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Assignment on

Unit III
Computer Hardware

Submitted by:
Prafulla Man Pradhan

Submitted to:
Suman Dahal
1) Do you agree with the statement: “The network is the computer”?  Why or why not?

Networks are making mainframe server obsolete to a certain extent. Particularly since
numerous mainframe servers are large and take many space. Many people are on the go and the
world is moving at such a fast pace, things like laptops and mobile phones are more common and
convenient. Mainframes are not only too large, but they even overlap each other at times, making
them less efficient. Network computers are low-cost, sealed microcomputers with no or minimal
disk storage that is linked to the network. Users of Network computers depend primarily on
network servers for their operating system and Web browser, application software, and data
access and storage.
One of the main holds of network computers is their lower total cost of installation. On
top of that there are so many online data storage websites that allow companies to access data
over the internet. This takes up less storage, and for the most part is less costly than having a
mainframe server. One drawback regarding online data storage websites is, some question of
internet security as many data must be kept totally confidential.

2) What trends are occurring in the development and use of the major types of computer

If we analyze the current trends in the computer systems development then we can see
that computers today are becoming smaller, faster, compatible, cheaper, portable, wireless and
power efficient. If we analyze the current trends in the computer systems development then we
can see that computers today are becoming smaller, faster, compatible, cheaper, portable,
wireless and power efficient. The size is decreasing but the speed is increasing. The capacity of
the storage devices is also increasing. The computer in our home has capacity to store more data
than earlier super computers. We don’t need to buy all the computer parts form the same supplier
and be dependent on him for the service and maintenance. Today we can see that everything is
wireless, all hardware are wireless these days. The internet connection is also becoming wireless.
The concept of cloud computing is gaining popularity and it definitely is the future.
The next generation of computer systems appear to be working towards wireless
interaction, which is now a function many of us use. As well as this present trends include
touchscreen displays, such as those found on iPads and other tablets, and 3D technology. The
latest technology of today becomes outdated tomorrow. There is a constant research going on,
and everyday there is a new development in the field of computer technology.

3) Are networks of PCs and servers making mainframe computer obsolete? Explain.
Mainframe computer is a data processing system employed mainly in large organizations
for various applications, including bulk data processing, process control, industry and consumer
statistics, enterprise resource planning, and financial transaction processing.
Mainframes use proprietary operating systems, most of which are based on UNIX, and a growing
number on Linux. Over the years they have evolved from being room-sized to networked
configurations of workstations and servers that are an extremely competitive and cost effective
platforms for e-commerce development and hosting. Mainframes are so called because the
earliest ones were housed in large metal frames.
Networked microcomputers are often the better alternative to larger single computer systems,
providing many of the same advantages, and easier access and more personal control. However,
there are still many tasks that require the memory capacity and number crunching power of
modern mainframe computers, such as running mathematical models for weather forecasting.
Minicomputers are often more economical than multiple micros in business environments that
have teams working together on projects and require control of access to databases and ongoing
projects. The distinction between micro- and minicomputers, however, is becoming increasingly
fuzzy. Even though the networked PCs are gaining popularity and its use is increasing more and
more in offices, it will not completely replace the mainframe computers. If we see the records the
sales and use of mainframe computers have actually increased with the increase in their capacity
and decreasing acquisition and maintenance costs. Networked PCs and provide an alternate for
Mainframes but can never replace them because as mentioned above there are some specific
tasks that require the capacity and speed of the mainframe.

4) What are several important computer hardware developments that you expect to
happen in the next 10 years? How will these affect the business use of computers?
The pace of technology is so fast that, everything related to computer is changing
extraordinarily fast. Newest technology of currently is obsolete history for tomorrow. Roughly
which was just limited to mind and was supposed to be difficult yesterday has become reality
today, and the same trend will continue in the coming years in field of computer hardware.
Although, it is impossible to forecast what vision will be there tomorrow  in terms of computer
hardware, but also I think the development in coming 10 years will be something like :-

 A growth in the type and usage of smart gadgets and information appliances will
 Hardware devices will be more powerful in terms of processing speed and capacity.
 Wireless devices will become the standard for many businesses.
 A decrease on the reliance on keyboards and mouse type technology as businesses
currently use such technology (touch and voice command will replace it).
 Storage will improve in terms of media and capacity and with a related reduced cost.
 AI (artificial intelligence) will be a common practice.

As mentioned above the inputs and outputs device will be totally different, about which we can
only dream of today. We will be using mostly voice commands and gestures to operate the
computers and the computers will be advanced enough to understand our emotions and almost
read our mind. So in coming 10 years there will be nothing like keyboards and mouse. The
output devices will also be totally different from today’s devices. The output will be shown
virtually in air. The coming era is the era of cloud computing when everything will be in air and
the hardware will also adapt to the change accordingly. The capacity of storage devices will
increase, almost all the information of the world will fit in a single cheap which we will be
carrying with us around, and the best part of this would be that, it will be very cheap.

5) What processor, memory, magnetic disk storage, and video display capabilities would
you require for a personal computer that you would use for business purposes? Explain
your choices.
Need of computer may vary from business to business. The need will solely depend upon
the nature of business and the task that has to be performed. So the computer being used in one
business may not be the best choice for another business. A supermarket may need computer
with different capacity compared to computer needed by an animation company. A professional
like doctor or lawyer may need different computer from a software developer.
   If I had to select a computer (PC) for business purpose then I would want it to have the
latest processor which can perform the best. So I would want my computer to have Intel Core i7
processor and X79 motherboard. It is the best processor available in the market at today’s time. I
will want my business PC to have the maximum capacity Hard Disk and RAM available in the
market. The hard disk must have enough capacity to store the business data. There are different
software that need to be installed in computer to help operate the business smoothly and the
computer must have the capability to smoothly function those software. And for viewing the
display quality must be at least 4K capable.

Purchasing Computer Systems for Your Workgroup

A) Prepare a spreadsheet summarizing this pricing information and showing the cost, from each
supplier, of the following options:

1.Spreadsheet with pricing information showing cost from each supplier of given options:

      Case 1 Case 2
Component Basic Unit Upgrade Basic Upgrade Basic Upgrade
      AMD Intel
CPU (Gigahertz) 3.2 4.2 $107 $185 $91 $145
      Western Digital
WD Seagate Iron wolf
Storage (Terabytes) 1 3 $69 $142 $72 $159
      MSI GeForce Asus
Available Graphics 2 4
(Gigabyte) $59 $235 $65 $349
      LG Asus
Optical Drive DVD Rom Blur Ray Disk $29 $69 $29 $85
      View Sonic Asus
Monitor 17 inch flat 19 inch flat
screen screen $129.9
$60 $89.99 9 $174.99
$ $ $ $
324.00 720.99 386.99 912.99
Options Price of Case 1 Price of Case 2
$ 1,620.00 $ 1,934.95
5 units with the basic configuration
3 units with basic configuration and $ 2,413.98 $ 2,986.95
2 units with all of upgrades
3 units of basic configuration plus
the monitor upgrade and 2units
with all upgrade all 5 units fully $ 2,032.95 $ 2,623.95

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