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1 Wages of Sin: The results of evildoing Did he know that the

wages of sin are death?

2 To keep one’s fingers crossed: To wish for luck. I hope you
will get this job. I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you.
3 To bring grist to the mill: Something that can be used to
advantage. The milk will grist for the mill when making the
4 A Strom in a teacup: A reaction of anger over a minor
matter. I think it’s all strom in a cup of tea; there is no danger
of flood.
5 To let the grass grow under one’s feet: To keep waiting
aimlessly without doing anything. He has never been the one
to let the grass grow under his feet.
6 Penny-wise and pound foolish: Carefull in a small matter
while being wasteful in large ones. People who are not clear in
their priorities become penny-wise and pound foolish.
7 Itching palm: A desire for money, greed. Edward is known
for his itchy palm
. 8 The primrose path: A life of pleasure and leisure that
results in a negative or detrimental outcome. After winning
the lottery, Jake found himself surrounded by people trying to
lead him down the primrose path for their own benefit.
9 Break one’s fall. To interrupt, prevent, or soften one's fall,
either physically or figuratively. She stumbled off the balcony,
but luckily, a hedge below broke her fall.
10 Go bananas: Crazy. Become very angry. She will go
bananas if she sees the mess in her room.
11 Chicken out: To decide not to do something because you
are too frightened. I planned to go to the market despite a
thrunderstorm, but then I chickened out.

12 Murphy’s law: Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.

The bus is always late but today when I was late it came on
time – that’s Murphy’s law
13 Place in the Sun: A good or lucky position. He certainly
earned his place in the sun by getting that promotion.
14 Wooden Spoon: The imaginary prize for a person finishing
in the last place in a competition. I don’t expect to win, but I
sure hope I don’t get the wooden spoon.
15 Eager beaver: Someone who is very excited about
something. He is such an eager beaver that he couldn’t sleep
night before the desert trip..

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