The Mean of All Yields Are Equal. Not All Means Are Equal Ii) Level of Significance

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Q. 3 A researcher has carried out the following Latin square design.


The data above refer to unit sales.

Ai = Shelf height
i,j,k = 1,2,3,
Bj = Number of racings
Ck = Shelf fullness

a) Test the hypothesis that no significant differences exist among sales responses due
to shelf height, number of facings, and shelf fullness.
b) Write the complete Latin square model for this problem.
H 0 The mean of all yields are equal.
H 1Not all means are equal
ii) Level of significance
∝ = 0.05

iii) Test-statistics
MS Treatment
MS error

iv) Calculations

B1 B2 B3 B4 Bi B2i ∝ xi 2i

A1 13 16 16 14 59 3481

(169) (256) (256) (196) 877

A2 9 17 20 20 66 4356

(81) (289) (400) (400) 1170

A3 14 19 17 21 71 5041
(196) (361) (289) (441) 1287

A4 15 17 18 19 69 4761

(225) (289) (324) (361) 1199

T.j 51 69 71 74 256 17639 4533

T . j2 2601 4761 5041 5476 17879

∝ xij 2 671 1159 1269 1398 4533 Check

C.F = ¿ ¿
= 4389.06

Total SS = Ʃi Ʃj xij2 – C.F

= 4533-4389.06

= 143.94

Ʃ jT. j2
Treatment SS = – C.F

= – 4389.06

= 4469.75-4389.06

= 80.69

Ʃ i Bi 2
Block SS = – C.F
Block SS = – 4389.66

Block SS = 4409.75-4389.66

Error SS = Total SS - (Treatment S.S + Block SS)

= 143.94 - (80.69+ 20.69)

= 143.94 – 101.38

Source of variation D.F Sum of Mean square Computed

squares F
Blue treatment 3 80.69 26.89
Between treatment 3 20.69 6.896 26.89
F= 6.896
= 3.899
Error 12 42.56

v. Critical Region:
F > F 0.05 (3, 12) = 3.49
vi. Conclusion:
Since, the computed value F= 3.899 lie in critical region, so we reject our
null hypothesis.

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