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Appendix A: The ATM System

The ATM system was partly specified in Chapters 2 and 3. The entire system, to an
appropriate Ievel of detail, is shown below.


Figure A.l. The system map of the ATM system

426 Appendix A


refers to

Figure A.2. SO, the system diagram of the ATM system

SO Paragraph:
Consortium consists of 5 Banks.
Bank holds at least one Account.
Customer owns Account.
Customer owns 1 to 2 Cash Cards.
Cash Card accesses Account.
Transaction refers to Account.
Customer handles Transaction Executing.
Transaction Executing requires ATM, Cash Card, Consortium, and Bank.
Transaction Executing affects Account and Cash.
Transaction Executing yields either Transaction or Denial Notice.
The ATM System 427

Transaction Executing from SO zooms in 501 into Account Checking,

Transaction Processing, and Notifying, as weil as Approval and
Card Data.

Figure A.3. SD1 of the ATM systern

501 Paragraph:
Customer handles Transaction Executing.
Transaction Executing requires ATM.
Account Checking yields Approval and Card Data.
Account Checking requires Bank, Cash Card and Consortlum.
Approval can be obtained or denied.
Transaction Processing occurs if Approval is obtained.
Transaction Processing requires Bank and Card Data.
Transaction Processing affects Account and Cash.
Transaction Processing yields either Transaction or Denlai Notlce.
Notifying occurs if Approval is denied.
Either Notifying or Transaction Processing yields Denial Notice.
428 Appendix A

Account Checking from SD1 zooms in SD1.1 into Cash Card Validating,
Password Checking, and Approval Denying, as weil as "Cash Card
is Valid?"

A roval

Figure A.4. SD1.1 of the ATM system

SD1.1 Paragraph:
Account Checking requires ATM.
Customer handles Cash Card Validating and Password Checking.
Cash Card Validating requires Consortium, Bank, and Cash Card.
Cash Card Validating yields Card Data.
Cash Card Validating determines whether Cash Card is valid.
Cash Card Validating and Password Checking require Consortium.
Password Checking occurs if Cash Card is valid, otherwise Approval
Denying occurs.
Password Checking requires Consortium, and Card Data.
Password Checking yields Approval.
Approval can be obtained or denied.
Approval Denying yields denied Approval.
The ATM System 429

Cash Card from 501.1 unfolds in 501.1.1 to exhibit Bank Code and
Account Number.
Cash Card Validating from 501.1 zooms in 501.1.1 into Card Reading,
Bank Code Checking, Account Number Checking, Access Deny-
ing, and Cash Card Approving, as weil as "Bank Code is Valid?" and
"Account Number is Valid?".

Figure A.S. SD1.1.1 of the ATM system

501.1.1 Paragraph:
Bank Code identifies Bank.
Cash Card Validating requires ATM.
Customer handles Card Reading.
Card Reading requires Cash Card.
Card Reading yields Card Oata.
Bank Code Checking requires Consortium, Bank Code, and Card Data.
Bank Code Checking determines whether Bank Code is valid.
Bank Code Checking and Account Number Checking require Card Data.
Account Number Checking occurs if Bank Code is valid, otherwise
Access Oenying occurs.
Account Number Checking requires Bank, Account Number, and Card
Account Number Checking determines whether Account Number is valid.
430 Appendix A

Cash Card Approving occurs if Account Number is valid, otherwise

Access Denying occurs.
Cash Card Approving determines that Cash Card is valid.
Access Oenying occurs either if Bank Code is not valid or if Account
Number is not valid.
Access Oenying determines that Cash Card is not valid.

Account from 501.1 unfolds in 501.1.2 to relate to Password.

Password Checking from 501.1 zooms in 501.1.2 into Number Of Trials
lnitializing, Password Requesting, Password Keying, Password
Comparing, Trial Comparing, Approving, Confiscating, and lncre-
menting, as weil as Number Of Trials, Max Trials, Loop, Keyed in
Password, "Number Of Trails is greater than Max Trials?", and
"Keyed in Password is correct?".

Figure A.6. 501.1.2 of the ATM system

The ATM System 431

501.1.2 Paragraph:
Consortium holds many Accounts.
Consortium refers to Card Data.
Card Data identifies Account.
Password protects Account.
Password Checking requires ATM.
Customer handles Password Requesting and Password Keying.
Password Checking yields Max Trials with value 3, and uninitialized Loop.
Number Of Trials lnitializing occurs if Cash Card is valid and if Loop is
Number Of Trials lnitializing yields Number Of Trials with value 0.
Number Of Trials lnitializing changes Loop from uninitialized to initial-
Password Requesting occurs if Loop is initialized and if Number Of Trials
is not greater than Max Trials.
Password Requesting invokes Password Keying.
Password Keylng yields Keyed-in Password.
Password Comparing requires Consortium, Card Data, and Password.
Password Comparing consumes Keyed-in Password.
Password Comparing determines whether Keyed-in Password is correct.
Approving occurs if Keyed-in Password is correct, otherwise lncrement-
ing occurs.
Approving yields obtained Approval.
lncrementing affects Number Of Trials.
Trial Comparing requires Max Trials with value 3 and Number Of Trials.
Trial Comparing determines whether Number Of Trials is greater than Max
Confiscating occurs if Number Of Trials is greater than Max Trials, other-
wise Password Requesting occurs.
Confiscating consumes Number Of Trials and Cash Card.
Contiscating yields denied Approval.
432 Appendix A

Password Requesting from 501.1.2 zooms in 501.1.2.1 into Message Ois-

playing and Reading, as weil as Oisplayed Message.
ATM from 501.1.2 unfolds in 501.1.2.1 to consist of Keyboard, CPU,
5creen, and additional parts.

Figure A.7. SD1 .1.2.1 of the ATM system

Customer handles Password Keying and Reading.

Password Requesting requires 5creen.
Loop can be uninitialized or initialized.
Message Oisplaying occurs if Loop is initialized, and if Number OfTrials is
not greater than Max Trials.
Message Oisplaying requires CPU.
Message Oisplaying yields Oisplayed Message.
Reading requires 5creen.
Reading invokes Password Keying.
The ATM System 433

Transaction from SD1 unfolds in SD1.2 to exhibit Amount and Type.

Cash from SD1 unfolds in SD1.2 to exhibit Ownership.
Transaction Processing from SD1 zooms in SD1.2 into Transaction Query-
ing, Creclit Limit Checking, Cash Dispensing, Cash Accepting, and
Denial Notifying, as weil as "Credit Limit is Exceeded?"


Figure A.S. SD1.2 of the ATM system

SD1.2 Paragraph:
Type of Transaction can be withdrawal or deposit.
Cash exhibits Owner.
Customer and Bank play the role of Owners for Cash.
Transaction exhibits Type, which can be withdrawal or deposit, and
Customer handles Transaction Querying and Cash Accepting.
Transaction Querying occurs if Approval is obtained.
Transaction Querying yields Transaction.
Credit Limit Checking occurs if Type of Transaction is withdrawal.
Credlt Limit Checklng requires Card Data, Bank, and Amount.
Credit Limit Checking determines whether Credit Limit is exceeded.
Denial Notifying occurs if Credit Limit is exceeded, otherwise Cash Dis-
pensing occurs.
Denial Notifying requires Card Data.
Denial Notifying yields Denial Notice.
434 Appendix A

Cash Dispensing occurs if Type of Transaction is withdrawal and if Credit

Limit ls not exceeded.
Credit Limit Checking and Cash Dispenslng occur if Type is withdrawal.
Cash Dispensing requires Card Data and Amount.
Cash Accepting and Cash Dispensing affect Account.
Cash Dispensing changes Ownership of Cash from bank to customer.
Cash Accepting occurs if Type of Transaction is deposit.
Cash Accepting requires Card Data and Amount.
Cash Accepting changes Owner of Cash from customer to bank.

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Bold page numbers refer to definitions. Bold italics refer to OPL sentence types.

A Agile Modeling, 413

abbreviated participation constraint, algorithm, 4, 67
116 allopoietic system, 387, 399
abstract thing, 198 ambiguity, 27 4
abstracting phase, 299 analysis, 309, 401
Action Data Flow Diagram, 403, 406 analytic approach, 383
Activity, 408 analyzing, 298
Activity diagram, 409 ancestor, 176
ADISSA,401 anti-symmetric, 110
adjacency matrix, 276 architecture, 249, 257
adjective, 199, 200 Aristotelian method, 396
adjective-induced shortcut, 200 Aristotle, 383, 395, 396
adverb, 201 arrowhead, 15, 97
affected object, 95 artificial system, 18, 256, 260, 262,
affectee, 96 289,390
agent, 94 Aspect -Oriented Programrning, 412
agent condition link, 336 association, 15, 61 , 78, 105, 106, 129,
Agent condition sentence, 100 283,324,349,407,415,437
agent link, 299 atomic state, 329
Agent sentence, 40, 120 atornic thing, 144
aggregation comp1exity, 144, 198 attribute, 147, 167
Aggregation sentence, 37, 135 attribute feasibility matrix, 332
aggregation symbol, 8 attribute mode, 167
Aggregation-exhibition unfolding attribute size, 167
sentence, 227 attribute touch, 167
Aggregation-exhibition- attribute value, 199
generalization-classification automated application generation, 35
unfolding sentence, 227 autopoietic system, 387, 399
Aggregation-Participation, 35, 166, Axiomatic Design, 268
352,361 axiomatic logic, 397
Aggregation-Participation hierarchy,
444 Index

B compound condition, 334

backward direction, 108 Compound condition sentence, 50
backward relation, 107 compound state, 329, 337
Bacon, 397 Compound state enumerated
behavior, 403 exhibition sentence, 165
beneficiary, 389, 400 compound thing, 144
bidirectional arrowhead, 16 Compound-or state enumeration
bidirectional structurallink, 109 sentence, 333
binary structural re1ation, 106 comprehensive fork link, 124
bio1ogica1 system, 384 comprehensiveness, 124
biology, 384 comprehensiveness-clarity tradeoff,
Booch method, 407 88
Boolean condition sentence, 50 computer evolution, 381
bottom-up, 403 computer integrated manufacturing, 4
bottom-up direction, 173 computer programming, 326
brain, VIII, 3, 4, 10, 39, 56, 72, 263, computer programming language, 7
283,392 concatenation, 36
business management, 388 concept, 261
business opportunity, 290 conceptual framework, 395
conceptual graph, 382
c concrete thing, 198
concurrency, 404
cardinality, 117
condition link, 23, 24, 45, 100, 334,
Cartesian product, 343
Cascade which sentence, 359
Condition sentence, 45
causality, 395
conjecture, 417
cause and effect, 93, 388, 395
conso1idated set, 230
conso1idating, 230, 244
Change sentence, 89
consolidator, 230
Characterization sentence, 145
construction, 91
chemistry, 279
consumee, 96
chronon, 342
consuming, 5, 10, 29, 61 , 97
class, 193
consumption, 91
Class Description, 408
consumption link, 97
Class Diagram, 407
Consumption sentence, 120
classification complexity, 198
Context sensitivity, 9
Classification unfolding sentence,
contravariance, 364
contro1 theories, 385
Collaboration diagram, 409
controlling, 390, 400
colorful thing, 148
Common Warehause Metadata, 410
creating, 7, 65, 71
complex problem, 212
customer, 4, 35, 208, 264, 295, 309,
complexity, 70, 244, 385
complexity management, 414
cybernetics, 384
Component diagram, 409
Index 445

DAG, 350 economic system, 384
Darwin, 384 economics, 384
data, 379 effect, 84, 87
Data Dictionary, 408 effect link, 89, 97
Data Flow Diagram, 16,401,402, 409 Effect sentence, 41, 89
database schema, 4, 34, 35, 117, 276, elaboration, 244
308,422 electromagnetic theory, 393
declaration, 326 electron, 397
decomposition principle, 212, 417 electronic commerce, 4, 33
default attribute value convention, electronic economy, 3
362 elementary particle, 395
default scenario, 23 ellipse, 16, 19, 24, 25, 29, 42, 46,223,
default state, 335 234,236,278,282,331
Default state specijication sentence, emergent feature, 165
314 empiricism, 381, 397
deployment, 4, 290, 291, 294, 409 enabler, 17, 93, 94, 99, 100,202,203
Deployment diagram, 409 enabling link, 95
Descartes, 383, 396, 397 encapsulation, 414
design, 309 encapsulation principle, 415
destroying, 7, 71 energy, 396
destmction, 83 engineering, 292
detaillevel, 244 English grammar, 174
Determination sentence, 49 Enlightening, 397
deterministic OPM, 348 enterprise, 294
DFD, see Data Flow Diagram Entity-Relationship Diagrams, 402
DFD/ERD approach, 403 enumerated textual values, 326
diagramming method, 281 environment, 384, 389, 400
diagrarnming technique, 281 Equivalence sentence, 112
directed acyclic graph, 21, 26, 241, essence, 66
276,349,350 event, 342, 374
distributive law, 25, 120, 121, 122, event model, 407
129, 136, 244 event probability, 375
distributive law of stmctural relations, event trace diagram, 407
120 evolution, 389
divide and conquer, 212 exception handling, 371
domain expert, 16, 34, 298 executable code generation, 35
dot operator, 356 exhibition complexity, 148, 198
drill down, 71, 267, 289, 424 Exhibition process unfolding
dual-state object, 50 sentence, 226
dull thing, 148 Exhibition sentence, 64, 86, 145, 161,
dynamic aspect, 313 203
dynamic model, 404 Exhibition unfolding sentence, 226
dynamics,256, 399 Exhibition-Characterization, 144,
151, 166, 167
446 Index

existence, 76, 256, 302 G

existence-impacting process, 314 Galileo, 383, 396
experimental evidence, 397 General Systems Theory, 293, 383,
experimentation, 383 399
expertise, 380 generalization complexity, 187, 198
expressive power, 34, 39, 52, 66, 145, Generalization sentence, 173
274,284 Generalization unfolding sentence,
Extreme Programrning, 413 226
Generalization-Specialization, 171,
F 191, 194
feature, 146 generation, 83
feedback, 385,400 generic event, 342
feedback loop, 390 generic feedback mechanism, 391
feedback mechanism, 388 gerund, 71, 72,153,155,202,221,
field, 150 398
finance, 388 goal, 255
flow of control, 22, 23, 339, 341, 374 goal-directed behavior, 385
fold consolidating, 231 goods, 266
fork, 121 graphic symbo1 overloading, 334
fork degree, 123 graphic user interface, 308
Fork tagged structure sentence, 121 graphical construct, 9
form, 260 graphics-text equivalence principle,
formal ontology, 383 39
formality, 4, 35, 276, 281 GST, see General Systems Theorie
Forrester, 388
forward direction, 108 H
forward relation, 107 hamiltonian distance, 362, 375
fractal relation, 363, 375 handle, 121
Fractal sentence, 364 hard attribute, 164
framework, VII, IX, 4, 77, 91, 134, hardware, 3, 68, 74, 95,290, 300, 302,
382,384 307,308,407
function, 166, 249, 251, 256, 403 Hawthorn experiment, 397
function box, 268 Hegel, 381
function hierarchy, 268 Heidegger, 381
Function sentence, 270 Heisenberg' s uncertainty principle,
functional model, 404 397
functionality, 271, 290 heterogeneaus structural relation, 226
fundamental structural relation, 144 hierarchy, 166
Fusion method, 407 homogeneous structural relation, 226
human factors, 399
human factors engineering, 294
human interface, 308
human resource management, 388
Hume, 397
Index 447

instrument link, 299

identifiability, 56 Instrument sentence, 41
identity, 24, 34, 56, 59, 67, 74, 75, 76, intent, 249, 255
77,78,91 , 311,314,389,393,39 5, interaction diagram, 407, 409
396 interdiscip1inary knowledge, 293
image understanding, 4 interface, 6, 17, 35, 94, 238, 276, 302,
implementation, VIII, 3, 67,261,276, 307,379,404
289,290,294,301,30 6,307,308, interface model, 408
309,342,388,404,40 5,407,409, interim detaillevel, 244
412 intermediate object, 361
lmplementation diagrams, 409 Internet, 3, 130, 438
implicit attribute, 158 introspection, 383
ln-diagram in-zooming sentence, invocation link, 97
185,335 involved object set, 99
industria1 engineering, 397 ln-zooming sentence, 43, 69, 140
informal ontology, 382
informatic, 380 K
informatical object, 57, 59, 66, 67, 72, Kant, 55, 133, 381, 438
73, 74, 75,156,341,398,399 Keynes, 384
informatica1 system, 56 knowledge, 379
informatics hierarchy, 379, 399 Knowledge Interchange Format, 382
information, 379
information system, X, 67, 68, 73, L
165,260, 304,381,402,424 legend, 5, 282
information theory, 385 Leibniz, 397
ingenuity, 380 lifecycle, 313
inheritance, 403 lifecycle cost, 291
Inheritance Graph, 408 lifecycle expression, 408
Initial and ultimate state lifecycle model, 408
specification sentence, 313 lifecycle support, 294
initial state, 335 linearity, 274
initiation, 4, 291, 294 linguistic object, 401
input link, 7, 9, 11, 17, 87, 88, 90, 92, Listing sentence, 239, 241
106,232,278,370 locality, 395
input state, 7, 60, 87, 240, 346, 375 Locke,397
instance, 191, 193, 361 logical AND, 24, 25, 42, 46, 333, 334,
instance qualification, 196 335
instance qualification link, 336 logical compound state, 332
lnstance qualifJCation sentence, 196, logical OR, 25, 46, 47, 333, 334
200,316 logical XOR, 25, 46, 331, 371
instantiation, 191 logicaVphysical view, 407
Instantiation sentence, 191, 194 look-and-feel, 308
instrument, 17, 40, 41, 95, 197, 238,
245,256, 342
448 Index

maintainability, 291 naturallanguage, 34, 325, 349, 396
manifestation, 244 naturallanguage construct, 283
manufacturability, 291 naturallanguage prose, 290
manufacturing, 388 natural sciences, 292
marketing, 388 Negative Boolean condition
mathematical function, 276, 277 sentence, 50
mathematical modeling, 276 New diagram selective semi-folding
mathematics, 292 sentence, 241
maximal teeth set, 123 New diagram semi-folding sentence,
Measurement unit specification 239
sentence, 160 Newton, 393
mechanics theory, 393 Newton's first law, 59
memory, 399 Nietzsche, 381
mental model, 381 non-comprehensiveness, 203, 204
mental record, 56, 399 non-comprehensiveness symbol, 142
metamodel approach, 410 non-reserved OPL phrase, 373
metamodeling Ievel, 312 non-reserved phrase, 37
Meta-Object Facility, 410, 418 noun,57,60,61, 79,155,157,174,
meta-OPD, 285 198
meta-OPM specification, 369 null tag, 111
metaphysical revolution, 396 numeral, 319
methodology, 3, 4, 5, 207,208,271,
283,289,410,417,422 0
middle-out analysis, 49, 244, 293, 299 object, 57
mode, 164 Object Behavior Analysis, 406
model, 272 object dependability, 112
model integration, 20 Object Diagram, 407
model multiplicity, 414 Object Interaction Graph, 408
model multiplicity problem, 416 Object Life-Cycle, 406
Model-Driven Architecture, 410 Object Management Group, 408
modeling, 272, 382 object model, 404
modeling Ievel, 283 Object Modeling Technique, 404
modeling methodology, 281 Object paradigm, 149, 403, 414
modifier, 199 Object Structure Analysis, 406
Module diagram, 407 object symbol, 13
MOSES,407 Object technology, X, 402
multiple inheritance, 189 object transformation, 112
multiplicity constraint, 15, 36, 114 Objectchart, 407
object-class diagram, 19
object-class model, 16
Object-Flow Diagram, 403
objectifying, 399, 400
Index 449

Object-Oriented, X, 13, 77 OPL phrase, 373, 374

Object-Oriented Analysis, 405 OPL script, 373, 374
Object-Oriented Design, 405 OPL sentence, 373, 374
Object-Oriented methods, 19, 93 OPM construct hierarchy, 366
Object-Oriented Process, OPM construct pair, 374
Environment and Notation, 408 OPM meta-model, 284
Object-Oriented programming, 76 OPM paragraph pair, 374
Object-Oriented Software OPM phrase pair, 374
Engineering, 404 OPM sentence pair, 373, 374
Object-Oriented Systems Analysis, OPM specification, 373, 374
405 OPM system process, 308
Object-Process Diagram, X, 5, 13, 29, Optional use sentence, 120
33,35,52,106,373,374,439,441 OR resuZt sentence, 47
Object-Process Language, 5, 6, 10, organism, 384, 389
33, 35,52 organized complexity, 385
object-process paradigm, 61 organized simplicity, 385
of chain, 353 origin, 70
OMG,408 output link, 7, 9, 11, 17, 88, 90, 92,
OML,408 106,189,231 , 232,370
OMT, 404 output state, 7, 9, 60, 87, 88, 346, 370,
ontological inquiry, 382 375
ontology, 289, 382, 399 Out-zoorning sentence, 49
00 method, 16, 55,403,407,413,
416 p
OPD, see Object-Process Diagram paradigm, 401 , 415
OPD construct, 374 parameterized participation
OPD item, 53 constraint, 142
OPD Iabel, 26, 242 part of speech, 60, 198
OPD sentence, 109, 373, 374 partial solution, 212
OPD set, 35, 123, 373, 374 participation constraint, 14, 37, 113,
OPD symbol, 10, 13, 142, 159, 374 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120,
OPD-OPL pair, 53 123, 129, 136, 142, 143
OPEN, 408 participation level, 143
OPEN Modeling Language, 408 Participation sentence, 135
open system, 384 path Iabel, 231
operand, 101 Path-/abeled change sentence, 233
operating system, 326 perseverance, 64
operation, 147, 167, 360, 375 persistent, 11, 56, 59, 62, 64, 66, 71,
operation model, 408 73, 129, 307
operator, 101 , 408 philosophy, 382
OPL, see Object-Process Language phrase, 106
OPL construct, 374 physical medium, 399
OPL item, 53 physical object, 59, 67, 68, 72, 75, 398
OPL paragraph, 38, 373, 374 Physical object sentence, 69
450 Index

Physical process sentence, 69 quantum mechanics, 396

physics, 393 quantumtheory,393,397,400
Plato, 396 query, 204, 356
Plural process specialization
sentence, 174 R
Plural specialization sentence, 172, range participation constraint, 115
173 Rational Unified Process, 412
positive transitivity, 361 rationalism, 381, 397
postprocess object set, 22, 61, 99, 100 real-time, 68, 339,417,422
precedence, 299 real-time feedback, 34
predicate calculus, 382 reciprocal structural relation, 110
preprocess object set, 22, 61, 99, 100, Reciprocal structure sentence, 110
344,398 reciprocity, 111
primary operand, 244 rectangle, 6, 13, 14, 25, 85, 204, 228,
probabilistic link, 408 229,235,282
probabilistic OPD, 348 Recursive Design, 406
problern statement, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, reduction-oxidation reaction, 279
20,48 refinement,20,27,28,49, 71,89, 141,
procedure, 147 210,211,290,418
process diagram, 407 refining phase, 299
Process OR result sentence, 47 reflective metamodeling, 162, 284,
Process specialization sentence, 173 286
process start event, 343 reflective thinking, 388
process test, 61, 62, 78, 112, 398 Relation sentence, 37, 112
Process XOR result sentence, 46 relational database, 150
processing state, 346 relativistic effect, 395
product, 263,264 relativity, 254
product development process, 291 relativity theory, 393
productive thing, 187 religion, 397
productivity, 397 requirement elicitation, 4
program code, 4, 35 reserved object, 159, 167
programminglanguage,4,33,34,45, reserved OPL phrase, 373
49,117,147,175,199,356,403, reserved phrase, 9, 37, 44, 45, 46, 47,
418 52,85, 116,128,135,140,142,
project, 267 354
prose, 275 reserved word of, 375
reserved word which, 357, 375
Q Respective agent sentence, 180
qualification inheritance, 188, 190 Respective instrument sentence, 179,
qualification link, 188, 336 180
Qualiftca/ion sentence, 65, 188 resultlink,8,9, 11, 15, 17, 18,42,92,
qualitative attribute, 163 97,186,237,305,341
quantitative attribute, 164 Result sentence, 42
Index 451

resultee, 96 specialization-specification hierarchy,

reverse engineering, 259 365
robot, 381 SQL Statement, 356
Role-playing sentence, 315 stand-alone process, 19
rountangle, 6, 85, 160, 161,231 state, 83
routine, 147 state duration, 375
state entrance event, 343
s State enumerated exhibition
science, 397 sentence,64,86, 165
scientific analysis, 383, 385 State enumeration sentence, 44, 64,
scientific method, 292, 383 85,86,163,319,323
scope, 351, 360 state expression, 89
secondary operand, 244 state phrase, 318
selective semi-folding, 240 State specialization sentence, 182,
self-identity, 395, 396 183
semantic sentence analysis, 60 State specification sentence, 317
semantics, 9, 283 state suppression, 89
semi-folded object, 239 State Transition Diagram, 407
semi-folding, 239, 244 Statecharts, 404, 407
semi-unfolding, 244 state-impacting process, 314
separation of concems, 416 state-maintaining link, 317
sequence diagram, 409 State-maintaining sentence, 317
services, 266 state-specified consumption link, 312,
Shannon,385 336
side effect, 360 State-specified consumption
Sight Code, X, 34, 54,209,419,420, sentence, 184, 185,312
440 State-specified generation sentence,
Simula, 414 50
simulation, 348 state-specified object, 311 , 335
Single value sentence, 322 state-specified result link, 312, 336
Sink "which sentence", 359 State-specified result sentence, 184,
soft attribute, 164 312
software, 407 State-specified transformation
software engineer, X sentence, 313
software engineering, 291 static/dynamic view, 407
software process, 291 status, 66, 71, 83, 84, 85, 87, 88, 134,
software system, 289, 291 315,318,319,320,321,322,323,
solipsism, 397 329,365,369,392,395
source, 302 sterile thing, 187
Source "which" sentence, 359 stochastic process, 348
specialization, 7 storage requirement, 326
Specialization sentence, 172, 194, strategy, 212, 261 , 404
203 strong transitive structural relation,
452 Index

structure, 403 122

Structure sentence, 36, 38, 110, 140 Task, 408
structure-behavior combination, 261 Technique, 408
structured design, 40 1 teeth set, 123
subjective attribute, 255 termination, 4, 91, 341, 343
subjective mental world, 396 textual value, 325
subjectivity, 254 thermodynamic theory, 393
supply-chain design, 291 thermodynamics, 384, 396
symbol, 13 thing, 62
symbolic value, 326 Thing symbol, 145
symmetry, 358 time exception handling, 371
synergy principle, 383 timeline, 22, 23, 61, 112, 138, 155,
syntax,34,35,37,60, 74, 78,114, 156,339,342
182,196,233,251,283,408,41 7 tooth, 121
synthesis-oriented view, 383 top-down analysis, 244
system, 253 top-down direction, 173
system analysis paradigm, 413 top-down specification, 49
system architect, 258, 294, 354, 417 top-level system diagram, 21
system architecture, 261 transform, 101
system developer, 3, 148 transformation link, 89, 96
system development, VII, 4, 207, 208, transformee, 96
290,294,299,388,417 transforming link, 93, 96, 202, 237
system development method, 212 transitive relation, 173
systemdiagram, 18, 19, 21, 24, 26, 28, transitive structural relation, 125, 194
29,38,40,43,44,54,71,245,37 6, transitivity, 125, 361
426 transitivity strength, 361, 375
system dynarnics, 83, 384 triggering event, 342
system evolution, 291
system generation, 309 u
system integrator, 294 Ultimate OPD, 27
system lifecycle, 289 ultimate state, 335
system map, 21, 26, 28, 30, 43, 51, U11L, 136,143,408
229,241,242,244,245,425 understanding, 380
Systemantica, X, 34, 54, 209,420, unidirectional structurallink, 109
421,422 Unified Modeling Language, 408
systems analysis, 291 Unit specified value enumeration
systems engineer, 294 sentence, 160
systems theory, 379 unorganized complexity, 385
use case, 94
T use-case diagram, 409
table column, 356 user interface, 308
tagged structurallink, 15, 107, 113,
129 V
tagged structural relation, 357 value, 63, 324
Tagged structure sentence, 36, 121 , Value effect sentence, 161
Index 453

Value enumeration sentence, 161, X

319,323 XOR effect-instrument sentence, 236
value phrase, 318 XOR instrument sentence, 236
Value role-playing sentence, 316 XOR result sentence, 42, 46
Value sentence, 318 XOR source change sentence, 319
Value specification sentence, 317
Value-specified exhibition sentence, z
zoom consolidating, 231
visibility, 244
Visibility Graph, 408
zooming out, 28
weak transitive structural relation, 362
Weaver, 385
whole-part relation, 8, 14, 139, 142
Wiener, 385
wisdom, 380
Links: The Mortar (continued)
Procedural Links
These links are generally used between an object and a process. They cannot be used to link objects
LinkName Description
Symbol Sentence
Processing Process uses object up
Consumption Processing Object
I consumes
entirely during its
Process creates an entirely
Result Processing Object
I yields Object. new object during its
Processing Process changes the state
~ affects
of the object in an
unspecified manner.
Object Processing [The object is at input state
Input ( input state ) ( output state ) changes prior to the process
and Object from pccurrence, and at output
Output ~ / Input state to ~tate as a result of its
Processing output state. pccurrence.

Object is a human that is

Object not changed by the
~ handles
process; process needs the
agent object in order to
Object is a non-human
Processing that is not changed by the
~ requires
process; process needs the
instrument object in order
to occur.

First process directly
X Processing
Processing starts up a second process,
Invocation Y Processin0 invokes Y
without an inter-mediate

State sentences and images
~(state2)~ Object can be state 1, state 2, or state 3.

( Value 1) (Value 2) ( Value 3 ) Values of Object are Value 1, Value 2, and Value 3.

Printing (Computer to Film): Saladruck, Berlin

Binding: Stürtz AG, Würzburg
States (continued)
State-related Links
LinkName Description
S mbol Sentence
Object is an
instrument. lt must
occurs if
Condition be at a specific state
Object is
state 1. in order for the
process to occur.
Object must Object is an agent. lt
be at state 2
Agent must be at a specific
Condition Processing
state in order for the
to occur. process to occur.
Qualified Qualified Object is a
Object is an
type ofObject. lt
Object, the
Qualification must be at a
Attribute of
which is particular state of
state 1. Object's Attribute.
Object is an Qualified Object is
instance of an instance of class
lnstance an Object,
Object. lt must be at
Qualification the
Attribute of a particular state of
which is Object's Attribute.
state 1.

State Process consumes
Specificied object only if it is at
Consumption Object. a certain state.

State Processing Process creates

Specificied yields state object at a certain
Result Object. state.

Boolean Objects
Specialized informatical objects. Boolean objects are questions, and they always have two states (the
answers ): yes and no.
Linkt OPL Sentence Descri tion
Determining Process yields a Boolean
determines object that poses a "yes or
whether Object no" question. The process
is proper. then determines the answer.

Condition link Ifthe answer is "yes," a

f---"''-=c.::.J:=:::___---1 certain process occurs. I f the
Negative answer is " no", a different
condition link process occurs.

A Processing
occurs if Object Compound sentence: ifthe
Both condition is proper, answer is "yes," a certain
links otherwise B process occurs, otherwise a
Processing different process occurs.

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