Feature of Uk Constitution

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Feature of Uk constitution

General overview

90% of constitution is unwritten

There is no constitutional law in uk because there constitution are not in written form

Law about queen PM Cabinet and parliment is not constitutional law its called custom and we say it

in political language

De toquile say UK has no constitution

Constitution mean

A body of written role through we run adminstration of the state

A body of role written or un written through which we run adminstration of the state is called

Magna charta(1215) is the first step toward democrasy in modern state

Feature of UK constitution

Mostly unwritten

Flexible constitution it can amend easily

HOuse of lord is known as upper house

HOuse of common is known as lower house

Queen is also a part of parliment

it called UK Legislation system

every state has 2 type of law

1 constitutional law (mother of all law)

2 ordinary law

In uk u need simple majority in lower house u can pass any law

Pakistan has moderate constitution

Uk has parlimentary system

Parliment is called legislature in political science

Cabinat is responsible to impose law tasked by the parliment

Cabinat is called executive in political science

Coordination between cabinat and legislature

PM is the leader of the lower house

Pm and cabinet are responsible before parliment

if majority of common house want to dissolve the house they can through the vote of no confidence

Unitary system

Pakistan has 3 type of govt

Federal govt

province govt (unit) in usa and india

local level govt

local govt has delegated authority

Stephan say if house of common made a law to kill blue eyed baby and you are protecting your baby you
are voilationg the law

Rule of law

rule of law has three aspects

1 every body is equal before the law

2 law is supreme not the person

3 Same court same law same judge

CSS question

What is convention?examples of convention from UK political system and what is??

There are two types of principles

1 law

2 convention


Law will be enact and parliment can enact the law

Law have ambiquity and judiciary will interpret the law

law is implemented by cabinet


convention is not maded by parliment

no one can implement convention

no judge can interpret the convention

convention is repeated habit which is followed as law

convention is also known as political customs


Convention related to Queen

1 To appoint the PM

2 To give her assent to every bill passed by parliament

3 She will alway act on the advice of PM and his cabinet

Convention related to cabinet

1 Parliment remain till cabinet have majority in lower house

2 PM should be from house of common

3 Cabinet is collectively(together) responsible before parliament

Convention related to parliament

1 Speaker of house of common will be neutral

2 Parliament will do one session in a year

Why convention is following?

Sanction behind convention

Profeser Diecy said about convention

when someone voilate the convention they voilate the law..

e.g if convention voilate the convention of session then how the budget will be passed and how can the
system will be handle...

so if you need to pass the budget you need to call the house of commen for session..

Professor Lovelle said

If parliament passed budget of five year in one session??

Convention has followed by parliament because people want to follow because they said we are

so the real sanction behind convention is public opinion..

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