Final Examination SUBJECT: Speaking-Level: SUMMIT 2

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SUBJECT: Speaking- Level: SUMMIT 2


1. Discuss what you should do and what you should avoid to have a
successful job interview. Include at least 3 do’s and 3 don’ts in the
discussion. Explain how each tip works.(Unit 1)

2. Our values develop throughout our lives and they come from a variety
of sources such as parents, teachers, friends, school, job, culture, and
life events. Which influences do you think are the most important?
Include at least 4 sources in the discussion. (Unit 2)

3. Discuss global issues that urgently need attention and best activities
for solving each of these problems. Include at least 3 issues and 2
solutions for each problem in the discussion. (Unit 2)

4. Discuss the nature of heroism. What behaviors make someone a hero?

Include at least 3 behaviors in the discussion. Give specific examples
to illustrate each behavior. (Unit 3)

5. Discuss the qualities of friendship. Include at least 3 qualities in the

discussion. Share your personal examples of your friendship to
illustrate each quality. (Unit 4)

6. Do you believe laughter can be “good medicine”? Give at least 4 well-

documented examples to illustrate your point in the discussion. How
could you use these ideas of the benefits of laughter to help heal a
sick friend or family member? (Unit 5)

7. Discuss the limits of humor. What types of jokes can be in poor taste
and may cross the line? Include at least 2 types of these jokes in the
discussion. Give at least one specific example to illustrate how
offensive each type can be. (Unit 5)

8. Discuss staying safe on the internet. What can be the downsides of

using public wi-fi networks? Suggest at least 4 ways to stay secure on
the Internet in public places. (Unit 6)
9. It is said that “seeing is believing”, but can we trust our perceptions
completely? Provide at least 4 specific examples to support your
ideas. (Unit 7)

10. Some say that genius is the result of genes. Others say it is the result
of the environment. What is your opinion? Provide at least 2 well-
documented evidences and 2 corresponding personal examples to
support your point. (Unit 8)

11. Discuss ways to boost intelligence. Choose at least 3 intelligences and

suggest at least 2 ways to increase each of these intelligences. Explain
how and why each way works for intelligence improvement. (Unit 8)

12. Evaluate the applications of some innovative technologies. Choose at

least 2 innovative technologies and discuss the pros and cons of each
technology. Do you support the applications of these technologies?
Why? (Unit 9)

13. Discuss the pros and cons of globalization? Include at least 2 upsides
and 2 downsides in the discussion. Give specific examples. Do you
personally support or oppose globalization? Why? (Unit 10)

14. Discuss aspects of your culture you think might cause culture shock to
a visitor to your country. Include at least 4 aspects in the discussion.
Suggest relevant ways to avoid the negative effects of each aspect.
(Unit 10)


1. Talk about your own dreams and goals in life (family, study, career,
etc.). What you have done to achieve them? (Unit 1)

2. Do you think it’s possible to be entirely truthful all the time? Are
there some situations when it’s okay to tell a lie? (Unit 2)

3. Is it hard for you to admit making a mistake or take responsibility?

Describe a situation that has actually happened in your life. Say what
you did and what you said. (Unit 2)
4. Describe a frightening situation that you have experienced. How did
the fear affect you? What lessons did you learn from your experience?
(Unit 3)

5. Describe a situation that made you angry. What happened? How did
you respond? (Unit 4)

6. Describe some of your shortcomings. How have they affected your

life? What have you done or can you do to overcome them? (Unit 4)

7. Have you ever played a practical joke on someone? What was the joke
and what happened? What is your opinion of practical jokes in the
workplace? Are they ever acceptable? (Unit 5)

8. Have you ever met trouble when traveling? Describe some travel
hassles you’ve experienced. (Unit 6)

9. Describe a superstition in Vietnam. Give a specific example. Do you

believe in this superstition? Explain why. (Unit 7)

10. Describe a superstition that you’ve heard about a foreign country. Do

you have a similar superstition in Vietnam? (Unit 7)

11. Talk about the talents and strengths you think you have. Give
examples. (Unit 8)

12. What do you often do to stay on target? What do you do when you find
it difficult to focus on what you’re doing? (Unit 8)

13. Predict how things may change in the future (technology, or

transportation or health care or education or environment, etc.) (Unit

14. Describe how important English is in the world nowadays. How

important is it to you personally? (Unit 10)

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