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Great power comes with great responsibility.

But some people is being blinded with their power, wealth

and fame. They tend to be greedier that can result into ruining someone’s life. A perfect example is the
Mendiola massacre incident during the term of President Corazon Aquino. The supposed to be peaceful
rally was tainted by blood because soldiers who supposed to suppress them with baton and shields
carried long firearms and used them to the innocent farmers.

The former President Corazon Aquino and her family is one of the most influential and rich people in the
Philippines took the advantage of their status to humiliate and scam the farmers working in Hacienda
Luicita. The innocent farmers who just want to have they rights on the land they are working and their
demand to genuine agrarian reform. But it is resulted into many more massacre like it is normal to take
someone’s life. The worst is until now, the affected families did not receive their justice and the
opposite party received no charges.

The Yellow Ribbon that fools Filipino people because of their propaganda and their sugar-coated words
to disguise their true purpose has offended many Filipino people. The Yellow ribbon they proud of have
a red blood tainted in its back, hiding all the blood of the innocent people that were killed just to fulfill
their desire and maintain their power.

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