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LogBook Systematic Review

Date Kegiatan Keterangan

Nov 2017 Mind Map Start to create mind map in

Nov 20, 2017 HIS keywords Mulai mencari kata kunci untuk HIS.

Region keywords Mendeteksi kemungkinan inclusion menggunakan region

Nov 22, 2017 Cost keywords Mengembangkan keywords cost

Database Mencoba mengaplikasikan keywords kedalam database

Mencoba mengaplikasikan keywords kedalam database pubmed

Nov 23, 2017 Software Brand keywords Mencari softwares HIS yg sering digunakan

Data bases Use Google Scholar instead.

Sort by date
Search abstracts
Data bases Use pubmed and google scholar

Nov 24, 2017 Data bases Searching keywords

Nov 25, 2017 Data bases pubmed Finalisasi keywords di pubmed untuk kombinasi HIS dan cost

Finalisasi keywords full/abstract untuk kombinasi HIS dan cost (sukses)

Data bases sciencedirect Searching keywords di sciencedirect

Nov 26,2017 Istirahat

Nov 27,2017 Mengerjakan pr pak winny 1. Mencari dan finalisasi keywords di sciencedirect (udah dapet tapi cuma 450
jurnal dengan his+cost)
2. Download journal dari zotero masukkan ke googledrive (1 jurnal)
3. Membuat rangkuman dari jurnal yang di masukkan ke google drive (1 dulu ya
pak eheheh)
4. Membuat keywords full/abstract untuk amerika latin di pubmed dan
Tambahan pr hari ini Keywords cost tambahan (develop*, build*, design, create) (baru di pubmed)

Nov 28,2017 Rangkuman journal - Pilih jurnal dari zotero, download di sci-hub, rangkum, masuk google drive (3
Nov 29,2017 PR pak winny Definition dari available proxy cost measure dan explicit costs measure

Rangkuman journal - Pilih jurnal dari zotero, download di sci-hub, rangkum, masuk google drive

Des 1, 2017 Menambah search engine databases → ebsco keywords sama seperti sd
>> login Cara : advanced search masukin masing masing keywords hasilnya 3.135 (semua centangan sesuai basic rules nya ebsco, nggak ada yang diganti)
scroll , kmd pilih ebsco dan proquest Ketika search modes nya di ganti ke boolean/ phrase hasilnya 591
→ proquest
“Hospital information system” OR “Medical Records Systems Computerized” OR
“Electronic medical record” OR “Electronic medical records” OR "electronic
prescribing" OR “Electronic Patient Record” OR EPR OR “Computerized Provider
Order Entry” OR “Computerized Physician Order Entry” OR CPOE OR “Medical
information system” OR “Patient monitoring system” OR “Picture archiving
communication system” OR “Cardiology Information System” OR “Radiology
information system” OR “Hospital management information system” OR “Clinical
information system” OR “Clinical decision support” OR “Decision support system”

Economic OR Economy OR Cost OR Expense OR management OR marketing

OR finance OR financial OR budget

build* OR develop* OR design OR create

Option yg dipilih:
Peer reviewed, Article, hospitals, english → 1.710

Des 2, 2017 Memasukkan semua jurnal di Keywords:

pubmed ke dalam zotero ((((((((((((((((((((((“Hospital information system”[Title/Abstract]) OR “Medical
Records Systems Computerized”[Title/Abstract]) OR “Electronic medical
record”[Title/Abstract]) OR “Electronic medical records”[Title/Abstract]) OR
EMR[Title/Abstract]) OR “Electronic Patient Record”[Title/Abstract]) OR
EPR[Title/Abstract]) OR “Computerized Provider Order Entry”[Title/Abstract])
OR “Computerized Physician Order Entry”[Title/Abstract]) OR
CPOE[Title/Abstract]) OR “Medical information system”[Title/Abstract]) OR
“Patient monitoring system”[Title/Abstract]) OR “Picture archiving
communication system”[Title/Abstract]) OR “Cardiology Information
System”[Title/Abstract]) OR “Radiology information system”[Title/Abstract])
OR “Hospital management information system”[Title/Abstract]) OR “Clinical
information system”[Title/Abstract]) OR “Clinical decision
support”[Title/Abstract]) OR “Decision support system”[Title/Abstract]) OR
“Electronic Prescribing” [Title/Abstract])) AND ((((((econom*[Title/Abstract])
OR cost[Title/Abstract]) OR expense[Title/Abstract]) OR
finance[Title/Abstract]) OR financial[Title/Abstract]))) AND
(((((develop*[Title/Abstract]) OR build*[Title/Abstract]) OR
design[Title/Abstract])) OR create[Title/Abstract])
Steps: open pubmed → advanced search → masukkan keywords → search →

set publication date to 1982/08/01 - 2017/11/30 → page will be automatically

updated → result 1243journals → set per page (max 200) → masukkan ke
folder zotero dengan cara zotero connector di browser masing masing
(google chrome atau mozilla) di klik (posisi di zotero sudah di buka folder
tujuannya) kemudian akan muncul box “zotero item selector” → select all →
OK → file akan langsung masuk ke folder di zotero
Note : awal coba pada hari ini berhasil, ketika di coba untuk save lagi pada

tanggal 03-12-2017 (due to some circumstances) pukul 19.00-20.00 gagal

dengan wifi public (starbucks jcm) both with google chrome dan mozilla
(kadang berhasil tapi di page selanjutnya gagal, hanya muncul folder
dengan judul keywords), kemudian pukul 21.00 dicoba di wifi rumah dengan
google chrome masih tetap gagal, tapi kemudian di coba dengan mozilla

Des 3, 2017 Memasukkan jurnal sciencedirect ke Keywords:

dalam zotero (“Hospital information system” OR “Medical Records Systems Computerized”
OR “Electronic medical record” OR “Electronic medical records” OR EMR
OR “Electronic Patient Record” OR EPR OR “Computerized Provider Order
Entry” OR “Computerized Physician Order Entry” OR CPOE OR “Medical
information system” OR “Patient monitoring system” OR “Picture archiving
communication system” OR “Cardiology Information System” OR “Radiology
information system” OR “Hospital management information system” OR
“Clinical information system” OR “Clinical decision support” OR “Decision
support system” OR “Electronic Prescribing”) AND (Economic OR Economy
OR Cost OR Expense OR management OR marketing OR finance OR
financial) AND (build* OR develop* OR design OR create)
Steps : Buka sciencedirect → advanced search→ Journals → experts search →

masukkan keywords → centang article, review article, short

communication→ atur tahun dari 1982 to present → results 112journals
→ kemudian atur journals per page (max 200) → masukkan ke folder zotero
dengan cara zotero connector di browser masing masing (google chrome
atau mozilla) di klik (posisi di zotero sudah di buka folder tujuannya)
kemudian akan muncul box “zotero item selector” → select all → OK → file
akan langsung masuk ke folder di zotero
Note : success in one try

Finalisasi keywords ebsco, dan Keywords :

memasukkan Jurnal ebsco ke dalam (“Hospital information system” OR “Medical Records Systems Computerized”
zotero OR “Electronic medical record” OR “Electronic medical records” OR EMR
OR “Electronic Patient Record” OR EPR OR “Computerized Provider Order
Entry” OR “Computerized Physician Order Entry” OR CPOE OR “Medical
information system” OR “Patient monitoring system” OR “Picture archiving
communication system” OR “Cardiology Information System” OR “Radiology
information system” OR “Hospital management information system” OR
“Clinical information system” OR “Clinical decision support” OR “Decision
support system” OR “Electronic Prescribing”) AND (Economic OR Economy
OR Cost OR Expense OR management OR marketing OR finance OR
financial) AND (build* OR develop* OR design OR create)
Steps: Open ebsco melalui perpusnas → pilih “ebscohost research databases”

→ select all boxes ( ebook collection; education research complete;

library, information science & technology abstracts with full text;
literary reference center; middle eastern & central asian studies) →
continue → advanced search → masukkan keywords → klik
boolean/phrases → set published date (august, 1982 - november 2017),
search → muncul results kemudian pilih academic journals → result 691
(tapi pada saat akan di save, ebsco akan langsung screening journals yang
duplicate, akhirnya yang tersave di zotero adalah 626 journals) → save
dengan cara atur page option (results per page max 50) → klik box share→
add to folder : results (1-50) → klik toolbox folder (semua journals tadi akan
masuk di sini) → centang select all → export dengan format RIS (jangan
lupa zotero sudah di klik ke folder mana journals ingin disimpan → save →
kemudian akan muncul box opening delivery.ris → pilih open with zotero
→ OK → journals akan muncul di zotero
Ps : dari catatan saya, kalo dengan google chrome journals akan ter save di

folder yang sudah kita open, tapi ketika menggunakan mozilla journals akan
ter save sebagai folder baru tersendiri
Finalisasi keywords proquest, dan Keywords :
memasukkan Jurnal proquest ke HIS :
dalam zotero (“Hospital information system” OR “Medical Records Systems
Computerized” OR “Electronic medical record” OR “Electronic medical
records” OR EMR OR “Electronic Patient Record” OR EPR OR
“Computerized Provider Order Entry” OR “Computerized Physician Order
Entry” OR CPOE OR “Medical information system” OR “Patient monitoring
system” OR “Picture archiving communication system” OR “Cardiology
Information System” OR “Radiology information system” OR “Hospital
management information system” OR “Clinical information system” OR
“Clinical decision support” OR “Decision support system” OR “Electronic

Cost : Economic OR Economy OR Cost OR Expense OR management OR

marketing OR finance OR financial

Build : build* OR develop* OR design OR create

Steps : open proquest melalui perpusnas → masukkan masing- masing
keywords → klik recent searches kemudian combine dengan cara S1 AND
S2 AND S3 (dalam case ini ada 3 keywords) → search → kemudian pilih
peer reviewed, scholarly journals, set publication range to 1982-08-01
to 2017-11-30, document type : article, subject : hospitals, language :
english, database : family health database, library science database) →
result 497 journals → atur items per page (max 100) → select all → save
format RIS → akan muncul box export/ save, klik deselect items when done
(fungsi nya ketika kita move ke next page, journals yang di page
sebelumnya nggak akan masuk) → continue → akan muncul new tab dan
new box opening proquest.. → klik open with zotero → file akan ter save di
zotero dalam folder baru
Ps. tidak bisa di lakukan di google chrome karena new box opening proquest
nya nggak muncul, bisa dilakukan di mozilla

Melakukan export hasil search Save hasil search dan melakukan backup (internal dan google drive)
dari zotero Cara ada dalam langkah systematic review pak winny
Des 4, 2017 Clean up duplicate items di zotero
(cara sesuai systematic review pak database pre post
pubmed 1243 1206

sciencedirect 112 111

ebsco 626 586

proquest 497 490

All search 2478 2386

Des 5, 2017 Mulai tahap pertama screening - Nah pada tahap ini saya menemukan banyak kesulitan dengan zotero yang
journals di install di mac os. Jadi ketika akan drag and drop ke folder lain, kadang
gagal kadang berhasil (banyakan gagalnya).
- Akhirnya dengan beberapa kali trial and error di temukan solusinya yaitu
dengan drag and drop titles nya ke library yang berbeda (disini saya memiliki
2 library yaitu my library dan group libraries). Dengan cara ini setiap journals
dipastikan berhasil ter drop ke folder yang di inginkan

Screening sampai alphabet A Total 352 titles yang di screening dan dipindahkan sesuai folder nya masing
Des 6, 2017 Screening sampai alphabet E
All screening 1838

Del- non english 27

Del- review paper 19

Del by title 502

Des 7,2017 Screening sampai alphabet I

All screening 1672

Del- non english 34

Del- review paper 19

Del by title 660

Running duplicate 1

Screening sampe alphabet O

All screening 1544

Del- non english 35

Del- review paper 19

Del by title 787

Running duplicate (huruf I) 1

Des 8, 2017 Screening sampai selesai,

alphabet Y All screening 1059

Del- non english 53

Del- review paper 66

Del by title 1207

Running duplicate (huruf I) 1

Des 9, 2017 Screening ulang symbol symbol

All screening 1054

Del- non english 53

Del- review paper 67

Del by title 1211

Running duplicate (huruf I) 1

Des 9, 2017 Del by abstract Inclusions :

- Peer review paper
- Hospital
- Cost
Exclusions :
- Not dentistry
- Not veterinary
- Not dental hospital

Tugas - Membuat page baru untuk keywords yang menarik berkaitan dengan HIS
dan cost (insert bibliography), journal boleh di delete kalo tidak berkaitan
- Inget boolean HIS and COST, jd saat baca abstract, keep journal yang ada
- Bikin 3 folders di zotero (yes, probable his or cost, unrelated), dari all search
di drag ke 3 folder ini (yang di all search nggak perlu di delete)
- Untuk tahap ini, yang ragu-ragu nggak usah dipikirin lama-lama, langsung
masukin ke probable,nanti screening ulang lagi untuk yang folder probable
- Once i find something interesting about the keywords, and i feel that the title
i already deleted have a relation to HIS and cost, then i’ll drag it back

Des 12, 2017 Second step delete Perkembangan sejauh ini

All search 816

yes 71

maybe 29

no 147

Review paper 11

Non english 1

Hand search 1

Duplicate manual 1

Des 15, 2017 Tugas - Melanjutkan second step delete

- Menambahkan rangkuman systematic review (jadi 20, kalo bisa)
- Mulai lihat lihat content proposal systematic review
- Possibility of new databases :

Des 20, 2017 Second step delete All done

Menambahkan systematic review - Bright2012, membahas mengenai effect of clinical decision-support systems.
Dan download hand search Didalam systematic review ini dibahas jg dari efek costnya
- Menyertakan 22 jurnal yang membahas tentang costs didalam systematic
review bright2012
- Download semua jurnal yg disebutkan dan di masukkan dalam hand search

Des 21, 2017 Fixing problem in second step - So, after i had finished the screening through all the 1078 journals, i
delete calculated the total amount out of all the sub collections (yes, maybe, no,
review paper, hand search, non english) and the result didnt match the initial
amount. I had 6 journals missing.
How to find the missing journals:
1. Create a bibliography of the collection, consist of two collections : the
original 1078 journals, and after screening 1071 (there was one duplicate
that i already deleted). Save as RTF
2. Open both of the files in compare documents (from a website we can access
online), and afterwards it’ll compare the two documents side by side. That
way i was able to found the missing journals from the original file (
highlighted in blue color)

- Screening back through all the maybe, and then drag them to the
appropriate folder (yes or no) (with helped from my supervisor)

Des 22, 2017 Second step delete - Screening back through all the maybe, and then drag them to the
appropriate folder (yes or no) (with helped from my supervisor)
- Finalized all the second step screening process, end result :

Yes 254

No 800

Hand search 1

Review paper 21

Non english 1

Duplicate manual 1
Total 1078

- Export all the subcollections and save as a new folder

- Going through the third step : downloading all the journals in yes. I’m making
a new collection in my zotero to differentiate which journals i’m able to
download the full text and not.

Dec 23-26, 2017 Download full text journals - There are many ways to find the full text journals for free, throughout my
process so far i realized that i could find it in some ways that i’ll explain
below :
1. If there’s DOI information in zotero, then just copy paste it and download
from sci-hub (even though some doi results in 404 error)
2. If there’s no DOI, then copy paste the title and search on google (i dont use
google scholar first, i’ll use it later on from all my “unable” journals, just so
not to cause confusion on me). If the journal is in pubmed, try to open it, and
on the very top right of the page there will be a save items written with a lil
box underneath it, if the box says full text free just simply click the box and
you’ll have access to the full text. If there’s no pubmed link, try to open other
link and find the DOI, if you can find it then go with the step no 1.
Note : also on some rare occasions other link will have a free pdf you can
download directly from the website
Final Result :

Able to download full text Unable to download full text

179 76
Printing full text journals - 40 journals

Dec 27, 2017 Learning how to speed read - Moving into the next step, now i’m creating 3 tables again consists of yes,
no, maybe
- I’m going to speed reading the full texts, numbering each journals, and then
documenting each number to the appropriate table (manually)
- To put the journal on the yes table, i’ll use the inclusions exclusions criteria
that we already created

Dec 28-31, 2017 Progress reading full paper - 80 journals

Jan 1, 2018 Download unable full texts in - Open google scholar, copy paste title to the search tab, results will shown. If
google scholar there’s external link on the very right just click and you’ll have the full paper
directly, if not then try to click “all xx versions” and see if there’s other
website providing us the information about the DOI
- Final results unable google scholar

Before unable After unable

76 37

- Total full texts

Able to download Unable to download

218 37
Jan 2, 2018 Starting to write the proposal - Writing the methods

Jan 3-4, 2018 FULLY RESTED

Jan 5-6, 2018 Continue reading full paper - 120 journals

Printing all full texts - By this time total 218 journals were printed

Jan 7, 2018 Finalizing method for proposal Done

Jan 8, 2018 Updated unable full texts - Total full texts

Able to download Unable to download

227 28

Discussing about layout points for

first and second chapter proposal
Continue reading full paper - 145 journals

Jan 9, 2018 Continue reading full paper

Jan 10-15, 2018 Continue and finished all full - Result Third step processed


54 158 15

- End result third step


66 161

Jan 16, 2018 Updating zotero

Starting to write first and second

chapter proposal
Jan 17- Feb 20, Writing proposal
Hiatus systematic review

27 Feb 2018 Build Inclusion n Exclusion This inclusion has to be mentionedin at least one of this :
Criteria Research Aim
1. Method
2. Result
3. Discussion
4. Conclusion

Inclusion :
1. Any HIS, any particular sistem within hospital
2. In Hospital, could in the clinic or dept within hospital
3. Commercial, homegrown, open source
4. Funding, government, hospital, private
5. Peer review paper
6. Mention cost of building or implementation of HIS
7. Mention cost-effectiveness using the system, with statistical data or not
8. Any private hospital, public hospital, tertiary-care hospital, or teaching hospital
9. Whole system or partial system (i.e. CPOE, DSS)
10. Whole hospital or partial implementation (i.e. Specific department)
11. Commercial, free, or homegrown system

Exclusion :
1. EHR only without explaining HIS
2. Only mention cost-effectiveness of diseases or treatment , without including

3. Predatory journal
4. Not in the hospital environment
5. Only mention cost-effectiveness of diseases or treatment, without including the cost
of the system
6. Electronic Health Record (EHR) such as local, regional, or national information
7. Non English articles
8. Grey publication
9. Predatory journal or publisher

Plan :
1. Divided into two groups, with the cost amount mention and with the cost
without amount
2. Analyzed in global, analyze each group

Rubric → untuk analisis nanti

March 5, 2018 Seminar thesis proposal

March 6, 2018 Start analyzing full paper with Result

supervisor assistance
- 4 papers
Yes No

2 2
(no. 2, 3) (no. 219, 1)

March 7, 2018 Start analyzing full paper with Result

supervisor assistance
- 4 papers
Yes No

0 4
(no. 5, 6, 7, 8)

March 8, 2018 Start analyzing full paper with Result

supervisor assistance
- 5 papers
Yes No

4 1
(no. 11, 17, 21, 29) (no. 22)

March 9, 2018 Start analyzing full paper with Result

supervisor assistance
- 6 papers
Yes No
5 1
(no. 33, 35, 37, 39, 41) (no. 32)

March 10, 2018 Start analyzing full paper with Result

supervisor assistance
- 4 papers
Yes No

4 0
(no. 45, 46, 47, 50)

March 11, 2018 Start analyzing full paper with Result

supervisor assistance
- 4 papers
Yes No

3 1
(no. 51, 53, 54, 55) (no. 55)

March 12, 2018 Start analyzing full paper with Result

supervisor assistance
Yes No
- 4 papers
3 1
(no. 51, 53, 54) (no. 55)

March 13, 2018 Start analyzing full paper with Result

supervisor assistance
Yes No
- 4 papers
3 1
(no. 61, 63, 64) (no. 58)

March 14, 2018 Start analyzing full paper with Result

supervisor assistance
Yes No
- 3 papers
3 0
(no. 67, 71, 74)

March 15, 2018 Start analyzing full paper with Result

supervisor assistance
Yes No
- 3 papers
1 2
(no. 87) (no. 75, 77)

March 19, 2018 Start analyzing full paper with Result

supervisor assistance
Yes No
- 4 papers
4 0
(no. 92, 93, 97, 98)

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