People's Small-Scale Mining Act of 1991

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Dugayo, Jona Myka Q.

Natural Resources and Environmental Law



Our discussion was about Republic Act No 7076 or the People's Small-scale
Mining Act of 1991. The said law was enacted on June 27, 1991.

People’s Small-scale Mining Program refers to the identification, segregation and

reservation of certain mineral lands as people's small-scale mining areas. The law
declares that it is the policy of the state to promote, develop, protect and rationalize viable
small-scale mining activities in order to generate more employment opportunities and
provide an equitable sharing of the nation's wealth and natural resources, giving due
regard to existing rights as herein provided.

Several definitions were also discussed such as Small-scale mining, Small-scale

miners, Small-scale mining contractor, Small-scale mining contract, and Mineralized

The Department of Environment and Natural Resources is primarily in charge of

carrying out the policy of the state by establishing a People's Small-scale Mining Program
or in coordination with other concerned government agencies, designed to achieve an
orderly, systematic and rational scheme for the small-scale development and utilization
of mineral resources in certain mineral areas in order to address the social, economic,
technical, and environmental connected with small-scale mining activities.
We also learned that there are only identified areas for declaration as Minahang
Bayan, the requirement of registration among Small-scale miners and awarding of
contract as well as its terms and conditions, and the People’s Small-scale Mining
Protection Fund.
The reporter also showed us a map of the locations of small-scale gold mining
areas in the Philippines. I was amazed how there are a lot of areas identified in the country
as of present.
Having a People’s small-scale mining contract paves for opportunities for small-
scale miners who can’t compete with large mining companies. It gives them the
opportunity to take advantage of the country’s resources as well. All the same, we should
always keep the preservation of our mineral resources in mind, whether its big or small-
scale mining.

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