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Best Practices for the

Customer-Focused Library
Best Practices

This Customer Focused Library grant was designed to

study library services and service attitudes from a retail
perspective. Best practices from retail were applied
to library space utilization, service philosophy, and
service visibility. The consultants hired for this project
evaluated the ways in which our libraries serve their
customers, with the goal being the development of a
customer-focused service model for member libraries.

Research > Explore the dynamics of visitor

behavior at four Chicago area
> G
 enerate information on how
public and academic libraries in
Objectives libraries, including both public and the Chicago area can better service
academic libraries. and educate their visitors, thereby
> Measure visitor interactions at creating a more satisfying library visit.
touch points in the library.

Research Four libraries in the Chicago area were

studied for two days each, utilizing a
> Q
 uestionnaires: Library patrons
Methodology combination of observation, interviews
and video.
were intercepted after their visit
to the library to inquire about
their experience in the library and
Observational the services which they regularly
> Tracking: Researchers used use. Patrons were offered a gift for
mapping programs to track and completing the questionnaire.
time customers’ movements and 267 patrons were interviewed after
interactions within the library. their library visit
424 visitor groups were observed in
four Chicago area libraries Video
> S
 mall video cameras were installed
in key areas of the libraries
in order to capture behavioral
patterns, traffic flow, wait times and
transaction times.
Over 750 hours of video footage were
generated for analysis
Best Practices

Visitor Profile > 95% visited once per month, over > T
 wo-thirds did not know what
half visited once per week, and the they wanted before they arrived.
majority visited alone. Since patrons may not come to the
> 5 6% spent less than 10 minutes library with a specific “need,” we
in the library, a surprising finding have an opportunity to appeal to
more typically associated with their “wants.”
bookstores and grocery stores.

Key finding:
People already in the library are a primary target for items and
services. The fact that a large percentage visited alone indicates
an openness to ‘product’ placement and service pitches. The
short length of time indicates the need for a simple, easily
transmitted message.

Key finding:
Audiovisual materials accounted for 1/3 of circulating items.
These items should be positioned in a browsable collection,
In retail, alone visitors are either mission-
particularly where patrons encounter a wait. Patrons aged 14-24
oriented or are more open to messages than
are particularly drawn to AV.
couples. Break through the “forcefield” of
personal space to deliver the message.

Fewer than one in ten

patrons aged 14-24
visited the Books section

The Percentage of Patrons
The Future The Past in Each Age Group Who
Visit Each Section Type
Audio Visual (all)

40% Desks
30% Public Areas
20% Services


<14 [n=11] <14-17 [n=12] 18-24 [n=111] 25-34 [n=48] 35-44 [n=76] 45-54 [n=63] 55-64 [n=52] 65+ [n=51]
Visitor Behavior > O
 ne-third of patrons visited a desk (18%), online library catalog use (15%)
as their first destination. and reference services (15%).
> A
 ge impacted the sections of the > T
 wo-thirds of patrons were using the
library visited by patrons. Younger library for reading or conversation,
patrons used the computers and 15% of weekly visitors never
and seldom visited sections with borrow from the library.
circulating materials. Older patrons > H
 alf of patrons pulled an item off the
were less likely to use the computers shelf while browsing, with more items
and self-check. pulled in AV collections.
> H
 ighest impact services were > 7
 0% of patrons checked out books,
circulation (60%), internet access 51% checked out AV materials.

Key finding:
Patrons are seeking staff interaction to serve their needs.
Staff must be available and willing to help, no matter what
desk patrons seek.

Key finding:
Messages near, not on, desks are a
Diversify material types to meet more patron needs. Patrons
good way to gain visibility. Place signs
short on time may prefer a movie to a book, and those with
where your patrons are, not where
commutes may prefer audio books as opposed to print.
you expect them to be.

Key finding:
Selection and assortment of material was If patrons are browsing materials, collections must be
the lowest ranked category on services. This browsable. It’s easier to change to fit patron needs than it is
is a difficult issue that retail environments to retrain them. Communicate sections in common language
also face – you may have the item, but the instead of solely relying on call numbers to guide browsing.
patron may not be able to find it.
Key finding:
Patrons are utilizing the library as meeting and study space, not
just for items, computers or services. Allotting space for study
and socializing needs is important when creating an overall
atmosphere of service. Patrons using the building are easier to
convert to users of library services than those who do not enter.
Best Practices

Assistance > Over half of patrons, excluding Less than 15% of patrons needed
circulation transactions, were help with guiding research, explaining
observed receiving assistance of services, and recommending items.
some kind. > B
 etter directional/explanatory
> Finding items on the shelf caused signage would alleviate observed
the greatest need for assistance, need for finding sections and free
followed by finding the right section. staff time.

Key finding:
Staff trained to offer assistance in more efficient browsing
and research may be a better use of personnel than stationing
at desks. A more visible staff identification would similarly
Assistance rates were significantly
help patrons find assistance when needed while away from
higher (60% on average) in this study
formal desks.
compared to previous library studies
(13%) and retail environments (15%).

Frankfort Density Map

The density of patrons
near the computers
indicates the
surrounding area will
feel the effects of the
noise. Clearly designate
a “Quiet Area” at
Frankfort to accomodate
patrons who need to

Library Activity
Computers 34%
Reading 30%
Conversing 6%
Playing 2%
Using a Laptop 1%

Library Staff
Source: Observation
Signage > Only 12% of patrons viewed library
signage. Patrons aged 45-64 were
most likely to view signs, with 34 and
under least likely.
> Stacks signage was viewed by
45% of people who viewed signs.

Key finding:
Signage is the greatest tool to connect patrons with materials,
Utilize unusual places to advertise
either by indicating sections or introducing patrons to new
the library’s website and other authors. Easily changed, attractive signage in highly visible
services: screensavers, receipts, areas produces the most impact.
check-out lines, etc.

Key finding:
Desk surfaces are not the best location for collateral and
signs. The patron waiting can’t see them, and the person
who is engaging with library staff doesn’t need them.
Consider an attractive central collateral station instead that
leaves surfaces clear.

Key finding:
Sightlines and sign positioning were the most common
symptoms of poor signage. Move through the library to
determine patron flow and best positions for signage.
Best Practices

Market > Provide strategic links to the online >E

 xpand the Audio Visual section

Resources catalog, and use catalog tools to

lead users to additional items.
both in terms of the amount of space
allocated to the section as well as
Effectively > Bring images into the space to
create a more visually stimulating
the materials carried.

environment. Consider adding console games and

other new technologies that combine
Consider ways to work within the Dewey learning with entertainment.
Decimal System in order to free up how
books are displayed. Face out more > Group all AV materials together
books to take advantage of cover art and (Music CDs, DVDs/Videos and Audio
increase capture power. Books) and position the section close
to Circulation to encourage impulse
 ffer more ways to pair patrons borrowing.
with materials. Best Sellers, New
Releases and a designated area Consider placing AV materials for all
for Staff Recommendations are a ages in the same location, rather than
good start. having separate Children’s and Teen’s
sections, thus creating a “store-within-
Email lists with updates on New a-store” concept.
Releases, Best Sellers and Hot Topics
are a good way to reach out to patrons > Change displays frequently,
while they are not at the library. at least monthly or even weekly,
to re-capture patron’s attention,
based on frequency of library visits.

No Budget? Low Budget? High Budget?

>W  eed collection to >P
 rovide “while you > Purchase display
make room for wait” booklists for shelving to face out
face-out. best sellers. materials.
> Identify and >U
 se shelf ends to
market staff display materials.
> Use screensavers and
desktop wallpaper to
market services.
Orient Yourself > Coach your responses at the first- > F
 ace-out shelving makes retrieval

to Patron visited desks to be service-focused.

Often the desk closest to the door is
slightly more difficult, but
dramatically increases circulation.
Convenience where the most questions are asked
and where a service impression
Consider sacrificing quantity for
quality in face-out arrangements.
is formed.
> Look at signage with a patron’s Face-out children’s books at Frankfort
eye – check sightlines, proximity circulated 40% more than when shelved
to wait/traffic areas, and remove traditionally. Space concerns are
jargon. alleviated by frequency of circulation.

> Create a large site map for each > F

 ind ways to extend service beyond
library and clearly identify sections the desk, and get to where your
on both the map and through patrons are.
signage, preferably in view from
the map location.

Position the map near the online

catalogue to enable patrons to look up
specific items or browse by section.

No Budget? Low Budget? High Budget?

>A  pproach patrons >R
 efocus staff and >P
 urchase service
to see if they need services on patron furniture that
assistance. convenience through encourages patron
> Spend time observing updated policies, engagement and
patrons to note practices, and staff minimizes barriers
confusion points and placement. between staff and
bottlenecks. patrons.
> Clean service desks >C
 onduct service
and encourage staff to training to focus staff
engage with patrons on patron needs at
passing desk areas. and beyond the desk.
Best Practices

Use Space > G roup computer workstations, > I nvestigate flexible signage

Creatively lounge seating and periodicals to

create a “waiting area” for patrons
and fixture packages for future
renovations or new libraries that
who are waiting for a computer to enable easy asset reallocation as
become available. individual library needs evolve.
> Consider how your space is used.
Allow for gathering and loud spaces >R
 ecognize the unutilized or
as well as quiet spaces. Create underutilized spaces in the library
“buffer” zones between high-traffic and adjust the layout accordingly.
and quiet study spaces.
> Little-used collection areas can Sections with little or no visitation
become your new power walls. should be re-evaluated in terms of
Move or remove collections to make necessity, location and aisle space.
space for new arrangements. When possible, condense these sections
to add room in high-traffic areas.
 ew fixtures should focus on
displaying circulating materials
rather than storing the materials.

This will facilitate cover art functioning

as a sign.

No Budget? Low Budget? High Budget?

 ove existing >R
 epaint or refurnish >P
 urchase new
furniture to repurpose select areas. furnishing and
underutilized spaces. fixtures that fit space
 reate your own needs of patrons.
density maps to
determine high traffic
areas for promotion
and underutilized
areas to redesign.
Use Signs > Follow a Signage Hierarchy > Use Signage Strategies
Effectively Level One: Section Identification > Remember that “less is more.”
> Text signage is visible from the main > Make sure the sign matters.
path through the library. > Keep it concise.
Level Two: Theme > P
 osition in-depth signage in
> Images are immediately accessible wait areas.
information to the viewer; use them > E
 nsure viewing signs from back
to convey the topics and content of to front.
the section. >U  tilize odd shapes and sizes.
> Theme signage should be visible > Create a sense of movement.
from outside the section in order to > T
 he most frequently-viewed signage
attract patrons. type should also be the most
Level Three: Dewey Identification user-friendly.
> Keep the Dewey signage on the ends > C
 omputer-generated signage must
of the stacks, as patrons know where be kept fresh, or else it loses capture
to look for this information. power among frequent visitors.
Level Four: Shelf Talk
> Face out titles on the shelves, and
use framed easel signs to direct
readers to similar titles.

No Budget? Low Budget? High Budget?

 tilize simple, >U
 se office printing >H
 ave flexible,
colorful computer- services to create customizable signage
generated signage foam-core signs created by sign
that gets the message designed in-house to professionals.
across. refresh directional or >P
 urchase electronic
face-out signage. signage (i.e. LCDs)
to maximize
Looking Forward

>D  on’t try to change people’s >Analyze service at your first point
behavior: identify it and design for it. of contact, often the desk closest
> Think outside the box for everything. to the door.
>L  et go of sacred cows, including >Gain insight into patron wants
materials, furniture and beliefs. through multiple means.
> Prepare staff for change. >Look for small wins while breaking
>U  se density maps to gather down larger projects. Track your
information on space use and areas success through an overall
for improvement. building plan.
> I f your focus is service, make sure >Involve new eyes: people outside of
staff are service focused. the library can give you incredible
> I f circulation is your primary point of insights. Pick people carefully to not
human contact, train circulation staff be restricted by traditional views of
to be ambassadors for other services. library services.

Change is not easy: you will face frustrations with

budget and staff. It takes resources and planning, but
a customer-focused library reaps dividends in satisfied
patrons who return for additional services.

The most pointed lessons we learn from retail are in

examining our staff behavior, updating our marketing
practices, and offering patron-oriented services.
With our libraries demonstrated dedication to meeting
patron’s wants and needs, the Customer Focused
Library is achievable.

Metropolitan Library System Partners Funding for this grant was

125 Tower Dr. Sally Anderson provided by a Library Services
Burr Ridge, IL 60527 North Park University Library and Technology Act (LSTA)
[866] 734-2004 Jamie Bukovac grant from the Illinois State
Indian Prairie Public Library District Library and the Illinois
Envirosell Inc. Detlev Pansch Secretary of State.
907 Broadway, 2nd Floor Frankfort Public Library District
New York, NY 10010 Mary Tuytschaevers
[212] 673-9100 Acorn Public Library District

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