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Part I

1. Fill in the blanks with the correct words.

a. A………………………. (Bear / Giraffe) eats both plants and flesh of
other animals.
b. If you see an injured person, you should immediately call for
…………………… ( an adult / the fire engine)
c. ………………………………… (Silk and jute / Silk and nylon) are
natural fibers.
d. A good house should have …………………………. (Windows / wire
nettings) to keep insects away.
e. ……………………..(Humus / Soil) is formed by breaking down of
f. Farmers add ……………………. (manure / water) to the soil to make it
g. ……………………….. (Air / Wind) is trapped between the particles of
h. Water ……………………. (condenses / evaporates) to form water
i. Most animals feel the changes around them using
their…………………… (sense organs / hands)
j. The ………………………. (leaf / flower) is called the kitchen of the

( 10 marks)

2. Match correctly

a. Plants Milk
b. Friend of farmers Goat
c. Air holes Oxygen
d. Fibrous root Gills
e. Tap root Butterfly
f. Domestic animal Box
g. Fish Earth worm
h. Solid Mango tree
i. Liquid Stomata
j. Gas Rice
( 10 marks)

3. Write the correct name

a. Animal that chew the cud ……………………………………………

b. The immediate help given to an injured person is
c. A material that are obtained from plants and animals is
d. Fibers which made by people known as ……………………………….
e. Animal wastes that is mixed with soil to help plants grow well is known
f. Water changes into water vapour and rises in the air is called
g. The steam which cool down and change into tiny water droplets is
h. Cockroaches, Grasshoppers have special body part to help them to feel
changes, this is called ………………………………………………….
i. Eyes, Ears, Nose, Tongue and Skin are called
j. Living things produce more of their own kind. This is called
( 10 marks)
4. Identify the following pictures and name them.
…………………. …………………... …………………………

……………………………………………… …………………………………………………………

( 5 marks)

5. Label the layers of soil correctly.

6. Label the parts of plants

7. Label the Change of states of water using below words.

Evaporation, Freezing, Condensation, Melting

Part II

Answer the following questions.

1. Form a food chain with the following – Leopard, Plant, Rabbit

2. Write any five rules to stay safe at home.
3. Why don’t plants move from place to place?
4. How can we be safe on the road? Give any five rules.
5. Why do we need a house?
6. How is soil formed from rocks?
7. How would you show that soil contains water?
8. How would you show that soil contains air?
9. Write five features of living things.
10.Give three uses of roots?
11.Give 2 examples for solid, liquid and gases.
Solid …………………………………………………………………………….
Liquid ……………………………………………………………………………
Gas ………………………………………………………………………………
12.Write 2 difference between solid and liquid.

(50 marks)

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