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How to join the Learning and Knowledge

Development Facility?

Types of membership representation from each of the partners and

acts much like a company’s board of directors.
Our aim is to grow. At this stage, LKDF can be
joined by companies, organizations and existing
PPDP projects. There are Full and Associate
Members of the LKDF:
Assessment of applications
The four criteria used to decide upon LKDF
• Full Members must have a PPDP project to membership are as follows:
be considered a member of this category. All the
partners (VTC, NGO, donor, development General:
agency, company/ies) of the PPDP are welcome • For Full Members: Does the PPDP fit within
to join the facility and can benefit from the LKDF boundaries? Is there secured funding
knowledge sharing products and events. The for a PPDP project that would benefit (from) the
PPDP partners will select a representative to the LKDF?
Project Steering Committee who will represent • For Associate Members: Does the prospec-
the PPDP project on behalf of other partners of tive member intend to develop a PPDP that
the PPDP. Once a PPDP project ends, the would benefit (from) the LKDF?
Members automatically become Associate • For Knowledge Partners: Does the prospec-
Members should they wish to do so. tive member want to learn from and contribute
• Associate Members can remain in this cate- knowledge to the LKDF?
gory for a period of up to 3 years. During this
time, they can contribute knowledge and expe- Expertise and Experience: Does the prospec-
rience to the LKDF and undertake project deve- tive member add value in terms of knowledge
lopment towards a new PPDP if they wish to and skills that will benefit the LKDF?
become a Full Member again.
• Knowledge Partners can be Associate Conflicts of Interest: Will the prospective
Members. These include NGOs, donors, UN member be able to demonstrate that there are
Agencies and private sector companies current- no conflicts of interest? For example, would the
ly without a PPDP. They can be accepted as new partner’s mission statement (in case of
Associate Members if they are connected to a knowledge partners) be congruent with the
vocational training centre or if they can contri- values of the LKDF?
bute substantially to the LKDF in a broader
Contact: sense. Contributions: Does the PPDP project docu-
Stefan Windberger, ment include a budget allocation for the LKDF?
PPDP Development Once we have received your membership Does the prospective PPDP or knowledge request, final acceptance is subject to approval partner demonstrate their willingness to contri-
+43-1-260-263-774 by the Project Steering Committee, which has bute in-kind/in-cash in the application form?

More info at: Our projects


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