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While sitting down at your computer one day doing whatever, you suddenly hear a massive explosion coming

from your
backyard followed by a small earthquake. You rush outside to find what you can only describe as a drop-pod from some sci-fl
game sitting in a small crater in the middle ofyour property. As you slowly approach it, the pod lights up and scans you with
an aqua blue beam.


The pod's scanner deactivates and a holographic computer screen appears on the surface of the object

Before you can folly process exactly what is happening, you hear several loud explosions coming from above you. You look
up and see more pods exactly like the one in front ofyou falling from the sky. A voice in the back ofyour head says that it
might be a good idea to use this computer right about now.

Welcome to Armored Descent, a revised, grittier, stand-alone TRPG version of the

Power Armor CYOA. It is not a CYOA. It is a Tabletop game. Grab your dice.

When the PA-CYOA invariably broke from /tg/'s own CYOA threads and began spiraling out of control, I found
an opportune enviroment to try my hand at fiddling with tabletop mechanics and ideas.
Every idiot tries to design their dream game from the get go. They rush in to a field they have very little under-
standing about, and end up having to redo, retweak, and remake tons of effort simply because they jumped the
This is not my dream game.
This is my playground. My experiment gone astray.

It has been made, redesigned, reforged and tweaked to high and low. As I progressed and recognized the type of
mechanics I wanted to incorporate, I realised the original system I used, the d20 system, wasn't working. It
ended up taking a lot of special rules just to do what I wanted the system to allow players to do.
So I learned. I examined other types of dice games. I remembered playing Mouse Guard and Shadowrun.
Welcome to the d6 revision.

. '
' «Intro 1
About the Book ................................ 4 Co111t:>at.......................................... 2!5
Character Creation .................. .. ...... 6 The Basics ........ ................ ................ ................ ..25
Suit Variants ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ 7 Movement Actions and Opposing Actions .... .....26
Attributes ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ .....8 Intercepts and other Special Actions ...... ........ ....27
Variant Additives ....... ............ .... ........ ........ ........ ..9 Region Map ... .......... ...... ...... .... .... .... .. .. ........ ....... 28
Construct Forms ................................................. 10 Drone Rules ... ........ .... .... ........ ........ ........ ........ ..... 29
Construct Variants .... ........ ................ ........ ........ .. 11 War Emergency Power....................................... 30

Suit Modules ........... .. ..................... 13 Scrap Market (NOT AVAILABLE) ..... 22

User Interface ....... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ...... 13 Scrap and You ..................................................... 22

Defensive Addons ........ ................ ........ ........ ...... 14 Progression Items .............................................. .23
Locomotion ....... ........ ................ ...... .. ........ ....... .. 15 Fused Weaponry.. ........ ........ ................ ........ ....... 25
Additional Addons ............................................. 16
Offensive Weapons .... .... .... ........ ........ ........ ........ 18

Pilot Creation ................................. 20

Base Stats .. ........ ........ ...... .. ........ ........ ...... .. ........ .20
Skills and Checks ... ........ ........ .... .... .... .... .... .... ....21
Traits and Optional Rules ..... ........ ........ ........ ......22

Pil<>t Rules ...................................... 23

Basics and Conditions ....................................... .23
Pilots in Combat/Physical and Social.. ... ........... 24
Optional Rules ......... ........ ........ ........ ........ ........ ..24

· .
« 'Td le of Contents 2
The Out-of-Combat Experience:
From the Author: So combat is all point expendatures for PC's. How is out of
combat? This is where the Pilot system, which uses STAT+SKILL
Welcome to Armored Descent. My name is unimportant, but if you
basis, comes in.
need an alias, 'HardTarget' or 'Wolfrie' will do. Welcome to my mistake
When you make a character, you will have two 'entities' closely
of many nights with little sleep, and frustration. There's a few things I'll
tied together: A suit of power armor, and a pilot. Your suit is your
prepare you about regarding the book so you can take a snippet of the
combat machine, unless you end up on the wrong side of an
info without having to dig in to figure out all the hard mechanics.
engagement while outside of it. Your pilot is your character, and
This game uses a 2d6 base 3 system. What this means is you need two,
what they can and cannot do is based on their stats, and skills.
6 sided dice; what base 3 means will be explained in a later section.
Every time you want to try an action, the GM will give you a
Everything, and I mean everything, is done with these 2d6. From
base threshold of what it would require: This can be a base stat
combat to social encounters, enviroment checks and general actions, you
level that must be met, and/or a pre-requisite knowledge
will need a pair of d6. A lot of the game is simplified to two, basic
level/skill level. If your character matches the threshold or can
systems: A PPS, or Point Purchase System, and a base STAT+SKILL
beat it, you can perform that action. If the result you're looking
system. The PPS is for combat, and the STAT+SKILL is for everything
for takes time, you do multiples of that action to figure out how
long it takes you to achieve it. It's that easy.
These can also be contested, depending on what is happening;
The Combat Experience: you won't do your action or set of actions as well if you're being
fired upon! If you have a set of actions that are contested, your
Combat has always been an area of a pet peeve for me in tabletops. It's result will be either brought down, or something will mess up
either done really well, or really badly. Either from convolution of rules, what you are doing to a degree. It will never fully impede your
time taken to finish a turn, or lack of indepth explanation leaving action, but just make it harder to do or give you a loop, decided
ambiguity, combat in games can be sluggish, boring, or absolute twaddle. by the GM.
So here's how combat works. You want to move? Spend some points. All STAT+SKILL based actions are used to determine anything
You want to attack? Spend some points. Getting the picture now? out of combat. This can be enviromental checks, social
Every 'suit' , or power armor that a pilot may have will have different encounters, or any action you can think of. This is the system to
values of three points: AP, MP, and EP. AP is your point pool for do things and handle the world around you.
attacking; think of AP like PP from pokemon, but with differing costs
depending on the attack. MP is for movement/evasion/a special attack Character Generation:
clause, and EP is for surviving the blow when it hits. Making your character can end up a bit more indepth than other
This may seem asinine, but trust me, it makes a lot more sense as tabletop games. Commonly the main focus is the power armor,
complicated actions get whittled down. As an example, how do you and the pilot of the power armor; this may change depending on
handle someone who wants multiple attacks? Or to buffer their attack to supplimentary content.
do more? Simple, make them spend more points. It's that stupidly easy. The power armor, or 'suit' is all point buy. You get a set
Movement also has an overhaul. You want to move? Declare a type of amount, and reduce from that pool until you're all out and you got
action, and spend the points. You want to make another movement or a suit to roll with. Keep in mind, suits are not generally
move further? Spend more points. Same with dodging attacks, bracing pussy-footed machines; suits are meant for combat and don't be
against them, and more. surprised if you're building for it. This seperation helps to check
that everyone can make some performance in a combat situation.
As well, combat has a very special PvPvE ruling: Everything you can The pilot is a bit different. Stats and skills determine your
do, so can your GM. In-lore, a 'suit' or power armor is not something aptitude. A pilot could be an ace repairman, or an ex-pilot. Maybe
only PC's have access to; NPC's can be suitted up as well. Using the an old hiker fanatic who has learned one too many lessons on how
same character creation rules, a GM can make an enemy NPC unit that is to keep yourself hydrated. In any case, your pilot is your
derived from the same formula as a player's character is made from. specialization for the enviroment and out of combat.
PvE is also special: it's a wargame hosted by the GM. Rather than This means you will have to take some time and set up
miniatures, though, large swarms of enemies (often in the size of tens, or basically two seperate 'things', or 'entities', that you will keep
even hundreds of tokens) can represent huge armies the GM can throw at track of. Don't fret, once you're done you'll have everything you
you, the players. This will hopefully make combat a lot more intriguing need. Instead of hunting for equipment or abilities, you'll get it
for you than the typical kobold dungeon crawl of other tabletops. right while you're doing unit generation for these two.

· . ) «' bout The Book 3

Suppliments: Rule Zero:
I'm not talking about your medicine cabinet, I'm talking additional As a last note, this book is also meant as a toolkit. It does not
content that might be packed on as extra to the book. These aren't have any associated backstory or campaign aside a
required to enjoy the game, but you might find them to emich your game. non-mandatory official campaign listed in a seperate book that
If they don't, throw them out. gives highlights to particular factions, individuals, and events.
That campaign can be tossed or modified as you wish. As it is,
Playing the Game: you always follow rule zero.
Rule Zero is simple, and a /tg/ favorite.
This is more a roleplayer bit and is more ranty, so don't feel bad if you
skip over this section. I'd recommend you at least read it once though. "Roleplay ing games are entertainment; your goal as a group
There's an article I once read regarding the '11 ways to be a better is to make your games as entertaining as possible. "
roleplayer' , since there's always GM tips but no player tips. I really liked
the article, it touched on a lot of issues, and if you've read it you already Sometimes, this means breaking the game or rules. Sometimes,
know what I'm about to touch on. If you haven't, I ask that you do at it means reworking the setting or story to something new. The
some point; it's quite impressive. simple answer is, even with an official campaign and rule set,
First off, as the article says, do stuff. Do stuff. I can't stress this point there is no feasible manner to account for every potential change
more than anything. You can have a timid and shy character, you can be to background or houserule a group or GM might use. Everything,
the silent protag, but for the love of all that is holy, do stuff while at the and I mean absolutely everything, should be seen as guidelines.
table. There is very few books that are perfect at tricking players into The Fae, the equivalent of aliens, are a big point in this.
roleplay naturally (I've heard things regarding Burning Wheel, I admit I Arguements have spanned during AD's creation for ages on if
have yet to try it), and it's up to you to put forth some effort. Go out, try they should be Tolkien-elf alikes from space, or some entirely
things, and don't be afraid when they backfire. Embrace failure as new species. Should they be actively trying to help Earth, to
development, not as a mishap. which the pods fell, or sit back silently? Were they even the ones
Second off, this is not your character's story. This is the tale of the who dropped the pods in the first place? The answer is, we can
group's characters and their interactions together. Anyone who goes only provide a potential answer for you. Your group is free to take
to /tg/ will be able to list the tales of horrific 'That Guy's who completely the interpretation from the campaign and either change it at your
mess the game up for the group. Don't be That Guy. Don't become a That leisure, or throw it flat out the window and start from scratch.
Guy. Play with the group, and don't be afraid for your character to stick If something feels wrong or off, you are free to change it and
their necks out a little for their allies. I can list horror stories I've gone rework it. The only warning that can be given is the book can
through from people who were so entwined on their own character, they only support campaign changes. If you houserule changes to the
forgot to pay attention to the big picture (You ever hear of a character core ruleset, such as how combat works or a particular weapon,
who openly leaves a combat area and leaves his party hanging? I've had the book cannot account for what level of balance or function that
it happen). Don't be That Guy, this is not your character's story. This is will have. The book only gives a solid, semi-balanced guideline to
the tale told about all the characters, and their interactions together. So work from; any and all changes you make on your own are
interact, and stick together unless you absolutely must seperate! something you, as a player, GM, or as part of your group have to
Finally, don't negate, extrapolate. I admit I've taken to that little rhyme, account for yourselves.
but it's a brilliant one. By the end of the day, we feed off the drama of Beyond that, go out and have fun. Use the book as a guideline,
conflicts and conflicting viewpoints. It's okay if your character wouldn't not a strict absolute, and have a blast. If you find something
like it if that big Superheavy pilot mauled the informant for incorrect breaks that you added, step back and look back at the original
information, but it can open up new realms of possibilities. Unless their rules to get an idea of the balance. If something in the campaign is
actions are interfering with the pacing or mood of the game, don't be creating paradoxes or confusion, jump back to the primary
afraid to let someone else at the table do something your character would campaign to get an idea of how factions and events can affect
prefer they didn't. each other. The book is here to guide you, and help as it can as a
So that's the rant. Play the game. Play it, play with your friends, play toolkit for you to use. So use the tools given to you, and make a
with the people at the table. Don't sit back, cross your arms, and ask to be damn good time for everyone!
entertained. You are the actor as much as anyone else, so start acting.

· . ) «' bout The Book 4

J:h+e+ ~~~~ 1 [~ Why It Matters:]]
I + +

So you're about to progress through the book, but you'll n.eed one final
So why go through all the trouble just for a better result average? It's
more than just for the player to get an easy-to-calculate chance where
bit of knowledge before you go on: The game uses two special terms, they can presume they'll roll mostly 2's with a couple of l's, O's and 3 's
both in the PPS/Point Purchase System for combat, and STAT+SKILL thrown in. It's also a huge balance calculator that simplifies a lot of things
system for non-combat: AS and DV. for GM's and for the game itself:
AS is Assured Successes, these are as they seem: a flat value you are You might notice that there are weapons that have very high DV, where
granted. DV is technically "Dice Variance", but can be called Damage there are those with much better AS. Tue balance is they are inferred on
Variation depending on if it's for combat. DV is where the. 2d6 come ~n. the basis of this probability: Those with higher DV, on average of a roll of
No matter what you do, you will often pair AS and DV mto one act10n; 2, do better damage than their AS counterparts. Conversely, on lower
this can be an attack, a social action, enviromental check, or o.ther rolls such as 1 or o, will do less damage. They're comparable to gambling

undescribed action out of combat. AS+DV =Result. The key is how DV with the dice gods: you could have amazing good rolls and great damage,

[ Base 3:
works, which is on the Base 3 system. or you could end up doing far, far less. Weapons with high AS , on the
other hand, will often do a very good baseline reg~d~ess of their rolls, but
can still fluctuate depending. It's up to you to decide if you want to
. gamble with the gods, or take the safer route.
Armored Descent is a bit different from other systems by focusmg o~ a For non-combat uses, specifically in STAT+SKILL, a GM can
single pair of dice. Where D&D and other d20's only often use one (with 'approximate' how difficult any action or even set of actions might be by
exception of 5th ED. which uses a second one on ~dvanta~e or . using the average ofDV coupled with AS. This makes it very simple to
disadvantage), or Shadowrun and Mouseguard which use mcreasmg fmd out how 'hard' something is to complete. It also means that if you
number of dice, AD uses a simple 2d6 probability die~ ~ool akin to equal exactly that, you will have a slightly improved chance of
Settlers of Katan, but with treating the highest probability roll (7) as a completing it in comparison to failing it; in the case of timed actions, you
baseline and detra~ting froi_n there. ., . . have a good chance of fmishing in a designated timed length versus not.
This may be a bit confusmg to many at first, but it s rather qmte simple.
Treat 7 as your baseline (Base of 3), and for the difference between your
So, in short: It's a system that, in the beginning is a bit more difficult to
roll and 7, reduce by the difference. So, rolling 5 is only 2 away from 7,
grasp, in the long run provides a very simple way of figuring out how to
so 3 - 2 = 1. Hence, 5 is a value of 1. As you practice, it'll be easy to
calculate a huge variety of scenarios. It also means weapons are a lot
instantly swap the rolled value for it's difference from the base. You
more interesting as you can determine if you want to have a
rolled a 6? Well that's 1 away, so the result is 2! Simple as that.
high-potential weapon or a weapon that you can easily depend on.
Obviously, negatives wouldn't make sense, so you just reroll those.

Hence why 2/3/11/12 results are re-rolled, they're far away enough that
they're negative!
So, why would a 2d6 system be used when it could be reduced to say, a
ld4 system? The answer: Probability. A ld4 would give each option an
Visual Aid: r]
Of course, sometimes a visual guide is easier to understand than words
equal chance. In 2d6 base 3, the pair of 6/8, or a result of 2 is the most on paper. Here are a couple of visual guides that should help and that
likely, 5/9 rolls or result of 1 is second most likely, and 7/4/10, or results you can reference or use to better grasp the idea of the 2d6 Base 3
of 3 and Oare almost identical (When rounded to the nearest integer of system that AD uses:
percentage). It skewers rolls a bit more in favor of desirable outcomes, .
and helps internal balance of weapons (All weapons are balanced on their
"average" damage, or their DV * 2 ). ::J
D §
Alright, that's a lot of words. Let's simplify that: D D
2 re-roll
1:....:1 r::i D Cl. §
Result of 3: 3/18 probability
D D B B ::J
Result of 2: 5/18 probability 5
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Result of 1: 4/18 probability 7 3
Result of O: 3/18 probability 8 2
n n 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 n n
This produces a rather interesting curvature that means, on average, 11 re-roll 0 r::i Cl. D.
you will roll a result higher than the value average (1.5). Often, you roll a
12 re-roll B B r::i Cl. 9 8 9 3 :::1
result of 2. Sometimes, a result of 1. And there is equal chance you either D 0 r::i Cl. D
~ Cl. Cl. Cl. Cl. Cl.
do well, or poor (result of 3 or 0).
0 r::i Cl. D.
This result, whatever you get, is multiplied by the DV value. So, if you D. D. D. D.
have 2 DV, and roll a result of 2, that is 4; 3DV with result of 3 is 9, etc.

- .
(~dditional Options]J
Beyond the prior listed options, there are no required choices
Creating your 'suit' , or more affectionally known as power armor by beyond this point; All the options now available are up to the
diehard enthusiasts, is a lengthy and indepth process. To help speed player to decide to use or not, utilizing the point-buy system.
things along general description stuff has been taken away from the Even if a choice requires no resources, players are not required
crunch area and basic descriptions are put here, so that players can speed nor forced to take it; if you do, it's quiet essentially a freebie.
through the options without huge descriptions in the way. However, it is Options range from utility options, biological changes,
recommended you read this page before going forward if it is your first defensive measures, to locomotion, weapons and targetting
time creating a character. You start generally with 250 Resources. systems and more.

[~uit Variants ]J
Every suit must choose a "variant", or a general basis of how a suit will
Defensive measures generally help one survive, either against
the enviroment or combatants. Generally, players should grab a
couple if possible.
Locomotion is mostly self explanatory, as it modifies how
build up. From mesh suits which are extremely quick but fragile, to quickly and in what manner one moves around the world.
superheavies which are bulking and slow monstrocities, the suit variant Remember that suit's construct forms may prevent certain options
will determine the base stats that other modules and additions will work from being utilised. If you take multiple, you choose which one
off of. The primary stats one should take into account are their point you use each round, rather than get the benefit of both.
pools, which are AP/MP/EP respectively. HUDN isual options generally do not play a direct role in
The points, AP/MP/EP, determine how much or how well you can helping one acquire targets or make a shot; the exception to this
perform actions while in the suit. AP is for attacking with weapons, MP is being radar and sonar, or X-ray to percieve those using infiltrator.
for moving around the map, evading attacks, attacking multiple times Instead, they are usually used to negate potential penalties applied
(Specialty rule, see Combat for more) and EP is for enduring attacks. by a GM that are enviromentally applicable. In the simplist
While there may be more uses beyond this, this is the core use of these manner of explanation, night vision doesn't improve aiming, but
points in combat. Suits are designed for combat, so expect to build for it. it does prevent one from being blind at night time.

[~uit Construct~} Communications options allows one to do just that,

communicate. From basic ranged voice to direct internet access,
Constructs are the form of one's suit, and often determine the primary these options help players to be team oriented or to get in contact
method of travel/locomotion a suit will default with. Each suit must with others.
choose a Construct to be able to continue with character generation. Biological changes are changes that affect the pilot directly.
Beyond that, there are Construct Variants, which are derivatives of the From a complete makeover, to shapeshifting, or having a
constructs and change the construct in either minor or major ways. It is superpowered blood-generation rate, biological changes
not a requirement to take a construct variant, but pilots may take multiple drastically affect a pilot of a suit and how they live.
types within which construct their suit fall under (Unassociated variants Utility options give one less combat-oriented modules and more
are usable by any suit). However, they cannot be taken multiple times. purpose made items. From repairs, stowing capability to AI,
utility options tend to be far more varied in terms of the roles they
[~User Interface~} fulfill.
Weapons give players their method of dealing with volatile and
User Interfaces are the method of being able to control a suit. They hostile situations. The important thing to remember is that
allow pilots to give input and have the suit act upon that. Each have their weapons are not set in stone for appearance. A cutting blade is not
own benefits and cost, but pilots must choose one; The exception is that just a sword, it could be a claw, or even something as exotic as a
the basic "controls" option can be taken in conjunction with other scythe. Changing the appearance of a weapon is independant of
interfaces, and can be assigned to particular items if one wishes. its ability to combat situations; Any alterations to appearance does
not affect the stats or function of the weapon. As a manner of

(Y\rmor Material/Rc~J
interpreting this, where other tabletops give you a direct weapon
like a dagger, this game gives you a category of potential weapons
like Ballistics and the stats for any weapon in that category.
The last required choices are a suits' armor material, and RCS
Targetting systems help you to assure hits at range. If you're
(Locomotion page). These determine what type of method you
melee, you'll likely skip out on these ; if you intend to fight at
use to survive combat; RCS for dodging, Armor for enduring.
range, you'll be picking up quite a few.
Generally, if you have high MP, go RCS, high EP, go Armor.

. '
--4 . « nar. Creation 5
MESll ll•
Resource Cost: None Resource Cost: 5
Recharge time: None Recharge time: 30m daily
Strength: 600lbs Strength: 1200lbs
Height: Pilots' Height Height: - 1.8-1.9m
Weight: lOOlbs/45.4 kilos Weight: 200lbs/90. 7 kilos
Air Supply: 30m Air Supply: lh
Attack Points: 1 Attack Points: 2
Mobility Points: 10 Mobility Points: 8
Endurance Points: 0 Endurance Points: 1


Resource Cost: 10 Resource Cost: 20

Recharge time: lh daily Recharge time: 2h daily
Strength: 2000lbs Strength: 3000lbs
Height: -2.lm Height: -2.Sm
Weight: 400lbs/181.4 kilos Weight: 800lbs/362.9 kilos
Air Supply: 2h Resource Cost: 30 Air Supply: 3h
Attack Points: 3 Recharge time: 4h daily Attack Points: 4
Mobility Points: 6 Strength: 4000lbs Mobility Points: 4
Endurance Points: 2 Height: -3m Endurance Points: 3
Weight: 1600lbs/725.7 kilos
Air Supply: 4h
Attack Points: 5
Mobility Points: 2
Endurance Points: 4

- -
<(I Suit Variants 5
All Suits have a stat of 50 "Physical", or HP.

{~Recharge Tim~ J I~ AP/MP/EP11

Recharge time is how much time it takes for a suit to fully These points are used to achieve a variety of actions in combat.
recharge it's internal power supply. All suits are equipped Some suits are more suited to certain actions than others, often
with a supply powerful enough to provide energy for 24hrs denounced by which type of points they are granted. AP is Attack
before recharging. All suits can recharge via an internal Points, MP is Mobility Points, and EP is Endurance Points.
power converter, but must shut down while this occurs.
Attack Points is self-explanatory. To attack, spend points. To

{~ strength 11 attack more, or make your attack even more potent, spend more
Measurement of your power armor's physical capabilities, Mobility Points have three purposes: To move around the map,
this determines how much you can lift overhead. Lifting off to evade incoming blows, or to attack multiple times (special
ground capacity is 2x of STR, and dragging/pushing rule).
capacity is 4x of STR. Endurance Points are to endure, brace against, and

!~ Height 11 reduce/negate damage and effects. They are also rather helpful to
allow you to act as a shield for your allies.
Determines how large the suit is. Mesh suits are considered
skin-tight and negligable in height variation from the user's Most points cannot be converted into other forms, sparing a
base. Superheavy suits by themselves tower at around 3m special clause with MP (displayed below).
tall. Thus, a Mesh suit can fit through a door, a Superheavy
has to create its' own entrance or crouch down to fit inside.
Multiply all multipliers together with the base to determine
{~ Margins 11
total value. Finally, on top ofMP/EP, there are MP/EP 'margins'. These are
special groupings that are affected when you actively block or

{~ weight 11 evade an attack. Default, your MP margin is 5, and your EP

margin is 1O; these values may be modified by modules. Read the
Determines how heavy the suit is. While this has no direct "Margins and Point Loss" section in the Combat rules if you want
rulings, suits with fairly hefty weights might find their more info.
locomotion options limited or impeded based upon GM Simplistic Interpretation of Point Conversions

[~Air Supply ] J

All suits are equipped with their own internal pressure tank
for the pilot. This tank is easily filled with any substance; in
many cases this substance is oxygen. The supply lasts as
long as the listed stat, and only accounts for enviroments in
which the suit would not be compromised; a mesh unit in
the deep sea without the pre-requisite module won't be able
to use it as it'd be crushed by the pressure regardless.
l~P llP

*This is defined more in the Combat Section, however as a basic method of explaining it:
You can use MP to gain additional attacks, but not to make attacks more potent

- .
<(I Suit Variants 6

The line is blurred, the colors muddled. Which is man, and

which is the machine? Where once was two, only one remains

PRE-REQUISITES: Select Mesh or Light variant, PRE-REQUISITES: Select a default

expending resources normally. Construct type can variant type, expending resources normally. Requires
ONLY be Bipedal. Grants Brain Implant 2 Brain Implant 2

The parts normally reserved for suit creation become a part You and your suit merge, your pilot HP becoming an
of you. All EP/MP/AP granted by variant choice applies to extension of your suit's Physical. You are incapable of ever
your person, as well as suit Weight, Air Supply, Recharge 'exiting' the suit, as it is your new body. All pilot related
Time, and 1/4th of Strength. The physical track of your suit options (biologics, cyber augs, etc) are now incapable of
is however gone. All modules and augments directly affect being taken, with the exclusion of Pro gen Nanites, Canvas
your body. The benefits are lost if your internal power Nanites or Genetic Recomb. If your suit ever runs out of
supply runs out, but your body will be fine otherwise. You power, your suit locks up on emergency life support energy
retain the needs for eating, sleeping and the likes. Your for 4 hours. The needs to eat, sleep, and defacate are gone.
outwards appearance remains that as humanoid, but parts So long as energy courses through your veins, you are fully
that cannot fit in your internal body are attached outside. aware, functional, and capable.
Depending on module choices and weaponry, you may be
Cannot take: Stasis, Exposed, Collapsible, any Biologics/Cyber Augs
able to identity as a normal human.
except those listed.
Cannot take: Experimental Melee Weapons, Stasis, Flight, Self-Repair Resource Cost: 20
'fill, Collapsible, Structural Mods, Weapon Platform or Additional P'orm
Resource Cost: 40

ti ,,
- -
,,, .- . <(I Suit Variants 5
mPED Resource Cost: 10
Height modifier: xl.25 ..,,
_Weight modifier:_xl.5
Gain Ungulate Footing
Cannot have Wheels

_____ ...... .
-·---·, - ...

Resource Cost: 20
Weight modifier: x0.7
- - Gain Fligh
+4 to Flight's Evade Value Pool
Cann6t h e Gills
Resource Cost: 10
Resource Cost: 5
Length modifier: x2 Height
_ WejgJtt modifier: xl.15
Weight-modifier: xr.2 - Gain Adhesion and Web Spray
Gain Digitigrade Footing Cannot swim or have Flight

- .
((I Suit Variants 7
Resource Cost: 5
Grants: Gills, Sonar Resource Cost: 10
~ _ Swim ~eed doubled Grants: Adhesion
Land Movement - Crawling eammt have: -eillr,Wh-e~ls
Cannot have: Flight, Wheels, Adhesion Max ength - 4.2m

_____ -·--

------ilesource Cost: 10-

Grants: Gills, Sonar and Double Swim Rate

- - -:....-:=::.. ":.~:.::.: -·-·--·- -

- .
<(I Suit Variants 8
HIP En Exposed
Angelic Resource Cost: -5 (Gain 5 points)
Gain non-functional pair of wings Remove 1 EP from Suit Pool
They look nice You look cool and badass while showing yourself off

Reptilian Mobile
Gain a functional tail that at player discretion can house/hold a Resource Cost: 10
weapon mount (Must spend resources/Hardpoint points normally) Gain +5 MP to Suit Pool

Centaur Resource Cost: 5
You have the lower body of a horse, and the upper body of a Gain+ 1 EP to Suit Pool
humanoid. The arms are capable of lifting the suits' strength Can be taken with Exposed
threshold and/or attaching weapon mounts
Tauros Resource Cost: 5
All four limbs can be used for movement, but you can also stand Reduce weight by modifier x0.5
upon your hind legs and walk like a bipedal humanoid.

UUAIHUJPE)) Weapon Platform

Predator Resource Cost: 15
Your four walking limbs are treated as sharing the same hard- Your suit's design is created for stability and integrity of firing
point for purposes of mounting melee (Cutting Blade/KSM) weap- and attacking with weapons, granting 5 AP to your pool.
ons. This gains no additional attacks or mechanical benefits, and is l~OO'l'ING/l~EE'I' OP'l'IONS
purely visual.
Note: You may only select one, and these options do not affect flight
J)lll))Ell Plantigrade
Default option unless listed otherwise/Suit construct may
Scorpion overwrite
Lose Adhesion and Web Spray; Cannot gain either
Gain Burrow for free, as well as the following changes to Digitigrade
burrow: Resource Cost: 10
- Beginning to burrow is a swift action, not move action You gain +5MP to your pool
- The first three move actions per tum while burrowed do not
cost double MP; All additional move actions incur penalty as Ungulate
normal Resource Cost: 15
Gain 2 additional legs (visual/does not affect stats) All movement options can move an additional + 1Om
Gain a functional tail that at player discretion can house/hold a
weapon mount (Must spend resources/Hardpoint points normally)

Gain 4 additional legs (visual/does not affect stats)

Gain a functional tail that at player discretion can house/hold a
weapon mount (Must spend resources/Hardpoint points normally)

- .
<(i Suit Variants 9
CDNRIDlS lllf'IN IMPl• 1
Resource Cost: 0 Resource Cost: 10
Gain a basic and intuitive set of controls for your Undergo an intricate and painless surgury that in-
suit / jects a microchip onto the surface of your brain,
- Can be customized to accomodate additional limbs merging it with your grey matter
and attachments, or to work solely for specific - Gain all benefits of Spinal Column plus the fol-
limbs/attachments lowing:
- You feel no pain or pleasure from the suit - The armor can be called to you while you are not
- The suit carries it's own weight in it
-Anyone can use the power armor/attachments - You can use communications telepathically while
- Can be taken with additional interfaces, usable only not wearing the armor
when in suit - Only the user can uplink with the power armor

N&llVE surr
Resource Cost: 5
Gain a nerve suit that will wirelessly read and in-
terpret your nervous signals
- Your suit will be akin to a second skin, you can feel
pain and tactile feedback from the suit (can be toggled)
- Extra limbs will feel and work functionally as if an
innate part of yourself
' I
- You will have access to all senses via the suit
- Anyone can use the power armor if they possess the
nerve suit

Resource Cost: 5
Undergo an intricate and painless surgury that at-
taches an artificial, external spinal column to your
pre-existing spine
- You can link-up to your suit, your suit will be akin
to a second skin, and you can toggle pain and tactile
feedback. Resource Cost: 15
- Extra limbs will feel and work functionally as if an Gain all prior benefits from Brain Implant 1 plus:
innate part of yourself - All associated HUD elements can be displayed wire-
- You will have access to all senses via the suit lessly on your vision by mental imaging
- Only the user can uplink with the power armor f , - Can remotely pilot the suit

. :'
· . < Suit Additions 10
MMDI MflT&lllM
Armor Material alters your EP pool and potentially EP
Electron Shield - 20 Resources: An experimental shield that
forms a dense layer of electrons around the user. Enabled by a
standard action, and lasts until the user's next Action Phase,
Margin. Choose only one type of armor material. blocking all forms of damage. Takes 5 rounds/1 Omin to recharge.
Basic - 0 Resources: All suits start with this unless otherwise Retaliator Module - 40 Resources: The Retaliator module is
specified. A light aluminum-like alloy that while very light is firelinked to a weapon slot upon installation, and can only be used
stable. Does not modify stats. Does not modify weight with that weapon slot. Any time an enemy unit attacks any unit
Functional - 5 Resources: A somewhat denser alloy comprised except yourself, you may spend AP normally to perform a basic
of steel-like material that is shock resistant. + 1 EP. Weight attack against the aggressor. This can be done so long as you have
modifier: xl.05 line of sight or an indirect firing weapon against an enemy that is
Tempered - 10 Resources: A sturdier alloy of the prior material seen by any ally. This is triggered only once per enemy unit, and
hardened to withstand potential impact. +2 EP. Weight modifier: the attack cannot be modified in any way, shape or form. Extra:
xl.1 Missiles are capable of indirect firing with the Retaliator

Industrial - 20 Resources: A dense material composite that Flares - 10/20/30 Resources: Disrupt targetting systems or
appears to be for industrial work. + 3 EP and EP Margin increases emit a blinding flash. Free action to use, used on Reaction phase to
to 12. Weight modifier: xl.2 reduce an enemy attack's success rate by 4; can use only with
Composite - 30 Resources: An extremely dense composite evasive opposed actions. Recharges a charge every other round, up
material presumed to be used for military application. +4 EP and to 2 charges per every 10 Resources, up to 6 charges total.
+4 to EP Margin. Weight modifier: xl.35 Reduction from flare charges stack.
Experimental - 40 Resources: Chobham relative graphene Active Inertia Canceller (AIC) - 25 Resources: Projects a
armor with small platelets imbedded into a metallic matrix. dampening field that occupies up to 5 squares infront of the user
Extremely resiliant to potential penetrators. +5 EP and +6 to EP horizontally, excluding solid barriers/walls. Enemy attacks that
Margin. Weight modifier: xl.5 impact the field are defeated. While the field is active, the user is
rooted in place. Requires a swift to activate or deactivate. Each
Invisibility - 10 Resources: Stealth generator that conceals
round of operation consumes one charge; Can hold up to 3
charges, recharging at a rate of 1 charge every third round.
Electronic Counter Measure (ECM) Field - 15 Resources:
movement at double the cost of MP while active. Disables if user Projects a disruption field which afflicts enemy targetting and
attacks or adjacent square is occupied by enemy. Takes 3 turns to sighting systems when viewing the user, incrimenting the penalty
recharge once deactivated; Lasts a total of 5 turns. Standard to from ranged modifier by 4. Cannot be used while AIC is active.
activate, free to deactivate.
Doppleganger - 10 Resources: Gain a light-refractory generator
that makes you appear as a normal, humanoid shape or person.
Temperature Resistance I - 5 Points: Armor shields wearer
from all natural temperatures.
Temperature Resistance 2 - 10 Points: Armor can operate in
absolute zero and lava-like conditions.
Self-Repair I - 10 Points: Power Armor can maintain and repair HUD/VISUM
Enhanced Vision - 5 Resources: Can zoom up to lOx magnifi-
itself automatically, granting Regen 1 (1 Physical regen per round)
out of combat; in-combat, it will repair a single point pool after cation. Gain Night Vision.
two rounds of inaction (See: Margins in Combat section) Navigation - 5 Resources: Precise GPS Navigation
Self-Repair II - 15 Points: Grants Regen 2; in-combat, it Thermal Vision - 10 Resources: Standard thermal vision
repairs a single point pool after 1 round of inaction. Does not stack Passive Sonar - 5 Resources: An infrasonic sound detector that
with Self-Repair I. actively relays noise and converts it into an image. Due to low fre-
Improved Hull - 5 Resources: Reinforces the armor material an quencies, it cannot see through solid objects further than 30
additional layering, confering a + 1 EP bonus to material choice. meters. It can see normally otherwise.
Can be taken up to three times. X-ray Vision - 5 Resources: Standard X-ray capable of seeing
Pressure Shielding - 10 Resources: Grants a pool of +6 total through Doppleganger's disguise at up to 30m.
modifier for opposed actions for endure actions each round; Radar - 5 Resources: Microwave signals are sent, bounced off
granted once per round, not per endure action. objects, and returned to a transciever, displaying their relative lo-
Chaff Explosive -10 Resources: Create a 15m radius cloud of cation (Gives directional indication to units but not line of sight)
chaff particles which disrupt targetting and vision, disallowing line Internal Status - 0 Resources: See your health, the well-being
of sight through it. Cloud lasts 2 turns/4min. Recharges in of your suit, and all relevant conditions
3turns/5min. Use is a swift action. Movement Phase usage only. External Status - 5 Resources: As Internal Status, but also gain
visuals such as estimated status of enemy suits or targets, target

l'. ' <~-Suit Additions

locks direction of fire electroma netic r d · t

Shields are a special set of spaced armor for power armor that
These modifications alter the core structure of the power
often looks like the medieval age shields. They are generally armor in a way to better withstand damage and improve
attached either to a strong limb or even directly to the armor. structural integrity. May only select one.
They only benefit a particular direction (N/S/E/ or W, Primary Skeleton Hardener - 5 Resources: Applies a basic
including diagonal squares), unless stated otherwise. material hardener to the skeletal structure of the suit. Increases
Rules on Shields: You can adjust their direction every Movement suit Physical track by 5 points.
Phase. If they do not list a cost to move, it is a free action; most Basic Frame Overhaul - 10 Resources: Reworks the stock
shields will list a method of adjusting their directional benefit. frame to be more resiliant and impact resistant. Increases suit
You may select only one type of shield for your suit. Physical track by 10 points.
Basic/Physical Shield - 5 Resources: Gain a deployable or Hardened Frame and Component Mounts - 15 Resources:
permament shield on a limb to gain a directional benefit: Grants a Increases the material and strength of the frame which holds and
user a +5 opposed value pool to any attacks from the direction it protects vital components of the suit. Increases suit Physical track
protects each round. Can be taken up to 3 times. Cannot stack by 15 points.
directionally. Heavy Skeleton and Frame Overhaul - 20 Resources:
Composite/Heavy Shield - 10 Resources: A denser, thicker Overhauls the suit with additional layers of protection and shock
version of the basic shield system. Grants the user a + 10 opposed resistance. Increases suit Physical track by 20 points.
value pool to attacks the direction it protects each round. Requires Suit Integrity Total Conversion Overhaul - 25 Resources:
3 MP to adjust to a new direction. Can be taken up to 2 times. This complete overhaul modification reworks the suit from the
Weight modifier: xl.1 ground up, making it incredibly resiliant to internal damages and
Deployable Combat Shield - 10 Resources: A large, shock forces. Increases suit Physical track by 25 points.
cumbersome shielding system is put on your suit, which deploys to
your front. While deployed, you get 4 temporary EP to deal with
attacks frontally each round, but movement action costs are
Armor panels/modules are small, replenishable panels that are
increased by 1. Can activate/deactivate once per round as a swift
put on top of baseline armor to attempt to defeat different
action. TEP granted can be reduced by Called Shots as normal.
types of attacks.
Weight modifier: xl.2
Rules on Armor Panels: Grants benefit only on spaced armor;
Obstructive Reactive Composite Armor/ORCA Shield - 15
currently incompatible with base armoring.
Resources: Specialty composite armored shield which appears to
NERA/NxRA- 5 Resources: Non-Explosive/Non-Energetic
be made of multiple layers of varying densities and unknown
Reactive Armor, which upon impact bulges a bit and forcibly
alloys. Grants the user a + 15 opposed value pool to attacks the
adjusts the angle of impact of penetrators. Grants + 3 opposed
direction it protects each round. Its large design slows down the
value pool to attacks resisted per round.
suit using it; each movement action increases its cost by 1.
ERA - 5 Resources: Explosive Reactive Armor, which on
Requires either 5 MP or a swift action to adjust direction. Weight
impact detonates. Grants + 15 opposed value pool to attacks
modifier: xl.2
resisted that round, but must be replenished by a swift action
Tower/Colossal Shield - 25 Resources: If having a gigantic
during an action phase you are not actively being attacked.
shield that covers your entire front was your dream, you got it.
Rather than granting an opposed value pool for endure actions, this
shield is so massive it acts as basic cover for the user, and
potentially anyone directly behind both the user and the direction
the shield protects. This shield doubles the cost of all movement
actions, and requires either a standard (prevents acting on Action
Phase) or 8MP to adjust to a new angle.

• ~ .Z : '
· · <~ Suit Additions 11
If you take multiple locomotion options for your suit, decide which one you use each round, gaining the benefits of only that module;
Modules specifically stating otherwise override this rule.

Kinetic servos - 10 Resources: Improves mobility by +5 MP. Can work with Adhesion, Hopper Legs, and Burrow.

Adhesion - 10 Resources: Allows movement across any solid surface so long as surface can hold armor's weight.

Thrusters - 15 Resources: Hover-based propulsion technology that allows for short-height levitation and 'skating' over ground. Difficult
terrain does not reduce user 's movement speed. Grants +5 MP to mobility pool.

Teleport Beacon - 15 Resources: Deployable beacon that allows the user to return to it via teleportation. Requires 1 round of start-up time.
Cannot be used while actively moving. 1 Beacon only limit. Swift action to use; Standard to deploy.

Deep Sea - 10 Resources: Suit is modified to handle extreme depths and volumetric pressure from oceanic dives. Comes with hydro thrusters
that allow movement in water and a converter capable of seperating water into oxygen, while dumping out hydrogen emission. (LEGACY)

Space Module - 10 Resources: Suit is modified to handle vacuums and space. Comes with ion thrusters that allow movement in vacuum.
Sunlight converter creates oxygen for use. (LEGACY)

Flight - 20 Resources: Built in propulsion system allows the suit to take off, land, hover and fly. Movement is same in air while on grid, except
you can expend actions to move upwards or downwards as well. Grants a + 10 opposed value pool each round for evasive actions.

Gills - 5 Resources: Built in hydro-converter removes the air limitation on a suit in bodies of water, allowing it to stay submerged indefinately.

Web Spray - 10 Resources: Capable of spraying up to 6 squares (on grid) of surface with a reactive, sticky fiber. Grants adhesion on all
applied surfaces to any unit; units with Adhesion expend no MP to move on webbing. Can create pathways up to 30m across so long as both ends
are anchored properly. Fiber lasts up to 3 rounds in combat, or Sm out of combat. Swift action to use. Does not impede other locomotion options.

Hopper Legs - 10 Resources: Mobility actions can be performed while jumping from one location to the next in a straight line. Ex. You may
Dash upwards to a higher ledge, or across a ravine.

Burrow - 15 Resources: Dig just underneath the surface to circumvent solid barriers. Leaves a notable fragmented trail on the surface terrain.
Each movement is double its cost in MP while burrowed. Does not stack with Thrusters. Costs 2 MP to begin burrowing, free to return to the
surface. Enemies firing on a burrowed unit reduce their success amount by 2. Ignores difficult terrain. Cannot dig deeper with the module.

Wheels - 15 Resources: Advanced circular motors capable of high-speed and high-torque generation grant+ 10 MP.

Reaction Control System (RCS) Thrusters

The capacity to alter your position quickly in combat is essential. Alters 2d6 for evasive actions. Choose only one type unless specified otherwise.

Revision Control System - 0 Resources: Calculations on your current location and intended destination are performed by the suit. Does not
modify stats, and is default wear for suits unless chosen otherwise.

Monopropellant RCS - 5 Resources: Utilizes a singular solid propellant to create thrust. +2 MP.

Solid Fuel RCS - 10 Resources: Utilizes solid propellants to create thrust. +4 MP.

Tripropellant RCS - 20 Resources: Utilizes three types of propellants in a mixture to provide a greater amount of thrust in comparison to
Monopropellant or Solid Fuel. +6 MP and MP margin increases to 6.

BET-light RCS - 30 Resources: Similiar to thrusters attempting to utilize Hall's effect, it appears to not be as efficient as it could be, but still
more powerful than prior RCS methods. +8 MP and +2 to MP Margin.

ORION-based RCS - 40 Resources: Dangerous and potentially lethal if uncontrolled, this RCS method uses controlled, variable pulses of
micro-nuclear explosions to create extremely powerful propulsion. + 10 MP and+ 3 to MP margin.
• ~ .Z : '
· · <~ Suit Additions 10
- chromosomes, genetics and anatomy from human to a more
Vocal - 0 Resources: A built-in device that projects your voice
alien form which has an uncanny appearance to that of fantasy
elves. Lifespan is roughly doubled and all physical disabilities are
cured. Appearance can only be changed once on acquisition.
outside of your suit up to 1OOm, or by microwave to other systems
Vital Fluid Acceleration - 10 Resources: Your bone marrow's
in 300m
ability to produce red blood cells and the body's generation of
Universal Translator - 5 Resources: Translates any language
plasmid fluids is increased greatly. This prevents loss of blood
and has lip reading capacity
from afflicting you as greatly, allowing you to survive greater
Communicator - 10 Resources: Capable of transmitting and
blows and heal from such quicker. You regenerate pilot health
recieving a single audio and visual feed to any location on Earth
once every 4 hours naturally, your pilot health is improved by 1O,
which can recieve satellite signals. Only recieved by others if
and you ignore one level of penalties for fighting with sustained
signal is accepted. Untraceable by human algorithms.
Wi-Fi - 15 Resources: Allows multi-media communcations and
Stasis - 10 Resources: Your suit is filled with bio-sustaining
multiple connections over Wireless networks. Suits can function as
liquid, putting your body into stasis. Slows aging and removes
a Wi-Fi router. Incapable of being hacked or hijacked by anything
need for water and food but not air, which comes either from the
less than armor-tech. Grants access to the World Wide Web.
local surroundings or the suit's own air supply. Armor recharge
-Additional: When combined with External Status, it grants Augmented
Reality, gaining info on any scanned object does not interfere with stasis. You can leave at any time, but you
Drone Command Suite - 15 Resources: The DCS feeds will be weakened and frail for a time from non-existant use of
realtime visual and audio information from drones to the user your muscular system. Requires Brain Implant I or II.
allowing line of sight to be shared across drones and the user.'
Allows the user to share HUD and Communications options
between all uplinked drones, as well as for drones to act as comm
Tentacle - 5 Resources: Gain a small tentacle that can interface
and virtual (Wi-Fi) nodes.
with any computer
TADS - 40 Resources: Fully known as the Target Acquisition
Octopus - 10 Resources: Computer program that reports
and Designation System, this system is a highly powerful and
material composition and schematics on power armor. Allows user
resource intensive, manual use targeting system that uplinks with
to repair armor manually on Standard action (See Repair section
allies to provide precise and detailed information to friendly
for specifics); Can repair other power suits with External Status.
forces. It requires a standard to use, but grants AS's to any ally's
Cannot be used to create new power armor or other objects; Can
attack, up to a total of 7 across all friendly units (total of AS's
only repair.
granted cannot pass 7). As well, one enemy unit of your choice is
Collapsible - 5 Resources: The armor can be collapsed into a
shared for line of sight across all allies until the end of your next
state for storage or transport, generally occupying 1/2 the space.
turn (any ally that sees the unit grants LoS to all allies).
Suit functions aside recharge do not work while collapsed.
Additional Form - 10 Resources: Your armor can be created to
Genetic Recombination - 5 Resources: Your genetic coding is
have both a human form and any functional construct form.
Changing forms takes one round; Construct forms must be
inspected, and then altered and adapted to a desired form, creating purchased seperately, and benefits only work while form is active.
a desired mRNA strand. Multiples of this mRNA are injected back Dummy AI - 10 Resources: Helps manage suit functions; Has
into your bloodstream, transmitting the desired genetic response no emotion or sentience. Appears as a sprite or hand-held
which causes your body to slowly alter to a pre-defined, requested hologram. Capable of controlling a drone, or can attach to a
form. This can change: Hair color/length/etc, eye color, skin targetting system to double its range reduction. Cannot stack with
tone/color, gender, overall height, weight, etc. In the simplist form Sentient AI.
of expression, your body rapidly develops into a new human ap- Sentient AI - 15 Resources: Advanced AI that is capable of
pearance over the course of a week. This effect is permament and learning, develop a persona and display emotions. Sentient, and
irreversible. heavily influenced by user's behavior. Can use a holographic,
Canvas Nanites - 10 Resources: Nanobots are injected into human-sized body for physical interaction with the world. Cannot
your body which are capable of temporarily altering your appear- fight with hologram. Capable of autonomously controlling up to 3
ance, either by injecting dye into your hair, accelerating hair drones. Cannot stack with Dummy AI.
growth, shifting your body mass, fat, and more. In essence, this Towing Cable - 5 Resources: Retractable cable that allows user
grants temporary shapeshifting. Takes one hour per alteration to fi- to drag objects without using their limbs. Can also be thrown or
nalize, and lasts for about a week before your body re-adapts to its ejected to grab targets or surfaces up to lOm.
normal shape. Overuse of the canvas nanites can cause a myriad of Healing Salve Kit - 15 Resources: A small medikit that
bodily problems and harm. manufactures a regenerative salve that reduces the severity of a
Progenitor Adaptation - 10 Resources: This adaptation works wound by one, and heals 10 HP on charge use. The medikit
the same as Genetic Recombination, but also changes your DNA, - regains a charge once every 5 combat rounds, or 30 minutes out of
combat It can hold u to 5 char es at o t
('~ -
_ <~ Suit Additions 12
Hydraulic Kinetics - 5 Resources: High powered hydraulics
Bone Density - 15 Resources: The density of your bones is
increased greatly without negatively afilicting malleability and
flexibility. Your VIG stat now grants 1 EP per third level above 3.
are installed into the suit to increase the suit's strength by twice it's Transgenic Visual Enhancer - 5 Resources: Modeled genetics
normal amount (Ex. 600lbs for Mesh becomes l,200lbs). derived from an Earth-related animal with enhanced vision (such
Mutually Assured Destruction (M.A.D.)-10 Resources: as an owl, hawk, cat, or otherwise) are given new occipital
Directed tweaking of your suit's safety systems and mechanics connectors and profile, making them compatible with human eyes.
allows it to push well beyond what it should naturally do at the flip Gain a natural form of Enhanced Vision visual mod. Pupil and iris
of a switch. Enabling M.A.D. causes an immediate 5 unresisted shape is subject to change from this alteration.
damage, and continues to cause it for every tum it is left enabled. Neurosynapse Regulator - 25 Resources: A highly intricate,
Enabling or disabling M.A.D. is a swift action. You may only bio-engineered synapse regulator is cultured in your nervous
select one set ofM.A.D. for use: system. You feel pain only when you wish (this does not affect
- Firing System: Suit AP pool is doubled whilst MA.D. is active. wound conditions) and are acutely aware of it when it occurs
- Movement System: All movement actions move 5m additional each action. irregardless if you feel it or not, gain 2d6 on your initiative dice,
Precision Geodesy System - 20 Resources: A small sect of and all actions and checks gain 2 success bonus. Due to the
three probes purpose built for scanning, triangulating, and creating intricacies of the regulator, no additional biologic or augmentation
a topographic view of the area are given to the user. These probes option that affects the nervous system directly is compatable,
act with the same rules as normal drones and have no weapon of excluding Genetic Recombination, Canvas or Progenitor.
their own excluding a free swift action. To operate, they must be
set up a shape (Triangle for 3) with no side less than 30m (each
drone must be at least 30m apart from one another to enable
scanning). Each probe must expend a swift to both deploy and
disengage from deployment; A deployed probe cannot move, but is
considered active for scanning. When every drone is scanning and
active, they grant Line of Sight on every available target within the
Mechanical Limb - 0 Resources: One limb of your choice is
triangle. May elect to purchase additional probes with the module replaced with a fully functional, and identical counterpart. This
at a resource cost of +5 per probe. can be taken multiple times, and each limb has it's own alterations.
Concrete Sprayer - 15 Resources: A flexible tubing system can A limb or pair (Ex. arms/legs, not arm + leg) can then, through
spray a single square on the grid to create temporary cover; resources, be improved to enhance particular features. Note: These
Additional use on that square will form a solid barrier. Use is a are per limb type, I.E. Arms/Legs, and limb types do not stack (two arms cannot
swift action. Cover acts as having 5 HP; Barriers have 10. both give VIG)
Chaff Field - 20 Resources: Like the Chaff Explosive, this Legs - Improving Agility costs 10 resources per, up to three times. These may
also take Kinetic Servos, Hopper Legs, Adhesion or Wheels at normal cost.
creates a cloud that negates Line of Sight. The cloud however may Arms - improving Vigor costs 10 resources per, up to three times. These may
be targetted at any position you can reasonably fire upon and also take Hydraulic Kinetics at normal cost.
houses up 3 charges. Recharge and usage is same. Bone Lacing - 10 Resources: O<>
Dermal Plating - 5 Resources per Rank: Semi-malleable
ceramic fiber and/or metallic plates are melded onto your skin.
Invasive, obvious to the touch and at higher ranks may be visually
apparent. Reduces your Pilot MP by 1 and increases your pilot
weight by 25lbs each rank. Works the same as orthoskin, reducing
damage to pilot by rank. Can be taken up to Rank 4.
Metahuman Streum -15 Resources: An experimental genetic WIP (DEBATABLE)
genome is created by the drop pod after resequencing and injected Pilot-Capable Weapon - 5 Resources: Allows a pilot to
in to you, turning one pilot stat into a metahurnan stat. See pilot convert a secondary (and only secondary) weapon mount with a
section for more details. weapon into a weapon usable by anyone capable of holding a
Cultured Biocells - 10 Resources: Once a short observation weapon of said size. The weapon provides the same benefit/usage
period of your cells has taken place, an rDNA strand is injected
which promotes the behavior of one pilot stats. This can be taken
up to 3 times, and affect differing pilot stats, but only 3 times total.
Orthoskin - 10 Resources per Rank: Strands composed of
graphene-composite are injected into your skin, running and
operating off your bio-energy. Reduce any damage to your pilot by
one success per rank. Can be raised to Rank 3. Not compatable
with skin-related cyberware.
. : ,. ,
, <~ Suit Additions 12
Every suit must purchase their weapon slots and weapons.

Weapons are interchangable and modular, allowing them to be

switched, removed, or swapped out for other weapons.
Removing a weapon from a slot takes time, generally up to 30
minutes depending on the pilot and if they are recieving help or
not. Attempting a swap in combat takes two rounds to achieve. Class 2 Weapons cost 10 Resources per and require 2 AP to fire
A primary weapon slot mounts any weapon; A secondary Medium Ballistics: MMG's, Powered Rifles, and other
weapon slot can not mount experimental weaponry. additions count in this category. Selection up to player. DV 1, 3
Additional primary weapon slots cost 10 resources, whereas a AS's.
secondary weapon slot only costs 5. As well, a secondary/primary Combat Adapted Sonic Amplification Unit: CASAU
weapon slot can be upgraded/downgraded for the difference (5). (Cas-saow) or SAU for short; the SAU is designed to weaken an
Removing a slot refunds its cost in resources. opponent rather than kill. It reduces an opponent's AP amount by 2
The weapon stat of DV, or Dice Value, stands for the modifier each attack; this lasts until the end of the Action Phase that round.
against your 2d6 roll per target, and the stat of AS('s ), or Assured The CASAU is calculated first in the Action Phase, it's usage
Successes, determines the base amount of successes/damage the announced by the player/unit using it at the end of the Movement
weapon always achieves on firing. As an example, Colossal Phase, before any actions are taken; this overrules turn order.
Ballistics always do 11 + 2(2d6 val), or 2DV after 11 AS. Mortar: Arching Explosive Launcher that ignores penalties for
Secondary weapons can attack multiple times, see WEP Section. firing through solid barriers that are under 30m tall. Attacks still
IMPORTANT: Range weapons when used must be balanced require Line of Sight from some source. DV 1, 2 AS 's in lOm ..
against to deal with knockback and energy. Attacking with one Electro Pulse: Emits a small shockwave of non-lethal eletrical
halves your current MP amount that round; Melee is unaffected. energy that disables organic targets for 3 rounds/5min in a l 5m
This effect can only occur once per round, hence attacking with range. Requires 3 turns or 5 minutes out of combat to recharge.
two ranged weapons only halves your MP once that round. Cutting Blades Rank 2: DV 2, 3 AS's.
As a narrative note, calibre size only correlates to giving an Kinetic Strike Module Rank 2: DV 1, 5 AS's.
estimate on the round the guns fire; It does not directly translate to Lance Melee Weapon: <CBR2>
applicable, real life weapons. Suit weapons are considered more
advanced technologically and mechanically to counterparts.
Class 1 Weapons cost 10 Resources per and require 1 AP to fire
Class 3 Weapons cost 10 Resources per and require 3 AP to fire
Heavy Ballistics: HMG's, .50cal rifles, and small 20~40mm
cannons count in this category. Selection up to player. DV 1, 6
Non-Lethal Set: 1 of any weapon: Foam Spray, Taser, or AS's.
Tranquilizer. Causes no damage but disables organic targets for 3 Proximity Mine Launcher: Proximity mines can be deployed
rounds/5min (Power Armor and vehicles remain unaffected). at up to medium range and will await enemy movement before
Requires 3 turns to be effective against a prior target. Range of triggering. Can also be set for manual or timed detonation (must
15m. set before firing). Regains 1 mine every 3 turns, or five minutes
Cutting Blades Rank 1: Includes extremely sharp and out of combat, up to a total of 6 capacity. DV l, 3 AS 's for each
near-unbreakable saws, blades, or molecular wire. 2 DV, 2 AS's. mine on detonation, in a 1Om radius.
Can only be used to attack targets adjacent to your square. This EMP Cannon: Capable of scrambling optics and targetting
weapon ignores penalties/reduction to damage by 2. subsystems of a target until the player's next tum; Disables range
Kinetic Strike Module Rank 1: This limbs upgrade allows bonuses. Requires 3 turns to be effective against a prior target.
your suit to strike with powerful kinetic force. DV l, 3 AS 's. Can Missiles: Launched missiles which are either guided or follow
only be used to attack targets adjacent to your square. This weapon lock-on by targetting systems. Affected radius is lOm for full
does damage whilst using the "Called Shot" action. damage. Charges l missile every other turn, or 15 minutes out of
Light Ballistics: Any handheld Assault Rifle, Shotgun, Battle combat, up to a total of 4 missiles. DV 2, 2 AS's.
Rifle, LMG counts in this category. Selection is up to player. DV Tracer Bolts: Sticky tensile bolt that latches onto a target and
1, 2 AS's. relays it's position (LoS) to allied targetting systems, reducing
Tremor Wave: A sonic vibrator that causes any cover the penalties for firing against the target by 2. Lasts 3 turns. Recharges
particles impact to collapse. May charge up with AP expendature 1 bolt per 5 combat turns, or 7min. Holds 3 bolts. Can fire two per.
(up to 4 AP use) to increase how much cover in a line the vibrating Cutting Blades Rank 3: DV 3, 4 AS's.
particle wave destroys; Each AP increases cover destruction Kinetic Strike Module Rank 3: DV 1, 5 AS's.
amount by 1 per. Solid barriers/building blocks take four hits. Lance Melee Weapon: <CBR3>

· . « Weaponry 13
Pile Bunker: High-density, hardened spike which is driven by a
Class 4 Weapons cost 10 Resources per and require 4 AP to fire combination of pneumatic, hydraulic, and explosive power as a
Colossal Ballistics: 30~40mm auto-cannons, 80mm barrelled to penetrator into armor before returning to its sheathe shortly
120mm short-barrelled cannons, and other additions count in this thereafter. Can only be used on adjacent targets. Deals lODV, 10
category. Selection is up to player. DV 2, 11 AS's. AS. After use, pneumatic pressure and explosive material must be
Plasma Torch: Torch of superheated plasma capable of cutting regained for two rounds, including current round of use. You may
nearly any material. Melee weapon, requires adjacency. DV 2, 9 elect to refire the Pile Bunker early, dealing only 1OAS on the first
AS 's. As well, can improve repairing, granting an additional 2 on round ofrecovery, or only 15AS on the second round ofrecovery.
manual repairs if weilded. Due to the containment space requirements of pneumatic and
Plasma Flamethrower: Allows the wielder to spray a l 5m line hydraulic fluids, you may only mount one Pile Bunker on your
of superheated plasma from their position. DV 3, 11 AS 's. Counted suit.
as a melee weapon. Hyper Kinetic Slug Launcher: The HK-SL is a guassian-style
Plasma Gun: Fires bolts of superheated plasma at a target. DV railgun which also incorporates a multi-charge drive kit. The sheer
1, 9 AS 's. All attacks on the affiicted unit gain a+ 1 to DV until the kinetic energy of its ballistics negates penalties for firing through
beginning of your next turn. solid barriers, dealing 5 damage to any in its way. DV 6, 18 AS's.
Howitzer Artillery: 120~155mm Howitzer cannons capable of As with the Railgun weapon, cannot be fired consecutively. It
firing shells over solid barriers, negating penalties. Attacks still cannot be fired if the unit moved during the Movement Phase.
require Line of Sight. DV 2, 11 AS 's in 20m radius; This weapon Cutting Blades Rank 5: DV 5, 11 AS 's.
cannot be fired if the unit moved during the Movement Phase. Kinetic Strike Module Rank 5: DV 2, 18 AS's.
Railgun: High-powered, rail-driven and recoilless rifle cannon Lance Melee Weapon: <CBR5>
fires extremely accurate kinetic slugs at targets. It reduces range
penalty by 2. After being fired, you cannot fire it again until after
the end of your next tum. DV 5, 16AS's.
Micro Missile Pod: Missile pod system that fires a myriad of
missiles at one time. Fires up to 5 missiles a turn, holds 8 missiles
Targetting Systems assist with aiming weapons at a target,
at one time. Recharges 2 missiles every tum. Missiles do 1 DV, 2
AS's. reducing the penalty for attacking targets from a distance.
Cutting Blades Rank 4: DV 4, 9 AS's. Target systems are universal, and apply to all weapons
Kinetic Strike Module Rank 4: DV 2, 15 AS's. equipped by the unit. Can only reduce range penalty to 0,
Lance Melee Weapon: <CBR4> cannot give benefits to attacking.
Assisted Aim - 5 Resources: This system helps give relative
Experimental Weapons cost 15 Resources per and require 5 AP
speed and distance of the target, reducing penalty from range
threshold by 2.
Guidance System - 10 Resources: Only works with
to fire. These weapons are tempermental and dangerous;
Rolling a 0 mod for DV 3 times in a session invokes a missiles. Provides consistant and updated info on a target's
condition. See WEP section on conditions. current position through advanced algorithms, reducing penalty
Particle Laser Cannon: Particles are driven along an from range threshold by 3.
acceleration ring inside the barrel and back before being emitted at Target Lock -15 Resources: Tracks and updates a target's
hyper-kinetic speeds, effectively breaking apart the atomic makeup position while adjusting the power armor's stance, reducing
and composition of it's target upon impact. You can retain and penalty from range threshold by 3 and removing Mod 1 failure
power the charge for a bonus +3 DV per round charged up, up to a while attacking targets in melee combat.
DV of9. Requires a swift action to continue charging. DV 0, 9 Full-Range Accurate Motion - 15 Resources: Requires
AS 's. Charging the weapon alerts all enemies with external status. nerve suit or greater control. Utilizing pinpoint input from the
Ion Cannon: Ion particles are gathered and condensed into a user, the suit adjusts it's limbs and weapons precisely to the
single structure in the rear chamber of the weapon before being desired target, reducing penalty from range threshold by 3 and
forcibly erupted. These ion particles proceed to bombard a target, removing Mod 1 failure for attacking targets adjacent to you
ripping it apart. DV 3, 12 AS's. with ranged weapons.
Fusion Missiles: Launched missiles that must be locked on to a Dedicated Mental Tasking - 20 Resources: Requires Brain
target (Cannot be free-fired). Armed with powerful warheads, Implant I or II. The user's mental inputs and facilities are tied
these missiles decimate most targets in range. DV 2, 16 AS 's. to the weapondry of the suit, allowing precision normally
Charges 1 missile every other turns, or every 20 minutes out of
impossible for conventional control. reducing penalty from
combat, up to a total of 2 missiles in storage. Due to the complex
range threshold by 6. Cannot be taken with Full-Range Motion
missile structure and launcher, this weapon cannot be fired
or Target Lock.
consecutively. Affects a 30m radius area for full effect.
. . '

· -c , « Weaponry 14
r 9~e!"~in,g+a+~ii~~ 1. .. [CErrects and Impact] ]
With differing levels, it might be hard to determme what you
want to improve or not with vague descriptions. While each effect
So who is your pilot? What are therr goals, therr dreams, amb1t10ns? won't be immediately listed, keep in mind most types of checks
Most importantly, what are they capable of? This is where you begin to or actions for pilots use a Stat plus a Skill to determine your total,
decide. As a word of advice, get a word document, spreadsheet, or the old where Stat is the base value and skill is your DV (Stat+ Skill=
pen and paper ready, you'll need it. AS +DV).
Every pilot has six stats. Three are fundamental to the pilot's physical Included, there is also some changes that stats do just from
wellbeing, three are fundamental to them keeping their cool. All of them being higher than 3, or average. Note that just because one
have a purpose. They are Vigor (VIG), Agility (AGI), Reaction (REA) doesn't have many passive benefits may be due to it's common
for physical, Logic (LOG), Charisma (CHA), and Grit (GRT) for the use in checks or actions:
Vigor is pretty forward, the more you have the more you can lift, carry, Every level VIG is above 3 allows your pilot to lift an
and avoid exhaustion. It also covers the overall well-being of your body. additional 25lbs (50lbs by default for men, 37lbs for women, this
Agility is your ability to get around quickly and efficiently, don't skip is 'over head' , or chest/neck level value*). Every 2nd level above
out on it unless you like taking a stroll in a battlefield. It also helps 3 also grants 5 HP.
keeping your sight steady when your aiming. Every level AGI is above 3 grants 2 MP to your pilot.
Reaction determines how quick you are to, well, react. It's your Every 2nd level REA is above 3 grants + lAS to evasive pilot
physical instinct, body memory, to dodge, duck, dip, dive and dodge actions.
before the barrel's smoking. It also helps your initiative in combat. LOG has no passive benefits.
Logic is your ability to process information. Be that information how For every 3rd level CHA is above 3, you gain +5 to your
much you need to aim up to hit your target, the arguement brought forth disposition in social conflicts.
in a discussion, or more. It plays a bit of a role in just about everything For every second level Grit is above 3, you negate any one
that requires thinking. condition you have by one level. This does not remove nor reduce
Charisma tends to be a bit of a mysterious stat; It can be allure or a call the condition, but merely allows you to power through its
to one's nature, but it helps you lead others and convince them. It is the detriments; the effects do not take hold, but the condition is still
social powerhouse, and might have a myriad of influences elsewhere. present. If the condition ever reaches critical, you will fail to
Grit is your character's resolve. It's their ability to take the shock of a negate its effects and it will become life threatening.
battlefield to having the will to stand and fight after getting knee' d in the
gut. If you have none, you won't last a second without breaking down. *Note: "For a single lift ft-om floor level to a height of l.5m , Military Standard
1472D (1989) stipulates that men should not lift more than 25.4 kg and women
should not lift more than 16.8 kg. " -Report N o. T94-2 II 25.4kg roughly equals 56
Those are the six stats every pilot has. Each one will start at a value of
lbs. and 16.8kgs roughly equals 3 7lbs.
three by default. Three is the rough estimate of a 'normal' value for a
person to have, it's the averge joe. Six is the 'peak' of human As stated before, no stat can reach over 6 unless you make that
performance for that value, theoretically speaking. It's not on the level of stat a metaphysical one. If you did not notice during Suit
people who train their whole life, but it's around someone who is well set Generation, there is a Biologics and Augment section. These are
in that area. You cannot go beyond six without pushing metahumanism, gifted to you by the drop pod during suit creation, and can alter
in which case you will get a max of up to nine in any category you have values or stats here depending. These are the two areas that Suit
metahumanized in. and Pilot Gen overlap, but they are still purchased by Suit
resources as normal.
Dead Stat Value Levels As well, falling below average in these stats does not affect

.. HUIJIUJI li111il
•• Melapltyslcal
OJ lj 2 j3 j4 j5 J6 J7 J8 J9
* **
passive benefits, but will alter any check or action that needs
With all that in mind, those are your stats and their overall,
general effects. Of course, pilots bring more to the table than just
their over-arching statistics. They bring experience, know-how
When you create a pilot, default all your stats to 3, and you may spend and more to the table. These techniques are skills, and are utilised
a total of 5 points to increase. Going up a level is as simple as spending a in different checks to determine what a pilot can, and cannot, do.
point on that stat. You may also gain an extra point by reducing one of
your stats, but you can only do this twice. As well, if any stat by any
means hits zero, your pilot will die.
As a recommendation, try not to min-max your stats too much.
Conditions can occur which may temporarily reduce your stat level, and
as stated, if it hits zero, you die. Keep that in mind if you reduce levels.
/ ~.. · «Combat 20
[~kills and Check~] Now that you know all the skills, you probably have a good
Even though stats cover the basic over-arching level of well-being your idea on half of their respective checks as most are
mental and physical state is, invididuals bring knowledge and know-how self-explanatory. If not, here's a comprehensive list if you really
with them as well. We call this knowledge, and the ability to use said need some explanations:
knowledge, a skill. Swimming is a swimming check. Gymnastics covers any check on jumping,
Before we jump straight into skills, keep in mind most are paired vaulting or leaping. Unarmed Combat is for any unarmed combat that occurs,
same as melee weapons to melee weapons combat. Exotic Melee is for odd and
against different 'checks'. A check can be something as determining how unusual me lee weapons (such as a Scythe), and Survival is for
quickly you can climb or how long you can push yourself as running, to Small Arms, Firearms, and Longarms are for their respective category of ranged
figuring how well you repair armor and more. weapons for use in ranged combat. Exotic Ranged is for odd or unusual ranged
Skills are made a bit broad for the sake of simplicity, so don't fret too weapons (20mm rifle cannon or forged ballistic weaponry). Running is for
extended periods of long-distance marathoning. Sneaking is for moving without
much if it seems some detail is missing. being spotted.
Disguise is for attempting to appear as a person of non-interest, or basically
hide in plain sight via a disguised form. Palming is for stealing out of pockets or
containers. Pilot Aircraft, Ground Vehicle, and Exotic are for use of civilian or
Vigor Skills: otherwise automotive or aerial vessels.
Swimming, Gymnastics, Unarmed Combat, Melee Weapons, Exotic Electronics for use of any electrical equipment or components, Automotive and
Melee Weapon (Specific), Survival Aircraft Mechanic is for general repairs to such vehicles. Armorer is for repairing
of either power armor or tactical body wear. Academic Knowledge generally
Agility Skills: covers entry-college course information on subjects, but may be exclusive to a
particular subject at the discretion of a pilot (+3 to only one subject, such as
Small Arms, Firearms, Long Arms, Running, Sneaking, Exotic Psychology, Sociology, Robotics, or more). Navigation is the knowledge of
Ranged Weapon (Specific) maintaining understanding of North, South, East and West, as well as utilizing
maps and understanding terrain conditions. Tracking is to observe footprints ,
Reaction Skills: tracks, excriment and other signs of life left behind, this can also cover tank tread
marks and tire marks. First aid is one 's ability to cover gashes, deal with fractures,
Disguise, Palming, Pilot Aircraft, Pilot Ground Vehicle, Pilot Exotic creating and applying splints, medical wrap, pressure pads and more. Medicine is
Vehicle (Specific) the knowledge of application and creation of pain killers, anesthetics, herbs and
more. Demolitions is for creating or using explosive material or compounds.
Logic Skills: Industrial mechanic is for assembly lines, robotics, cement mixing, floor/housing
creation, and more. Professional knowledge is treated the same as Academic
Electronics, Automotive Mechanic , Aircraft Mechanic , Armorer, Knowledge, but with fields outside of entry-college courses (such as Calculus,
Academic Knowledge, Navigation, Tracking, First Aid, Medicine, Bio-engineering, etc).
Demolitions, Industrial Mechanic , Professional Knowledge Impersonate is used in attempting to appear as another, specific individual to
fool or decieve others. Oration is for public and group (more than 7 people)
Charisma Skills: speaking. Negotiation is for directed, small-group discussion. Performance is for
any sort of instrumental display. Intimidation is attempting to subjugate or
Impersonate, Oration, Negotiation, Performance, Intimidation, Con
fear-monger another individual to a desired response they would not normally
accept or partake in. Con is generally used for any underhanded, feint-like activity
Grit Skills: in conversation, such as tricking another into believing a false statement.
Endure is to withstand physical shock, pain, or sufferage (such as excessive
Endure, Push Limit, Resist Toxin, Resist Disease, Meditate, Handle
hunger). Push Limit is a special type of action*. Resist Toxin and Disease are used
against their respective perpatrators. Meditate is the act of calming and detering
one 's impatience and anger, it does not necessarily mean sitting cross-legged.
Handle Stress and Shock is for dealing with mental traumas or disturbing facts ,
this could be things such as shell shock.

*Push Limit is a specialty action. Attempting to push the limit allows you to gain
These are the skills available for your pilot to learn. You may improve an additional DV to your choice of action (you push limit for a specific type of
their level up to a total of 3, unless you specialize into a skill, in which skill). The difficulty increases the more you push your limit (Ex. The first push
limit is check of 5, and grants 1 DV to an action, the second check is 10, third
case you may put it up to 4. You may only specialize in a total of 3 skills, check is 15 , etc). Failure on a Push Limit check loses out on any gained DV from
organized however you like. Push Limit, and causes a condition dependant on which stat the action you are
On character creation, the total you start off with is 50 points. You may attempting to push limit on is tied to (mental or physical).
gain additional points in skills later on as you play your character,
depending on GM rulings. So, there's a comprehensive listing of all the types of checks
Finally, a very important ruling: Stats can match up with skills these may be used against. Often, these checks determine the
outside of their category if specified logically. If you are intimidating amount of time it takes to do an action, or whether you can even
someone via your persona, that would be CHA, but to do so via raw attempt it or not. They may also be opposed, dependant on if
strength is a VIG+ Intimidation check. You must explain in detail to the someone is actively attempting to work against your action.
GM how the skill is being paired with the stat, and the GM has final say
on whether it is acceptable or not.
/ ~.. · «Combat 20
A good way to gauge difficulty is to take the human 'average'
Checks and Actions of effort, determine the time per action, and multiply by that. If
someone repairing a basic engine failure takes around 10 minutes,
So now you have all of your stats and skills. How are those used? How and the GM says each action will take up 5 minutes in game, the
do they determine what you can do? Well, this is how GM's and a group human average is 3 for LOG (all stats are 3 at average)+ 1 DV
can figure out what can be done at a table with them. (some pre-requisite knowledge of automobiles is required).
Each time you pair a stat and a skill, you perform an action. This action Hence, on average (DV averages to 2*value), repairing a basic
could be something done on your own time, or something against engine failure is 5 threshold, *2 due to 5 minutes per action out of
someone else's action (I.E. Attempting to Disguise while an enemy is the 10 required.
looking for you). Ifit is done without someone (or something) opposing In a simple way of saying it: Use 5* [Time total required I time
you, it is an Unopposed Action. If it is done while someone is making an of each action]. You can adjust it as you wish, but this is a good
action that is against yours, it is an Opposed Action. Depending on basic threshold to work out how high a timed action's difficulty
which type of action it is, how it works or what your rolls mean will alter. should be.
The following chart should give you a good example: Using the car example, let us say the engine has gone through
serious damage. The transmission is worn, the spark plugs are all
P•"? :7{
Two Digit Timed Tbrcshold
rusted, and the engine itself needs some replacement pistons. This
Unopposed Action
----->... '"n' / y is a fairly complex act, so as stated it requires 4 LOG, and as an
---yr Con,=mg? ~
addition we will say a person's skill must be at least 2. We believe
Single-Roll Check
it will take 2 hours, and each action shall pass 10 minutes. So,
Action is Hampered/Bad 120/10 = 12* 5 = 60 for difficulty value.
Pass? ;: Side Effect
Opposed Action For this case, we have a pilot named Suzy. She has a LOG of 5,
~Did~sing Y

Succeed? ~
and the minimal Automotive Repair requirement (2). Every time
Action Works as Intended she makes an action to repair the car, she will reduce the
workload (difficulty value of 60) by her result.
Notably, each type of action requires one to pass a threshold; the She rolls her DV, and gets the average resultant, making a total
threshold is how hard or difficult the supposed task is, or the level of of 4+5 or 9. There is 51 work left. She rolls again, and gets a 3
knowledge/capacity a person must have to perform it. resultant, for 6+5 or 11. There is 39 work left. She gets a result of
As an example, let us take a broken down automotive on the side of the 3 again, 28. Result of2, 19. Result of2, 10. Result of 1, 3. Her
road. To be able to repair this, someone would need to use their LOG stat final action gets a result of 1, and clears out the workload. The car
and their Automotive Mechanic skill. How can you tell who or what can is now fixed! After a total of 7 actions, she has fixed the car. Since
repair it though? Is it unopposed or opposed? each action is 10 minutes, that is 70 minutes, or lhr lOmin in
Check to see if any other actions at the time may oppose your action. terms of passage of time!
Using the example, repairing an automotive is mostly an unopposed ACTION I ACTION 2 ACTION 3 ACTION 4 ACTION 5 ACTION 6 ACTION 7
action, unless someone or something actively gets in the way or threatens Result: 9 Result : 11 Result : 11 Result: 9 Result: 9 Result: 7 Result: 7
Workload: 51 Workload: 39 Workload: 28 Workload: 19 Workload: I 0 Workload: 3 Workload: 0
the person's concentration. Something that could make it an opposed
check is if a person is being fired upon. Opposed Checks/Actions
Once the type of action is chosen, a GM will give a threshold.
Following the example, repairing the broken car might be a LOG 4 An Opposed Action can be either timed, or basic; the
threshold, where no one with a LOG stat below 4 could feasibly repair opposition does not change whether the action is instantaneous or
the vehicle. If no one can pass the threshold, the type of action cannot be over a course of time.
done; in this example, if no one had a LOG above 4, the car could not be Opposition does not need to be specifically a stat+skill action
repaired by the group. combo. Something such as an enemy firing on suzy will provoke
Second, a GM will determine ifthe action is a 'timed' action; does the opposition to her attempts to repair the vehicle. Forces actively
action spread over a course/period of time, or is it instantaneous? If it is looking for someone hiding will provoke opposition. Anything
timed or takes a course of time to complete, the GM will give it a that a foe , opponent, adversary or the likes could do that might
difficulty relative to how long it will take (longer times = higher potentially hinder or otherwise impede an action taken by another
difficulty) ; if it is not, he will give a second threshold that the person is opposition, and provokes a basic success check.
performing the action must beat. If the opponent succeeds at what they are doing that opposes
the other unit's action, it will hinder their capacity by some means
Timed Checks/Actions determined by the GM. In Suzy's case, if she was being pelted by
A timed action is performed over a period of time. In the gunfire, she might lose some of her successes to reduce the
example, repairing an automobile is not an instant feat, and as workload. This is to simulate actions such as having to retrieve
such is timed. The GM will raise the value to be beat based upon lost items, dealing with additional damages, or whatever the GM
difficulty of the task: How damaged is the car, how complex are might concoct regarding the situation.
the parts, does the person repairing have replacement parts or not? The one thing to note, however, is opposition does not stop an
All of these ma increment the diffic lt
~-- ,,
action from occurring, it only hinders its ability/performance.

/ ~.. · «Combat 20
The Pilot and the Game As your health is threatened, conditions can occur depending on
While the power armor suits are the main focus of the rules, pilots still the severity of hit and the overall well-being of your health.
play the pivotal role of acting as the player's character in the game. They For every 10 health points you lose, roll a d6. Based upon what
are shaped, melded, and act by the player's discretion and choices. To you roll, subtract one from the respective stat in order; 1 for VIG,
account for this, pilots have some rules behind them. 2 for AGI, 3 for REA, 4 for LOG, 5 for CHA, and 6 for GRT. This
First, is their "Health", or what is commonly referred to as HP. Each causes or increments wounds; Losing 1 in CHA would be a minor
pilot has 20 Health points, and these points are only affected once the suit wound, whereas having a total loss of 2 from CHA is a moderate
is out of physical, or if the pilot is outside of their suit. wound. The wound is tied to the stat that is being detrimented.
A pilot can only be hit by direct damage while in their suit if the When you gain a severe or mortal wound, you also gain a
damage amount exceeds the suits' physical. The excess "spills" over into condition. Conditions are additional problems that has no direct
the pilot's Health track. Ex. A suit taking 7 damage while only having 3 gameplay effect in crunch, but are more a narrative note on the
physical left takes 3, and then 4 spills into the pilot's Health, detracting overall well-being of your character. These are meant to allow a
their Health from 15 to 11. GM more reign in bringing in complex situations that might not
As well, all pilots have lOMP, 3EP, and SAP to use weaponry which have easy descriptions, while still affecting one's character.
they can reasonably make use of when outside their suits.
Severe conditions can cause horrendous effects: Necessity to
use your air supply due to lung damage, inability to use a limb,
Example Pilot Damage horrendous reaction time due to head trauma and more can occur.
Rachael has found herself on the wrong side of a conji'Dntation,
When a severe condition comes into play, you and your GM
and is in serious trouble. Her suit is badly damaged, and shes not
quick enough to evade the other suits after her: Her suit physical is should discuss what type of wound it is, and what type of bad
6, and her point pools are dropping fast. effect occurs from it. It should have some relation to the stat it is
One of the enemy suits fires a PLC after having charged it up tied to; a VIG wound could easily be a limp limb, but a CHA
and waiting/or Rachaels pools to drop. It isfi11/y charged, and
wound would not. This should throw a serious monkeywrench
rolls a whooping 2 2 successes. Her suit negates around 4, turning
it into 18 successes, and she attempts to reduce it further with a into your plans, and make keeping your character alive the top
final point expendature, resulting in reduction to 14 success. Her priority for the group.
suit takes 6, and she herself takes 8 damage. Mortal conditions are the absolute worst. Either they invariably
Rachael has Self-Repair II on her suit, and on her turn her suit
kill your character, or cause a permament and detrimental effect.
physical rises ji'Dm 0 to 2. She initiates an Electmn shield to await
backup, and give her another round of Self-Repair: This could be a loss of a limb, permament need to be attached to
At the start of her next turn, she will have 4 physical points for an air supply, or more. As above, discuss the permament condition
her suit, while shes already suffered 8 pilot damage. She better at the table and keep it relevant to which stat it is tied to. If the
hope help comes quickly, or she 'II be done for !
mortal wound was gained from dropping to negative HP, have it
supplant the next highest wound (if available).
Second, food and water, and all basic human needs should be met to
some degree (if applicable to the pilot). While there will be no direct rules Recovery
on handling this, it is up to the players and GM to handle these things and Minor wounds are healed within a couple of hours, and are
determine how much of an impact in their game it'll have. Being hungry, usually no more than minor scrapes and scratches. Moderate
exhausted, dehydrated or more may cause wounds at the GM's discretion; wounds heal within a few days, but are gashes and/or minor
the enviroment may affect this. fractures. Serious wounds tend to take hospitalization (unless
Third, Health is regained at a rate of 1 per every day naturally. treated by a medical expert or emergency response unit), about a
Biologics, augments or medical treatment can alter this value. week for recovery to negate, and generally are bone fractures,
Finally, if a pilot's Health drops to negative health, which is exactly large open gashes, lacerations to organs, and more. Mortal
negative of one's health at maximum value, their life is put at risk, wounds require up to 2 weeks (depending on GM discretion and
causing an immediate mortal wound. There are four types of wounds, severity of wound) of rehabilitation and hospitalization, and
which are minor, moderate, and severe for the first three. Mortal wounds depending on condition may cause permament effects to a pilot
are the fourth and final blow, and often deadly if not tended to. even after. Any outstanding, continual condition that persists after
A minor wound occurs when a stat is dropped by 1, a moderate wound a mortal wound has been healed must be talked about to both the
is when a single stat is reduced by 2. A severe wound occurs when a stat player and GM.
is dropped by 3. A mortal wound only occurs when any stat would be NPC pilots are simplified, and are treated as either dead or
brought to 0 or the pre-mentioned HP drop, causing a Mortality condition unconscious once their Health drops below 0, up to GM
which is agreed upon by the group and GM. A mortal wound can occur discretion and the situation. A party may choose to ignore this
regardless of order; if your AGI is 2 and you would normally suffer a simplification and give NPC pilots the same rules as Player pilots
moderate wound, you instead suffer a mortal wound as the additional if they wish to create a more gritty and harsh universe to play in.
drop brings you to 0 AGL
"1 ,,
- - / ~.. · «Combat 20
While this is rather basic to normal combat, it adds a nice little
Pilots and Combat layer of possibilities. There are also narrative rules which can grant
players, and only players, situational benefits:
Often, combat happens while the pilot is in the suit. Sometimes, the - You gain an additional 2 successes every time you deliever the
pilot is not actively in their suit, and they might need to fight on their action in character! So if you negotiate via your character, rather
own. As well, social engagements can be delegated as 'social conflicts' if than dictating what they do, the GM gives you a bonus of +2.
there's disagreement and neither side is willing to budge. - Repition of any action in a row reduces its successes by 2 each
Active, physical, and the brutal side of combat is pretty simple. It's the time! Don't reiterate yourselfindefinately!
same as suit combat, except you get your pilot stats for AP/MP/EP, and - Usage oflocal lore/knowledge to improve your argument gives
act as usual, using whatever weapons you have. Your weapon damage you a +3 benefit. This can be things such as using intimidate to
comes from your ability to use it, which is the weapon's base damage+ remind the local general goods dealer that the last time he sent out a
your skill; if you need a check to use/perform a specific action with your package of goods, it was raided. So long as you're using the
weapon, it will then be STAT+Skill as usual. world's knowledge to your advantage, it'll boost you up pretty
As well, while it is notably unrealistic for pilots to survive being well!
blasted at by 120mm cannons, there is no delegated rulings on damage - Metagaming, or utilising knowledge your character would not
modifying from being in power armor to outside; your HP remains the possess to your advantage or to perform an action can either be
same regardless. You are free to change this if you wish to make things disregarded by your GM (forcing you to choose a new action), or
harsher, but warn your players beforehand! allowed at a notable penalty decided by the GM him/herself. In
Beyond these minor adaptations, rounds and phases work in the exact short: What the GM says goes!
same way as they do while in power armor: Movement Phase, Action - Performing a social conflict while in your suit/power armor will
Phase, and Reaction Phase happen in the expected order, with a GM's often net you a penalty of -2 to every social action you take; many
turn always before the player's tum. All standard rules apply. people are distrusting of pilots, and this is only removed when
talking to either fellow pilots, or those who hold no negative
disposition against pilots.
Social Conflict
These benefits and disadvantages are optional, but included to
Social scenarios can be a difficult and tricky business. This only
provide a more in-character discourse. Remember, you are the pilot
exemplifies itself when guns are at the ready. Despite these obstacles,
and your actions are done through them! Try to play the role.
people still do debate, discuss, and negotiate in trying times.
Starting a social conflict is as simple as getting into a disagreement. If
both sides refuse to budge, a contestment of choices is made, and it's time Enviroment
to draw the dice. Either side chooses who will represent them, unless Sometimes, even the enviroment is out to get you.
circumstances dictate a particular member must speak out for either Enviromental conflicts work on the same level that physical or
themselves or their group. Once that is done, set your starting disposition social conflicts come along with, but it can influence the character
to 30 each, and depending on the situation or the difficulty of the attempt by causing wounds on failure.
(trying to convince others of giving you salt is one thing, trying to Any enviroment can invoke a check against circumstances in
convince them to fight in war with you is another!), either side may have the local surroundings. This could be against hunger, thirst,
their disposition increased in incriments of 5. exhaustion, shock or trauma. Determine the difficulty of the check
In social conflict, there is no point expendature, you select an action by and it's type (timed, or instant). If a player fails a check, they
stat+skill and thus act. The actions are the same as listed in the skill recieve a wound. Roll a d6 and increment/add wounds as needed.
section: Impersonate, Oration, Negotiation, Performance, Intimidation, As an example, if a pilot has been running/jogging for a while,
and Con. The only difference on how the affect one another is dependant the GM may ask them to do a threshold, instant check for their
on the social situation: Is it an opposed social conflict, or unopposed? current well-being. In this case, the most likely stat and skill
Unopposed social conflicts affect each other's disposition as normal. combo would be AGI+Running, but an argument can be made by
You can think of disposition like workload in a timed action series; the the player that their VIG stat would count instead. Instant checks
opponent's disposition lowers as your action reduce the 'workload' to get are usually done after the player has performed extrenuous tasks
them to agree. This is often one on one discourses, bartering, etc. or have been dealing with a growing situation.
Opposed social conflicts, unlike most other checks, contest directly and Timed checks by the enviroment are calculated once the party
only one will work. Whichever action has the highest value will reduce decides to do an extended set of actions. Following the prior
the opponent's disposition whilst the lower value is discarded. This is in example, if the party decided to walk all the way to the next city,
relation to two sides arguing to a third party: Whether that third party is a the GM could call a timed check. If a player cannot complete the
group of people, an officer, or someone else is irrelevant; what makes it timed check in a certain amount of actions, he gains a condition.
opposed is the two having the conflict are not trying to convince one The GM must decide the amount of actions before failure, and
another, but someone else or a group of others. any potential conditional benefits or disadvantages to the players
prior to rolling. So if walking to the next city is lhr, the GM

"1 ,,
might say the threshold is within 6 actions, at 50 difficulty.

- - / ~.. · «Combat 20
The Basics Movement Phase
+ + + + + + + + + + Now that we have all the bases convered, let's touch on how you move
Armored Descent is a very team-focused, cooperative experience. around the map. Movement in AD is a little more complex, but is
Combat follows the same design philosophy and means that some aspects implimented to provide variation in combat and land/air transversal.
of how things work are more akin to games like Mouse Guard than When you move across the map, you divvy up what actions it takes to
Shadowrun. There's a bit to take in, so read carefully ! achieve that effect: You can also stack these action as you like, although
take note of additional effects while doing so (noted in italics).
What Constitutes a Round Here is a list of Movement maneuvers you might use:

Let's break down a couple words, right off the get go: Round, Phase, Basic Movement: Requires 2 MP to use. Move up to 1Om.
and Turn. In a Round, there are three Phases, and for every Phase, there Dash: Requires 2 MP to use. Dash in a single line of lSm.
are two turns. The two turns are the GM's turn, and then the PCs turn, Climb: Requires 4 MPs to use. Check your weight vs. the
with the GM's turn always first. The three phases are: Movement, Action, housing/structure. If your weight is enough that the structure can
Reaction, then the round begins anew. When a new round begins, your reasonably handle it, you can climb S meters upwards. Augmented
AP/MP/EP pools will be reset to maximum. Reality can tell you if the structure would support your weight.
Once you get your head wrapped around that, there's one final concept Move Through: Requires 1 MP to use. Ignore a select unit or target
you have to really nail in that will be a bit more difficult: All PC's act while making your movement (such as an enemy combatant). Explain the
during the PCs turn in a phase. Emphasis here, everyone, at once. The method of movement through the square to your GM.
players must talk together, decide on a course of action, and then tell the Jump: Requires 2 MP to use. Ignore gaps/lower terrain for lOm
GM what their characters are doing and how. The PC's characters then horizontally. This can be used to clear obstacles, or hop gaps. However,
will all act in that exact turn, not on a per turn basis. Once you got that, motion that uses wheels locomotion cannot perform this maneuver. - Burn
it's just on to understand what each Phase is for. 4 MP per every 5m extra you wish to jump in a particularjump action.
Brace for Impact: Requires 1 MP to use. Check your STR vs. the
Movement Phase is easy enough. During the GM's turn, they'll move housing/structure. If your STR is high enough you can reasonably break
NPC's around the region map as permitted by the units capacities. During through the building's material, you smash through the object unabated.
the PCs turn, players will decide where they want to move and how they If not, you fail to make impact on the structure. Augmented Reality can
achieve that via MP expendature, and then move together. give you an analysis ofa structure to determine if you can do this.
Action Phase is a bit more intensive, this is where the shots begin to fly. Swing: Requires 2 MP to use. Check your weight vs. the structure you
On the GM's tum, NPC's will select targets, fire , or even perform are swinging from. If your weight can be supported, you may swing
secondary actions like repairs or other if applicable. Once it is the PCs across the object and perform a jump action for free from the square, at
turn, players will have to talk about what they intend to do; whether its double the distance Jump normally provides.
collectively trying to help one specific member, focus firing an enemy, Take Cover: Requires 1 MP to use, as well as applicable cover (any
creating cover, repairs or more, it all happens together. When it's obstacle such as a car, trailer, cargo container, etc or solid cover,
determined how the group will act, they will explain what occurs to the presuming it can cover your suit). You are now recieving the benefits of
GM, expend AP if necessary and perform it in that tum. This includes being in cover. Cannot take multiple Take Cover actions per round.
dice rolling for DV variation on attacks. Toss Ally: Requires 1 MP to use. Check l /4th the STR of the assisting
Reaction Phase is the crunch phase, this is where breaking out the unit vs. the weight of the unit being assisted. If the STR of the assisting
calculators comes in handy. On the GM's turn, the GM will figure out unit is equal to or greater than the wieght of the unit being assisted, the
how, if applicable, the enemy reacts to the players actions in the Action assisting unit can hurtle the other unit 1Om across, or Sm upwards. - Burn 2
Phase; players on the PC turn will also perform the same. This means MP per every 1 Om height/5m horizontally extra you wish to hurtle y our ally.
expending EP or MP to deal with damage, intercept attacks (if possible),
and more.

Once all the phases have passed, a new Round begins. A new Round
means setting your AP/MP/EP totals to their alloted, and potentially Combined Maneuvers
altered, maximums and starting the cycle again. This continues until
These combinations account for special rules for particular mixes
either the PCs are victorious or the GM's forces/the enviroment has
of maneuvers.
gotten the better of the PCs.
Running Leap: Combine Dash and Jump. As part of the same action,
Finally, there is a specialty clause: A GM/Player may elect to delay a
your jump action range is increased to l Sm so long as you have a running
particular unit's choice of action until the end of the phase, so long as it
start of Sm before the leap. -Burn 2 MP per every JOm extra y ou wish to j ump/dash
can be reasoned why they wish to wait. A melee unit awaiting a ranged to jump extra.
unit's movement in the movement phase is valid, ifthe melee wishes to Bull Charge: Combine Move Through and Brace. Allows you to break
stay by the enemy range unit; a recursive back and forth bickering through solid cover (buildings, thick walls, etc) presuming you can do
waiting on each other to act is not. The phase does not end until all units both Move Through and Brace without issue. - Burn 2 MP per every extra solid
have acted, meaning the delayed unit must act by the end. cover y ou break through.

· . ' « Combat 15
Action Phase Reaction Phase
Often, rolls in games go independantly of one another: An
The action phase is the de-facto "This be where things happen" phase.
attack, a check to climb or more. In Armored Descent, there are a
During this phase, you are granted one choice of action, unlike
variety of checks that are opposed by other values. In the case of
Movement. This can be deciding to attack an enemy, doing a repair, or
attacks, an opposed check deals with incoming damage.
anything like that. Often time, these are referred to as "Standard" actions
To oppose a damage roll, simply state how you intend to do so
by modules. You get only one per Action Phase, so decide wisely what
during your group's turn in the Reaction Phase, and then burn
you will use it for.
points to perform actions to oppose the opponent's damage roll.
Available actions are listed in a following section. You do this for
Now that we covered the actions available, let's cover performing
each damage roll coming at you.
actions. Namely: Trying to hit something with a weapon. If you decide to
Because of this, the Reaction Phase is a bit of a sit-down
attack, there are a couple of steps you must take. First, examine how
calculation period. Players and the GM both analyse and figure
many successes are granted by your weapon and the amount of attacks
out what is going on, and it's best for everyone to get their
performed, and then roll for the DV the weapon grants. To roll DV, grab
calculations out of the way together rather than wait on one
2d6 (two six-sided dice), and roll for a value. Check for the modifier
another, if possible. Helping each other with math is also
granted by the sum of the dice roll, and multiply the DV value by it.
Modifier granted by 2d6 is on a base 3 system, where 7 = 3, and each encouraged, as well as bringing any quick ease-of-use device!
value further from seven reduces: 6/8 = 2, 5/9 = 1, 4/10 = 0. Reroll for Once you have determined the action you wish to take and how
2/3/11/12, which are negative mods. DV bonus is applied per target, much points you wish to burn to perform it, compare the totaled
rather than per attack; Multi-attacking one target doesn't add multiple value against the incoming attack. For endurance actions, if your
DV's, only one. amount is equal to or greater than your opponents' damage total,
you negate the damage; If it is less than, you reduce the damage
Once you have done that, reduce the total against the range threshold, by that amount. Evasion is all or nothing: Either your total is
dependant on weapon choice. Weapon Range thresholds are: CQC, Close greater, or you take the full damage.
Range, Short Range, Medium Range, Long Range, Extreme Ranges and
anything beyond 2km on grid is impossible. The order is These options are the actions used to oppose enemy attacks that
0/50/100/150/200/250m+ in actual distance (Hence, short is lOOm). could damage you. Each time you expend points to improve your
Each increase in range threshold from CQC causes a penalty of 2 per value, add the value bonus to the total, starting from 0.
against your attack (I.E. 0/2/4/6/8/10). This can be reduced by targeting You must announce your intention to resist attacks, as well as
systems. These values are balanced and designed for grid combat, so which method you will oppose the attack with. Recall that MP
those who prefer non-grid options or situations where a grid cannot be actions either negate or do nothing, whereas EP actions will reduce
used be mindful these may adapt! or negate. To oppose multiple attacks, select how many actions for
Threshold or penalties can be changed/altered by modifiers such as each attack you are going to do.
difficulty in vision, variable cover, etc. GM's may decide on modifiers. Finally, if you managed to utilise cover, you improve the value
granted per use of each opposed action by 1 for basic cover, 2 for
There are also things that may impede your vision or ability to attack a heavy cover. This bonus is granted to players based upon the
target. The primary one is Line of Sight: You cannot reasonably fire at a situation and GM discretion; A suit that is situated at the comer of a
target you do not have Line of Sight to. You can fire at a target that your building, hiding low in foilage (if small enough), are using barriers
targetting systems (Ex. Sonar) have highlighted for you, at a penalty to such as sandbag emplacements or smaller walls, or more may be
hit of -4 successes per solid object (buildings, solid cover, etc) that you granted a basic bonus. More about cover in the combat map section.
fire through. Non-Solid objects (Chaff clouds) do not confer a penalty.
If you lack line of sight but still wish to blind-fire, you may attempt to Brace Actions: Each time you expend an EP, improve your
do so with a seperate, initial 2d6 roll, designating your target square. A opposed value by 3.
resultant only of 7 will result in success, which is roughly a 17% chance! Dodge/Evasion Actions: Each time you expend an MP,
If you manage to hit, you must still roll DV and adjust for penalties as improve your opposed value by 3.
So as an example, if there was 15 damage coming your way, and
Once you know your damage you are dealing to an opponent, they are you were in cover, spending 3 EP would grant you 12[((3+1)*3) =
marked for that damage for the Reaction Phase. Damage is not applied (4*3)] for value. Since it's an EP action, you would reduce the
instantaneously, and only after the unit figures out how to deal with the damage to only 3 total. If you had an additional EP to spend on the
incoming blow. This is also true for damage, conditions and more coming action, you could negate the entirety of the damage.
at players. Conversely, using MP, you would need to spend 4 MP at least
while in cover to completely avoid the attack. MP expendature is all
or nothing, you must overcome the incoming value or the damage
impacts unabated.

. '
· --4 « Combat 16
Margins and Point Loss The Importance of Margins
Power armor might be made of alien technology, but its not without its At first, margin damage and keeping track of your defense may seem
flaws and weaknesses. Armor still has to be welded and locked/bolted somewhat aggrivating. The issue arises that the world of Armored
together, joints still have to move, and thrusters still have to have an Descent knows two truths: Your group is not the only collective of armor
opening to thrust out exhaust. As an armored or evasive unit actively users in the game world, and every rule is a rule the GM can use as much
defends or avoids attacks, their pools will slowly take damage and as the Players can.
decrease; this does no direct damage to Health/Physical pools of the
target, but reduces their point pools. Many of times, you will be fighting basic units. Grunts, infantry, IFV's,
APC's, even tanks, SPG's, ground emplacements and more. Few might
Suits have their own margins on their EP/MP pools, which is 5 on MP, have found ways to exploit the alien tech, most might not. Many of these
and 10 on EP; these values may be modified by Armor/RCS. will not be able to deal damage directly to your suit due to how fast,
While defending, the damage that is either resisted or evaded instead durable, or perhaps a combination of both that it is. Margins are the way
affects one's margin, and can be labeled as MD for simplicity. Damage for large numbers to whittle down your ability to fight effectively, until
that is affecting one's margin, or MD, cannot be opposed; you cannot you find yourself surrounded and weakened. They simulate accumulated
reduce the effect of this damage without ignoring the attack and allowing damages, wear & tear, and complications.
it to occur as normal. Such damage can be reduced by the effects of Your pools are what grant you the ability to move, endure, and attack.
cover: Basic cover halves effective damage, and heavy cover reduces They are vital, and more potent than any measure of suit Physical HP
base damage to l /3rd, both rounded up. Finally, any sort of OVP, or ever will be. Once you run out, you're either a sitting duck or a beating
Opposed Value Pool does not reduce MD; OVP's however cannot be bag for enemy forces.
reduced either and remain at their full capacity.
Let this be your in-the-book warning, repairs are not easy. They may
Once MD is calculated, apply it to the respective pool's margin and for sound simple and intuitive, but leave you wide open to take direct
every time it passes the margin's threshold, reduce the respective pool's damage. Armored Descent is a game of endurance and team composition;
maximum point value by 1. So, 17 damage that was resisted by EP failure to work together to maintain unit cohesion and effectiveness is
becomes l 7MD, and reduces one's EP pool maximum by l ; all excess going to cause a lot of problems for the group as a whole.
damage is retained, hence the 7 damage is applied to the margin after There is no "tank" that can just sit there and be healed indefinately to
reset. serve as a punching bag for the enemy, as their EP will be tom asunder.
There is no permament "dodge build", as you'll find yourself grounded
Once you've reduced a suit's maximum point pool to 0, you have quickly enough. Pay close attention to cover, enemy numbers, and
effectively neutralized its ability to react in that manner. A suit without EP positioning: 2 damage per unit isn't much, but if there's 5 units, that's an
is incapable of performing actions to endure your attacks, and a suit EP per round, or 2 MP. It may only take one round to repair some
without MP is a sitting duck. Obviously being left as a piece of scrap to damage, but if you're being shot at you'll suffer direct, unimpeded
have shots rain down upon you isn't fun, so be weary of losing too much damage. As well, there may be 3~5 of you in a group, but the GM might
of your pool! have an easy calculation sheet for over 150 guys on the exact same board.

Repairing the Damage As well, other suit users pose a big problem: They are statted, work,
While you can invariably lose the ability to fight on, there are ways to and built the same way you build or have built your suit. Tuey can pick
repair and undo the damage. Repairs cannot begin or be done if you up the same modules, variants, constructs, weapons, and can use all the
actively spent EP or MP during the last round's Reaction Phase. Self same actions and gain all the same benefits you do. They are not simply
Repair modules are the most reliable, ignoring attacks allows your suit to health sponges like bosses in other tabletops, they are essentially stat-able
be able to repair damage to one pool automatically; EP repair restores PCs controlled by the GM. They work, operate, and are controlled by the
your EP max by 5, while MP restores 10. SR Mod's level determines how GM, but they are created and generated just like any other player
long before the repair process begins. character. Do not take them, nor a group of them, lightly.
Octopus, as a direct repair system is far more capable of undoing the
damage. If you or another unit repairs you via Octopus, you regain However, the damages done to you are the same you can do to them.
double the normal amount ofMP/EP repair. Bionics must use this method This is the final reason Margins exist; The game is built with a special
and have Healing Salve instead of Octopus, else wait two rounds to heal. type of 'Pv E' in mind, where the enviroment is controlled and regulated
You may only accept one source of repairs per Action Phase. by a person, the GM. However, these suits exist the same that you do,
meaning damage on a very durable suit will perform the same as if you
Of course, the enemy wouldn't sit lightly if you were out in the open were attacked. They can be worn down as well!
trying to fix your armor. Any attack you resist against, regardless of
whether you manage to negate it during the Reaction Phase or not, will That's the in-book narrative, and the big 'why Margins exist'. This is a
prevent you from repairing during your next Action Phase. You can repair game about teamplay, cooperation, and endurance in long, strenuous
in the open, but you will be unable to defend yourself1 It is best to find a fights. Do not allow yourself, or your allies, to be worn down.
location to hunker down that is out of combat to do so.

· . ' « Combat 15
Game Narrative On one hand, more power to the players the better; the greater
So a round has passed by, you have made movements, gained (or lost) influence a player has upon the world and its image, the more immersed
line of sight, performed actions, and figured out the math behind how that and attached they often will become. They might want to strike
all resolves. Surely a new round must start, right? particular poses, or perform actions in a specific manner that says more
Not yet. Sure, you've crunched the math, but now it is time for the about their character than any multi-paged backstory ever could.
roleplay to come in. Different groups will have different ideas on how to On the other, it means the player has to be familiar with the concept
handle this, and even how actions resolve will change depending on the of flavor text and roleplaying. It's not something most first time players
preference of the group! The reason there is no specific listing in the rules to the world of roleplay will be able to do offhand. It requires more
of this as a "phase" is because it is independant of math, calculations, or effort and work on their part, and thus more involvement.
any form of gameplay; the narrative part is strictly narrative.
While it's encouraged for players to roleplay as the crunch is happening Whichever way you choose, the point comes that at an end of a round,
as well, sometimes players shy away from flavor text while numbers are with all the mathematics and calculations, the time comes to roleplay.
being calculated. To handle this, rounds are designed as little 'pockets' of Get comfy, get together, and get a story cranking.
time, where the hard to figure out number crunching and action
occurance is dealt with first, and then roleplaying and action comes in.
Realism versus Action
So, the time has come to roleplay! No, I said ROLEplay, not
Remember, AD is not a simulator at heart; all the minute calculations
ROLLplay. Put the dice down, and get ready to start chatting.
of physics and actions, be it from bullets/projectiles or the suits
themselves, are abstracted. There is no way to calculate all that, and we
"What I Did in AD Today Was ... " gives ourselves as writers, storytellers, and roleplayers a bit of leniency
Yes, I am quoting my favorite barnacle. The first step is, obviously, to
to fudge the details of the world to tell our own twist.
narrate what happened. There are a couple of ways this can be done,
What does this mean? That you can decide if you want your game to
depending on group preference.
have high action nonsense or skirt more towards the real life example.
The GM as a Storyteller:
The Action Approach:
Probably the easiest to wrap your head around, and simplist on the
Sometimes, we want to be a bit wackier with our stories. Where
players. The GM will recant the actions, filling up the flavor text or 'fluff'
cars actively explode when damaged, actions don't always have
of the story. An action of "I shot someone with Colossal Ballistics" would
reactions (such as kicking someone from the air and not being displaced
be told by the GM with a more story-focused tone, potentially as "The air
from it), and someone played too much Metal Gear Rising:
cracked, as the cannon's barrel erupted in fire; the round leaping forth and
Revengeance (© ofKonami) where little people can throw entire
decimating the lone APC as spalling poured from the penetration." On
multi-story monstrocities.
top of being a mediator and puppeteer of events in the world, the GM's
Simply put, sometimes we want to leave reality behind and be a bit
job description rises to incorporate that of a storyteller.
crazier. To be fair, that's fine. Nothing in the rules says you can't, nor
On one hand, it helps greatly for players unfamiliar with roleplaying
even specifically states how actions in narrative resolve. When it says a
to help 'situate' into a role; the prospect of having to think up flavor text
weapon does damage, it says it does damage. The narrative behind that
to their actions in combat becomes part of the GM's job, and all they have
is entirely up to the group. So if you want that "run up the blade ofa
to do is play their character.
large opponent, do a backflip, and gash their backsides out" level of
On the other, it can be fairly selective from the player's action, go for it.
interpretation. The GM might interpret a set of moves or actions in a
manner different than what a player would've imagined, leaving The (Relatively) Realistic Approach:
discrepancies. It is only really recommended for those either wishing to Other times, we want to take things a bit more seriously. Where
be told a tale they participate in, or those very fresh to the idea of weight has an actual effect in our games and can mean a superheavy
roleplaying in general. It is also more difficult for a GM, as it adds to drider won't be able to climb most residential houses. Where cars only
their workload. explode when the fuel tank catches fire or a spark ignites the
Obviously, flavor text from the players is still encouraged; be it their concoction. Where people want to make a bit more sense out of the
characters shouting triumphantly, or yelling out their disdain for their world.
foes. It just means that the flavor behind the actions falls solely at the feet In short, sometimes we want to nudge closer to the border of what
of the GM. is realistic. This is also acceptable. It makes things more clear and
precise, and leaves less room for the insane to creep in. It also means
The Players as the Storytellers:
that players and the GM will have to be more mindful of how their
More intensive, but more rewarding: Have the players recant the
actions can influence the world.
story of how they influence the world, based on the calculations and
resolutions to their actions/choices in the round. This allows them to tell Neither way is specifically right or wrong; both have merits and both
their characters actions from their perspective, giving the players more have entertainment value. Tabletops are for entertainment, so decide
agency to influence the look, feel, and approach of their pilots and suits. what you want out of it and go for it!

· . ' « Combat 15
Intercepts, Swift Actions, and Special Actions If you are attempting a difficult shot or trying to aim for vital
areas, you may elect to use a Take Aim action, using your
Intercepts are a special type of action which focuses on interrupting an
standard for that Action Phase to add 2DV to your attacks on the
attack on another unit by contesting it yourself. This puts you into the
marked/selected opponent (must choose a target in your line of
line of fire rather than an ally, however there are a few requirements
sight/granted vision). This effect lasts until the end of the next
depending on how you intend to achieve the effect:
Action Phase; This benefit cannot stack with itself (cannot use
All intercept options require adjacency to an ally.
multiple Take Aim actions for incrimenting bonuses).
An intercept must be declared before the Action Phase ends.
An ally attacked who had the attack intercepted still counts to interrupting
repairs that require non-interrupted flow (Self Reapir, Octopus, etc) Lastly, there are three additional attack options usable only by
If you stand in front of the blow, you may take the attack rather than those with a melee weapon (Kinetic Strike Module, Cutting
your ally. You cannot reduce the damage by MP expendature. This costs Blades, etc). First is the slide action, and must be announced that
1 EP to perform. you are using it. The unit attacks normally, but the target may be
You may attempt to move your ally out of the way through force, but slid or shoved as far as the attacker wishes to expend MP, at
if your STR does not exceed their Weight this will fail. This puts you in double the cost of the Dash maneuver (sliding a unit 15m in a
the line of fire, forcing you to expend MP to evade the attack (not EP). straight line is 2 MP's, not l; every additional 15m is 4 MP's).
This costs 2 MP to perform. Second, a unit may knock another unit prone, provided their
strength is greater than the weight of the enemy unit. Doing so
Swift actions are another type of action. The action is considered reduces the success of the attack by 5, but forces the unit prone,
simple and quick enough for the character to perform without great makes every movement action costs 1 additional MP on their next
effort. This can be something simple as pulling an item from inventory, turn, and disables any activatable modules (AIC, Momentum
dropping an item, or going prone (iflocomotion allows), or a myriad of Disruptor, etc; Passive modules such as Self Repair are
modules which use a swift to activate/function. Each player can perform unaffected). The unit who was knocked down must expend a swift
1 swift action per round, during any phase where it is applicable. action to stand back up on their turn; They may also elect to
remain prone, using their swift for any other action of their
Suits may be advanced technology, but they are not innately choosing, but an unit which has been knocked prone cannot move
designed for weapon housing due to their anatomical forms. Often, until they stand back up.
weapons are mounted/welded onto the suit in a variety of places, such as Third, a melee combatant may elect to charge an enemy,
an arm or a shoulderplate. This can make sudden forceful motions provided they are at least 50m away, have the mobility to make
difficult to fire accurately, especially in enclosed quarters where some the distance, and have a straight line to rush the enemy. This
suit targetting systems lock up due to safety protocols. special charge incriments the pilot's condition following the pilot
Attempting to fire on a target in CQC must be rolled for with 2d6, rules (see: Pilot Rules section), without causing direct damage via
using the same base 3 system as DV. A resultant of mod 0 or 1, rolls of impact trauma (I.E. , Damage is normal and does not afflict the
45/9/10, means that the shot fails to collide. pilot unless they are unprotected, it merely incrirnents their
Conversely, a unit attempting to fire into a melee combat situation condition). A unit affected by this attack cannot be affected by
where their target is adjacent to another unit must roll the 2d6 for hit impact trauma again for 3 rounds.
chance, where a 0/1 mod results in accidental collateral to the other unit.

An individual which has an enemy at every major direction (N/S/E/W, List of Special Actions
or up/down/left/right) is considered surrounded and every attack against Call Shot Lockdown TakeAim Slide Knock Prone Impact
- Coupled - Standard - Standard (Melee) (Melee) Trauma
him gains an additional 2 successes. If the individual manages to force with an Action Action -Move Burn - Standard (Melee)
one direction to be unoccupied, s/he is no longer considered surrounded Attack - Doubles -Gain Action Action - Standard
(Running past the enemy, knocking an enemy in another direction, etc). - Negates enemy unit's +2DV - Slide or - Reduce attack Action
Damage MP options benefit to Shove target by 5 successes - Requires
- For every during next next Action by mobility - Disables active 50m in a
A Lockdown Action is an action to attempt to actively suppress an margin pass, Movement Phase burned modules straight
enemy via weapon firing to prevent their actions and weaken them. make your Phase - Cannot - Target can (AIC/etc) line
Using a standard, a unit designates which target he wishes to lockdown enemy suffer - Triples next stack only be -Enemy is - Unit
that Action Phase; The target's movement options cost double on their an effect Called Shot multiple shoved/slid knocked prone must be
dependant on on unit ifLoS Take Alm forward - Standing up able to
next Movement Phase. If the unit performing the Lockdown maintains area targeted is maintained. action from you, from prone is a move at
Line of Sight to the enemy up to the next Action Phase, the unit may use bonuses. not swift action least 50m
Called Shot, gaining triple the normal damage benefit to the target's left/right/heh -Target may - Incri-
EP/MP pool (I.E. 12 damage would become 36). This benefit is applied ind. elect to remain ments Pilot
prone; cannot condition
per attack (Both DVI AS, so Class 1 with 2 AS rolling a 2 mod for DV is move while by one
4*3 = 12 per attack) ifthe unit attacks the target multiple times. If prone
multiple units Lockdown the same target, the MP cost remains at double
for the target, but the Called Shot benefit applies per unit if maintained.
. • I 1 '

• « Combat 17
The Basics
+ + + + + + + + + + <~----UNITONEPATHNr-
G ____ > LoS Example
______, B SL
where top isexample
both a1111its
Movement in Armored Descent is seperated into two planes: see each other whilst they were halfway
in their movement; hence, LoS is gained.
Ground, and Air. Both follo w the same ruleset, but air can be more -
NGL ::=======' If Un it 2 was perfectly still and could
complicated and difficult to interpret. Starting from the ground, the V see between the obstructions, LoS as
well would be granted.
following section explains both realms.
G ========:::::JI
The bottom example shows a situation where there is 110 LoS


granted. Unit 1 Would only see Un it 2 S movement 3/4ths of the
way through his movement, and Unit 2 at 3/4ths of his is behind
obstruction. Since, relatively, neither unit would have a direct line
The grid is a visual representation of the battlefield available to units. without obstmction during movement relative to one another. no

Buildings, obstacles, and other enviromental detail is placed around by UN IT TWO f>AJH!NG > LoS is granted. '
Do not fret about exacts and perfection, treat it as a general
the GM while he also dictates the starting position of the players and guestimate to work from ! Don 't waste time on exacts, just play!

NPCs tokens. Every square is a distance of Sm, including diagonally.

Terrain that is difficult to maneuver across counts as double the normal Flight, Vertical Movement, Enviroment Mutability
distance (lOm).
Aerial combat can be difficult, as well as mobility options
Obstacles and difficult terrain can be used to the advantage of the
which allow a user to make vertical motion easily; mobility
players, considering it is plausible to be used for defense. An automobile
options such as Adhesion, Web Spray, Hopper Legs and more can
or comer of a building can be used as cover, or a dense series of foilage,
make a game more interesting, but confusing all the same.
all of which gives bonuses to a player 's ability to oppose incoming
Attempting to scale, move, or transverse a distance vertically is
actions. As stated in the combat section, the basic forms of cover often
the same as transversing that distance horizontally, so long as you
give only a + 1 mod to each oppose action, with only particularly strong
have the means to do so. If you wish to end up on a ledge that is
or powerful cover such as reinforced concrete or purpose-built bunkers
lOm higher from your current position, and on the square adjacent
granting a +2. As well, depending on the size and scale of both yourself
to you, you must move 1Om up and Sm over, l Sm in some sort of
and the cover, it may be unusable: A superheavy likely couldn't make use
leap. Which actions achieve this are up to the player to reason
ofa wall that reaches only chest height of normal people. Any potential
based upon movement options and modules they have, and GM
form of cover must be either in the unit's square or directly adjacent to it.
While obstacles do exist, they are not immutable: A Superheavy may
Height is important, and every time you have notable height
lif~ up an automobile used for cover and hurtle it at an enemy, a Heavy
advantage, you get a bonus +2 to any offensive/attacking action
smt may break through the side of a wall, or a powerful cannon may
you take upon a target that is in a position that is Sm or lower in
penetrate and destroy a fence on it's way to the target. Affecting the
height than yours. This includes actively flying around, but it is
enviroment calls independant checks or modifiers for the appropriate
very difficult to gain cover in the air!
action (Throwing a car is a check against the strength of the suit, shooting
As well if you are above a target and on a solid surface, such as
through a solid object with a cannon confers a success penalty), and is
the roof of a building, you are being granted basic cover. This
resolved immediately. The particular effects of the action fall on the GM.
means that planting yourself on top of ledges and buildings can be
Line of Sight key in making yourself safe. If you step away from the ledge you
will lose line of sight as the building will block vision. Stated
Line of Sight is also vastly important to playing on the grid. Obstacles
buil~ings and more can block or prevent line of sight from being granted, prior, the enviroment is mutable, and it is possible that they may
attempt to topple the building with you on it.
and if you do not have line of sight on an enemy you cannot attempt to
All buildings, if you attempt to bring one down, have 10 basic
attack that enemy. Obvious blockers of line of sight can be buildings or
HP per square they occupy (horizontally, not vertically). As a
large structures, but other dynamic objects may block line of sight
special note: Burrowing through all squares a building occupies
depending on height and length; A Mesh could reasonably hide behind a
causes it to collapse immediately, with burrowed units unharmed.
tank to prevent being hit, but a Superheavy would have a harder time at
If the building is destroyed with a unit on top, the unit at the
doing so. The object may still provide cover, however.
beginning of its turn must make an action or series of actions that
Line of Sight is dynamic to units. It is not calculated solely upon the
removes it from the building's surface (fly, hopper legs, etc) and
end location of your movement(s) during the Movement Phase, nor upon
puts them in a safe position by the end of their tum. If they cannot
the starting location. It is calculated upon the relative positions of units in
perform an action that would put them in a safe position, they
comparison to each other. If halfway through your movement you would
take 10 damage per Sm fallen. Jumping off a building doesn't
see your opponent, check if they were halfway as well and if you could
negate the damage, unless you land on another building of the
see that location! If you didn't move, any movement an opponent made
same height; As well, climbing down a collapsing building is not
that you can see grants LoS. See the visual aid for more info.
possible except if you have web spray and/or adhesion, and can
Know this, LoS is not an exact science; getting out a measuring stick is
make it to the bottom or another surface at double the normal MP
a pain and excessive. Try to get rough estimates, not exact
cost. Be weary at the bottom of falling debree!
measurements. A GM will give fn1al ruling on any difficult calls.
. '
-4 _ « Combat 18
+ + + + + +
+ + A condition can be something as simple as forcing you to burn
In war, having a safety feature is not the wisest of decisions at times. extra MP on movement rolls for forcing your suit to move too
From airplanes burning out their afterburners to tanks melting their own quickly, extra EP on attempts to resist damage due to being hit by
engines from being pushed too far; Desperation can breed a need to gain extreme blows, or more. These are determined by rolling.
every little boost you can squeeze out of a mechanical unit, even if in the For weapons, the biggest problem is slamming in too much
long run the damage is substantial. Otherwise, that same tank could've explosive powder or negating the safety regulators for impact on
been left in the open, or the airplane stuck to fight alone against a swarm melee strikes. Every three times you WEP for additional DV in a
of enemy fighters. session, you gain a condition.
Pushing a suit beyond the normal limits inherently programmed in it is For movement or evasion, you can gain detrimental effects to
also not unheard of. Either for those few extra meters in a turn for your your MP dependant on how many times in a turn you push your
movement, smacking something harder with your fist, picking up suit to move around the map or to dodge incoming attacks.
something you normally couldn't or filling your shot with more explosive Conversely, for potentially overcharging the graphene composite,
material than is reasonably safe, WEP is the aim of turning off the safety which results in the material becoming more brittle and weaker.
barriers and going wild when you absolutely need to. Both MP/EP gain follow the same rules as additional DV WEP.
The only exception to the every 3 times per session, gain
Risk and Reward condition method is on additional attacks with a single weapon.
Depending on what class it is (1 ~4) , invert that for how many
Inherently, pushing a suit well beyond the intended limits is a risk that
times it can be fired consecutively before rolling for conditions.
puts you, the pilot, in direct danger. The fact that physical damage spills
I.E. Class 1/2/3/4 weapons can be fired 4/3/2/1 times normally per
over into pilot damage is a direct cause and use of WEP in it's most basic
turn. Pushing it any further than that amount invokes the same
form. To keep the suit from shutting down from safety limits, the pilot
method of gaining conditions. Experimentals cannot be
continues to force the suit along, risking their own health and well-being.
multi-fired, and as stated in the weapon section risk conditions.
A suit without a pilot directly in it (Controlled by an AI/remote controlled
You can reset the amount of times before another conditon
with a Brain Implant) will shut down instantaneously from safety
check by taking time to maintain your power armor and its
programming if it takes more physical damage than the suit can handle
systems: This action takes roughly 10 minutes and resets your
(50 Physical). For a pilot actively in the suit, they may elect to power
session limit to your maximum allotment on any potential area
down or continue fighting as stated in the Pilot section.
(MP/EP/DV bonus/Experimental Risk). You can do this multiple
The first type ofWEP use is getting that extra damage to your attack. It
times so long as you have the time to do so, and each time can
can be ramming the kinetic strike module all the way and disregarding
affect a different point pool/session limit.
the impact force to lacing your shot with as much boom as possible. To
improve the damage of an attack, burn double the AP of the weapon's
There are a variety of conditions which the GM can choose
attack cost (So, Colossal Ballistics = 4 + 4). This adds the DV value of
from, or roll depending on preference. Be mindful that AP
the weapon to itself, essentially doubling the DV the first WEP use. You
bums/changes affect only the weapon that incurred the condition:
can do this multiple times as allowed by your AP pool. 1 on ld6: All MPIEPIAP related actions/burns cost 1 extra point.
To fire a weapon again in one turn is the same as WEP'ing for 2,3 on ld6: Attempting more of the prior action (Dash, Jump, Brace, DV boost,
additional DV (AP*n, where n is number of times fired); Remember that etc) burns an additional MPIEPIAP
4,5 on ld6: Evasive/Brace actions (burning MPIEP to reduce incoming
firing a weapon mounted in another slot detracts points as normal.
damage) cost an additional MPIEP point; Weapon cannot use WEP fo r 2 rounds.
Additional attacks suffer the same penalties and effects as other attacks 6 on ld6: The suit loses up to 4 MP/ 1EP I 2 AP points ft-om its maximum pool,
and are resolved seperately; They do not stack together into a single depending on severity of burn/type of action.
damage value. As a specialty rule; You may exchange 3 MP for 1 AP, up
to as much AP as l /5th your MP pool. Remember, these are decided or rolled by the GM (unless the
Finally, you can push your suit beyond the limit to gain additional GM wishes for a player to roll the effect themselves), but they
points that last until the start of your next turn. You can WEP for 6 MP or should be openly discussed at the table. Effects that do not make
2 EP, up to a total of three times in one round. sense to the actions performed or battle scenario should be
swapped for something either more logical and/or appropriate to
the situation.
As well, while it is possible to allow rolling for effects, open
Risks and Conditions from WEP table discussion and agreement is the preferable option, since a
Obviously, there is likelihood that the suit may not be able to handle the GM is far more aware of the difficulty of the campaign and a
stress of being put beyond normal operation parameters. Without address- particular set of actions than a random dice roll. This also makes
ing the stresses of overexerting the unit, it is likely it will fail to operate it easier for GM's to decide just how harsh they want the world
effectively and can result in a bad situation on the field. and enviroment to be. Just be mindful of adjusting values, as
As well, depending on how much you push a particular action/type of doing so may affect balance in a detrimental manner.
action, you can risk detrimental conditions that remain until being re-
paired, which generally takes about an hour per level of severity.

. ~
' «Combat 21

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