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Module 1: Lesson 1 • It is the branch of philosophy that deals with the study of Supreme

THE STUDY OF PHILOSOPHY AND ETHICS Being, defined as both omnipotent and good in the light of evil in the
• The term philosophy is taken from two Greek words, philos and Rational Philosophy
sophia which literally mean love of wisdom. It seeks to find out the • It is primarily concern with the principles of living things, especially
true meaning of life and the importance of it, the desire to understand that of man, focusing mainly on the relevance of the soul and self-
the existence of everything. knowledge which arises from common sense and natural reason.
• Philosophical methods may be used in the study of any subject or the
pursuit of any vocation. Philosophical training enhances one’s Social Philosophy
problem-solving capacities, one’s abilities to understand and express • It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of the nature of
ideas, and one’s persuasive powers. society, relation between the individual, and social interaction that
takes place in the given community.
Main Divisions of Philosophy
• Practical Philosophy Political Philosophy
• Speculative Philosophy • It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the study of the ultimate
foundation of the state, the nature of legitimate authority, the form
Speculative Philosophy of government, and the perfect form of society.
• It is the division of Philosophy that is primarily good for contemplative
understanding. It provides knowledge of a subject or area for the Logic
sake of knowledge. • It is the formal and systematic study of the principles of valid
inference and correct reasoning. It is commonly known as the art and
Practical Philosophy science of correct thinking.
• It is the division of philosophy that is good for real life application. It
provides knowledge to be used or applied in concrete actions or Ethics
situations. • It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the concepts and principles
or morality.
Branches of Speculative Philosophy • It is a normative science of the conduct of human being living in
• Epistemology Aesthetics societies; a science which judges the conduct to be right or wrong, to
• Metaphysics Theodicy be good or bad.
• Cosmology Rational Philosophy
• Anthropology Social Philosophy Difference between Ethics and Morality
• Political Philosophy • Etymologically, there is no difference between ethics and morality,
because both Ethics and Morality comes from the Latin word mos or
Epistemology moris, which means custom.
• It is the branch of philosophy that deals with the theory of knowledge • However, there is a slight difference between ethics and morality.
– its sources, kinds, and reliability. It is concerned with the definition, Ethics provides man with theoretical knowledge of the morality of
sources kinds, and criteria of knowledge possible, and the degree to human act while morality actualizes the theory. Morality is nothing
which each is certain. else but doing of ethics.

Metaphysics • Division of Ethics

• It is a branch of philosophy that deals with the nature of existence. It General Ethics
is customarily divided into Ontology and Metaphysics proper. Special Ethics
• Ontology deals with the question of how many fundamentally distinct
sorts of entities compose the universe, and Metaphysics proper, General Ethics
which describes the most general traits of reality. • It presents truths about human acts, and from these truths deduce
the general principles of morality. General ethics is applied to
Cosmology individual in relation to himself, to God and to his fellow man.
• It is the scientific study of the universe on the largest scales of space
and time, particularly the propounding of theories concerning its Special Ethics
origin, nature, structure, and evolution. • This one is applied ethics. It applies to the principles of general ethics
in different departments of human activity, individual and social. It
Anthropology includes man’s relation to the family, to the state and to the world.
• It is the study of man and his destiny. It reflects upon man in order to
understand him in his entirety, grasping the fundamental principles Importance of Ethics
of his existence in the world and his behavior. • The importance of the study of ethics follows immediately from the
meaning of ethics itself.
Aesthetics • Ethics means living in proper way and it is in the development of a
• It is a philosophical inquiry about beauty in all of its forms. It also good moral character and virtues that man finds perfection and
deals with the question of whether such qualities are objectively understands his purpose of existence.
present in the things they appear to qualify, or exist only in the mind • The Greek triumvirate, the Christian teachings and majority of
of the individual. Oriental Philosophers affirmed that the ultimate purpose of human
existences is not acquisition of material possession, power and
prestige but in the development of moral qualities that make men • Politics is also concerned with the material needs of man while ethics
unique and supreme from all creation. is primarily concern with the spiritual needs of man, these two are
• Confucius laid great emphasis on the cultivation of character, the inseparable.
purity of heart and conduct. He extorted to the people a good • Politics is not bad at all, if it used properly; the politicians must set
character first, which is a priceless jewel and which is the best of all aside their personal interest and rather promote the general welfare
virtues. of the citizens.

Relationship of Ethics to Other Sciences Module 1: Lesson 2

• Ethics and Psychology • Looking closely, human actions ought to be understood clearly
• Ethics and Sociology in a very strict sense, because it has something to do with human
• Ethics and Economics movements that are ruled by one’s freedom.
• Ethics and Education • Freedom figures closely into action and inclination. Freedom
• Ethics and Law here, means not only the ability to act free from outside
• Ethics and Art influences or independence from the impediments to one’s
• Ethics and Political Science wishes.
• It is the willful act and decision that gives form and shape to the
Ethics and Logic
actions and inclinations of the human person.
• Logic is the science and art of correct reasoning. Ethics is the science
• The human person himself/herself is significant only in
of good and proper living. But good living presupposes correct
thinking and reasoning. Doing follows thinking. considering the result in matters of to poiein or gawa.

Ethics and Psychology The Key Elements of Ethics

• Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and cognitive mental • Character
process. Both involve the study of man, human nature, and human • Moral Character
behavior. • Moral Courage
• Gawa and Gawi
Ethics and Sociology • Reason
• Sociology is the scientific study of society and culture while Ethics is • Feelings
concerned with the moral order, which also includes social order.
• Freedom
• Society exists because of the observance of moral laws that makes
• Good Acts and Evil Acts
sociology dependent on Ethics. Both are complimentary, norms and
cultures of the people which are the basis of ethical standards of a
particular society. Character
• It is an evaluation of an individual's stable moral qualities. The
Ethics and Economics concept of character can imply a variety of attributes including
• Economics is the proper allocation and efficient use of available the existence or lack of virtues.
resources for the maximum satisfaction of human needs.
• His means of livelihood therefore must be morally acceptable. He Moral Character
must observe justice and fairness with his fellow being. • It primarily refers to the assemblage of qualities that distinguish
one individual from another.
Ethics and Education • Although on a cultural level, the set of moral behaviors to which
• Education liberates men from ignorance not only from ethical a social group adheres can be said to unite and define it culturally
standards but also from laws that are implemented by the society.
as distinct from others.
Education is concerned with the total human development.
Moral Courage
Ethics and Law
• Laws imposed by the society must be fair, just, and humane. It must • It is a result of morally developed will. It is the capacity to initiate
be for the welfare of the majority of the people and not offensive to and sustain your resolve whenever you are certain of doing the
morality. There is a difference between what is moral and what is good.
• The legal covers only the external acts of man; the moral governs even Gawa
the internal acts of man, such as the volitional and intentional • The term refers to the free action that is oriented towards a
activities of the will and mind. particular end. For example, a worker uses his/her free
imagination and will to bring about services and products that
Ethics and Art contribute to the well-being of society.
• Man’s artistic creation must have a noble purpose, which should not • As governed by free decisions making, the creative workers
be offensive to morality. A piece of art should reflect beauty and must embrace all the information he/she can gather to effectively
inspire every person who sees it. realize his/her purpose.
Ethics and Political Science
• Political Science is the study of state and government. Politics covers
the administration and management of our government. • The term refers to the free kind of work. However, instead of
focusing on a particular end like a product or fulfillment.
• Gawi refers to the kind of acts that human beings are used to • These refers to the people’s customary, and habitual ways of
accomplishing. It does not only refer to particular acts of a doing things. These customary ways are accumulated and
person. A person’s habitual action or kagawian reveals truth become repetitive patterns of expected behavior, which tend to
about himself/herself. become permanent traditions.

Reason Derivation of Moral Standards

• It sets the course for making ethical and impartial decisions • The foundations of evolving moral systems rest on a complex
especially in moral situations although it is not the sole cybernetic process that sustains and preserves the human
determining factor in coming up with such decision. species.
• This is a dynamic process that drives the creation of moral and
Feelings ethical standards, namely: emotion, and rules.
• It provides the individual with an initial reckoning of a situation, • Every human action inspires a corresponding reaction whether
but they should not be the sole basis for one’s motives and subtle in nature or violent. Some people are more emotionally
actions. reactive than others.
• Emotions can get out of control if not regulated by laws,
Freedom customs, moral codes, professional codes and even the rules of
• It is the willful act and decision that gives form and shape to the etiquette.
actions and inclinations of the individuals. • Rules are considered as an essential stabilizing force that
• Freedom is oriented towards the wherefore, the what for, and enhance the survivability of individuals, families and nations.
the whom for, of the doings of the individuals.
Good Acts • It is a situation where a person is forced to choose between two
• A morally good act requires the goodness of the object, of the or more conflicting options, neither of which is acceptable. As
intention of the agent, and of the circumstances together. we can see, the key here is that the person has choices to make
that will all have results she does not want.
Evil Acts
• It is an act that corrupts the action even if the object is good in Ethical Dilemma
itself. • It is a decision-making problem between two possible moral
imperatives, neither of which is unambiguously acceptable or
Approaches to Normative Ethics preferable.
• Consequentialism • In ethical dilemma, the complexity arises out of the situational
• Deontology conflict in which obeying would result in transgressing another.
• Virtue Ethics • There are three identified conditions that must be present for
situations to be considered moral dilemmas:
Consequentialism • First, the person or the agent of a moral action is obliged to make
• At the heart of consequentialist theories is the idea that the a decision about which course of action is best. Here, the moral
moral action is the one that produces the best consequences. agent must choose the best option and act accordingly.
• Second, there must be different courses of action to choose
Deontology from. Hence, as already pointed out above, there must be two
• According to deontological theories, morality is primarily a or more conflicting options to choose from for moral dilemmas
function of duties or obligations, regardless of the consequences to occur.
of acting in accordance with those duties. • Third, no matter what course of action is taken, some moral
principles are always compromised.
Virtue Ethics
• It gives primacy of importance not to rules, but to particular Types of Moral Dilemma
habits of character such as the virtue of courage and other types • Epistemic Dilemmas: Self-imposed and world-imposed
of virtue that the person is personally inclined to perform. dilemmas
• Obligation Dilemmas and Prohibition Dilemmas
Moral Standards • Single Agent and Multi-person Dilemmas
• It refers to the norms which we have about the types of actions
which we believe to be morally acceptable and morally Epistemic Dilemma
unacceptable. • It involves situations wherein two or more moral requirements
• Specifically, it involves sets of recognized and permanently conflicted with each other and that the moral agent hardly
acceptable character or norms commonly used as primary knows which of the conflicting moral requirements takes
measure of quality, value, and extent. precedence over the other.
• In other words, under the epistemic dilemma, the moral agent in
Non-moral Standards this situation does not know which option is morally right or
• It refers to rules that we have about the types of actions that are wrong.
unrelated to moral or ethical considerations.
Self-imposed Dilemma
• This is caused by the moral agent’s wrong doings. • Since these experiences were learned and transmitted, the
developed distinctly, independent from biological evolutions.
Obligation Dilemma Hence, a person may transmit beliefs, values, norms or way of
• This pertains to a particular situation in which there are more life to another person even if they are not related by blood.
than one feasible action is obligatory, • This view of culture argues that people from different places
develop distinct cultures. However, elements of a culture can be
transmitted from one society to another.
Single Agent Dilemma
• Being dynamic, culture can be taught and learned, making it
• The moral agent is compelled to act on two or more equally the
potentially rapid form of adaptation to changes in the human
same moral options but he/she cannot choose both.

The Sources of Morality Elements of Culture

• The Object • Material Culture
• The Intention of the Agent • Non-material Culture
• The Circumstances
Material Culture
The Object • It includes the physical objects a society produces. These are
• It is the aim or goal of a certain action acquired. To make an act tools, pieces of furniture, clothing, automobiles, and computer
morally good, it’s object or aim must conform to the law of God systems, to name a few.
or the conscience of the doer of the action must attest it. • Awareness of these kinds of objects created and how people use
them brings about greater understanding of culture of society.
The Intention of the Agent
Non-material Culture
• It refers to the means of attaining the object.
• It consist of elements termed norms, values, belief, and language
shared by the members of a society. Non-material culture is
The Circumstances considered as the carriers of culture.
• These pertains to the types of environment, situation, or
condition prevailing when the action is done. Elements of Non-material Culture
• Language
Module 2: Lesson 1 • Beliefs
• Norms
• The beginning of human civilization is a proper reference point
in treating the interesting subject of culture. Language
• A human being’s adaptation to their society, conformity to the • The most defining characteristics of the human being is the
culture of their time, and their education have work alongside ability to develop and use highly complex systems of symbols like
each other putting their present status. language.
• A symbol, as sociologist says, is the very foundation of culture.
Culture The essence of culture is the sharing of meanings among
• It is derived from the Latin word cultura or cultus which means members of the society.
care or cultivation. Culture is analogous to caring for an infant. • Unless one shares the language of culture, one cannot
Because an infant has prolonged dependency, he/she has to be participate in it. Languages influences people’s way of
taken care by people around him/her. perceiving, behaving and feeling, thus, tends to define and shape
• Culture has been defined as all modes of thought, behavior, and the world around them.
production that are handed down from one generation to the • It is through language that ideas, values, beliefs and knowledge
next by means of communicative interaction rather than by are transmitted, expressed and shared.
genetic transmission.
• Culture as cultivation implies that every human being is a Belief
potential member of hi/her own social group. He/She is • These are ideas that people hold about any part of the total
endowed with certain innately useful qualities. reality surrounding them. It shows how people see reality.
• However, he/she cannot develop these inborn talents without • The subject of human beliefs may be infinite and may include
the help of other people. ideas concerning the individual, other people, and any aspects of
• It is an indelible manifestation of human existence that shows the biological, physical, social, and supernatural world, be it
how far a human being has gone in the course of time and how primitive or scientific.
much he/she has learned.
• The growth of culture anywhere at any given time is a result of Values
an individual’s reaction to the several stimuli that motivates • These are the shared ideas about desirable goals. These are
his/her way of thinking and challenge his/her mode of living. person’s ideas about worth and desirability or an abstract of
Without him/her culture will be at a standstill. what is important and worthwhile.
• Values makes up human judgments of what is moral and
Origin of Culture immoral, good and bad, right or wrong, beautiful and ugly, and
• Anthropologists believe that culture is a product of human so on.
evolution. Humans devised a common way of classifying
experiences and transmitting them symbolically. Norms
• These are shared rules of conduct that specify how people Modes of Acquiring Culture
should ought to think and act. Norms is simply defined as • Imitation
specific rules of behavior. • Indoctrination
• Conditioning
Types of Norms • Acculturation
• Mores • Amalgamation
• Folkways
• Laws Imitation
• It is human action by which one tends to duplicate more or less
Mores exactly the behavior of others.
• These are norms associated with strong ideas of right and wrong.
Mores are standard of conduct that are highly respected and Indoctrination
valued by the group and their fulfillment is felt to be necessary • This takes the form of formal teaching or training which may
and vital to group welfare. happen anywhere. The formal teaching takes into account the
• They are considered essential to group’s existence and cultural components of society where the learning individuals
accordingly, the group demands that they be followed without lives.
question. They represent obligatory behavior because their
infractions result in punishments, formal or informal. Conditioning
• Through norms prevailing in one’s social and cultural milieu and
Folkways through the process of conditioning, the individual acquires
• These are norms that simply the customary, normal and habitual certain patterns of beliefs, values, and behaviors.
ways a group does things. These customary ways are
accumulated and become repetitive patterns of behavior, which Acculturation
tends to become permanent traditions. • It is a process by which societies with different cultures are
modified through fairly close and long continued contact.
• These are often referred to as formal norms. They are rules that Amalgamation
are enforced and sanctioned by the authority of the • It is the intermarriage of persons coming from different cultural
government. groups resulting in some kind of biological fusion.

Characteristics of Culture Module 2: Lesson 2

• Culture is shared
• Culture is cumulative ▪ Ethics is a matter of living well through the habitual practice of
• Culture is dynamic virtue which essentially translates into having a virtuous or
• Culture is diverse excellent character.
▪ A virtuous character is the result of proper combination of
Functions of Culture practical wisdom (phronesis), and habituation in the pursuit of
• The importance of culture cannot be overemphasized. Although the mean (mesotes).
human beings possess instinct, they generally rely on their ▪ Being ethical is all about being excellent in human being, which
culture in order to survive. Next to this, are some functions of is being excellent in fulfilling one’s essence as a rational being
culture. that has cultivated an excellent character and capable of making
• Culture helps people adapt to the demand of the surrounding the most prudent decisions in all circumstances.
physical environment. ▪ Through the constant interaction of thought and action as
• Culture compensates for many human physical limitations. prompted by various situations that calls for one’s decision, a
• Culture provides ways and means to regulate human collective person comes to know himself/herself as a certain type of
existence. character or personality.
• Culture prescribes behavioral patter insides ways and means to ▪ Being a certain way or having a particular personality or
regulate human. character implies a certain understanding of the good.
▪ Personality or character is an approach or a way of reckoning the
Cultural Relativism different situations that one faces in his/her life - a way of
• The concept refers to the notion that each culture should be navigating one’s way towards his/her flourishing as a human
evaluated according to its own merits and standards rather than person.
from the standpoint or bases of a different culture. ▪ Character is not merely a theoretical construct but a product of
action in the world – a constant doing or way of being that is
• In other words, norms, values, and beliefs should be judged only
made apparent by the possession and actualization of particular
from the viewpoint of the culture where they belong.
virtues or vices.
• The goal of cultural relativism is to promote understanding of
cultural practices that are not typically part of one’s own culture.
Moral Character
• Using the perspective of cultural relativism, it leads to the view
• It is an evaluation of an individual's stable moral qualities. The
that no particular culture is superior than another culture when
concept of character can imply a variety of attributes.
compared to systems of morality, law, politics, and so on.
• A moral character includes the existence or lack of virtues such
• It is a concept that cultural norms and values derive their
as empathy, courage, fortitude, honesty, and loyalty, or of good
meaning within a specific social context.
behaviors or habits.
• Moral character primarily refers to the assemblage of qualities • Family Closeness
that distinguish one individual from another. • Hospitality
• Although on a cultural level, the set of moral behaviors to which • Compassion
a social group adheres can be said to unite and define it culturally • Regionalism
as distinct from others. • Friendliness
• Psychologist Lawrence Pervin defines moral character as a • Politeness
disposition to express behavior in consistent patterns of
functions across a range of situations. Bayanihan
• Normative ethics involve moral standards that exhibit right and • The Filipino community spirit of cooperation in which a group of
wrong conduct. It is a test of proper behavior and determining individuals extends a helping hand without expecting any
what is right and wrong. remuneration.
• Plato believed that the soul is divided into three parts of desire,
namely: Family Closeness
o Rational • The Filipino trait of prioritizing the family above other things and
o Appetitive maintaining the close connections and cooperation among its
o Spirited members.
• In order to have moral character, we must understand what
contributes to our overall good and have our spirited and Hospitality
appetitive desires educated properly, so that they can agree with • The Filipino trait of being receptive and generous to guests and
the guidance provided by the rational part of the soul. to anybody that enters into their homes.
• Aristotle tells us that there are good people in the world. These
are those who exhibit excellences – excellences of thought and Compassion
excellences of character. • The Filipino trait of being kind and emphatic to others even if the
• Excellence of character, then, is a state concerned with choice, person is a not known to them or a stranger.
lying in a mean relative to us, this being determined by reason
and in the way in which the man of practical wisdom would Regionalism
determine it. • The Filipino trait of giving his province mates preferential
• We have been informed that Ethics is a branch of Philosophy treatment as well as priority over natives of other provinces.
concerned about actions, the action either human act or act of
man. Ethics and values have a common role; they even interplay Friendliness
with each other. • The Filipino quality of being friendly and can easily get together with
• Ethics without values is hollow and shallow and therefore weak. others in a sincere, loyal, and kind ways.
While values without ethics is paralytics.
Values • The Filipino quality of being courteous to anybody, most especially to
• These are beliefs or ideals shared by the member of a culture the eldars, and it is usually associated with the used of Po and Opo.
about what is good or desirable and what is not. It strongly
influences the behavior of an individual and serve as board in all Filipino Values and Non-Filipino Culture
situation. • While it is true that Filipinos have their own sense of values and
• Through heredity or through the environment, an individual valuing system, it is also an accepted fact that these distinct
acquires values. The influence of the family, community, society, values came from the universal human needs and wants.
nation, and other individuals makes the person unique as he/she • For instance, everyone in the world has a want to own a car.
develops a set of values. These values determine the priorities However, how serious the Filipinos are on this want may be
and lifestyle of the person. different from that of the Americans.

Root of Filipino Values Bipolar Filipino Values

• There are three known origin of the Filipino values. These are • Hiya or Shame
lifestyles, human nature, and cultural inclination. • Ningas Cogon or Procrastination
• Bahala Na or Resignation
The Patterns of Filipino Values • Mañana Habit
• Exogenous Pattern • Utang na loob or Indebtedness
• Indigenous Pattern
Hiya or Shame
Exogenous Pattern • It gives the Filipinos a picture of refinement, culture and
• It is also identified as legal or formal. The word itself would help education. It avoids harshness or crudeness. This value limits the
us deduce its root to the time when Filipinos began to form a link Filipinos to desire so much and it gives them peace of mind.
with cultures.
Ningas Cogon
Indigenous Pattern • Its positive aspects rely on the fact that a person with such a
• It is considered traditional or non-formal pattern of Filipino value is definitely simple. It has a negative effect because a man
values. Indigenous values are acquired in the subconscious mind. with that value refuses to take responsibility, and a man who
does not take responsibilities seems to be far from
Filipino Values improvements.
• Bayanihan
Bahala Na or Resignation Conventional Level
• It has a positive effect because it is a demonstration of • It is where a child’s sense of morality is tied to personal and
dependence to God. Bahala na is a expression of humility; it is societal relationships. Children continue to accept the rules of
the opposite of arrogance. However, it also has a negative effect authority figures, but this is now due to their belief that this is
because it legitimizes laziness. necessary to ensure positive relationships and societal order.

Mañana Habit
Stages of Conventional Level of Moral Reasoning
• Being a positive value, it allows things to move on their pattern.
Stage 1: Good Boy / Good Girl Orientation
They assure peace of mind in the person. They are like allowing
o In this stage, children want the approval of others and
wound to heal on its own. However, they also have a negative
part. It keeps problems to a heap until solving them becomes act in ways to avoid disapproval. Emphasis is placed
impossible. on good behavior and people being nice to others.
Stage 2: Law and Order Orientation
Module 2: Lesson 3 o In this stage, the child blindly accepts rules and
MORAL DEVELOPMENT convention because of their importance in maintaining
• The notions of morality development have been developed over a functioning society.
centuries, the earliest came from philosophers o Rules are seen as being the same for everyone, and
like Confucius, Aristotle, and Rousseau, who all took a more obeying rules by doing what one is supposed to do is
humanist perspective and focused on the development of the seen as valuable and important.
conscience and sense of virtue.
Post-conventional Level
Moral Development • It is where a person’s sense of morality is defined in terms of
• It focuses on the emergence, change, and understanding more abstract principles and values. People now believe that
of morality from infancy through adulthood. some laws are unjust and should be changed or eliminated.
• Morality develops across a lifetime and is influenced by an
individual's experiences and their behavior when faced with Stages of Post-conventional Level of Moral Reasoning
moral issues through different periods of physical and cognitive Stage 1: Social Contract Orientation
development. o In this stage, the world is viewed as holding different
• Morality in itself is often a synonym for rightness or goodness. It opinions, rights, and values. Such perspectives should
refers to a certain code of conduct that is derived from one's be mutually respected as unique to each person or
culture, religion or personal philosophy that guides one's community. Laws are regarded as social contracts
actions, behaviors and thoughts. rather than rigid edicts.
• In the modern day, empirical research has explored morality Stage 2: Universal Ethical Orientation
through a moral psychology lens by theorists like Sigmund o In this stage, moral reasoning is based on abstract
Freud and its relation to cognitive development by theorists reasoning using universal ethical principles. Generally,
like Jean Piaget, Lawrence Kohlberg, and B. F. Skinner. the chosen principles are abstract rather than concrete
and focus on ideas such as equality, dignity, or respect.
Levels of Moral Reasoning Conscience
• Pre-conventional • It refers to the inner sense or consciousness of the moral
• Conventional goodness or blameworthiness of one’s own conduct, intentions,
or character together with a feeling of obligation to do right or
• Post-conventional
to be good.
Pre-conventional Level
Conscience-Based Moral Decision
• It is where a child’s sense of morality is externally controlled.
• In this way, the individual acts because it is morally right to do so
Children accept and believe the rules of authority figures, such
and not because he or she wants to avoid punishment, it is in
as parents and teachers.
their best interest, it is expected, it is legal, or it is previously
agreed upon.
Stages of Pre-conventional Level of Moral Reasoning
• In this type of decision, laws are valid only insofar as they are
Stage 1: Obedience/Punishment Orientation
grounded in justice, and a commitment to justice carries with it,
o It focuses on the child’s desire to obey rules and avoid
and an obligation to disobey unjust laws.
being punished. For example, an action is perceived as
morally wrong because the perpetrator is punished;
the worse the punishment for the act is, the worse the
act is perceived to be.
Stage 2: Instrumental Orientation
o It expresses the what’s in it for me? position, in which
right behavior is defined by whatever the individual
believes to be in their best interest.
o Stage two reasoning shows a limited interest in the
needs of others, only to the point where it might
further the individual’s own interests.

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