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Class : P61

Subject: Science
Topic 1: Studying a River
Lesson 1
Specific Objectives:
 Pupils should be able to define a river
 Pupils should be able to label and describe the main parts of a river ( source, mouth, bank , river
Warm up Time! ACTIVITY 1
 Start by watching the attached video on water bodies
 Observe the pictures below; discuss with any family member what you think they are and
then label them if you can for fun!

You are absolutely Correct …… one of them is a river! But how did you know that it’s a river? Also what
is a river?
 The next few weeks we shall be investigating and exploring more on rivers in science.
 Lets begin our lesson by watching the video

Question: What is a River?

Well here is the definition of a River:
A river is a natural source of fresh water flowing in channels starting from the source to the mouth
During this unit we shall focus on the following vocabulary as well as their descriptions
River, source, river bed, river bank, river mouth

Now Study the diagram below

Parts of a River Description

1. River source It is where the river starts
2. River mouth It is where the river ends
3. River bank The side of the river
4. River bed The bottom part of a river

ACTIVITY 2: You will use any recycled materials in your home to make a model or you can draw, color
and label clearly the parts of a river using the given vocabulary.

River, source, river bed, river bank, river mouth


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