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Name : Rismawati

NIM : 18301104
Class : 3C
Front Part Of The Body

The head Function

Hair To protect the scalp from sunburn and cold
Nose (Nasal) To help with breathing
Eye Sense of sight, to see objects far and near
Mouth (Oral) As a place for the entry of food and ai
Chin Protects the lower jaw
Ear As a hearing aid
Cheek Protect the organs in the mouth
Neck (cervical) Connecting the body to the skull and chest to
support the head

Parts of body Fuction

Chest Protects the chest organs from injury; organs of
the lungs, heart, liver
Stomach (abdominal) To cover the digestive organs
Shoulder To support the neck or the tools used to move
the arms
Arm (bracial) Form the bulletjoint with the leverage bone and
the hinge joint with the cubit bone
Wrist To assist the movement of the fingers, and to
connect the fingers and hands so they can be
used for normal activities.
Fingers To grab or hold onto something
Shin to connect the knees and ankles and to support
the muscles in the leg area.
Thigh To support our feet when walking, this is
because the thighbone is the largest bone in the
human body.
Ankle As a link between the lower leg bones of the
forearm to the sole of the foot and to allow for
up and down movement of the leg, because
there is a hinge joint.
Toes Help the body when walking, running or
standing, so that the body remains balanced and
does not fall, the toes also continue to adjust
and change so that the body remains balanced
and does not fall.
Knee To bend the leg so that the leg can stand, sit,
walk and all human needs, without the knee,
people will be confused in everything.

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