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Coronavirus: Guidelines for shared


In shared accommodation such as student apartments where a number of people live
in close contact, there is a potential risk of coronavirus being transmitted. It is
therefore important for all residents to minimise this risk through carefully targeted

Medical background
The infection known as Coronavirus Disease 2019, or "COVID-19" for short, is
caused by the SARS coronavirus-2 (also known as the “new” coronavirus). COVID-
19 usually manifests itself through coughing, fever and breathing difficulties, with
additional symptoms possible. According to the Federal Office of Public Health
(FOPH) and the World Health Organization (WHO), transmission occurs particularly
through close and prolonged contact. This is defined as contact with an infected
person for more than 15 minutes at a distance of less than 1.5 metres. In addition,
infection is possible through droplets or via surfaces.

Recommendations for communal living

The main rules to apply here are the general hygiene recommendations issued by
the FOPH to prevent possible spread. The latest rules (as of 1 September 2020)
- Wash your hands frequently, using liquid soap wherever possible.
- Cough or sneeze into a tissue, or failing that into the crook of your arm.
Carefully dispose of all tissues in sealed bins.
- Avoid touching your face with your hands.
- Do not shake hands with anyone.
- Regularly wipe down all surfaces and door handles in the kitchen, bathroom,
WC and living room (normal household cleaning agents are sufficient).

Safety, Security, Health and Environment


- Maintain a distance of 1.5 metres

- Wear a facemask if this distance cannot be maintained.
In addition, the ETH Coronateam has issued the following guidelines for shared
- Remind all residents to wash their hands immediately they return home.
- With communal activities and meals, do not share plates, cutlery, glasses, etc.
- Make sure all rooms are aired regularly.
- If anyone shows symptoms of an infection: inform all residents and take
immediate precautions (see below).
- Make sure you have stocks of tissues and liquid soap.

Measures to take if a resident has a confirmed case of coronavirus

The FOPH gives clear recommendations on their website about the measures to take
if a confirmed case of SARS-CoV-2 occurs in a household. The most important ones
are listed below (status: 1 September 2020). In any event, always consult your GP or
the cantonal medical service.
- If the symptoms are only mild, the infected person may stay at home, but
always in self-isolation (see the relevant FOPH information sheet). Self-
isolation means they must avoid all physical contact with other people as
much as possible.
- Wherever possible, the infected person must stay in their room.
- The infected person should not share plates, cutlery, towels or similar with
other residents. If possible, they should use a separate bath and toilet. If this is
not possible, surfaces must be wiped down with household cleaning agents
after every use.
- Any interaction between the infected person and others should be kept to the
minimum possible. In addition, a distance of at least two metres should always
be maintained between people.
- Self-isolation ends after a symptom-free period of 48 hours, as long as at least
10 days have passed since the original symptoms first started.
- All residents sharing the accommodation with the infected person should self-
quarantine for five days after the diagnosis (see the relevant FOPH
information sheet). During this time, all contact with other persons should be
- The infected person, as well as all their fellow residents, should monitor their
health and phone their GP or the cantonal medical service if their condition

Quarantine measures in households (return from a high-risk area or initial

contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19)

Safety, Security, Health and Environment


FOPH provides clear guidance on their website about self-quarantine. It is important

to follow the instructions of the cantonal contact tracer. The main points are
summarised below:
- Stay in your room and keep the door closed. Eat meals by yourself in your
- Avoid any visits and contacts and only leave the room if absolutely necessary.
- Keep a distance of at least 1.5 metres from other people in your household if
you must leave your own room.
- Wash your hands regularly.
- Use your own bathroom. If this is not possible, clean all amenities (shower,
toilet, washbasin) after each use with a standard household disinfectant.
- Do not share household items such as crockery, glasses, cups or kitchen
utensils with other people. Wash these items after use in the dishwasher or
thoroughly by hand, using washing-up liquid.
- Do not share towels or bed linen with other people. Wash your clothes, bed
linen and towels regularly in a washing machine.

Action to take on suspected cases in shared accommodation

If a person in shared accommodation shows symptoms of a coronavirus infection, but
the infection is unconfirmed, suitable precautions need to be taken. Contact your GP
or the cantonal medical service to discuss the individual measures to be taken.

- All residents should minimise their contact with the sick person.
- All surfaces that have been touched or used by the sick person should be
wiped down afterwards.
- If possible, the sick person should use separate utensils (plates, cutlery, etc.)
and towels.

Links to more information

FOPH: Recommendations regarding self-isolation and self-quarantine 
FOPH: Protect yourself and others 
FOPH: What to do in the event of symptoms and possible infection

Status: 02.09.2020

Safety, Security, Health and Environment

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