Islamic Studies Assessment Task: Essay Writing

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Islamic studies

Assessment task
Essay writing

By: Dalia Agha

Year: 10

Teacher: Mr. Walid

Islam defines a sin as an act that goes against the principles of Allah and his
prophet. Every single human being sins, no human is perfect. This beautiful religion
Islam educates us that Allah, created us Imperfect. But Allah is Forgiving, Merciful,
and Compassionate towards us and Allah will forget our sins if we repent.
Reference 1

The five major sins include: Shirk , Riba, consuming the wealth of an
Orphan, practicing black magic, and evil eye and Fleeing the
Associating partners with Allah also known as Shirk:

What is Shirk?
Associating Partners with Allah. Shirt thought are from Shaytan. Shaytan is the one
who gives people untruthful comfort whenever they disbelieve in Allah. We should
worship Allah alone. On the day of Judgement prophet will not make an intersession
for those people who commit shirt.

Shirk is also meaning to give someone or something unique attributes of Allah that
are only unique for him and him alone. These attributes could for example mean
worshiping idols
What is Riba?
It is the act of taking interest from somebody if you lend them money, for example,
giving someone an amount and when they give back you take double the amount
they took from you. Islam forbids Riba because it shows that person who takes Riba
is selfish and Greedy. The person who gives money but asks people to give him or
her an extra amount is not giving the money for the sake of Allah. they are only
giving the money for their own self and to gain money. Not only the person who
takes Riba is punished but also the person who gives that Riba.

“Mohammed (PBUH) cursed the accepter of interest and its payer, the one who
records it as well as the two witnesses, he said that they are all equal. “
( Muslim)

There are two types of Riba:

Number 1: Riba Un-Nasiyaa. (‫)ربا النسيئة‬

Getting Riba when someone pays you the money back.

Number 2: Riba Al Fadl:

Meaning not being considerate of others as asking them for extra money for selling
goods even if they are poor and can’t give extra.

Reference 2

Reference 3:

What is consuming the wealth of an Orphan?

If someone is talking care of an orphan that lost one or both parents. The person
that who takes care of that orphan should take care of the Orphans money. The
career can invest the orphan’s money and return the prophet to the inhabitants.

The Orphans rights in a family :

The right to education, clothing, feeding, shelter, and healthcare. If a person is
poor he or she can use the orphan’s money with their permission, but they have
to be reasonable with the money just as need

Allah prohibits consuming wealth of an orphans unnecessarily for example

buying expensive things for yourself . “wastefully and hastily” means hastening
before they reach puberty.
Allah then says: “and whoever is rich, he should take no wages”, he should not
consume anything from it. 

Reference 4:

What Practicing black magic, and evil eye?

Firstly We have to believe that black magic actually excesses since Allah speaks
about it in the Quran. It is real and it is a major sin to comet it. The person who
practices black magic losses their religions and the person that black magic is
done on without their knowledge are being tested to see if they will be patient.
Some people will not be patient and they will comet sins while being cured for
this type of Magic.

In the time of Prophet Moses(SA) ( Kalamu Allah). Had many miracles for Allah
He first miracle was once when Moses(SA) was wandering in the desert of Midian,
he saw a fire that was not consuming, and the Allah called him. Allah first told
him to put his hand in his pocket and he hand turned bright white . Allah order
Moses to go ] to Egypt and free the people of Israel from the Pharaoh.
Once he arrived in Egypt, he told the pharaoh is free Bini Israel, but he didn’t
listen and told Moses that he will free them on one condition if he wins against
the magicians by seeing who has the biggest and the best snake. There were
eleven magicians each of them asked Moses if he wants to go first by throwing
his stick and turning it into a snake or should they start. Allah ordered Moses to
tell the magicians to start first they threw their sticks and they turned into fake
small snakes.
Miracle two: When Moses (AS) through his stick it turned into a real large snake
and it consumed all the fake snakes or sticks. The magicians were very
impressed, and they bowed down to the Lord of Moses and they said, “we believe
in the Lord of Moses and harun”. Pharaoh got really upset and angry at them and
threaten them that he their cut the limbs opposite sides and hang them on a tree
to die but they didn't care.
This was one of the examples of how black magic was used at the time of Moses
to trick the people and it's still practiced today.
References 5:
What is Fleeing the battlefield?

Unless enemies outnumber the Muslim army. They are allowed to turn their back
and flee the battlefield. If they do will be severely punished by Allah and their
destination will be Hellfire, they will suffer a lot as Allah is very angry with them
and the major bad deed/ sin that they have committed.

Reference 6:

In conclusion all sins are forgiven if a Muslim person repent to Allah

the only sin that is not forgiven is shrit , as a person that commits this
sin automatically leaves Islam. The only way to repent from shirk is by
say the Shada again and then repenting hoping that Allah will accept
your repentance.

 2021. Amazing Explanation of Shirk by Mufti Menk - YouTube. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 29 May 2021].
 Learn Religions. 2021. Islam Defines Sin as an Act Which Goes Against the Teachings of Allah..
[online] Available at: <> [Accessed 29 May

 2021. Before you continue to YouTube. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 29 May 2021].

 2021. Ruling on the trustee taking from the orphan’s wealth - Islam Question & Answer.
[online] Available at: <
orphans-wealth> [Accessed 29 May 2021].

 2021. Before you continue to YouTube. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 29 May 2021].

 2021. The Major Sins | Fleeing from The Battlefield. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 29 May 2021].

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