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 Leading cause of cancer-death  RISK FACTOR
 Poor prognosis - Smoking
- Passive smoking
 Dibedakan jadi 2 yaitu Non-Smaller Lung
- Radon gas -> radioactive gas produced by
Cancer & Small Cell Lung Cancer
the natural breakdown of uranium in soil,
 DEFINITION : pertumbuhan sel abnormal yang
rock and water
tiak terkontrol di paru
- Air pollution
 ETIOLOGY : over expression dari oncogene/ - Arsenic
inactivation dari tumor supressor gene - Tar
 Small Cell Lung Carcinoma - Asbestos
- sering terjadi pada perokok berat - Nickle
- less common (15%) - Family & genetic risk factor
- spreads faster
- >60% metastasis presentation (penyebaran
kanker ke tempat lain)
- Poor prognosis
- Small Carcinoma: Tumbuh dekat/
disekitaran hilum dan melibatkan
endokrin sel.
- Endokrin sel akan mengalami mutasi dan
memproduksi hormon, hormon ini akan
mentrigger Paraneoplastic Syndrome
 Non – Smaller Cell Lung Cancer
- Most common type (85%)
- include squamous cell carcinoma,
adenocarcinoma (most common) and
large cell carcinoma.
- Adenocarcinoma (38%), terjadi di
peripheral lung tissue (jauh dari  PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
hilum), involve gland. Normal epithelium mengalami hiperplasia, metaplasia
- Small Cell Carcinoma (20%), terjadi dekat karena p53 mutation/ k-ras mutation -> PCNA
dengan main bronchus dan dapat mengubah sel menjadi mild dysplasia -> sel
menyebabkan obstruksi di airway. Disebut berproliferasi -> severe dysplasia -> carcinoma in situ
squamous soalnya epithelial cell di airway -> invasif dan metastasis
bermutasi dari columnar cuboidal ->
squamous A. Mediastinal involvement (associated with lung
- Large Cell Carcinoma (5%), tumbuh cancer growth):
dengan cepat sama kayak small cell - Pancoast Tumor : tumbuh di apical lung
carcinoma, dan terjadi di periphery/ surface (on the top), sehingga dapat
peripheral lung tissue memblock brachial plexus. Dapat
 SIGN & SYMPTOMS menyebabkan :
- Cough a. shoulder arm pain
- Weight loss b.weakness/atrophy of epsilateral side,
- Hemoptysis c. horner syndrome = memblock sympathetic
- Dyspnea nerve (Jalur saraf terganggu di satu sisi
- Chest pain dari otak ke wajah dan mata)
- Clubbing finger - Pleural effusion
- Wheezing a. Dyspnea
- Stridor b. chest pain
- Fever - Pericardial Effusion
- Weakness - Obstruction of superior vena cava -> back flow
- Bone pain
- Obstruction A. Airway Involvement (bronchi, bronchioles), cancer
- Lymphadenopathy masuk ke airway dapat menyebabkan obstruksi ->
- Hepatomegaly menghambat airflow -> dypsnea
- Hoarse voice
- Ketika airway obstruksi -> mengirim sinyal - Membuat collapse lung karena bronchus
sensory ke brain (tepatnya di medula) -> ke block dan memnyebabkan inflamasi di
cough reflex lung tissuenya
- Cancer dan tumor -> menstimulate d. Stage IIA : tumor 5-7cm atau <5cm dan
angiogenesis (blood vessel growth) -> ada cancer cell yg dekat dengan lymph
vesselnya bisa bocor dan menjadi lambat -> nodes/ lebih dari 4 cm tapi not more than 5
hemoptysis. cm
B. Blood involvement (di blood vessel yg contain - Grow di main airway tapi ga didaerah
RBC dan WBC) : dimana windpipe terbagi menjadi left
- Anemia : fatique, dyspnea and right bronchi
- Leukocytosis (15% cases) - Grow di vischeral pleura
- Thrombocytosis (15% cases) - Membuat collapse lung karena bronchus
- Hypercoagulable disorder (rare) ke block dan memnyebabkan inflamasi
C. Cancer dapat bermetastasis ke jantung. Dari di lung tissuenya
jantung sel tumor di pumped out ke -> brain, e. Stage IIB :
upper limb, down to abdomen area, liver, adrenal - tumor 5 cm or smaller tapi udah spread
gland, bone (frequently asymptomatic) ke lymph nodes yang deket sama bronchi
D. Paraneoplastic Syndrome, occurs in Small lung atau,
cancer. - tumor lebih dari 5 cm tapi not more than
- Syndromes that occur not related to invasion, 7cm, tumor tumbuh di parietal pleura,
obstruction or metastasis of the primary chest wall, phrenic nerve (nerve di
tumor diafragma), atau di parietal pericardium.
- Ectopic Cushing Syndrome, ketika hormon - Ada 2 tumor yang sama pada kedua
release by cancer cell, dimana dia lungs
menstimulate adrenal glands untuk f. Stage IIIA α : <7cm + lymph node in
memproduksi cortisol. ADH stimulates up mediastinum dan affecting one surounding
secreted endocrine sel -> menstimulasi tissue
kidney untuk retain water g. Stage IIIA ß : any size + nearby lymph
- Meningkatkan Parathyroid hormone -> node dan affecting one surrounding tissue
menstimulate bone to break down mineral h. Stage IIIB α : any size + in mediastinal
dan release calcium into plasma -> lymph node and cancer growth affects
increasing blood calcium level -> surrounding structure
hypercalcemia i. Stage IIIB ß : any size + has spread to
- Hypercalcemia paraneoplastic syndrome -> lymph node on opposite side and cancer
hyperpulmonary osteopathy -> clubbing & growth affects surrounding structure
periosteal proliferation of tubular bone j. Stage IV : tumor in both lungs or
- Inflammatory myopathies -> leads to muscle metastasis
weakness - Stage 4A : spread to other lungs, spread
to pleura or pericardium, extra fluid within
 STAGING the pleura or pericardium (called
A. STAGE OF NON SMALL CELL LUNG effusion), has spread dan 1 new tumor
CANCER growing outside the chest
a. Stage 0 (carcinoma in situ or - Stage 4B : has spread and 2 or more
adenocarcinoma in situ) : ditemukan di tumors growing outside the chest
lining of the airway atau di air sacs of lung. k. Recurrent : cancernya muncul lagi setelah
b. Stage IA : tumor 3 cm or smaller sudah di treat.
- Stage IA 1 : 1 cm or smaller - Local recurrence : ditempat yg sama
- Stage IA 2 : larger than 1 cm but no more - Regional recurrence : kalau muncul di
than 2 cm tissue atau lymph nodes yang dekat
- Stage IA 3 : largen than 2 cm but no more dengan lokasi pertama kali kena
than 3 cm - Distant metastasis/ distant recurrence :
c. Stage IB : larger than 3 cm tapi gak lebih terjadi di another part of body
dari 4 cm
- Grow di main airway tapi ga didaerah B. STAGE OF SMALL CELL LUNG CANCER
dimana windpipe terbagi menjadi left and a. Limited stage :
right bronchi - Found only on one side of the chest
- Grow di vischeral pleura - Have spread to lymph nodes on the same
side of the tumor
- Treated with radiation - Extended pulmonary
resection : removes the muscles, nerves,
b. Exensive Stage : blood vessels and other tissues near the
- Spread widely in the lung to other lung, lymph lung to take out as much of the cancer as
nodes on the other side of chest or other part possible.
of bodies - Chest wall resection removes the
- Kebanyakan orang udah kena stage ini, muscles, bones and other tissues of the
soalnya cancernya udh nyebar duluan chest wall.
sebelum symptoms nya muncul - Sleeve resection removes a tumour from
the large airway of the lung (bronchus)
 INVESTIGATIONS (d,e,f,c = u/ biopsy) along with a margin of healthy tissue
a. Chest X-ray : dapat dilihat massa tumor around the tumour.
kalau lebih dari 1cm
Common clinical findings : b. Radiotherapy : less effective than surgery,
- Hilam enlargement radiotherapy + chemotherapy for NSCLC
- Pulmonary opacity stage III A. Dipakai kalau tumornya gabisa
- Rib bone lesion diangkat pake surgery
- Pleural effusion - Dosis radiasi yang diberikan secara
- Lung colapse umum adalah 5000 – 6000 cGy, dengan
- Metastasis intrapulmoner cara pemberian 200 cGy/x, 5 hari
b. Lab test : HT, ALP, SGOT, SGPT, ureum perminggu.
cratinin - Syarat standar sebelum penderita
c. CT-SCAN : Should be perfomed early to diradiasi adalah :
determine stage and management of 1. Hb > 10 g%
cancer. Mendeteksi tumor dengan ukuran 2. Trombosit > 100.000/mm3
kecil/ kurang dari 1cm 3. Leukosit > 3000/dl
d. Bronchoscopy : primary lung tumor - Radiasi paliatif diberikan pada
visualized and sample taken. untuk dapat unfavourable group, yakni :
mengambil jaringan atau bahan agar dapat 1. PS < 70.
dipastikan ada tidaknya sel ganas. 2. Penurunan BB > 5% dalam 2 bulan.
e. CT – Guided Fine Needle Biopsy : more 3. Fungsi paru buruk.
reliable to obtain a histological diagnosis - External beam radiation therapy :
f. Needle Aspiration : needle insert to lump usually combined with chemotherapy =
or lymph node chemoradiation
g. Thorococentesis : fluid collection from a. 3-D conformal radiation therapy (3-D
pleural cavity used for sampling CRT)
h. Tumor marker : CEA, Cyto 21-1, NSE 5, b. intensity-modulated radiation therapy
Immunochemistry (IMRT)
c. stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT)
 MANAGEMENT d. hypofractionated radiation therapy
a. Surgical Treatment : removal tumor for - Brachytherapy : internal radiation
stage I & stage II therapy. A radioactive material
Syarat untuk reseksi paru : (radioactive isotope) is placed right into
- Resiko ringan untuk Pneumonektomi, bila the tumour or very close to it. The
KVP paru kontralateral baik, VEP1>60% radiation kills the cancer cells over time.
- Risiko sedang pneumonektomi, bila
KVP paru kontralateral > 35%, VEP1 > c. Chemotherapy : increase survival up to 1
60% year, side effect = nausea & vomit,
- Wedge or segmental resection removes managed by 5 – HT 3 receptor antagonist
the lung tumour along with a margin of because these drugs will target the
healthy tissue around the tumour.  chemoreceptor trigger zone thus preventing
- Lobectomy removes a lobe of the lung vomit dan nausea
that has the tumour. A bilobectomy is a - Prinsip pemilihan jenis antikanker dan
type of lobectomy that removes 2 of the 3 pemberian sebuah regimen kemoterapi
lobes of the right lung. adalah:
- Pneumonectomy removes the whole 1. Platinum based therapy ( sisplatin atau
lung. karboplatin)
2. Respons obyektif satu obat antikanker s 1. Karsinoma skuamosa (karsinoma epidermoid)
15% 2. Karsinoma sel kecil (small cell carcinoma)
3. Toksisiti obat tidak melebihi grade 3 3. Adenokarsinoma (adenocarcinoma)
skala WHO 4. Karsinoma sel besar (large Cell carcinoma)
4. harus dihentikan atau diganti bila setelah
pemberian 2 sikius pada penilaian  PROGNOSIS
terjadi tumor progresif. Lung cancer survival rate is lower than
- Regimen untuk NSCLC adalah : other types of cancer. Use “five year survival
1. Platinum based therapy ( sisplatin atau rate” as a marker of prognosis.
karboplatin) Factor yang mempengaruhi prognosis :
2. PE (sisplatin atau karboplatin + a. stage of lung cancer
etoposid) b. type of lung cancer -> NSCLC stage 0 dan 1
3. Paklitaksel + sisplatin atau karboplatin lebih bagus prognosis nya daripada stage
4. Gemsitabin + sisplatin atau karboplatin 2,3,4. SCLC mempunyai prognosis yg lebih
5. Dosetaksel + sisplatin atau karboplatin bagus daripaDA NSCLC.
d. Laser Therapy and Stenting : airway c. treatment and the patients response
obstruction causing serious symptoms can be d. location of the cancer
managed using laser treatment (removed it) e. general health
and airflow can return normal f. metastasis
e. Immunotherapy : used for advanced or g. weight loss – orag yg udh mengalami
metastatic non–small cell lung cancer after it penurunan BB sebanyak 5% atau lebih
has stopped responding to chemotherapy or sebelum pengobatan punya prognosis yg
targeted therapy. drugs include lebih jelek
pembrolizumab (Keytruda) and nivolumab h. performance status – orang yang masih bisa
(Opdivo). beraktifitas sehari-hari punya prognosis yg
f. Hormonetherapy lebih bagus
g. Targeted therapy : i. sex –wanita punya prognosis yg sedikit lebih
- used for non–small cell lung cancer that bagus daripada laki-laki
has spread to the lymph nodes or other j. lung problems – collapse, pneumonia,
parts of the body or has come back after pleural effusion
chemotherapy treatments.
- depends on what type of gene changes
(mutations) are found in the cancer cells
during molecular tissue tests
- drugs include gefitinib (Iressa), afatinib
(Giotrif), erlotinib (Tarceva), crizotinib
(Xalkori) and dabrafenib (Tafinlar) with
trametinib (Mekinist).
h. Positron Emission Tomography (PET)

a. Inspeksi : simetris/ asimetris
b. Perkusi : peka di lokasi massa
c. Palpasi : tactile fremitus normal/ meningkat 2. INDICATION OF OXYGEN THERAPY
d. Auskultasi : decrease breath sound, Any individual with one or more of the following:
wheezing, stridor  peri and post cardiac or respiratory arrest
 hypoxia - diminished blood oxygen levels
 PREVENTION (oxygen saturation levels of <92%)
a. Don’t smoke  acute and chronic hypoxemia (PaO 2 <
b. Stop smoking 65mmHg, SaO2 < 92%)
c. Avoid smoke  signs and symptoms of shock
d. Test your home for radon  low cardiac output and metabolic acidosis
e. Avoid carcinogens at work (HCO3 < 18mmol/l)
f. Eat a diet full of fruits and vegetable  chronic type two respiratory failure (hypoxia
g. Exercise and hypercapnia)

 Despite a lack of supportive data, oxygen is  Orang yang ada genetic BRCA2 mutation punya
also administered in the following conditions: risk yg tinggi
 dyspnoea without hypoxemia
 post-operatively, dependent on instruction 4. MEDIASTINAL TUMOR
from surgical team Anterior mediastinal tumors include:
 treatment of pneumothorax  Germ cell tumors (neoplasms) - benign in
about two-thirds of cases.
3. HOW IMPORTANT THE CIGARETTE SMOKE  Lymphoma including Hodgkin's and non
CAUSING LUNG CANCER -Hodgkin's disease.
 Ada banyak chemicals di rokok yang bersifat  Thymoma and thymic cysts – cysts that
carcinogenic : cell di lungs berubah menjadi develop in the thymus, a butterfly-shaped
lung cancer gland at the base of the neck.
 Tobacco smoke is a toxic mix of more than  Thyroid mass mediastinal – a benign growth
7,000 chemicals. such as a goiter. These masses may develop
 People who smoke cigarettes are 15 to 30 into cancer.
times more likely to get lung cancer or die Middle mediastinal tumors include:
from lung cancer than people who do not  Bronchogenic cysts - a disease in the
smoke. respiratory system.
 How does smoking cause cancer?  Lymphadenopathy mediastinal - disease in the
a. Direct damage DNA lymph nodes.
Carcinogen di rokok menyebabkan  Pericardial cysts which include growths that
DNA lung cell mengalami mutasi dan other start in the lining of the heart.
changes. Ada chemical seperti chromium  Tracheal tumors.
yang menyebabkan carcinogen nempel ke Posterior mediastinal tumors include:
DNA kyk lem, dan increasing of damage.  Lymphadenopathy mediastinal - disease of the
b. Lack of DNA Repair lymph nodes.
Apabila DNA rusak akan dibenerin  Neurogenic neoplasm mediastinal tumors -
sama Tumor Supressor Gene atau sel yg cells that grow outside of the normal cell area
abnormal jadi mati. Bahan di rokok kyk and are not part of the surrounding tissue.
arsenik dan nikel mengganggu gene ini untuk  Extramedullary hematopoiesis - a rare mass
memperbaiki DNA yg rusak. formed from bone marrow.
c. Inflamasi  Neuroenteric cyst mediastinal - sacs with pus
Ketika sel terus membelah bisa terjadi that develop outside of the normal tissue.
kesalahan dalam penyalinan kode genetik.
Ketika sel di rusak sama tobacco smoke, sel 5. PNEUMOCONIOSIS
akan terus membelah untuk mengganti sel  Interstitial lung disease caused by breathing in
yg rusak, pada saat kejadian membelah ini certain kinds of dust particles that damage your
dapat terjadi kesalahan dalam penyalinan lungs.
kode genetik. Dan ada banyak senyawa  Because you are likely to encounter these dusts
dalam asap tembakau yg membuat inflamasi. only in the workplace, pneumoconiosis is
d. Damage to silia called an occupational lung disease.
Silia berupa rambut kecil yang  usually take years to develop
melapisi airways. Silia berfungsi untuk  Black lung disease/ Miner’s lung : breathing
menangkap racun dan mendorongnya debu batu bara
keluar. Racun di rokok seperti Formaldehida  Brown lung : dust from cotton and fibers
dapat merusak silia. Silianya jadi lengket dan
 Silica & Asbestos
ga mau gerak, sehingga racunnya bisa
 Popcorn lung : Diacetyl, the compound used to
nempel di airways.
give movie popcorn its buttery flavor
e. Immune Function
Sel- sel imun berfungsi untuk
mendeteksi dan menghancurkan sel- sel
abnormal kyk sel kanker. Tapi ketika sistem
kekebalan tubuh ga berfungsi dengan baik,
sel cancernya bisa escape. Beberapa racun
dalam rokok dapat menggangu sistem imun.
 Biasanya orang yg smoke = squamous cell lung
cancer. Non Smokers = adenocarcinoma

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