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the best approach and the trade-offs that decision-making process.

Almost half of
are inevitable in such an undertaking. So a the discussion revolves around companies
forecaster with a good working knowledge
of forecasting methods as well as of
BOOK covered, their S&OP processes, and best
practices. They share success stories
the business and its operations is in an
excellent position to take the forecasts to REVIEW dealing with decreased inventories and
costs, and increased efficiencies resulting
a higher level of performance by selecting from the application of S&OP best
the best dedicated forecasting software practices in different companies.
solution for his or her company. Dougherty, John and Christopher Gray,
Sales & Operations Planning—Best There are many useful ideas dispersed
Practices, Trafford Publishing, 6E-2333 throughout the book, the most noteworthy
Properly structured, the search process
Government St., Victoria, BC V8T 4P4, among them are monthly S&OP process
can result in a software package that
Canada, pp. 321, $56USD. charts, distinction between volume and
will significantly improve the ability to
forecast as well as the management’s This book is about a communication mix, and balancing demand and supply
decision process. It can also improve the and decision-making process that the and their interrelationship. Other issues
productivity of all who are involved in the authors call Sales and Operations Planning covered include how fulfillment strategies
forecasting process of the company. The (S&OP). It is based on their experience work when dealing with seasonal demand,
search is an exploration where asking the with the processes and best practices of 13 how to focus on resource planning and
right questions and getting clear feedback companies. It deals with issues that impact scheduling, how to use TQM and Six
from vendors are essential. Structure your logistics, supply chain management, sales Sigma concepts in sales and operations
inquiries, ask follow-up questions, check and operations planning, and planning planning, and how to collaborate with
vendor references, and be sure to become of resources. It is not, however, about customers in the demand-planning phase.
familiar with all of the key personnel of forecasting principles, processes, and
practices; in fact, sales forecasting is The companies selected for exposition
the vendor. It is ultimately a business
treated in just two pages. include a wide spectrum of industries
partnership, and your forecasting success
of differing sizes and operating environ-
depends on it.
The authors deal primarily with ments. The authors emphasize that for an
the operational aspect of the business effective S&OP process, we need accurate
Here is a last suggestion that can assist
data, and not necessarily precise data. The
a great deal in selecting the best software
discussion of various demand/supply plann-
solution. Create a test data set or sets evaluating different software results.
ing meetings and their processes is of great
that best characterize your company’s
value, as are the described best practices.
forecasting problems. Share these with the A very powerful way of assessing
Although principles discussed in this book
potential vendors (holding out a sample different Dedicated Forecasting Solutions
are straightforward and easy to apply, some
to which their forecast results can be is to attend a forecasting conference like
issues are not discussed in depth. Also,
compared). Ask the potential vendors to the ones conducted by the IBF. Bring
coverage is limited to the treatment of S&OP
develop the optimal model(s) and produce your data with you in an MSExcel file or
as it relates to Production and Financial
a forecast of the hold-out period, and do so a basic text file and walk around the booth
Planning, and does not discuss much about
within some designated time period. With area and ask several vendors for a live
issues dealing with strategic planning,
that one can determine the effectiveness demonstration on your data. Some vendors
environmental assessments, pricing leverage,
of the software. Since the vendor is most only want to exhibit their software on their
and advertising impacts on S&OP. New
knowledgeable about the forecasting data, which oftentimes is trivial. Find out
forecasters and demand planners will benefit
software it is offering, this exercise will what their software will do with your
by the exposure to the S&OP process along
provide “live” insight into the speed and data!
with the realities and complexities of it. The
ability of the software package in dealing
book’s ideas will expand the forecasters’
with your forecasting problem. It also The key to finding the best software
understanding beyond the demand planning
affords an opportunity to see how the solution is to know your company’s needs,
function and give a better appreciation
software presents the forecast, does the know the forecasting models and metrics
of other stakeholders’ perspectives. If
data analysis, and verbalizes the model, of most importance to your company’s
forecasters fully grasp the issues their
key assumptions, and other forecast forecasting problems, and ask the right
end users face, they would become better
issues. These can then be compared across questions. Surprises after the fact usually
providers of forecasting services.
vendors to determine the best software do not come from the inquiries that were
solution for your company. Here, you made, but rather from the questions John Triantis, Principal
may like to find an independent consultant that were not asked. So ask the right Long Range Planning Associates
or someone else you trust to help you in questions. „ (


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