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Research Scholarship Program for Medical Practitioners

Together Achieving Better Health

Arti Sharma – 20053459
Mazin Mansy- 19673660
Juee Patel- 19630175
Swati Chaudhari- 19607694
Joan Chepkemoi- 19239819

(Project group 6)

pg. 1
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Cover Photograph
“Cancer Clinical Trials and Research”, Stutter Health, 2021.

Please cite this document as:

Chaudhari, S., Chepkemoi, J., Mansy, M., Patel, J., & Sharma, A. (2021). The
Research Scholarship Program: Together achieving better health. Sydney,
Australia: Western Sydney University.

pg. 2
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Executive Summary........................................................................................................................................................4
Opportunity Statement..................................................................................................................................................5
Problem statement and objectives................................................................................................................................6
Identification of target population group and key stakeholders...................................................................................7
Design............................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Implementation plan......................................................................................................................................................9
Timeline and milestones..............................................................................................................................................12
Risks and limitations.....................................................................................................................................................14
Evaluation plan.............................................................................................................................................................16
Budget and Funding.....................................................................................................................................................18
References.................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Statement of Contribution............................................................................................................................................23

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Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Executive Summary

This report will look at the Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District wicked problem of recruitment and

retention of medical staff. Maldistribution of medical practitioners is an ongoing challenge which requires innovative

strategies to attract and retain (Mohammadiaghdam et al, 2020). The proposed Research Scholarship Program aims

to deliver an innovative strategy in attracting and retaining medical staff, providing research opportunities and skill

development. The proposal highlights specific areas of the project elements to demonstrate a highly competitive

and successful Research Scholarship Program.

The project aims to deliver:

 Collaboration with the University of Notre Dame and Sydney Medical School Nepean to increase clinical

 Provide an incentive program for the current redevelopment phase of Nepean Hospital

 Improve retention and recruitment of medical staff in NBMLHD

 Increase healthcare access to NBMLHD rural regions

 Deliver innovative research and solutions to improve health gaps in NBMLHD

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Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Opportunity Statement

The Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District is made up of a large composition of urban and semi-rural areas.
The NBMLHD strategic plan for 2018-2023, estimated a projected population of 464,072 (NSW Government,
2020b).The statistics suggest that with a growing population the likelihood of an ageing population will also increase.
With an ageing population common health challenges arise which overwhelm the NBMLHD hospitals and healthcare
professionals (NSW Government, 2013a). With a pre-existing challenge of attracting and retaining medical staff it is
imperative to continuously implement innovative methods to attract, retain and grow medical practitioners in
NBMLHD. There are several contributing factors to this wicked problem, however one of the main issues impacting
medical workforce retention and recruitment is access to research opportunities (Brabant 2016). Evidence based
data show 71.42% medical staff prefer to practice in city or urbanized areas due to the lack of research and skill
development opportunities in Greater Western Sydney (Mohammadiaghdam et al, 2020).

This impact has had a domino effect in reducing specialists and junior medical staff in the NBMLHD, ultimately
effecting the accessible of healthcare especially amongst more rural regions. With increased health challenges the
need for specialists have become increasingly demanding imposing a major challenge across underdeveloped and
rural areas in NBMLHD to access quality healthcare (Mohammadiaghdam et al, 2020).

Therefore, based on the evidence there is a great need for a Research Scholarship Program to support career
opportunities and development of skills. Furthermore, in collaboration with University of Notre Dame and Sydney
Medical School Nepean clinical trials in NBMLHD will also increase (NHMRC, 2021).The NBMLHD strategic plan for
2018-2023, emphasized a goal of developing a Hub for research and innovation (NSW Government, 2020b).
Medicine requires continuous research and validated information to inform clinicians on innovative medicine to
deliver high quality care. With the Nepean redevelopment and strategic plan of increasing research hub facilities, the
Research Scholarship Program will be favorable in achieving organisational goals of attraction and retention of
medical staff. In return, this Research program will have a long term benefit of avoiding high cost associated with
replacing employees, improving patient care and enhancing the overall quality of service to the population.

pg. 5
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Problem statement and objectives

As mentioned above, one of the long term challenges Nepean Blue Mountain Local Health District (NBMLHD) face is
recruitment and retention of medical practitioners. The maldistribution of medical workforce has been a common
challenge in Australia. Report show doctors prefer to practice in Metropolitan City and developed suburbs compared
to rural areas due to increase in research opportunities contributing to the maldistribution in NBMLHD
(Mohammadiaghdam et al, 2020). With a projected population growth health challenges are likely to increase which
will impact the accessibility to healthcare for more rural communities in NBMLHD (Ogden, 2020). The NBMLHD
organisational objectives is to improve and reduce health gaps, hence the proposed Research Scholarship Program
aims to address recruitment and retention of senior and junior medical practitioners within NBMLHD (NSW
Government, 2020b). The proposed Research Scholarship Program aims to deliver specific, measurable, attainable,
and relevant and time bound (S.M.A.R.T) objectives to ensure goals are achievable in attracting and retaining
medical staff.

The Research Scholarship Program S.M.A.R.T objectives:

 Increase Research opportunities to medical staff by 10% in a 6 month time frame from the project Go- Live
 Increase Clinical trials by 10% within a year from the project GO- Live date.
 Maximize partnerships with universities and NBMLHD education and Medical Research Foundation to
continue to support research in NBMLHD, delivering innovative and quality healthcare to the population.

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Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Identification of target population group and key stakeholders

Identifying target population and key stakeholders are pivotal in driving a successful change (Harvard Business
Review, 2014). The key target population are senior medical practitioners who are interested in undertaking the
Research Program to build on their knowledge, skills, proficiency, and expertise. Therefore, in order to achieve
engagement of senior medical staff it is imperative in creating influential bodies to drive the change and facilitate a
successful engagement throughout the project phases. As such, there has been several key stakeholders required for
the development and implementation phase for a smooth facilitation of the Research Program demonstrated in
table 1.1.

Table 1.1- Key stakeholders for the Research Scholarship Program in NBMLHD.

Key stakeholder Role/Contribution

Project Manager - Guide team members, organise, plan and ensure all projected activities in
each phase are met (Alexander, 2019).
- Required for all phases of the project
Change Manager - The Change Manager deploys, adopts and tracks change management
deliverable of the project and facilitates engagement (Airiodion & Crolley,
- Removing barriers of resistance to change (Airiodion & Crolley, 2019).
- Integral in both development and implementation phases to ensure adoption
processes are achieved
Advertisement and - The project heavily relies on attraction and attention, hence Advertisement
and Communications Manager is a key stakeholder within all phases (Talley,
- Provide clinical insight to medical processes ensuring it aligns with the
Clinical Analyst
NBMLHD guidelines (Alfred Health, 2017).
- Carry out data analysis (Alfred Health, 2017).
- Key stakeholder engagement with the change manager in all project phases

Research Office of - Research applications will be reviewed by members of the Research Office
NBMLHD (Research Office, 2020).
- More engagement in the implementation phase
District director of - Advocate for the Research Scholarship Program
medical services
- Promote engagement with the Medical staff and other LHD’s to increase
attraction to the Research Scholarship Program in both the development and
implementation phase (NSW Government, 2020a)
The Executive Director of Finance will be have a key function in ensuring finances are
Executive Director,
available to facilitate and accommodate the needs of the project in all phases
Finance Business
pg. 7
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Information, NBMLHD. NSW Government. (2013b).

Philanthropist - Providing charitable sources of financial funds to help improve population

health (Tony Robbins, 2021).
- Required for project development and implementation

NHMRC Clinical Research - Source of funding and support the program (Australian Government NHMRC,
& NBMLHD Education
and Research foundation
- Required for all project phases
University of Notre Dame - Supporting Clinical trials
& Sydney Medical School
- Provide sources of funding
- Required for all project phases
(The University of Sydney,
2021) & (The University
of Notre Dame Australia,


The project aims to increase the attraction and retention of doctors by addressing the issue of career ladder
development for medical staff in NBMLHD. The program aims to deliver the opportunities to doctors within the
NBMLHD as first priority, however not limited to doctors outside of the Local Health District. It will be an incentive
for the doctors to work within the NBMLHD hospitals and carry out clinical trials, research and develop innovative
medicine (Woolley, Larkins & Sen Gupta, 2019). The clinical trials will be in collaboration with University of Notre
Dame and Sydney Medical School Nepean to deliver solutions in reducing the health gap.

The scholarship program will support the senior medical personnel’s career development pathways to specialties of
their choice. The project is designed to boost the morale, motivation and job satisfaction of the medical personnel.
The Research Scholarship Program will be an incentive for the doctors. According to McGrail, O’Sullivan and Russell
(2018) human resource development such as career development strategies are effective ways of improving the
number of medical personnel in rural areas.

The design scope require beneficiaries to sign a contract with the NBMLHD to work in the region for one year.
Breaching the terms of the contract will lead to full compensation of the costs in lump sum by the medical
personnel. In a similar binding scholarship agreement involving undergraduate doctors in Japan, there was above
90% retention and significantly contributing to the increase in the number of doctors working in the targeted rural
area (Matsumoto, Inoue & Kajii, 2018). The program promotes doctors’ competence and reduces the lack of clinical
specialist deficiency, providing an opportunity for skill advancement and specialisation. As such, the program

pg. 8
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
achieves the needed competence in rural and remote healthcare delivery (Carson, Punshon, McGrail & Kippen,

Furthermore, the applicants will be required to attach relevant academic and professional documents to prove their
suitability for the program. The awarding of the program will be based on the medical professional’s experience and
educational levels. The names of the beneficiaries and the reasons for awarding them will be communicated through
the various channels available in NBMLHD. The committee will prepare funding proposals to the NBMLDH financial
department, Philanthropists’, NHMRC Clinical Research, NBMLHD Education and Research foundation, University of
Notre Dame and Sydney Medical School Nepean (The University of Sydney, 2021).The committee will appeal to these
stakeholders based on the potential benefits of the program to increase the number of doctor. As a result, in the
long term the design of the project will allow to increase recruitment and retention of medical staff, improving the
quality of rural healthcare in NBMLHD.

Implementation plan

Figure 1.2 Implementation Flow chart introducing the 7 steps to implement the Research Scholarship project
effectively and efficiently within the NBMLHD.

Table 1.3 Implementation plan for the Research Scholarship Program

Step Actions Who? When? Resources Progress Measure

pg. 9
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
1) Identification of key Identify key Recruitment of Key Holding The agreement
stakeholders and team stakeholders. Table team led by stakeholder frequent between all key
formulation 1.1 provides a detailed Project Manager. analysis June, Meetings via stakeholders.
(Labanauskis & need for each key 2021.Final Key face to face or
Ginevicius, 2017) stakeholder. Engagement led stakeholder online.
by Project Submission
Deliver an in-depth manager and July, 2021. Phones- Apps
need and objectives of change manager such as teams
the outlined Research initially, however Recruitment to create group
Project. will require all August- chats.
key stakeholders November,
Formulate the team. to proactively 2021. Applications
engage. such as emails.
will be
throughout all
phases of align,
activate and
measure Refer
to Figure 1.2.
Key legend for
2) Communication and Develop a Project Manager Develop Utilities- Final
actions taken between communication plan communication Phones, communication
the team which ensures all key plan June, laptops, plan submission.
(Communication stakeholders are 2021. Final internet
Theory, 2021). across the project. Submission
July, 2021. Meetings
Plan regular meetings

Develop mechanisms
such as identify
strengths of the team
to enhance the project
3) Action Plan to be Identify resource and Project Manager By August, Utilities- Official action plan
developed (IAEA, the design elements of + input from key 2021. Phones, approved.
2021). the project. stakeholders laptops,
Budget & cost benefit
analysis Meetings

developed of all tasks.
Refer to Timeline and
Milestones 2.1.

Plan Engagement

Design for website.

4) Risk Assessment Refer to Risk Led by Project Develop plan Quality/ safety Final submission
action plan (Sum & mitigation plan 3.1. Manager + June, 2021. measuring tools of risk assessment
pg. 10
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Saad, 2017). Identifies risks, collaboration Final and approval of
implements a risk with key Submission Admin safety plan.
analysis and mitigation stakeholder July, 2021. resourcing
5) Identifying Consider tools and Led by Project July, 2021. Meetings Reaching a final
monitoring processes monitoring methods Manager + input Utilities- decision on tools
and tools (IAEA, 2021). for the increased from Clinical Phones, to monitor the
attraction of the Businesses laptops, progress.
Research Scholarship. Analyst and internet
Change Manager
to run a gap
Determine the analysis + key
frequency of stakeholder
measuring data. engagement
(District Director
of Medical
6) Approval of the Pitch plan to the Led by Project Pitch on 2nd Meetings Approval of
implementation plan Executive team and Manager + June, 2021. Utilities- implementation
(IAEA, 2021). District Director of project team Phones, plan and funding
Medical Services of support. Approval end laptops, approval.
NBMLHD. of June, 2021. internet

7) Measuring post Methods and tools Led by Project Commence Meetings Established post
implementation gathered to run the Manager + input December, Utilities- implementation.
/evaluating benefits evaluation and from Clinical 2022- June, Phones,
(IAEA, 2021). measurement phase Businesses 2023. laptops,
of the project. Analyst and internet
Example, create Change Manager
website surveys, to run a gap Survey’s
gather data. analysis
Face to face
Present the data interviews
gathered to Executive
team and District
Director of Medical
Services of NBMLHD.

pg. 11
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Timeline and milestones
The Research Scholarship Program has numerous elements, hence a detailed timeline and milestones is demonstrated below in figure 2.1 and 2.2. The timeline provides a
clear overview of activities to be carried out and completed at certain periods. This ensures the project maintains a clear direction and ensures the project runs smoothly
(Association of Project Management, 2021).The timeline follows a four step process of align, engage, activate and measure in order to achieve key milestones of the
Research Scholarship Program.

Figure 2.1 Key legend for timeline

Key Project Milestones

Project preparation

Design Current
state Key Value
Executive review End user Health
Project implementation
engagement ment
vs review

pg. 12
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
2.2. Gantt Chart: Timeline & Key milestones with subtasks

Key Milestones ** with sub tasks ALIGN ENGAGE ACTIVATE MEASURE


















Project preparation **
Project planning
Identify project objective and goals **
Internal aligment with NBMLHD **
Event- Executive kick off (1hr) **
EVENT-Project team readiness / joint kick off **
Stakeholder Analysis **
Budget Analysis
Risk Management Analysis
Recruitment Briefs and Position Descriptions (1 PM, 1 Change M, 1 Adv& Comms M, 1 Clin Analyst, 1 Tech Analyst) **
Recuit contingent labour **
Current state review vs future state review **
EVENT- Benefits workshop

Project Design **
Prerequisites- (Budget finalised, risk management final, key stakeholder final) **
Communication & contingency plan final
Budgets, risk management and key stakeholder submission **
EVENT- key stakeholder engagement **
Website build for applications
Research faculty building final **
Eligibility criteria build for the Scholarship program
Final proposal submission **

Project implementation **
EVENT- Engagment forum held by District director of medical services NBMLHD **
EVENT- Career centre workshop
Testing of website
Training preparation
End user training for Admin staff**
Go- LIVE **
GO- LIVE support
Review Scholarship Applications
Approval of Scholarship Application **
Health Check- Measure effectiveness **

pg. 13
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Risks and limitations

Risks and limitations can hinder different phases of the Research Scholarship program. Risk management is a critical
element to highlight potential risks early to ensure mitigation strategies are implemented timely (Australian
Government, 2021).The risk assessment table 1.3 outlines hazards, provides a risk level, an action plan and
responsibility. Furthermore the risks are assessed using the risk matrix key guide to measure the likelihood and
severity, creating awareness and potential to control the risk at an early stage.

3.1. Risk mitigation plan: Research scholarship program for senior medical staff

Risk level Mitigation/ Action plan Responsibility

Potential hazards
Likelihoo Severity
Lack of Implementing a communication plan is Change manager
communication essential to ensure a high level of and Business
amongst key engagement amongst key stakeholders Analysts
stakeholders (Australian Government Department of
2 3 Health, 2008).
The Research Scholarship program will
propose a communication plan to facilitate a
smooth implementation of the Research
Scholarship program.
Developing a budget can ensure the project Project manager
Financial constraints is deliverable (U.S Department of Energy,
due to external (2021).Furthermore, the project manager
factors. Example can anticipate expenses and make clear
Covid-19 pandemic. 2 3 decisions. Refer to Budget and funding
component and figure 5.1.
Lack of attention/ Integrating effective advertisement is Marketing and
resistance to essential in drawing attention and reducing Communications
change. Factors such resistance to change (Marrewijk, 2018) manager, Change
as travelling to manager and
NBMLHD district and For example utilising key stakeholders such District director
family closer to 2 3 as the Head of Medicine to advocate for the of medical
current job. Research Scholarship program, discussion services NBMLHD
forums, holding conferences or events to (key stakeholder).
attract consultants to join the program. The
program has provided incentives such as fuel
and hold events to increase awareness refer
to Gantt chart 2.2.
Time management A Gantt chart has been created refer to 2.2. Project manager
and unable to meet Timeline and Milestones with subtasks
to meet project projects activities to be met over a period of
targets. 2 1 two years. This ensures the project team can
meet appropriate deadlines (Association of
Project Management, 2021).

pg. 14
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Unforeseen Introducing contingency measures such as Project manager
circumstances. For adopting a disaster plan and collaborating
example no research with university departments (University of
building facility built Nepean Clinical school & Notre Dame
during the 2 3 University) to provide facilities in the
redevelopment interim.
phase due to

3x3 Risk matrix guide: Risk level.

(Microtool, 2021)

pg. 15
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Evaluation plan

A core component within the project is to measure and evaluate the current state vs the future state of NBMLHD.
The process of project monitoring and evaluation is essential in capturing data and drawing a conclusion on the

Project monitoring is the ongoing analysis of the entire project were items are tracked on their progress to ensure it
is held accountable. Table 4.1. Identifies key areas of project indicators to ensure the project is progressing well.

Table 4.1. Project monitoring methods

Project monitoring indicators How?

Project awareness. - Monitoring input and output of activity like
- Current state vs Future state; Gathering data and
analysing the number of applicants
Project progress and implementation - Very important to check on milestones achieved
(Kerzner, 2018). Utilise Gantt chart 2.2.
- Regular updates with stakeholders and managers
through frequent meeting
Budget - Closely monitoring proposed cost effectiveness.
- Budget fluctuation, Fund utilisation, fund raising through
medical staff retention and recruitment - Monitoring the staff involvement and retention in the

Identifying and implementing evaluation methods are essential evaluating the process, impact and outcome of the
project. The success of the project highly depends on flexibility of the project for improvements (Zaman et al., 2019).
The evaluation methods are identified in the table 4.2.

Table 4.2. Evaluation methods

Areas of Evaluation Process Impact Outcome

Feedback from research applicants on: Conducting Survey’s Close look into Improvement in quality of
 Increasing skill development and personal applicants’ research, performance
and career opportunities questionaries Bi- suggestions. management and
 Does the program provide a weekly. Update on possible implementation plan review.
flexible work life balance? Implementing a improvements to
 Easy and accessible to receive health check provide better
pg. 16
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Research Scholarship program conducted by the opportunity for work
BAU team. and research facility.
Evaluation from NBMLHD: This evaluation will be Analyse gaps and Increasing attraction to
 Capturing overall medical staff conducted every 6 implement improved NBMLHD
retention ratio after months, followed by strategies
commencement of the yearly analysis using
program. survey’s and
Evaluation from University of Notre This evaluation will be Provide with a data of Depending on the results, the
Dame & Sydney Medical School
conducted every 6 impact of scholarship advertisement and attraction
 How many new medical months, followed by program along with strategies for medical
student applications are yearly analysis using career opportunity in graduates will be reviewed
received due to Research survey’s and NBMLHD on current including implementation of
program partnership with the questionaries and new medical social media for student
universities? students. attraction (Appel et al., 2019).
Overall, improve medical
student interest in the
universities in NBMLHD.

pg. 17
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Budget and Funding

When dealing with a wicked problem, it is critical to estimate the positive outcome and cost profits. The
megaprojects like this in a healthcare often faces over budget and delay the cost benefit estimation (Davies et al.,
2017). Moreover, medical research is an unpredictable process with an uncertain outcome and success, thus will give
us a long term infrastructural and research amenities investment profit (Hudson et al., 2018). The main profit will be
in proportion to the staff retention in the hospital, giving us more opportunity to deal with growing population
health issues in NBMLHD through innovative research. This will give a long-term benefit, estimating at least 1 year
profit on the total investment. To retain staff in the hospital, it is essential to invest into staff and wait for the future
benefits (Gharib, Kahwaji & Elrasheed, 2017). Concluding, the analysis of cost benefit will be continued throughout
the program and will be monitored in the budget with possible small wins but the actual profit for this project will be
after one year of estimation.

Budgeting is an essential element in measuring expenses and revenues in all project phrases (Davies et al., 2017). It
allows to break down direct and indirect costs whilst allowing to track budgeted costs vs actual costs. For the
Research Scholarship Program the final budget 5.1 demonstrates costs associated with in all project phases as well
as providing a thorough needs analysis for each item in the final budget. After the project is handed over to the
business as usual (BAU) team there will be ongoing costs such as fuel incentive, PPE and hygiene consumables for
the research scholarship applicants covered by external sources of funding on a long term basis.

Furthermore, the project will involve public collaboration by outsourcing project grant funds from NHMRC Clinical
Research Priority and ARC Funding schemes. The NHMRC Clinical Research Priority is providing Researchers with a
Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grants 2021 and Medical Research Fund Grants supporting researchers with studies
addressing health gaps and improving population health (NHMRC, 2021) & . The ARC Funding scheme also support
research and funds will be distributed as per the eligibility criteria (Australian Government- Australian Research
Council, 2020). However, there is also challenges when receiving grants in which NBMLHD universities and
philanthropist are considered for external outsourcing of funds (Philanthropy Australia, 2021).

pg. 18
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Budget 5.1- Research Scholarship Program for Senior and Junior Medical staff in NBMLHD.

pg. 19
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health

Airidion, O. Crolly, F. (2019). What Does a Change Manager Really Do? Everything You Need to Know. Retrieved

Alexander, M. (2019). What is a project manager? The lead role for project success. CIO. Retrieved from

Alfred Health. (2017). Clinical Business Analyst. Retrieved from

Appel, G., Grewal, L., Hadi, R., & Stephen, A. T. (2020). The future of social media in marketing. Journal of the
Academy of Marketing Science, 48(1), 79-95.

Australian Government- Australian Research Council. (2020). ARC grant application. Retrieved from

Australian Government Department of Health. (2008). Stakeholders. Retrieved from

Australian Government NHMRC. (2020). Clinical Trial Reform. Retrieved from

Association of Project Management. (2021). What is a Gantt Chart. Retrieved from

Communication Theory. (2021). Servant Leadership. Retrieved from

Harvard Business Review. (2014). Five Questions to Identify Key Stakeholders. Retrieved from

IAEA. (2021). Development and Implementation of an action plan. Retrieved from

pg. 20
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Kerzner, H. (2017). Project management metrics, KPIs, and dashboards: a guide to measuring and monitoring project
performance. John Wiley & Sons.
Labanauskis, R., & Ginevičius, R. (2017). Role of stakeholders leading to development of higher education services.
Engineering Management in Production and Services, 9(3).
Marrewijk.( 2018). Digging for Change: Change and Resistance in Interorganizational Projects in the Utilities Sector,
Sage Journal, 49 (3), 34-45. Doi:

Matsumoto, M., Inoue, K., & Kajii, E. (2018). Long-term effect of the home prefecture recruiting scheme of Jichi
Medical University, Japan.

McGrail, M. R., O’Sullivan, B. G., & Russell, D. J. (2018). Rural training pathways: the return rate of doctors to work in
the same region as their basic medical training. Human resources for health, 16(1), 1-10.

Microtool. (2021). Risk Matrix. Visualize risks in a diagram. Retrieved from

Mohammadiaghdam, N., Doshmangir, L., Babaie, J. et al. (2020). Determining factors in the retention of physicians in
rural and underdeveloped areas: a systematic review. BMC Fam Pract 21, 216.

NHMRC. (2021). Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies Grants 2021. Retrieved from

NSW Government. (2013a). About Our Region. Retrieved from


NSW Government. (2013b). Kay Hyman, Chief Executive. Retrieved from

NSW Government. (2020a). Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District Executive. Retrieved from

NSW Government. (2020b). Strategic Plan 2018-2023. Retrieved from


Ogden, J., Preston, S., Partanen, R. L., Ostini, R., & Coxeter, P. (2020). Recruiting and retaining general practitioners in
rural practice: systematic review and meta‐analysis of rural pipeline effects. Medical Journal of Australia, 213(5),
pg. 21
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Philanthropy Australia. (2021). How to seek funding. Retrieved from

References Carson, D., Punshon, K., McGrail, M., & Kippen, R. (2017). Comparing rural and regional migration
patterns of Australian medical general practitioners with other professions: implications for rural workforce

Research Office. (2020). Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District. Retrieved from

Sum, R. M., & Saad, Z. M. (2017). Risk management IN universities. In 3rd International Conference on Qalb-Guided
Leadership in Higher Education Institutions (iQALB 2017) (pp. 128-142).

Talley, J. (2016). What Does a Communications Manager Do? Retrieved from

Tengan, C., Aigbavboa, C., & Thwala, D. (2018, July). Conceptual description of the key determinants of effective
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The University of Notre Dame Australia. (2020). Lithgow Clinical School. Retrieved from
The University of Sydney. (2021). Nepean Clinical School research. Retrieved from

Tony Robbins. (2021). What is a philanthropist? Retrieved from


U.S Department of Energy. (2021). Budget and Funding. Retrieved from

Woolley, T., Larkins, S., & Sen Gupta, T. (2019). Career choices of the first seven cohorts of JCU MBBS graduates:
producing generalists for regional, rural and remote northern Australia. Rural and remote health, 19.

Zaman, U., Nawaz, S., Tariq, S., & Humayoun, A. A. (2019). Linking transformational leadership and “multi-
dimensions” of project success: Moderating effects of project flexibility and project visibility using PLS-SEM.
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business

pg. 22
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Statement of Contribution

Tasks Team Members

Arti Joan Mazin Juee Swati

Assessment task 1 

Outlining roles and tasks/ Main tasks to 10 9 9 9 8

be completed 
Timeline development  10 9 9 9 9
Present in all Meetings  10 10 10 10 10
contribution to 10 9 10 10 10
conversation/engagement  via zoom and
what’s app

Assessment task 2 
Developing/contributing Wicked 9 10 8 8 8
contribution to project elements (group 10 10 10 10 9
Attend meeting for assessment task 2 10 10 10 9 10
Contribution to conversation 10 1O 10 10 10
/engagement to team discussion via
zoom and whatsapp
Assessment task 3 

Contribution to allocated section 10  10 10 10 10

-Excellent effort with the writing with
minimal errors following rubric, APA
referencing provided with in-text
Refinement of project elements if 10 110 9  10 9
Attend all meetings required carried out 10 10 10 10 10
Contribution to conversation 10 10 10 10 10
/engagement to team discussion via
zoom and whatsapp
Assessment task 4 

Developing presentation slides 10 10 10 10 10

Script development  10 10 10 10 10
Attend all meetings  10 9 10 9 10
Contribution to conversation 10 10 10 10 10
/engagement to team discussion via
zoom and whatsapp
Overall contribution to the project 10 9 10 9 9

pg. 23
Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health
Team members Signatures

Member’s name Student ID Signature

Arti Sharma 20053459 A.S
Joan 19239819 J.C
Mazin 19673660 M.M
Juee 19630175 J.P
Swati  19607694 S.C

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Research Scholarship program: Together Achieving better health

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