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Personal Development

Quarter 2: Module 11 Activities

Activity No. 1: My social group (Page 11)

Think of any group, club or organization that you have joined even in the past three years. Explain its
nature, relevant activities that you always do and the benefits of being a member of that group. It
can be a school organization or church group that has a positive impact on your life. Do this in the
format below:

Answer the following questions:

1. Why is it necessary for us to participate in social activities?
2. What are the characteristics of being a good leader? Do you think you possess those
characters? Why?

3. How does understanding group membership and leadership improve your social relationships?

Activity No. 2: Good Leader, Good Follower (Page 12)

Direction: Write two short conversations or script, one involving being a good follower
and one involving being a good leader.
Activity No. 3: Survey on Relationships (Page 12)
This activity is all about personal assessment on your relationship with people close to
you or people that surround you for you to know if you are growing in that kind of
people surrounding you and what to improve when you are with them. Mark the
column √ to your corresponding answer then total your score on each category.

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