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Task 1: The line graph below shows the production of paper, wood pulp and sawn wood in the

UK from
1980 to 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make
comparisons where relevant.

The line chart delineates how much wood products were manufactured in the United Kingdom between
1980 and 2000.

The initial impression from the graph is that the production of paper and packaging enjoyed upswing
while that of sawn-wood and wood pulp underwent downturn. It is also worth highlighting that paper
and packaging were far more prevalent than wood pulp in the given period of time.

The volume of paper and packaging commenced at 230 million tons in 1980, ranking fist among the
three classifications surveyed. The year 2000 witnessed an upward trend in the amount of paper and
packaging, with its soaring to 350 million tons.

An opposite pattern is evident in sawn-wood, with its figure decreasing from 200 million tons in 1980 to
130 million tons in 2000. Likewise, the figure for wood pulp mildly dipped from 170 million tons in 1980
to 150 million tons in 1990, before slightly climbing to 160 million tons in 2000. (158 words, band 7)

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