SB Pp. 22 - 23: Homework 8

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Homework 8


pp. 22 – 23


1. pilot (B) 6. boring (C)

2. brave (C) 7. polite (B)

3. nurses (A) 8. hands (A)

4. rewarding (C) 9. shifts (C)

5. starts (C) 10. creative (A)


1. mow 6. go

2. make 7. cooks

3. vacuums 8. eating

4. modern 9. visit

5. expensive 10. play

Ex. 3

1. wardrobe (F/FA) 6. fridge (FA)

2. dining room (R) 7. staircase (F)

3. pillows (F) 8. fence (F)

4. kitchen (R) 9. lamp (FA)

5. fireplace (F) 10. garden (R)

Ex. 4

1. DS 3.R 5. W

2. R 4. W
Ex. 5

1. He is cooking dinner at the moment.

2. Pete plays tennis every Friday.

3. Sally it going to write a novel this year.

4. Now that John has the money he is going to buy a new car.

5. Mary going to moves into her new house this Tuesday.

6. Pauline is going to have a birthday party this Saturday.

7. Do you go to the park every Sunday?

8. We are visiting Ann this Sunday.

9. Jack plays chess every afternoon.

10. Does Ann work late tonight?


1. A: We don`t we go swimming today?

B: That`s a good idea.

2. A: Would you mind coming to the doctor with me?

B: Sorry I can`t. I`m working late.

3. A: Let`s go out for dinner.

B: Sure, I`d love to.

4. A: How was the rock concert?

B: It was fantastic. I had a great time.

5. A: What did you do at the weekend?

B: Nothing special.
Ex. 8


Dragă prietene,

Vinerea trecută am organizat o excursie cu liceul în Moldova. După un

drum lung cu trenul, am fost impresionat să văd frumusețea locurilor.
Excursia a început prin vizitarea unor obiective turistice din Iași, veche
capitală a Moldovei. După prânz, am plecat spre Mănăstiri, ctitoriile lui
Ștefan cel Mare. Acestea erau de o frumusețe unică. Călătoria a
continuat fiind impresionați și de istoria acelor locuri. Profesoara de
istorie ne-a povestit multe legende din timpul bătălilor lui Ștefan.

Sper să îmi scrii înapoi!

Cu drag,


Dear friend,

Last Friday, my high school organized a Moldova trip. After long trip
with train, I was excited to saw beautiful places. The trip started with
visited some sights from Iasi, last Moldavian`s central city.

After lunch, we went to monastery, Ștefan`s Great building. It was

unique. The trip continued to be impressed by the history of those
places. The history teacher told us many legends from the battles of

I hope you write back to me!

With love,


TEST 1B (1A a fost făcut și corectat)

1. expensive 6. paid
2. shifts 7. modern
3. boring 8. uniform
4. dust 9. animal
5. guard 10. brave
1. makes (A) 6. patient (B)
2. doing (B) 7. coming (A)
3. spacious (A) 8. shield (A)
4. exciting (C) 9. cottage (B)
5. windows (C) 10. depressed (A)

Rooms: kitchen, dining room, bedroom, garden
Furniture/appliances: fireplace, cupboard, shower
Indoor/outdoor features: mirror, chimney, fence

0. R 3. R
1. R 4. W
2. DS 5. R
Ex. 5
1. I used to watch a lot of TV, but now I don`t.
2. Sam lives with his sister until he finds a house.
3. Did you use to fight with your brother and sister when were young?
4. She is doing the washing-up at the moment.
5. I usually eat out in Friday nights.
6. I`m going to vist my uncle in Spain.
7. Erik goes jogging every morning before work.
8. What is Tom doing this Monday, Sally ?
9. Chopin published his first composition when he was only 7 years old.
10. When did Queen Victoria die?

1. We doesn`t go out a lot. We prefer to relax at home.
2. I am meeting Sophie for coffe in an hour. Why don`t you come too?
3. Simon isn`t watching at TV. He`s in his room.
4. Dad washes car every Sunday morning.
Ex. 7
1. A: How was your weekend, Jill?
B: I had a great time, thanks.
2. A: Can you please take the rubbish out for me?
B: I`m afraid not. I`m going out now.
3. A: Would you like to come my house for dinner on Friday?
B: Sure I`d love to!
4. A: Hey, Mike! What did you do yesterday?
B: Nothing special.
5. A: Why don`t we go to the cinema tonight, Graham? There`s nothing
on TV.
B: That`s a good ideea. What`s on?
Dragă Antonio,
Mă bucur că mi-ai scris fiind curios despre jobul meu din vară. Să știi că
a fost o experiență uimitoare în care am cunoscut oameni cu adevărat
Perioada de practică a avut loc în orașul Freiburg, Germania. Aici, am
fost pregătiți pentru noua meserie. Trebuia să fim ajutor de bucătar la un
restaurant vestit - Restaurant Lichtblick. Aici atmosfera era deosebită.
La scurt timp, am fost învățați cum să pregătim sosul lor faimos pentru
friptură. La finalul celor 2 luni am învățat multe lucruri interesante
A fost o experiență deosebită, ce m-a marcat. Îmi pare rău că nu ai putut
fi și tu aici .
Cu toată dragostea,
Dear Antonio,
I'm glad you wrote to me being curious about my summer job. You
know that it was an excellent experience in which I really met special/
The practice period was in Freiburg, Germany. Here we learned about
new job. We had to be a chef helper at a famous restaurant - Restaurant
Lichtblick. Here the fillings was excellent. In short period we learned
who prepared their famous sauce for steak. At the end of the 2 months I
learned many interesting things.
It was a special experience, which marked me. I'm sorry you couldn't be
here .
With more love,

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