Reina-Valera-Gomez, God s preserved words in Span
12 Reasons Why Support for the RVG Bible Continues to Grow Despite the Complaint
s of Calvin George
Why I Support the Reina Valera Gomez Bible, by Dr. Phil Stringer

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