Location-Based Services On A Smart Campus: A System and A Study

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Location-Based Services on a Smart Campus:

A System and A Study

Alexandr Petcovici and Eleni Stroulia
Department of Computing Science
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada

Abstract- Knowledge about people’s geographical location can be example, video-surveillance systems, which require
used to infer their possible needs, and to offer relevant services to installation of video cameras for each new area to be
satisfy these needs. Such targeted approach in service demand monitored for the purpose of offering location-based services.
identification and service delivery is one of the reasons why In addition, the application server that receives data from video
Location-Based Services (LBS) are so popular in our days. In this
paper, we describe a framework that we developed for offering
cameras must continuously run computationally expensive
location-based services, relying on infrastructure typically image-processing algorithms to identify users (and potentially
available in smart campus environments. Our framework their activities) in the monitored areas. As the number of
includes three user-facing components: 1) an energy-aware cameras increases the number of required application servers
Android application for end users to recognize their locations and and associated hardware also increases. Smartphones represent
access the services available to them; 2) a web application, which an alternative, lower-cost solution. For the purpose of
enables end users to search for services available on the campus localization, smartphones can use and combine data from
as a whole; and 3) a web application for managers to specify what various sources: GSM and GPS triangulation, Wi-Fi
services are available on campus and in which areas. Each of fingerprinting, gyroscopes, 3D-accelerometers, etc. As a result,
these applications communicates with a server from the middle
layer. Finally, a PostgreSQL database constitutes the
they can be used for localization in both indoor and outdoor
framework’s back-end, where information about the available environments. The main advantage of using smartphones for
services and their spatial scope is maintained. We evaluate the localization is that there is no need to build a special-purpose
performance of our framework in terms of localization accuracy, localization infrastructure.
since this is the most critical quality for the effective delivery of
location-based services.
The term “Smart Campus” refers to a space where virtual and
physical worlds interact in order to improve quality of life or to
Keywords— Location Based Services, localization, Smart offer a better learning experience. An essential component for
Campus, energy consumption efficiency. such systems is the connector, which links the virtual and
physical worlds. One possible way to perform this connection
is through LBS. This paper presents experience report of our
framework designed to offer location-based services in smart
campus environments. The high level architecture of the
We have recently been witnessing an increasing popularity of framework is shown in Figure 1.
Location Based Services (LBS). One of the reasons behind this PostgreSQL DB
phenomenon is the ability of LBS to recognize the demand for with PostGIS extension

services and to provide said services, based on one’s location.

Social networking, targeted advertisement, driver-assistant
programs, and augmented-reality games are just a few
examples where LBS have been successfully applied. One of User’s Web
Application Server
Admin’s Web
Application Server Mobile Application Server
the main requirements for LBS is localization, which, in this
context, can be defined as the ability to identify potential
service consumers in areas where services are provided. In
small-scale smart environments, such as smart-homes and
smart-offices, the cost of building accurate localization
infrastructure is low, due to relatively small size of the
monitored area. Motion Sensors, RFID tags and RFID tag- Client Web Page Client Web Page Admin Tool

readers, Wi-Fi fingerprinting and video surveillance are often Client Client Client

used for this purpose. For large-scale environments, however, Figure 1: High-Level representation of LBS Framework
the cost of localization infrastructure is high. Consider, for

The front-end is composed from three separate components: II. LITERATURE REVIEW
1) an Android application used for localization and service Challenges related to smartphone-based localization negatively
delivery; 2) a web application which allows users to perform impact the Quality of Service (QoS) of location-based services.
look-ups for available on-campus services shown as Open The first challenge is accurate localization in indoor and
Layers 3 (OL3) [14] polygons on Open Street Map (OSM) outdoor environments. Currently, the outdoor localization
[13]; 3) a web application for administrators to maintain accuracy through GPS is 3.5 meters [7]. Indoor localization is
services and service areas by modifying or drawing new OL3 not as good and is still an open problem. A number of research
polygons on OSM. At the back-end, the framework is approaches have been proposed to address this problem. For
composed from a separate server for each front-end application example, in [6] authors proposed a smartphone indoor-
and a PostgreSQL [11] database for data storage. localization system, Guoguo. The system sends localization
The framework supports three types of services. beacons via high-band acoustic signals, inaudible to humans.
(a) Subscription services: Users can subscribe/unsubscribe Localization accuracy achieved by Guoguo is from 6 to 25 cm.
and specify the services that they wish to access. The drawback of the system is that it requires the installation
(b) Notification services: These services are offered to all of a special-purpose anchor network.
users so that they can be informed about important events in Some other indoor localization techniques also show good
their current location (i.e. “West entrance to library is locked results. For example, in [8] accurate localization was achieved
due to maintenance. Please use another entrance”). by fusion of data from WLAN signal strength combined with
(c) Information services: Users can query their current user motion information data collected from gyro and three-
location for information (i.e. “You are in front of Athabasca axis accelerometer. In [9], accurate indoor localization was
Hall”). obtained by fusion of data from smartphone motion sensors
In order to benefit from our framework, users must install our and Wi-Fi fingerprinting, using a Bayes filter. In [10], accurate
Android application on their smartphones. This application localization is obtained by applying Kalman filter to fused data
runs as a background service and switches between two from smartphone sensors, Wi-Fi signal strength and
operational states: passive and active. In the active state, the landmarks. Landmarks are identified based on specific sensor
localization service updates the user’s current location every
three seconds, and sends its coordinates to the application Another important issue is the problem of localization
server. In the passive state, the service only listens when the accuracy when users transition from indoor to outdoor
user becomes mobile, while connected to the campus wireless environments and vice-versa. Some technical difficulties
network. These two application states represent a mechanism related to this problem are discussed in [1], and they are related
to minimize the application’s energy consumption. This to the fact that the sensors that provide useful data for
mechanism is inspired by the simple intuition that, by default, localization in one environment may not be as useful when the
the app should offer low-accuracy localization on low-energy environment changes.
consumption mode; upon occurrence of an event of interest, In our framework, we use the Fused Location Provider [12]
the application should switch ON the more energy-demanding developed by Google Inc. This component is part our mobile
sensors to offer better localization accuracy. Ideally, GPS application. In order to determine accurate location of the
should be OFF in passive operational state and ON in active smartphone, the Fused Location Provider uses aggregate data
operational state. Unfortunately, for security reasons, the collected from GPS, Wi-Fi, GSM, 3D-accelerometer,
functionality to programmatically turn ON and OFF GPS was Gyroscope and other smartphone sensors. In order to obtain the
deprecated in newer Android OS versions. Thus, in the passive most accurate data, we set the provider to operate in
state the energy savings are due only to reduced network HIGH_ACCURACY mode, which uses GPS as the primary
communications. source of data for localization outdoors, and Wi-Fi as the
primary source of data for indoor localization [18]. Google Inc.
The main use-case offered by the framework is the following. does not disclose specific information about how exactly Wi-Fi
When a user is on campus, and enters in an area where LBS is data is used for localization, nor on how the change between
offered, the framework receives the user’s coordinates, verifies environments is detected. There are several reasons why we
if the user is allowed to access the service in question, and, if decided to use this component in our application. First, it offers
so, the user is served. A more detailed description of the two key functionalities: sensor fusion for localization and
framework is given in Section 3 of this paper. indoor-outdoor context recognition. From a pragmatic
perspective, this component is available for Android
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 is
developers for free, it is actively maintained and well
dedicated to related work. In Section 3, each component of the
framework is described in detail. Section 4 describes our documented. Also, Fused Location Provider benefits from high
popularity among Android Application developers and, as a
experimental evaluation, reports our results, and outlines some
result, there are many online resources dedicated to it such as
ideas for future directions to improve the current framework
forums, blogs and tutorials.
shortcomings. Section 5 concludes with a summary of this

The second challenge is minimization of energy consumption B. User’s Web Application
of our mobile application, mainly caused by GPS. An The end-user’s web application is shown in Figure 2. This is a
attractive solution is presented in [2]. Initially, this application visualization component for displaying the various coverage
uses GSM triangulation for localization; when it detects the areas, within which services are offered, along with specific
occurrence of an event of interest, it turns ON GPS in order to information about these services. This information is presented
get more accurate data. In this manner, the application on Open Street Map, as OL3 shapes.
conserves energy when “nothing interesting” is happening. In
our framework, we tried the same approach. The problem is
that ability of applications to start and stop GPS
programmatically represents a potential thread for privacy, and
the latest versions of Android OS have deprecated this
There are several examples [3][4][5] of smart campus
environments that offer information to help user to find points
of interests on smart campus maps. However, none of these
examples actively offer services to their occupants, as they
enter a geofence particular to a service.


As we mentioned in the Introduction, our framework is Figure 2: User’s Web Application for service are lookup
designed to offer location-based services in Smart Campus
environments via an Android application. At the end of the C. Admin’s Web Application
introduction section we described at a high level the core To modify existent services and to create new ones, our
architecture and basic functionality of the framework. In this
framework offers the admin’s web application, shown in
section, we will present in details the design and functionality
of each component separately. Figure 3. It is delivered to administrator user as a JSP page that
communicates with the corresponding service through Java
Beans. This defines the mechanism of how data from(to) the
A. PostgreSQL with PostGIS extension
client browser is loaded to(from) the database.
The database engine used by our framework is PostgreSQL
[15]. It was favored over other engines due to its popular
extension named PostGIS [11]. This extension supports the
specification of spatial objects and enables the formulation, and
efficient answering, of spatial queries.
In our framework, we define service areas as polygons; the
vertices of each polygon are represented as point coordinates in
a Spherical Mercator projection. The mobile application, once
installed on the user’s smartphone, sends the user’s coordinates
to the application server. When a user enters an area where a
service is offered, the application server uses the most recently
received coordinates to query the database and to find out if
user’s current location matches any services for which he is
Figure 3: Admin’s Web Application to modify areas for existent LBS and
The mobile application continuously updates the user’s location to add new. This example shows how a polygon is drawn to match a
to the mobile-app server. When a user enters an area where a building from campus
service is offered, the application server uses its coordinates to
query the database to find out if user’s current location matches D. Mobile Application Server
any services for which the user is qualified. The Android application installed on users’ smartphones
Each front-end client interacts with a corresponding middle- communicates with the Mobile Application Server via secure
tier server. The first two servers are (a) the end-user’s web- sockets, relying on a self-signed certificate embedded in the
application server and (b) the administrator’s application mobile application. The server handles four types of incoming
server. They both run on Apache Tomcat 7 and serve JSP messages.
pages and communicate with the corresponding clients via (1) Initialization Message. When a client connects to the
Java Beans. server, it sends an initialization message containing its user ID.
The server uses this ID to query the database for the list of

services for which the client is qualified. This list is composed [12]. Details about its benefits are indicated Section II of this
of the services to which the user subscribes, and the list of paper.
notification services currently active on campus. Notification
services are offered to all users, since they contain important
information about events on campus. The purpose of this list is
to create a cache-like mechanism designed to make queries
more fine grained and to reduce the load to the database.
Further, this list is referred to as the list of cached services.
When a service is offered to client, it is dropped from the
cached list of services, to prevent the user from being served
twice. Sometimes the client application experiences
interruptions in connection with the server. This will trigger
the mobile application to reconnect to the server and resend
initialization message. As a result, the server will restore the
original list of cached services. To prevent this, the server
keeps track of the time when the last message of any type was
received from the client: if this was more than one hour before
the reconnection, the list of cached services is rebuilt, else the
list of cached services remains the same as it was before the Figure 4: a) Home screen of the application showing. The message at the
bottom is shown when AP is changed and indicates if the client is
disconnection. connected to AP which belongs or does not to university. B) Example of
the received notification
(2) Current-Coordinates Message. These messages contain the
coordinates of the client’s current location. If the Android
application is in the active state, these messages are received The second critical aspect for QoS of our framework is energy
every 3 seconds; if the application is in the passive state, there efficiency. If the application drains the smartphone’s battery,
are no such messages. The server takes these coordinates and users will be disinclined to use it. To minimize the energy
queries the database to see if the client’s current location is consumption of our application, we designed it to have two
within any of the cached service areas. operational states: passive and active. The idea is to keep low-
(3) Query-Location Message. One of the functionalities offered energy consumption sensors active all the time (passive state),
by our framework is to query the current location for and on occurrence of an event of interest, to turn on high-
information. For this, a user has to press “Query Current energy consumption sensors (active state) to collect more
Location” button in the Android application (Figure 4a). When accurate data. In this context, the sensor of interest is the GPS,
the server receives this message, it queries the database for due to its high-energy consumption. Unfortunately, new
information services within the area of the user. versions of Android OS, do not allow application developers to
turn on and off this sensor programmatically, so for our
(4) Subscribe/Unsubscribe Message. This message contains purposes it must be always on. In passive state the energy is
the service name and the client’s decision to subscribe or saved only due to the fact that the localization function is not
unsubscribe to it. When the server receives this type of called.
messages, it performs the action it indicates.
In Figure 5, the transition to passive state is marked as “Pause”
The Mobile Application Server can respond only with one type and the transition to active state is marked as “Resume.” The
of messages, which contain the text to be displayed in the application starts, by default, in the passive state. First it
notification. When the client receives a response from the checks if the smartphone has Wi-Fi turned on and if it is
server, it pushes a notification to the smartphone display connected to access point (AP); if not, the application listens
(Figure 4 b). for a connection event. If there is an active connection, the
application checks if it is connected to an AP of the university.
E. Mobile Application Next, the application checks if the client is moving, by
In order to take advantage of our framework, users must install verifying if the AP to which it was connected did not change
our Android mobile application on their smartphones. This during the past 10 minutes. The framework does not use the
subsection focuses on two critical aspects of the application change in the client’s coordinates to detect movement. During
from which Quality of Service (QoS) of our framework testing we noticed that even if the client stays in the same
depends: accurate localization and minimization of energy location, its coordinates may change. Further, if all of the
consumption. above conditions are satisfied, the application switches to the
active state and starts sending its coordinates until any of the
As it was mentioned earlier, accurate localization is critical to checks fails, in which case it switches again to the passive
our framework and is more important than minimizing the state.
energy consumption of the application. This is the reason why
we use the location provider from FusedLocationProviderApi

IV. EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS accurate than indoor, being close to expected value of 3.5
For our experiments we used a Samsung Galaxy S3 meters (as indicated in [7]). However, this is not always true.
smartphone with Android 4.4.2 and play-services-gcm:8.4.0 Sometimes the localization error is significantly bigger than
and play-services-location:8.4.0. Before conducting our expected (i.e. blue dot in the third picture of Figure 6, located
experiments, the phone was restored to the default factory in the left side of central area). Such deviations are practically
settings. unpredictable, since they are caused by a combination factors
specific to a particular point in time. For example, errors in
First, we evaluated the application’s energy consumption in the GPS signal delays are caused by ionospheric and tropospheric
passive and active states. For this, we used the Power Tutor phenomena [17]. Further, for the case of indoor environment,
Mobile Application [16]. The application used for testing is not localization, accuracy is worse. According to Google IO
accurate enough to detect changes in energy consumption. This presentation [18], when the fused location provider operates in
is due to the fact that GPS consumes much more energy in HIGH_ACCURACY mode, it offers ~10 meters localization
comparison with other sensors. As a result, variations in their accuracy. Our experiments show that indoors localization
energy consumption are not distinguishable. According to data accuracy is often lower. One such example is demonstrated in
offered in Google IO presentation, the fused location provider the second picture of Figure 6, where a series of blue dots from
drains the smartphone battery at a rate of ~7.5%. per hour, in the green area were recorded when the tester was walking
HIGH_ACCURACY mode [18]. Since almost entire energy inside of the building in on the green line in the top area of the
consumption of our mobile application can be attributed to the picture.
fused location provider, we expect the battery to drain at
approximately the same rate. Another observation from experiments is that the smartphone
was disconnected from the university wireless network in
different locations during each test. This fact introduces a
certain degree of randomness (noise) in the QoS of our
Send Pause framework. In addition, the time it takes to reconnect back to
Is Wi-Fi ON N
the network, once disconnected from it, varies. During the
period of time the application is in a passive mode- it is not
sending its coordinates and not receiving services. In fact, even

small interruptions in Wi-Fi connectivity is undesirable, since
N Is Connected
to University AP
N Is Paused
while the user is walking and is not connected, services
available in the user’s proximity will not be recognized. There
Y are no Wi-Fi connectivity interruptions when the smartphone
switches from one AP to another.
Is Paused Y Is Moving N

Figure 5: State Diagram which shows android application logic to save

energy consumption

Next we tested the localization capabilities of our mobile

application for indoor and outdoor environments. The
experiment consisted of walking (three times) on a predefined
path within the University of Alberta campus with the
application turned on. The path was approximately 950 meters
in length. Experimental results are shown in Figure 6. The
green line marks the actual path with the mobile application
connected to AP; the red line is the actual path with the mobile
application disconnected for the AP; the blue dots correspond
Figure 6: Experimental localization results. Blue dots show localization
to the localization results. As shown in Figure 6, the outdoor results, green line shows actual path where the device was connected to
localization is quite accurate, but the indoor localization is not. Wi-Fi and the red line, where it was disconnected.
Also, for three tests the indoor localization results are very
different. This indicates that the indoor localization is till quite
noisy and requires significant improvement. To summarize our experimental results, we have observed that
An important question that arises in this context is about the our framework is functional albeit with several QoS issues,
bounds of the localization error. Due to the fact that the which imply the need for technical improvements. From a
primary source of localization data in indoor and outdoor high-level feasibility perspective, the framework makes
environments is different, the corresponding bounds for minimal infrastructure assumptions and offers localization
localization error are also different. Our experimental results accuracy good enough (services are likely to be offered in
presented in Figure 6 show that outdoor localization is more coarse-grained spaces).

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