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0341478 0341452

0341135 0340552

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23/06/2020 & 12:00PM

Brief description of the company:
Alibaba Group was founded by 18 people and guided by Jack Ma himself. Since the
start, the organization's founders mutually share a view that by the use of internet will sort
everything fair and reasonable by allowing little ventures can use for expansion the business.
And this innovation will help the ventures to develop and control the business more easily.
By the help of official sites all individuals’ exporters can sell their products globally (Alibaba
Group, n.d.).
By implementing this strategy currently Ali baba group is now a global leader in
ecommerce industry. Alibaba empowers organizations to modify the way in the ecommerce
market and provide a structure or framework how to sell the products, work in group or
teams, how to be efficient in work and how to advertise the products and deliver them. As a
result, this innovation will help customer to get the product or service more swiftly or
conveniently. One of Ali baba group vision is the company will last for at least 102 years, as
this means the company will span three centuries successfully. The organization believes if
the business module is strong enough, we can accomplish this goal. Currently Alibaba is
investing money to improve the data gathering system so that there is no chance mislead of
product and theft and planning how to be more efficient in the workspace (Alibaba Group,

Leadership traits
The leader trait approach sought to identify enduring personality traits that distinguish
leaders from followers and effective leaders from ineffective ones (Pearson Education,2012).
First, Jack Ma possess the intelligence trait which helps a leader to solve complex
problems and seek opportunities and improvements for the company. Jack Ma tends to say
that a good leader tends to develop different kinds of intelligence. There’s IQ (Intelligence
Quotient), there is EQ (Emotional Quotient) and finally LQ which is Love Quotient.
According to Jack Ma, a good leader should not only be good in IQ, EQ and LQ but should
also be more confident (Yee, 2017). A great example is Alibaba seeing the single’s day on 11
November (11/11) which is celebrated in China as a great opportunity that could boost their
sales. They transformed the single day into online shopping day where there are sales and
promotions given on their online shopping platform such as Taobao (Huy, 2019). In 2009
there are only 27 merchants participating to build awareness regarding the value of online
shopping. Today, the total number of brands that took part in this event exceeds 200000. It
was a great success on this decision making of introducing online shopping day proved by the
‘double eleven’ day is now the world’s largest online sales event. The sales that they made on
single’s day is rising year by year, continuously breaking the previous year’s record and the
latest year they reached 210bn yuan in sales in just 16.5 hours. (Alibaba Singles' Day
shopping frenzy breaks record, 2019)
Self-confidence is another leadership trait Jack Ma has. Self-confidence allows a
leader to be assured that they have an influence on people and make them believe that they
can face any obstacles or any difficulties. When a leader is self-confident, it makes people
tends to trust them easier (Kux, n.d.). Jack Ma is a great leader and surely knows how to talk
to people. He knows how to inspire people to follow their dreams. People were inspired by
his ideas action and his way of managing the business. The employee said that Jack Ma is a
fascinating leader with reliability that will draw people to join the company and pumps them
with credible dreams (Anderlini, 2013).
Inspiring is another leadership trait that Jack Ma possess. Jack Ma inspired many
people with his words. He as a motivational speaker himself, motivates his employees a lot.
His followers trust every word he says, and they were inspired by his way of a human being
and by the way he likes to manage his business. Jack Ma was someone who would also
motivates his employees and inspire them to follow their dreams and grow bigger in life and
in person, according to his employees. (The Strategy Watch, 2020) He knows in order to
success he needs a great team to work together to strive for the ultimate goal. Besides sharing
his ideas and personal stories that could help the employee, he also builds a good relationship
with them. Team happiness is always his priority as they will feel motivated to go to work if
they are happy with the working environment and will be more productive at work. He is
highly visible in the workplace, he also sings karaoke with employees (Tornandeso, n.d.).
Therefore, the workers see Jack Ma as a combination of a father image, inspirational mentor
and a great leader.
As the company was growing bigger, the stress level was also increasing. A leader
will face lots of problems everyday which would gain stress. Jack Ma had to find a way to
tolerate the level of stress and continue to grow the company bigger. Jack Ma a highly
productive person prioritizes rest when he is facing a lot of stress (Stieg, 2019). He believes
that with sufficient rest and sleep he could fight the problem better. It is also scientifically
proven that sleep could help in reducing stress (Sleep Better with Less Stress, 2019). Jack Ma
always tell everyone that for someone to tolerate stress they have to rest and get some good
sleep. Jack Ma shows that even if he experiences stress, he has his own way to overcome it
which stronger proven his ability in solving problems and how good a leader he is.
Alibaba company struggled for the first few years, but Jack Ma always say that it was
integrity that surely kept it going. He says that when Alibaba was found, the company were
in a very difficult phase and they had nobody to support them. Instead of everyone supporting
them, they used to call them lunatics that cheat. Jack Ma knows the importance of honesty.
The beginning of Alibaba was tough, the foreign trading companies with their overseas
orders transaction are unable to break even the annual fee Alibaba charged them. The staff
decided to speak to all clients with complete honesty and also offered them refunds which
resulted Alibaba earned trust and belief of clients. It was integrity that kept him going. Later,
when the company started to do business overseas and the company started to make profits,
Jack Ma says that he was more focused on honesty and the transparency of his customers. He
always supports his staffs to be honest and do not let their clients down. Their honesty
provided a positive response from the customers and thus the company continued to bigger.
Jack Ma also added a rule ‘do not bribe‘ to his employee (Chan, 2016). There were once he
found out his employee breaking this rule. Even both the involved employee made 60% of
group sales, to stay true to his words, he fired the involved employees immediately (Dang,
2016). He chose their values over profits. With the strong value system, the staff have grown
respect within the business and working world. Jack Ma valuing the importance of honesty
has built a system of trust between the company and customers which highly benefits the
reputation of the company.

Describing his/her leadership style:

Every decision starts with a problem, a discrepancy between an existing and the
desired condition. This is where leadership is needed. Leadership is a process of having a
common objective or goal, and a leader will influence a group to act toward achieving it. In a
business position, this means directing workers and colleagues with a plan to meet the
company's needs. Leadership expresses the need of being able and willing to motivate others.
These types of leaders are the person that has a great combination of good personality, and
leadership skills to utter others want to pursue their direction.
Leadership theories discover behaviours that transform effective leaders from
ineffective leaders such as the University of IOWA studies. Three leadership styles were
founded in the University of IOWA studies which are laissez-faire, autocratic, and
democratic. In the University of IOWA studies, Jack Ma was using the autocratic style first.
It means a leader who dictates work by his method only, control over all decisions, and limits
employee participation (Cherry, 2020). However, he soon found out that this type of
leadership has limited his employees' privilege and innovative ideas. Thus, he switches to a
democratic style that authorizes his employees to participate in decision-making. He believes
in his mindset that everything based on the majority would give the best decision. Jack Ma
always listens to his employees’ opinions, and he will support members of the team to present
their innovative ideas without any arrogance, which allows the company to have better
performance (Tham Jo Ee & Yazdanifard, 2015).
Another research of leadership style is Fiedler’s Contingency Theory of Leadership.
Fiedler’s theory explains why the successful leaderships are relying upon their style of
leadership, and on the kind of control that exists in one situation. For a leader to be effective,
Fielder identified two different leader styles such as task-oriented and relationship-oriented
(La Macro, 2018).
Relationship-oriented leaders are mostly to be liked by and always maintain a good
relationship with their subordinates. It is important for some other people to get to know who
they will work with or those they employ. For example, Jack Ma believes it is better to work
with someone they know more about him than his work. According to Ma's quote, "Jack Ma
always tells himself and others that humans are born here not to work, but to live in a
comfortable life. Everyone is here to make things better for other people, instead of keeping
working their whole life. They will regret their whole life if they always spend their time on
work only". This point of view lies at the heart of Jack Ma's lifestyle and a positive attitude
towards his employees. Jack Ma voiced out to the world and his subordinates as being alive is
to experience the world and assist other people. If the priority goal is money, then it has to
change the mindset to be good to others and not to own personal gain (Kux, n.d.). The
relationship-oriented style gives a benefit to leaders who appreciate building relationship with
their employees, and the employees will be comfortable with the vibe in the office; the cons
of this style is when to focusing on the employees’ personal lives may result in the deadlines
are overdue and tasks will be unfinished.
On the other side, task-oriented leaders will avoid “small talk”. They want their
subordinates to accomplish all their assigned tasks with high-level performance. The leader’s
main objective is to accomplish outlined goals before the deadlines in step-by-step, task by
task. Therefore, goals can be accomplished as planned. (Bean-Mellinger, 2019). However,
Jack Ma was using the Fiedler style very wisely. Apart from the small talk, Jack Ma gets
along with employees, and also wants his subordinates to execute the tasks with their highest
performance. For example, Jack Ma knew that it is impossible to persuade every employee,
partners, and investors to believe him no matter how tiring he tries. Therefore, he gathers
people under a single goal by teaching, encouraging, and inspiring more people as possible.
He uses the skills to convey with his employees to understand the main objective of the
company clearly. This results in everyone is working under a single goal and perform an
advanced performance to the company. Furthermore, Jack Ma leads his employees to share
their idea and tries to make them feel comfortable while working (Bin Sattar, n.d.). The pros
of this style are that leaders ensure their deadlines and goals and make sure their employees
do. However, the cons may lead to high employee turnover, by not realizing how stressful it
is to work for the leaders.
In conclusion, Jack Ma was a very wise person who knew how to formulate the styles
and strategies carefully. Jack Ma is a leader with having the tenacity and clear vision. He
succeeded in avoiding the cons of the style he was using and resulted in pros for all of his
employees. Also, he knows what he wants to achieve and chase it down with a good
leadership style that guides his teams.

Total Word count: 2092

References: Brief description of the company n.d. Alibaba Group. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 20 June 2020]. n.d. Alibaba Group. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 20 June 2020].

References: Leadership traits

Yee, J., 2017. Jack Ma Says High EQ, Not Intelligence, Is Key To His Billion-Dollar Success.
[online] Available at: <
business> [Accessed 21 June 2020].

Huy, Q., 2019. For Alibaba, Singles Day Is About More Than Huge Sales. [online] Harvard
Business Review. Available at: <
more-than-huge-sales> [Accessed 18 June 2020].

BBC News. 2019. Alibaba Singles' Day Shopping Frenzy Breaks Record. [online] Available
at: <
%20giant%20Alibaba's,year's%20all%2Dtime%2Dhigh.> [Accessed 18 June 2020].

Kux, S., n.d. 8 Keys To Success From Jack Ma, Self-Made Billionaire And CEO Of Alibaba.
[online] Lifehack. Available at: <
from-jack-self-made-billionaire-and-ceo-alibaba.html> [Accessed 21 June 2020].

Anderlini, J., 2013. Person Of The Year: Jack Ma. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 18 June 2020].

Tornandeso, R., n.d. Jack Ma Management Lessons: What Every Entrepreneur Should Know
[Infographic]. [online] NextStep Hub. Available at:
<> [Accessed 18 June 2020].
Stieg, C., 2019. Jack Ma Has Good Advice On Stress And Sleep. [online] CNBC. Available
at: <>
[Accessed 18 June 2020].

WebMD., 2019. Sleep Better With Less Stress. [online] Available at:

%2C%20low%20in,agitated%2C%20which%20can%20increase%20stress> [Accessed 18
June 2020].

Chan, M., 2016. Jack Ma Reiterates Importance Of Integrity, Says A Great Example Is

Singapore. [online] Vulcan Post. Available at: <
reiterates-importance-honour-say-best-example-singapore/> [Accessed 19 June 2020].

Dang, L., 2016. Why Alibaba Once Fired Two Employees For Having Insanely Good Sales.
[online] NextShark. Available at: <
integrity/> [Accessed 18 June 2020].

References: Describing his/her leadership style

Cherry, K., 2020. What Are The Pros And Cons Of Autocratic Leadership?. [online]
Verywell Mind. Available at: <
%20advice%20from%20followers.> [Accessed 16 June 2020].

Tham Jo Ee, C. and Yazdanifard, R., 2015. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 16 June 2020].

La Macro, N., 2018. The Advantages Of Fiedler's Contingency Model. [online] Small

Business - Available at: <
contingency-model-18368.html> [Accessed 20 June 2020].

Kux, S., n.d. 8 Keys To Success From Jack Ma, Self-Made Billionaire And CEO Of Alibaba.
[online] Lifehack. Available at: <
from-jack-self-made-billionaire-and-ceo-alibaba.html> [Accessed 17 June 2020].
Bean-Mellinger, B., 2019. Differences Between Task-Oriented Leaders & Relational-
Oriented Leaders. [online] Small Business - Available at:
relationaloriented-leaders-35998.html> [Accessed 20 June 2020].

Bin Sattar, S., n.d. Leadership Qualities, Skills, And Style Of Jack Ma. [online] The Strategy
Watch. Available at: <
jack-ma/> [Accessed 16 June 2020].

Asif Uddin

This subject mainly focused on the organisational behaviour of distinct individuals

under distinguished circumstances. This task indeed helped me in different perspectives
starting with better communication skills among the members of the team. Moreover, strong
psychological and emotional bonding also enhanced our work during the assignment.
The team was comprised of four members including myself. All four of us had
different perspectives and thinking and all of us were of different personalities. The
difference in opinions among the team members helped us accumulate more knowledge from
each other by sharing each other's visions and helped us gain an in-depth idea of their
thinking process. Furthermore, for the better part of my life my personality has been
introverted. Thus, communicating with the mass and having conversations easily was never
one of my best suits. Therefore, undoubtedly this helped me come out of my awkward shell
and be more upfront about my opinions. Not to mention, that in turn helped me work in a
synchronized manner among the teammates. Each one of us distributed the work amongst
ourselves according to what we thought we could do best and apply out expertise to. Not only
did this help us get the work done faster, but also polished the working together in a team
Teamwork was the most important aspect of this assignment and we tried out best to
pull this through in the most efficient and effortless manner. Among the differences we faced
slightly while deciding things for the assignment, we discussed the ideas through WhatsApp
groups and often came to a mutual ground up in reaching the best decision for the
assignment. The difference in views were probably the reason of out difference in cultural
backgrounds. However, even that was acting as an important factor as while we had our
discussions about the visions we all got to know about our cultures and that shed light to
various undiscovered things about all the cultures we all belonged from. This helped us know
about the emotional attachments if the team members that made us keener towards knowing
the persons as well and develop friendships that we all would cherish. After the exchange of
ideas and discussions we would shift to Google docs to share the ideas and all the questions
relating to the assignment.
The subject as a whole and the assignment indeed develop me as a person, and I am
sure it did to my fellow teammates. It evolved me as a human being by helping me be more
confident with myself and my visions and enabled me to be strong headed and put forth my
perspectives without doubting them. Not to mention, it gave me a better understanding of
people's psychology and sentimental values as well as their decision-making capabilities
elevating my communication skills.


Criterion Excellent Good Average Poor
4-5 points 2-3points 1-2 points 0
Attitude & Exceptionally Positive attitude. Attitude neutral. Negative attitude.
Effort positive attitude. Prepared and Minimal Little preparation;
Extraordinary completed all tasks preparation and no effort shown
effort shown. effort
Focused on task
and goals

Contribution Outstanding Good quality work; Poor quality work Poor quality;
contribution; meet expectations with some little, if any,
above-and- contribution contribution

Comments : my teammates are very helpful and friendly and helped me to do my

assignment, looking forward to do another project in the future if possible.

Group Member Name Attitude & Contribution Total points

Effort awarded
Goh Aik Siang  5 5  10
Chandrakantsing  5 5  10
 Lee Boon Hau  5 5   10

Evaluated by:…ASIF UDDIN………………………………….


Student ID: 0341135
Date: 21/06/2020
Lee Boon Hau

Same as all other group assignments that I am involved in, after acknowledging the
question of this assignment, we divided the work and set a due date earlier than the actual due
date of this assignment in order to check and make sure it is a complete work before
submitting it. For this Organizational Behaviour group assignment, we have four group
members who are Aik Siang, Asif, Prashant, and me, Boon Hau.
Asif is in charge of the first part of the assignment which is to provide a brief
description about the company that we have chosen which is Alibaba. Asif was having a bad
fever for the past weeks, however he finished his part faster than any of us. He is also very
helpful and efficient throughout the process of doing the assignment. Whenever we need
help, he will stand out to lend us a hand. A partner of Asif that we assigned for this
assignment is Aik Siang. His part is to write about the leadership style of Jack Ma. According
to Aik Siang he thinks that Asif helped him a lot in finishing the work and helped him to
overcome the obstacles that he faced throughout the process of completing his parts.
As for Prashant and me, both of us are assigned in a team as our respective parts are
both related to the leadership traits that is possessed by Jack Ma. We had lots of discussion
before doing it as we need to decide the traits that we are going to write about and also afraid
that we had our ideas repeated as both our parts are too similar. Another problem that we face
is that all 4 members are currently located in different countries and some of them have
different time zone with us. It was due to the current COVID-19 pandemic, we could not
discuss face to face as how we usually do it in the previous semester, we can now only
discuss through video calls and the most frequently used is by messaging. This brings us
problems as it increases the difficulty of arranging a good time for discussion and also, we
may be unable to instantly reply each other messages due to the different in time zone.
However, everyone is friendly and helpful, we try our best to do what we can. Therefore,
even we are far apart, it did not become a challenge that stop us from completing the
A problem that I face is that I find it difficult to look for real life examples that could
be the evidence to support the traits that are possessed by Jack Ma in real life. Jack Ma is a
well-known person and I have watched many videos of his and listened many things about
him, this is an advantage as I have enough understanding on him even before starting the
research. However, to complete the assignment I will need to seek reliable sources that could
support the fact. But thanks for the help from groupmates and also after some hard work this
is no longer a problem. Overall, our team did a great job in communication and taking our
own responsibility and I am happy to be with them.
Criterion Excellent Good Average Poor
4-5 points 2-3points 1-2 points 0
Attitude & Exceptionally Positive attitude. Attitude neutral. Negative attitude.
Effort positive attitude. Prepared and Minimal Little preparation;
Extraordinary completed all tasks preparation and no effort shown
effort shown. effort
Focused on task
and goals

Contribution Outstanding Good quality work; Poor quality work Poor quality;
contribution; meet expectations with some little, if any,
above-and- contribution contribution

Comments : Overall our team is helpful to each other and participated in the assignment.

Group Member Name Attitude & Contribution Total points

Effort awarded
  Goh Aik Siang  5  5  10
  Asif Uddin  5  5  10
  Prashant  4  4  8

Evaluated by:…………………………………….

Name: Lee Boon Hau

Student ID: 0341452
Date: 21/6/2020


In this group assignment, we have four group members. Each person has their own
parts. Due to one of the member’s health condition, Asif has a fever for more than 10 days.
Therefore, we decided to let Asif have lesser work. Also, following the lecturer guide of the
questions, we split into two groups: Boon Hau and Prashant, Asif and Goh Aik Siang (me).

Asif did the first question which provides a brief description of the company, and I
was doing the question of describing his/her of the leadership style. Asif has done his part
faster than any of us. So, I have asked some help from Asif. However, due to his health
condition, I do not want to disturb his rest and intend to do it myself. I have only asked for his
help in helping me to find a reliable source such as .org, .edu, .my. He surprised me by his
work efficiency, which is very fast that I could not find the reliable source I want. After we
both combined the reliable sources, I began writing my part and try to finish as soon as
possible. After I finished my assignment, I asked for his help again to check on my
weaknesses such as grammar errors or missing points. Again, he agreed on helping me
instantly. He sent me the improved version of my work for around 20 minutes. He improved
my version included grammar corrected, references arranged accordingly for me, and correct
my points if it is not linked. He explained every detailed mistake that I have made too. Asif’s
ability to teamwork is fast and efficient. I am grateful to have him on my side and wish to be
his teammate next time by chance.

As for the whole group, we finished all our parts in 1 week. We combined our work
together and set up a meeting date which is on 20/06. As a team, we did our best effort to
work as a group to help crosscheck with each other works. For instance, I have helped the
whole teammates to crosscheck their citation and arranged it accordingly; Asif have helped
me to check my grammar mistakes; Boon Hau fixed Prashant part to carry the team’s
momentum. From my observation, they are still a great team to me. I am happy and satisfied
their efforts for this assignment except for Prashant. Even though it is quite rush because of
the other assignments due date, but we have to set a date that is earlier than the actual due
date. We managed to pull off in this short time. In conclusion, I am glad that I have grouped
with teammates that are responsible and have effective communications to each othe
Criterion Excellent Good Average Poor
4-5 points 2-3 points 1-2 points 0 point
Attitude & Exceptionally Positive attitude. Attitude neutral. Negative attitude.
positive attitude. Prepared and Minimal preparation Little preparation;
Effort Extraordinary effort completed all tasks. and effort. no effort shpwn.
shown. Focused on
task and goals.
Contribution Outstanding Good quality work; Poor quality work Poor quality; little,
contribution; above- meet expectations. with some if, any contribution
and-beyond contribution
Comments: Everyone did the best effort. Unfortunately, Prashant did not put much effort
like any of us did in this assignment.

Group Member Name Attitude & Effort Contribution Total points awarded
Asif Uddin 5 4 9
Lee Boon Hau 5 4 9
Prashant 5 3 8

Evaluated by:
Name: Goh Aik Siang
Student ID: 0341478
Date: 21/06/2020
Chandrakantsing Lodeechand

At first, I thought it would be difficult to work for my group assignments. Due to the
current situation, covid-19, we are doing all the courses online so we do not know anyone in
our class, and it would be difficult to find a group that you know anyone. But we did form a
group and get to know everyone. We did the same for this assignment as we did the others,
that is, we divided the work among ourselves and everyone told which parts they would do in
the question.
We formed a group which consisted of four members who are Asif, Boon Hau, Aik
Siang and me. Everyone had different things on their mind that wanted to be discussed and
we created a WhatsApp group to discussed everything regarding this assignment. We got to
know everyone, and we got to discuss all the ideas.
The first question of the group assignment was done by Asif, who was to provide the
brief description of the company, Alibaba. Asif was the first one to complete his work and
sent it to us and told us that if we needed any help we will be here to help us. He was
partnered to work with Aik Siang who was doing the fourth part of the assignment. His
question was to discuss about the leadership style of Jack Ma. They handled the work very
efficiently and completed their work within the time we set to finish the assignment.
For the remaining two parts, Boon Hau and I, were assigned to complete to work on
our questions as they were pretty much the same. So, at first we had to discussed a lot as I
was getting some problems in my part as I though that both of the questions are the same and
didn’t know how to start doing the assignment, but, Boon Hau helped me to tackle this
problem and told me what to do and what he will do. We surely had a lot of discussion for
this assignment, but I think it was a bit hard for everyone to discuss as we were all from
different countries and different time zones, but eventually everything was done on time.
Throughout this assignment I got know that even though there was no physical classes
and there was only online classes, we got to know everyone and work together as a team and
we finished the assignment three days before the due date. At first, I was a bit scared about
the submission of the assignment as for my previous group assignment, the last semester, one
of my groupmates didn’t completed the work within the time limit and we had to ask the
lecturer for extension and I was so stressed out. For this group, I swear I have no words of
how friendly my groupmates were and how helpful they were.
This assignment also helped me to get to know that there are different kind of friends
in this world. It developed me as a person and helped me to be more confident on myself and
that I should never give up on my dreams. Jack Ma always inspire people to follow and
dreams and people should not stop until they think that they have achieved what they wanted.

Self-Reflection (OB) – 0340552


Criterion Excellent Good Average Poor
4-5 points 2-3points 1-2 points 0
Attitude & Exceptionally Positive attitude. Attitude neutral. Negative attitude.
Effort positive attitude. Prepared and Minimal Little preparation;
Extraordinary completed all tasks preparation and no effort shown
effort shown. effort
Focused on task
and goals

Contribution Outstanding Good quality work; Poor quality work Poor quality;
contribution; meet expectations with some little, if any,
above-and- contribution contribution

Comments : my teammates are very helpful and friendly and helped me to do my

assignment, looking forward to do another project in the future if possible.

Group Member Name Attitude & Contribution Total points

Effort awarded
Goh Aik Siang  5 5  10
Asif Uddin  5 5  10
 Lee Boon Hau  5 5   10



Student ID: 0340552

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