Fetalink - Cheat Sheet

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FetaLink Cheat Sheet

ICT Services PowerChart Maternity Quick Reference Guide

Transforming Healthcare
Developed by the PowerChart Maternity Project Team.
The content in this document is correct as of March 2021 and is subject to change in the future.

This guide will provide step-by-step instructions on how to quickly associate a woman to a FetaLink trace
using an outpatient or inpatient encounter.

Inpatient Association
1. Turn on the CTG machine.

2. Double click the Fetalink icon on the desktop.

3. Sign In to the FetaLink application and enter eMR credentials.

4. Click on the room number where the woman is located.

5. Scan QR code on the FetaLink cart and then scan the QR code on the woman’s ID band.

6. Click Modify and change time (if applicable) to reflect when CTG commenced.

7. Select Apply to complete the association.

8. Click on Census from the top toolbar. Locate your woman and click inside the Reason for Monitoring
field. Once completed select SIGN.

9. Once a trace is completed, ensure all annotations have been documented then finalise
the trace.

pg. 1
FetaLink Cheat Sheet
ICT Services PowerChart Maternity Quick Reference Guide
Transforming Healthcare
Developed by the PowerChart Maternity Project Team.
The content in this document is correct as of March 2021 and is subject to change in the future.

Manual Association – Outpatient Use Only

1. Turn on the CTG.

2. Double click on the Fetalink icon on the desktop

3. Sign In to the FetaLink application and enter eMR credentials.

4. Click on the room number where the woman is located.

5. Select the Monitor Association button from the tool bar.

6. Select Patient Search.

7. Enter the woman’s MRN then click Search.

8. Select the correct woman. Click Apply.

9. Click Monitor Search.

10. Select appropriate Fetal Monitor then click Apply.

11. Click Modify and Change time (if applicable) to reflect when CTG

12. Backdate the time as required then click Apply.

13. Select Apply to complete the association.

pg. 2

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