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20/09/2020 Clothing in the USA: Revisão da tentativa

Painel / Meus cursos / INGLES EAD MOD1 2020-2 / Lesson 09 / Clothing in the USA

Iniciado em domingo, 20 set 2020, 12:26

Estado Finalizada
Concluída em domingo, 20 set 2020, 12:31
Tempo 5 minutos 24 segundos
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People in different countries dress in different ways. Read the following text and find out how people dress in the USA.
Then check the correct alternatives in each question.
The way people dress
People in the United States of America wear all kinds of clothes depending on their personal trends, beliefs,
backgrounds, or the trends of the groups they belong to. The latest fashion isn't always what people wear in the

However, it's to say that what people wear, generally speaking, doesn't change much over the decades. People still
wear the same type of clothes but in different cuts, colors, layouts and fabric patterns.
If you want to know the different types of outfits people normally wear the list is quite extensive. There are different
clothes for different occasions. For example, at weddings and graduation ceremonies the outfit is fancy or more
formal. At family gatherings or parties with friends, casual clothing is more common. At work, it depends on the
company you work for: it can be either formal or informal. So, for these reasons, pay attention to what people around
you are wearing.

Adapted from: <>

Questão 1 What do people wear in the USA? Check the correct alternative.

Atingiu 2,50 de Escolha uma:

a. They wear the latest fashion.

b. They wear all kinds of clothes. 

c. They wear only casual clothes.

d. They wear mostly formal clothes.

Sua resposta está correta.

A resposta correta é: They wear all kinds of clothes..

Questão 2 Do Americans always wear the latest fashion? Check the correct alternative.

Atingiu 2,50 de Escolha uma:

a. No, only at work.

b. Yes, they do.

c. Yes, depending on the occasion.

d. No, they don't. 

Sua resposta está correta.

A resposta correta é: No, they don't.. 1/2
20/09/2020 Clothing in the USA: Revisão da tentativa

Questão 3 What’s the best kind of clothes to wear at work in the USA? Check the correct alternative.

Atingiu 2,50 de Escolha uma:

a. Whatever you want.

b. Casual outfit.

c. Fancy outfit.

d. What the company's dress code determines. 

Sua resposta está correta.

A resposta correta é: What the company's dress code determines..

Questão 4 It's safe to say that... Check the correct alternative.


Atingiu 2,50 de Escolha uma:

a. People don't like wearing what the groups they belong to wear.

b. People always look for the latest fashion.

c. People wear the same type of clothes all the time.

d. People wear different types of clothes depending on different factors. 

Sua resposta está correta.

A resposta correta é: People wear different types of clothes depending on different factors..

◄ Getting dressed Seguir para... Sentence order ► 2/2

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