Blaze 1 Test 7 Vocabulary and Grammar

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Blaze 1 Test 7 Vocabulary and Grammar Victoria’s Assessment


Α.Fill in : wander,prepare,open air, fresh,joined

1.You can buy things at very low prices in…………………………

2.John and his friends …………………………….a tour at the museum.

3.We like to …………………………… through the market and see the different stalls.

4. Vendors …………………………delicious snacks on the spot.

5. They have…………………………… fruit and vegetables.

B. Fill in: guided, snacks,protect,security,busy,touch

1. When you touch something inside the museum,the ………………………………. guard asks you to leave.

2.We had a ………………………day shopping at the market.

3. We went on a ………………………….. tour of the museum.

4. The museum has…………………….. screens where you can learn more about the museum’s collections.

5.At the museum café,you can eat delicious ……………………… like sandwiches and cakes.

6.In the old days,there was a huge wall to……………………………… the town from its enemies.

C. Find the shop

1. You can buy bread there……………………………………………………………………..

2.You can buy magazines there…………………………………………………………………

3.You can buy food for animals there………………………………………………………

4. You can buy gifts for your children there…………………………………………………

5. You can buy flowers there…………………………………………………………………………

6. You can buy CDs there………………………………………………………………………………

7. You can buy aspirin there………………………………………………………………………………….

8. You can buy meat there………………………………………………………………………………….

9. You can buy vegetables there……………………………………………………………………………..

10. You can eat a burger there……………………………………………………………………………….


D. Fill in: was(n’t), were(n’t), could(n’t), had/didn’t have.

1………………………………………………………..the National Gallery open yesterday?No, it…………………..

2. People……………………………………………………horses a thousand years ago but they…………………………………

3. He…………………………………………… ride a bike at the age of ten but he………………………………… drive a car.

4………………………………………….there a lot of tourists at the place?Yes , there……………………………………………

5. They …………………………………………….spices at the market but they………………………………………clothes.

6. …………………………………………………………..he read at the age of four? No he ………………………………………..

E. Look at what Peter did/didn’t do yesterday .Write questions ,then answer them.

1. go to the mall?(x) Did Peter go to the mall yesterday? No ,he didn’t.

2. play basketball (x) ………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. meet his friends (v)………………………………………………………………………………………..

4. watch a film (v)………………………………………………………………………………………………

5. listen to music (v)……………………………………………………………………………………………

6.go to the park (x)……………………………………………………………………………………………..

7. chat online (x)………………………………………………………………………………………………..

8. go to bed late (v)……………………………………………………………………………………………

F. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple.

1. When they were in London ,they……………………………………………..(visit)a lot of museums.

2………………………………………………………(Alex/visit) the castle?No, he………………………………………

3.We …………………………………………………….(not/go) on a tour of the palace last weekend.

4. I …………………………………………..(see) a strange green light in the sky last night.

5. The train………………………………(leave) at 7 pm.

6. …………………………………………………….(you/meet) Ann at the museum ?Yes, I…………………………………

7. Sue…………………………………………………..(feel) really scared .

8. Mum…………………………………………………..(stop) to buy bread.

9. The guide…………………………………………(tell ) us a story.

10. While they were in the dungeon, everyone…………………………………(hear) a strange sound.

G. Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple.

Hi Sue,
Hope you 1)…………………………………………….(have) a great weekend. Mine 2)
…………………………………..(be) fantastic. We 3)………………………………………..(go) to London .Ann 4)
……………………………………(not/come) with us. She 5) ………………………………………………(spend) the
weekend at our grandparents’ cottage.
We 6) …………………………………..(stay) at a small hotel in the Centre and we 7)
…………………………………………..(travel) around by bus. It 8)………………………………………(be) cold
but it 9)…………………….(not/rain). We 10)……………………………….( visit) all the sights such as the Tower of
London and the Covent Garden.
Write back and tell me your news.

Read the email and mark the sentences (1-5) T (true) ,F (False) or DS (Doesn’t say)

Hi Carla,
Sydney is amazing!Thew weather is great and my hotel is right next to Darling Harbor. I can seen the water from my
Yesterday , I went to the Sydney Opera House near Circular Quay with George and saw a concert .A Danish architect
designed the Opera House in the 1950s and it opened in 1973.Now ,it’s a UNESCO World Heritage Site.Inside ,there
are several different rooms for music performances , a café and a restaurant .We had lunch and bought some souvenirs
from the shop. It was a really interesting places to visit.
Afterwards, we climbed up the Sydney Harbour Bridge.We could see the whole of the city from there.It was fantastic!
See you soon,

1. It is very cold in Sydney. …………………………………..

2. Sydney Opera House looks like a circle………………………………
3. Maria went to a café……………………………………..
4. Maria spent a lot of money in the shop………………………………….
5. There was a good view from the top of the bridge……………………………………….

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