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3rd Quiz

Name: ________________________________________ Grade: ________________


I. Write if the statement says how you can grow as a Christian and if not.

________ 1. I memorize the Bible verses I have learned in class.

________ 2. I attend the Sunday school class in my church.
________ 3. I do not go to church every Sunday.
________ 4. I bring my Bible to school.
________ 5. I cut class so I can play my favorite game on my ipad.
________ 6. I read some books to help me during my devotion time.
________ 7. I fall asleep every time I pray at night.
________ 8. We pray as a family.
________ 9. I watch movies and tv shows that teaches me good values.
________ 10. I pray whenever I am scared or confused.

II. Put a check (√) on the blank if the statement shows the right thing to do and (X) if not.

________ 1. Alice realized she was wrong when she took her friend’s cute ballpen, so she returned it and asked for
________ 2. Jairus wasn’t prepared for the quiz so he asked Allen if he could cheat off his test.
________ 3. One of Jether’s classmates looked lonely on the playground. So Jether asked him if he
wanted to play.
________ 4. Jeruh and Jorzel are cousins. When a new boy moves into the neighborhood, Jeruh’s dad
suggest they should invite the new kid over to play with them. Both Jeruh and Jorzel are shy but they
took Jeruh’s Dad’s advice anyway and end up having great time.
________ 5. Marianne knows she shouldn’t spread rumors about her cousin, but she likes how everyone
listens to her, so she keeps doing it anyway.
________ 6. Shaira had a lot of friends. Some of them didn’t always do what was right. So she decided
To hang out more with friends that helped her follow God.
________ 7. Sam was angry that Mandy was bragging about beating her again in a contest. Sam
talked to Mandy and told her that it hurt her feelings. Mandy didn’t realize this and said she was sorry.
________ 8. Jether broke his Mom’s favorite vase. He knows that his mom will get angry and might scold
him. He was scared so when he was asked he lied and told her that he didn’t know what happened.
________ 9. At recess, Joshua’s classmate told him, “Don’t talk to Janan. She’s weird and she laugh funny. Let’s ignore
her.” Joshua was afraid to speak up for Janan, so he went along to ignore Janan.
2nd QUARTER | 2020-2021
________ 10. Daniel noticed that his friend has been lying a lot lately. Daniel told his friend that lying goes against what
God teaches, and people won’t trust him if he keeps on lying.

2nd QUARTER | 2020-2021

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