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Name Do You Ever Wake Up Feeling Anxious?

Tone Serious tone


Word Count 762

1. Do You Ever Wake Up Feeling Anxious?

2. Have you ever woken up and immediately wanted to press the snooze button?

3. It wasn’t even that you were still tired, you just didn’t feel like getting out of bed.

4. I’m sure we all know that “waking up on the wrong side of the bed” feeling.

5. You don’t always know why and sometimes it approaches on the worst days, yet we must go
about our day with this weird feeling in the pit of your stomach.

6. Why do we wake up with this feeling? How do we prevent it? If it’s inevitable, what can we
do to not let it affect the outcome of our day?

7. For the most part, these feelings of anxiety and stress in the morning are related to excess
worry and what we call “what’s next?” thoughts.

8. Many people naturally worry about everyday activities like work, walking the dog, getting
the kids to school, working out, whatever the case may be.

9. When you carry this extra stress with you every day, you don’t allow yourself any time to
focus on all the things that can go right that day.

10. There’s no way to stop your mind from trotting off into the future, but it shouldn’t cause us
to fear or become anxious about what might happen.

11. In fact, we should be excited for what awaits.

12. The truth is, morning anxiety will creep into your life for a variety of reasons.

13. It could be a result of your daily morning routine, some people have contributed it to stress
built up from the night before, while others relate it to their diet before bed or in the

14. Either way, we often expect a good night’s sleep to cure our every emotion.

15. Unfortunately, it’s an ineffective way to manage our feelings and will eventually bleed into
the following day.

16. The more we run, the more we worry, the more we suffer.

17. Sleep won’t reset your mind and it won’t reset your body, it’s simply meant to rest your
mind and body.
18. So, what can we do to help prevent these feelings in the morning?

19. When we feel too nervous, anxious, or scared to get out of bed in the morning, how do we
make the most out of the day ahead of us?

20. I’m going to leave you with two things to do before bed and two things to do when you
wake up.

21. These are designed to not only train your mind to focus less on the negative aspects of your
life, but seek more gratitude in the positive aspects of your life.

22. Sure, it might require some lifestyle changes and new habits, but they’ll eventually lead to a
better you.

23. A version of yourself that won’t back down from the challenges that await or the obstacles
that present themselves.


#1. Pick out your outfit before bed, especially for the people that choose to do this in the

25. Don’t add any extra pressure on yourself in the morning, tackle this task before bed so you
can focus on more important things tomorrow.

26. #2. Keep your phone on silent and out of sight while you sleep. In order for your mind to
fully rest, it needs to be free of distractions.

27. Phone calls, text tones, and notifications can disrupt the quality of your sleep.

28. Now for the two things to do in the morning:

#1. Make your bed before anything else.

This allows you to successfully complete your first task of the day. Although it be a simple
task, this can give you the confidence to tackle the next task, and the next, and so on.

29. #2. Listen to your favorite song. Music has a way of captivating the soul, especially when
we’re at our worst.

Starting your day with your favorite song will brighten your mood instantly.

30. In addition to those four things, it’s always recommended to add meditation to your daily

Giving yourself an opportunity to positively reflect on the present day can give you a
newfound respect for the opportunities we are given every day.

31. Waking up feeling anxious is inevitable sometimes, but knowing how to work your way out
of it can ensure your day turns out exactly how you wish it to.
32. We can all do things to prevent these “what’s next?” thoughts, stress, and anxiety.

33. Do yourself, your mind, your body, and your overall well-being a favor and take a second to
relax and breathe.

34. Life can be difficult at times, but we can always be prepared to overcome it.

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