Virtual Job Shadow 1

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Virtual Job Shadow

1) Freelance Product Design Consultant: khanacademy/careers

- A product designer who is not associated with one particular
company, instead numerous companies consult for designing a
product of their company.
2) User Experience Researcher: khanacademy/careers
- Collaborates with Product Designers and Engineers, providing
them the informations about the users of a product.
3) Chef de cuisine: khanacademy/careers
- Oversee any type of kitchen operation, known as Head Chef
I chose the first two occupations because it was related to what I
would want to do in the future and the third job was the one I was
normally interested and wanted learn more about.
Freelance Product Design Consultant
- Freelance Product Design Consultant, does product designing for
companies that have consulted.
- The salary varies a lot, but $120k for designer in the video.
- Majoring in product design, graphic design, or industrial design
can help.
- I felt it was very interesting, that this job requires great social
skills(communication). Since the job requires to work with other
companies, you need to negotiated a lot on money as well as
designing the product.
- I think this career is very related and similar to what I want to
do and this job shadow was really helpful to me.
- A question that I had but weren’t answered in the video was “
How do companies get to know you and ask for consulting, are
there a website about it?
User Experience Researcher
- A job that researches about the users and user experience.
Collaborates with designers and developers.
- Many companies who hire this job are tech companies like
google, facebook, microsoft, etc.
- Salary is about 112k for the researcher in the video, but goes up to
401k with bonuses and stock option
- The part that I didn’t know and even the researcher didn’t know
before starting the job was that it requires real good social skills
communication and it takes about 30% of the entire job, since the
job works with many people.
- Most have a Master’s degree in psychology and computer science.
Some have Phd.
- How is it different from a UX/UI designer?
- This occupation is also similar to the career I want to pursue,
which is product design and it requires UX a lot, so I think I would
definitely consider about this job as well.
Chef de cuisine

- The head chef who manages all types of kitchen operations from
menu development to dishwashing.
- The job is similar to conducting an orchestra where everything needs
to be in right timing and making sure everyone in the kitchen is
doing their job properly.
- Salary varies depending on the size of the restaurant, but the chef
from the video earns 75k per year.
- Education in culinary school can help, but many start from the
bottom of a restaurant to become chef de cuisine.
- It was surprising that there are so many operations to take care of
kitchen, which I thought the only operation was cooking.
- How do get chosen to be the Chef de cuisine, by the owner?
- This occupation was the one that I have always wanted to research
about since I didn’t know much about the jobs happening in a
restaurant. But I don’t think will go into a career related to this job.
Future career
- I think of the 3 jobs that I researched I think I would most fit
and would like to be freelance product design consultant. I like
to work with many different projects and I want to do product
design in the future, so I think this occupation would really fit in
my life.
- User Experience researcher is also one of the jobs that I have
considered and I think it will be interesting to work as that job,
since it’s still related to UX/UI.
- Although I am not considering on becoming a chef, I think it fits
on what I like to do which is to make.

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