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Active vocabulary

1. The Fine Arts (drawing, painting, sculpture, design, etc.) pictorial/visual art
2. art critic / specialist / collector / connoisseur / worker art gallery / museum / collection /
treasures / exhibits
3. to appreciate painting / talent / artistic work / style / trend to ignore talent / established
school / technique
4. to enjoy immediate/continuous success/popularity
5. to acquire/develop/cultivate/possess a taste for; to lack a taste for
6. to be famous/well-known/celebrated/renowned for; ill-famed
7. to capture/captivate/strike the eye/attention; to arrest one's eye
8. to paint/draw from life/memory/imagination
to paint in the open air/in the studio/indoors/outdoors to make sketches/studies in the atelier/at
the location
9. to take subjects from the Bible/mythology/everyday life
to treat the subject in ... manner/style; to make smth. the subject
10. to describe one's native land/nature/scenery/bouquets, etc. to reproduce objects/the
essential/details faithfully/true to life to portray people/scenes with sympathy/understanding
to depict scenes from everyday life; to render with accuracy to convey an idea/message/air of
spontaneity/mixture of emotions to present a sitter/model in a flattering pose/attitude to paint
smb. richly apparelled/in profile/in full-face/close-up
11. to give a decisive impetus/impulse/momentum/stimulus to
12. to underline/emphasize/reinforce/heighten/enhance/accentuate the effect/light/movement;
to suppress the light
to give a scene a dramatic light; to bring into the limelight
13. to appeal to one's taste/heart/mind; to have an appeal
14. to arouse/evoke/cause/excite a warm/passionate/powerful response or echo in the people's heart/soul
to strike a chord in the human heart
15. to stand the test of time; one's art is timeless
16. to have an irresistible fascination/influence/impact on

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