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Concordanta timpurilor

In englezeste timpul unui verb (trecut, prezent sau viitor indiferent ca e continuu sau nu) trebuie
sa urmeze o anumita structura in cadrul frazei, structura numita concordanta timpurilor.
Aceasta spune ca in functie de timpul verbului din propozitia principala, verbul din propozitia
secundara nu poate fi decat la un anumit timp.
De exemplu:
Eu mancam cand tu ai venit acasa. - I was eating when you came home.
Cand mancam? Cand tu ai venit acasa. - propozitia secundara
Aici si in engleza si in romana ambele propozitii sunt la trecut si se respecta concordanta
Insa daca spunem: El a zis ca face bine, in romaneste nu se respecta structura ceruta de
concordanta timpurilor
Concordanta in engleza cere sa spunem El a zis ca facea bine.
Pentru romani o asemenea exprimare da impresia ca facea bine inainte sa fii zis acest lucru, in
trecut, dar in engleza constructia este : He said that he was well.
Daca am vrea sa spunem ca mai demult era bine spunem: He said that he had been well.

Daca in principala verbul este la prezent sau la viitor, in secundara verbul poate fi la orice timp
prezent trecut sau viitor dupa context.
He says that he is a student
He says that he was a student
He says that he will be a student

He will say that he is a student

He will say that he was a student
He will say that he will be a student

Daca in principala verbul este la trecut in secundara verbul va fi la un timp perfect (aceste
timpuri au legatura cu trecutul)
He said that he was a student: El a spus ca este student
Traducere exacta: El a spus ca era (a fost) student (Past Tense)

He said that he had been a student: El a spus ca el era student

Traducere exacta: El a spus ca fusese student (Past Perfect)

He said that he would be a student: El a spus ca va fi student

Traducere exacta: El a spus ca ar fi student (Conditional, numit in acest context si Future in the

Daca principala este la conditional prezent atunci secundara este la trecut (past tense)
I would go there if I had a passport: M-as duce acolo daca as avea pasaport

Daca principala este la conditional trecut atunci secundara este la mai mult ca perfectul
I would have gone there if I had had a passport. - M-as fi dus acolo daca as fi avut pasaport.
Daca secundara exprima un adevar absolut
He said that global warming is happening for real: A spus ca incalzirea globala se intampla cu
adevarat. - nu was happening
They recited the poem that is the longest in the world. - A recitat poezia care e cea mai lunga din
lume - nu was the longest

Daca secundara descrie un loc, da o explicatie sau face o comparatie.

He lived in a town where everybody rides horses. - Locuia intr-un oras unde toti oamenii
calaresc cai.
He went to Brasov because he is from there. - S-a dus la Brasov pentru ca e de acolo
They said that old cars are best. - Ei au spus ca masinile vechi sunt cele mai bune

Daca secundara joaca rolul de adjectiv (este o propozitie atributiva) de exemplu:

Elevul a compus o poezie care imi place foarte mult: The student composed a poem that I like
very much.(si nu that I liked)

May din secundara se transforma in might la trecut, daca secundara a fost introdusa cu that.
He hopes he may get another chance: Spera sa mai primeasca o sansa.
He hoped that he might get another chance. - Spera sa mai primeasca o sansa.
sau (fara may si might)
He hoped he got another chance.

Daca principala este la viitor, secundara dupa cum am vazut poate sa fie la orice timp.
DAR daca este introdusa prin when, until, before, after atunci secundara se pune la prezent.You
will know when I am done (NU will be done) - Vei sti cand am terminat
I will stay here until the rain stops (NU: the rain will stop) - Voi sta aici pana se opreste ploaia.

Daca principala este la conditional prezent si secundara contine verbul ito be acesta devine
were la toate persoanele.
I would have my own car if I were 18. - As avea masina mea daca as avea 18 ani.

Principalele care contin as if (ca si cum), if (daca), if only(doar daca), it is time (este timpul,
este cazul) si wish that (a dori sa) sunt urmate de secundare la trecut.
I wish I was younger: Imi doresc sa fiu mai tanar
It is time you stopped feeling sorry for yourself: Este cazul sa nu-ti mai plangi de mila.
She plays the violin as if her life depended on it: Canta la vioara ca si cum ii depinde viata de
asta (altfel isi da duhul).

Sa presupunem ca Alice zice:

I want to buy this car tomorrow: Vreau sa cumpar masina asta maine.
Aceasta este vorbirea directa.
Alice a zis ca vrea sa cumpere masina asta maine este vorbire indirecta
Asa cum rezulta din aceasta constructie acest gen de fraza cere intotdeauna atentie sporita la
concordanta timpurilor.
 Daca atunci cand povestim ce a spus Alice suntem in aceeasi zi si langa masina spunem:
Alice said (that) she wanted to buy this car tommorow. - Alice a zis ca vrea sa cumpere
masina asta maine.

Vorbirea indirecta se introduce prin that (ca in romana, Alice a spus ca...) Dar acesta
poate lipsi.

 Daca suntem in viitor si nu langa masina spunem:

Alice said that she wanted to buy that car the next day.
In loc de that putem zice the one I told you about sau doar the car etc ca si in romaneste.

Daca vrem sa spunem

Alice said to me that... (Alice mi-a spus mie...) se inlocuieste verbul to say cu to tell . Alice told

Iata o lista de schimbari care pot fi necesare la vorbirea indirecta:

 this devine that

 these devine those
 now devine then
 tomorrow devine the next day
 today devine that day
 yesterday devine the day before
 ago devine before
 next week poate deveni last week

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