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 pyramid-shaped, paired organs that are
connected to the trachea by the right and left
 on the inferior surface, the lungs are bordered
by the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the flat,
dome-shaped muscle located at the base of
the lungs and thoracic cavity.
 enclosed by the pleurae, which are attached to
the mediastinum
 The right lung (3 lobus) is shorter and wider
than the left lung (2 lobus), and the left lung
occupies a smaller volume than the right
 Cardiac notch is an indentation/ lekukan on the
surface of the left lung, and it allows space for
the heart 
 The apex of the lung is the superior region
 Base is the opposite region near the
 The costal surface of the lung borders the
ribs. The mediastinal surface faces the
 Each lung is composed of smaller units called
lobes. Fissures separate these lobes from
each other
 The right lung consists of three lobes: the
superior, middle, and inferior lobes.
 The left lung consists of two lobes: the
superior and inferior lobes
 A bronchopulmonary segment is a division of
a lobe, and each lobe houses multiple
bronchopulmonary segments. Three on the
right, two on the left.
 An interlobular septum is a wall, composed of

connective tissue, which separates lobules

from one another.
 Mulut/ hidung -> oropharynx/ nasopharynx ->
 Portion of the lung involved gas exchange and
larynx -> trachea -> bronchi -> bronchioles ->
constitute the terminal respiratory unit or
acinus. Acinus includes respiratory bronchioles,
 Trachea divides at the carina into right anf left
alveolar ducts and alveoli (alveolar sacs).
mainstem bronchi.
 Alveolar efficient mechanism for O2 and CO2
 Mainstem bronchi which branch into lobar
transfer between alveolar spaces and pulmonary
bronchi (three on the right, two on the left),
capillary blood.
segmental bronchi, and extensive system of
subsegmental and smaller bronchi.
BLOOD SUPPLY OF LUNGS  The pulmonary plexus is a region on the lung
root formed by the entrance of the nerves at
 plays an important role in gas exchange and the hilum. The nerves then follow the bronchi in
serves as a transport system for gases the lungs and branch to innervate muscle fibers,
throughout the body.  glands, and blood vessels.
 This blood supply contains deoxygenated
blood and travels to the lungs where PLEURAL OF THE LUNGS
erythrocytes, also known as red blood cells,  The pleura (plural = pleurae) is a serous
pick up oxygen to be transported to tissues membrane that surrounds the lung.
throughout the body.  The pleurae consist of two layers : visceral and
 The pulmonary artery is an artery that arises parietal
from the pulmonary trunk and carries  The visceral pleura is the layer that is superficial
deoxygenated, arterial blood to the alveoli. to the lungs, and extends into and lines the lung
 Pulmonary artery : One arteriole and an fissures 
accompanying venule supply and drain one  Parietal pleura is the outer layer that connects to
pulmonary lobule the thoracic wall, the mediastinum, and the
 As they near the alveoli, the pulmonary arteries diaphragm.
become the pulmonary capillary network.  The visceral and parietal pleurae connect to
 The pulmonary capillary network consists of tiny each other at the hilum.
vessels with very thin walls that lack smooth  The pleural cavity is the space between the
muscle fibers. visceral and parietal layers.
 The capillary wall meets the alveolar wall,  Two major functions: They produce pleural fluid
creating the respiratory membrane and create cavities that separate the major
 Once the blood is oxygenated, it drains from the organs
alveoli by way of multiple pulmonary veins,  Pleural fluid is secreted by mesothelial cells
which exit the lungs through the hilum. from both pleural layers and acts to lubricate their
surfaces. This lubrication reduces friction
between the two layers to prevent trauma
during breathing, and creates surface tension
that helps maintain the position of the lungs
against the thoracic wall. 
 Adhesive characteristic of the pleural fluid
causes the lungs to enlarge when the thoracic
wall expands during ventilation, allowing the
lungs to fill with air.


 Dilation and constriction of the airway are

achieved through nervous control by the
parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous
 The parasympathetic system
causes bronchoconstriction, whereas the
sympathetic nervous system
stimulates bronchodilation. 
 Reflexes such as coughing, and the ability of
the lungs to regulate oxygen and carbon
dioxide levels, also result from this autonomic
nervous system control. 
 Sensory nerve fibers arise from the vagus
nerve, and from the second to fifth thoracic
2. DESCRIBE THE MECHANISM OF CONTROL stimulate/ supress the medullary respiratory
OF BREATHING center & respiration
 Respirasi di kontrol oleh Medulary Respiratory b. PERIPHERAL CHEMORECEPTOR -> berlokasi di
Centers (made of ventral & dorsal groups) carotid dan aortic bodies -> detect chemical
 Ventral : responsible for the rythmicity of changes in blood.
breathing Contoh : kalau ia mendeteksi decrease oxygen di
 Dorsal : responsible for inspiration of blood pH (O2 ↓, Ph ↓, H+ ↑, CO2 ↑) -> aortic dan
diaphragm carotic bodies akan stimulate/ trigger the
chemoreceptor -> lalu chemoreceptor ini akan
 Pontime Respiratory Center : berinteraksi
menstimulate respiratory center -> quicker
dengan medula untuk smooth respiratory
respiratory rate -> quicker the breath in (more
oxygen in) and out (more carbon dioxide out).
 Pontime akan mengirim sinyal ke medula
c. CENTRAL CHEMORECEPTOR -> berlokasi di
respiratory center -> ventral dan dorsal akan
medula -> kerjanya sama yaitu detect changes in
bekerja sama, lalu mereka akan mengirim sinyal
Ph -> lalu chemoreceptor ini akan menstimulate
untuk inspirasi dan ekspirasi.
respiratory center -> can breath faster, breathing
out more carbon dioxide and inhaling more oxygen.
distimulasi ketika excercise, lalu receptor ini akan
mesntimulasi respiratory center -> can breathe
quicker (important when excercise, karena need
more oxygen) -> take more oxygen and blow out all
the acid that has built up

 Things in the lungs that can regulate the repiratory

center and they can influence the respiratory center
in brain stem :
a. Irritant receptor : protective the lungs, membantu
dalam memblow up irritant. Ketika receptor ini
berstimulasi, dia akan mensupress respiratory
center untuk slow down the respiration.
b. Stretch receptor : cause protective reflex di
inisiasi by extreme over inflation of the lungs ->
they will supres the respiration -> slow down the

 Lalu sinyal itu dapat melakukan inspirasi dan

ekspirasi di thorax dimana tempat lungs berada.
Otot yang berperan penting dalam respirasi
yaitu otot diafragma dan otot intercostal
(diantara ribs).
 Sinyal akan mengirim impuls ke muscle of lungs
untuk mentrigger inspirasi atau ekspirasi.
 Contoh : impuls dikirim via neuron ke intercostal
muscle saat inspirasi -> tulang rusuk nya akan
terangkat. Lalu impuls juga dikirim ke
diaphragm saat inspirasi -> diaphragm
descend/ turun.
 Semakin cepat impulsnya maka semakin cepat
breathing nya, semakin lambat impulsnya
makan semakin lama breathingnya.
 Yang mempengaruhi kerjanya respiratory respiratory rate.
voluntary control, pain, emotion,  Infection of Mycobacterium Tuberculosis
temperature.  Patients infected with M tuberculosis who
Faktor ini dapat mempengaruhi respiratory
have no clinical, bacteriologic, or
rate dengan cara : pertama, faktor ini
mensupress pontine respiratory center ->
radiographic evidence of active TB are lymphadenopathy (clinical manifestation of
said to have latent TB infection.  primary TB). Lesi expansion tuberkel sampe ke lug
 Active TB may occur from reactivation of parenkim + lymph node = GHON COMPLEX.
previously latent infection or from Bakteri akan terus berproliferasi sampai
CELLULAR IMMUNE SYSTEM efektif (2-6 minggu
progression of primary infection.
setelah kena infeksi), di mediasi oleh sel T
 Transmission of TB occurs from individuals
HELPER (TH1). Sel T dan macrofag akan
infected with pulmonary (and rarely membentuk granuloma. Dimana pusatnya
laryngeal) disease. Infection results from granuloma mengandung bahan necrosis (caseous
the inhalation of aerosolized droplets center), bakteri TB, peripheral granulation tissue
containing the bacterium from cough or yang terdiri dari makrofag dan limfosit.
sneeze. Granuloma berfungsi untuk mencegah
 transmission depends on the infectivity of pertumbuhan lebih lanjut dan penyebaran
the source case (e.g., smear status and bakteri TB. Biasanya pasien yg mengalami hal ini
extent of cavitation on CXR), the degree of tidak menular dan memiliki infeksi lantent, lalu pada
pemeriksaan fisiknya pasien ini memiliki CXR
exposure to the case (e.g., proximity,
normal dan test tuberkulinya positif.
ventilation, and the length of exposure), and
Kalau bakterinya tidak tekendali, bakteri nya
susceptibility of the person in contact dapat tersebar melalui hematogen. Penyebaran
with an infected case. bakteri ini disebut Miliary TB ditandai dengan
 HIV-infected individuals are at greater risk millet seeds.
of reactivation as well as progression to
 Increased risk for the development of active REACTIVATION
TB include : Old granulomanya akan aktif kembali karena
- persons with recent tuberculin skin test resistensi pasiennya melemah. Contohnya pada
pasien cancer, chemotherapy, AIDS, old age.
(TST) conversion
Develops after primary infection.
- the homeless
- injection drug users Terpapar bakteri baru yang memiliki high dose
- cigarette smokers virulent bacilli. Biasanya di daerah endemic.
- immunocompromised individuals (e.g.,
people with diabetes, prolonged PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF PLEURAL
corticosteroid therapy, end-stage renal TUBERCULOSIS
disease (ESRD), malnutrition, or Efusi pleura TB dapat terjadi karena
hematologic malignancies).  berhubungan dengan reactivation disease atau
tuberkulosis primer. Pada orang dewasa, paling
4. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF PULMONARY sering terjadi karena penyakit reaktivasi dan pada
TUBERCULOSIS anak-anak, paling sering mereka terjadi dalam
PRIMARY TB pengaturan penyakit primer.
Pertama bakteri masuk melalui inhalation of Pengembangan efusi pleura TB terjadi paling
droplet nuclei. Lalu bakteri akan masuk sampai ke sering sebagai akibat dari reaksi hipersensitivitas
alveoli. Di alveoli bakteri bakal dimakan oleh tertunda terhadap mycobacteria atau
alveolar macrofag supaya bakterinya mati. Ada mycobacterial antigen di ruang pleura/ tuberculous
bakteri yang mati, ada juga bakteri yang dapat pleural effusion develops when a subpleural focus
bertahan di macrofag akan bermultiplikasi di dalam of disease ruptures into the pleural space.
macrofag. Bakteri yang bermultipkikasi akan Penyakit pleura dapat berkembang melalui
membunuh macrofag sehingga menghasilkan penyebaran hematogen setelah infeksi primer.
respons dari sistem imun (monosit, other alveolar
macrophage, neutrofil -> semua ini berasal dari 5. CHEMOTHERAPY OF TB
nodular granulomatous struktur yang disebut First Line Drugs :
sebagai tubercle). Imun sistem ini akan - Isoniazide (INH/ H)
merespons dengan bakteri M.tuberculosisnya - Rifampicin
dimatikan/ dibersihkan, menjadi latent infection, - Pyrazinamide (Z)
dan progression to primary disease. - Ethambutol (E)
Kalau bakterinya bermultiplikasi uncontrolled - Streptomycin (S)
dapat menyebabkan tuberclenya enlarge dan
bakteri akan masuk ke lymph nodes ->
Second Line Drugs: - Less effective than INH or rifampin
- MOA : inhibit of protein synthesis
- Thiacetazone - Dose : 15 mg/ kg BB, atau
- Paraaminosalicylic acid (PAS) BB > 60 kg : 1000 mg
- Ethionamide BB 40 -60 kg : 750 mg
- Cyclosporin BB <40 kg : sesuai BB
- Kanamycin
- Capreomycin - Kill dividing bacilli
- Kuinolon - Kill persisting bacilli
- Prevent emergence of resistence
- Kombinasi two or more drugs
- Tuberculocidal Mechanism of action -> - INH dan R most effectious drugs duration of
destroying tubercle bacilli therapy is shortened from >12 months to 9
- Menginhibit sintesis dari mycolic acid months.
- Dosis : 5 mg/ kg BB, maximal 300, 10mg / - Addition of Z for initial 2 months futher
kg BB 3 x seminggu, atau 15mg / kg BB 2 x reduce
seminggu, atau 300mg/hari untuk dewasa, - Durasi pengobatan dari kena infeksi sampai
intermitten : 600 mg/kali 6 bulan
- Single daily dose of all first line drug is
- 2-3 bulan awal untuk bunuh bakteri TB
- Derivative of rifamycin B - 4-6 bulan remaining bacilli are eleminated,
- Bactericidal -> membunuh bakteri sehingga tidak kambuh lagi
- MOA : Inhibits DNA depent RNA synthesis
- Dosis : 10 mg/ kg BB, maximal 600 mg 2- 6. BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guérin) RESPONSE TO
3x / minggu atau BB>60 KG : 600mg, BB MYCOBACTERIUM TB
40-60kg : 450 mg  BCG stimulates antibodies and creates a
resistance without damaging the organism. T
 he BCG vaccine recruits CD4 and CD8 T cells
- Weakly tuberculocidal as a response to protective mycobacterial
- MOA : inhibits mycolic acid synthesis, but by antigens .
interacting with a different fatty acid  After recruiting these cells, the new cells are
synthase encoding gene. exposed to the macrophage product
- Dose : interleukin 12 which calls for T cells to
Fase intensif : 25 mg/ kg BB, 35 mg/ kg BB secrete interferon y .
3 x seminggu, 50 mg/ kg BB 2 x seminggu,  When Mycobacterium tuberculosis enters the
atau : cell, interferon y reduces the pH in the
BB > 60 kg : 1500 mg phagosomal membrane and produces
BB 40 -60 kg : 1000 mg superoxide and nitric oxide, which can
BB <40 kg : 750 mg destroyMycobacterium tuberculosis

- Tuberculostatic
- MOA : inhibit arabinogalactan synthesis &
mycolic acid incorporation in mycobacterial
cell wall
- Dose :
Fase intensif : 20 mg/ kg BB
Fase lanjutan : 15 mg/ kg BB, 30 mg/ kg BB
3 x seminggu, 45 mg/ kg BB 2 x seminggu,
atau :
BB > 60 kg : 1500 mg
BB 40 -60 kg : 1000 mg
BB <40 kg : 750 mg
Dosis intermiten : 40 mg/ kg BB/ kali
- Tuberculocidal
- Tuberculosis Emphyema
Rupture of Tuberculosis lesion in pleural
cavity → purulent fluid in pleural cavity
- Pneumothorax : rupture of sub. Pleural
tuberculosis lesion
- Atelectasis : Diminished volume affecting all or
part of a lung (alveoli collapse)/ alveoli don’t fill
with air
- Gagal nafas
- Heart failure

9. HYPOXEMIA :  condition where arterial

oxygen tension or partial pressure of oxygen
(PaO2) is below normal (normal value is
between 80 and 100 mmHg).
HYPOXIA : reduction of oxygen supply at the
tissue level, which is not measured directly by
a laboratory value.


- Hemoptysis/ batuk berdarah
- Pleurisy & Pleural Effusion
Hypersensitivity reaction to tub proteins with a
few month of prior tuberculosis in young children.
Setelah tissue used the oxygen, deocygenated Di paru terdpaat alveoli, dimana alveoli terdapat
blood akan balik melalui venules -> vein -> vena cava pulmonary arteri dan pulmonary vein.
superior/inferior -> jantung. Dari jantung deoxygenated
blood akan di pompa ke paru melalui pulmonary artery.
Di paru, darahnya akan mengeluarkan CO2 dan paru
akan reoxygenated the blood dengan mengambil
banyak O2 ke darah. Oxygenated bloodnya akan balik
ke jantung melalui pulmonary vein. Lalu oxygenated
blood akan di pompa dari aorta-> arteri ->arteriol ->
seluruh tubuh.
Oxygen di tubuh di transport oleh RBC dan plasma :

Proses bagaimana CO2 balik ke alveolus :

- CO2 yang ada di plasma langsung masuk ke
- Bikarbonat dan hidrogen yang ada di plasma
akan membentuk karbondioksida dan water.
(HCO3- + H+ -> CO2 + H2O) PROSES LAMBAT.
Lalu CO2 nya masuk ke alveolus
- Oxygen di dalam RBC berikatan dengan - Bikarbonat yang ada di plasma bisa masuk ke
Hemoglobin (Hb) = HbO2 -> Hb + O2. O2 nya bisa RBC melalui transporter , lalu Cl - bakal keluar.
masuk ke interstitial fluid, lalu O2 nya dapat Bikarbonat yang masuk akan berikatan dengan
digunakan oleh tissue. hidrogen. Dengan bantuan enzyme Carbonic
- Lalu, O2 yang melalui plasma juga dapat masuk Anhydrase yang berfungsi untuk mempercepat
ke intersitial fluid dan digunakan oleh tissue. proses HCO3- + H+ -> CO2 + H2O. Lalu CO2 nya
Setelah O2 digunakan, tissue akan membentuk CO2 : akan keluar dari RBC dan masuk ke alveolus
- Dalam jumlah yang sedikit CO2 dapat langsung - Carboamino Hb yang ada di RBC (HbCO 2) akan
masuk ke darah melalui plasma. pecah menjadi Hb + CO2. Lalu CO2 nya akan
- CO2 ditransport ke darah melalui plasma lalu keluar dari RBC dan masuk ke alveolus.
berikatan dengan air = CO2 + H2O -> HCO3- + H+
(Bicarbonate dan hidrogen) PROSES NYA LEBIH Proses bagaimana O2 dari alveolus masuk ke darah :
- Sebagian kecil O2 langsung masuk ke plasma
- Sebagian besar CO2 akan masuk ke RBC lagi
- Kebanyakan O2 akan masuk ke RBC dan
dan berikatan dengan air = CO2 + H2O . Dengan
berikatan dengan hydrogen hemoglobin
bantuan enzyme Carbonic Anhydrase yang
membrentuk oxyhemoglobin dan hidrogen (O2 +
berfungsi untuk mempercepat proses CO 2 + H2O
HHb -> HbO2 + H+) . HIdrogennya akan
-> HCO3- + H+ (Bicarbonate dan hidrogen)
mensupply bicarbonat
berusaha untuk keluar dari RBC melalui
Oxygen transport :
transporter, saat bikarbonat keluar maka Cl - akan
a. dissolve in plasma (<2%)
masuk ke RBC. Hidrogennya akan bereaksi
b. bind to hemoglobin (98%)
dengan Hb dan membentuk hydrogen hemoglobin
(H+ + Hb -> HHb)
Oxygen Saturation : concentration oxygen in the blood
- CO2 masuk ke dalam RBC dan berikatan dengan
( normal : 95-100%)
Hb dan membentuk carbo amino hemoglobin
(CO2 + Hb -> HbCO2):
Carbon dioxide transport :
a. dissolve in plasma (~10%)
b. Carboamino Hb (20%)
c. bicarbonate plasma (70%)
Carbon dioxide & pH :
a. ↑ CO2 , ↓ pH = blood acidic
b. ↓ CO2 , ↑ pH = blood Alkaline

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